USSR 1991

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After all, Kadyrov is the spiritual leader of the Chechen world, and it is impossible for him to execute Kadyrov openly. The Sufi sect backlash caused by that time will make the situation in Chechnya even worse.

Vice President Maskhadov, who was recalled from the front line, went to Dudayev's office with a look of hesitation. Since the Soviet army declared war, the Chechen armed forces have not had any major success on the front line, almost all of which have just been achieved. A small victory was completely wiped out by the air strikes of the Soviet army.They used the ground-air coordinated operations to the extreme. The Russian army had just attacked, and the machine gun positions had not been secured, and they were attacked by fighter jets on the back foot.

Even the slogan put forward by the Soviet Union is creepy, as long as Chechnya does not surrender, no one will be left behind.

Moreover, this slogan has also been carried out and implemented. Wherever the Soviet army passed, almost no living Chechen prisoners were seen. There were only wrecks in one place and buried corpses.

Maskhadov shook his head, put these negative thoughts behind him, thinking about how to face Dudayev next, and when he walked to the door, he first handed over the weapons to the soldiers stationed, and then knocked on the door , waiting for Dudayev's summons.

Inside, Dudayev said, "Come in, Maskhadov."

Maskhadov pushed the door open and went in. He was a little surprised to see that Dudayev did not stand in front of the sand table to refer to the situation, but sat on the sofa in a daze with a dazed expression.When he saw Maskhadov, Dudayev squeezed out a smile and said, "Mashhadov, my friend, how are you doing?"

Dudayev's first sentence was not that he was most concerned about the frontline war, but what happened recently.Maskhadov felt vaguely uneasy in his heart, and this abnormal greeting made Maskhadov raise his vigilance.

Maskhadov pulled a chair and sat down, seeing no response from the other party, he said, "I've been doing well recently, oh, by the way, President Dudayev, how did you know that the person who came in was mine? "

"Haha, my friend, you are the only one who knocks on the door according to etiquette, unlike some people who don't follow the rules, hum." Dudayev's pun further proves that Ma Schadov's doubts in his heart, thinking that he should have a secret matter to discuss with himself next, it is still a bad kind.

"Maskhadov, let me ask you a question." Dudayev put his hands in his pockets, and without waiting for Maskhadov's answer, he said directly, "Do you think our Chief of Staff Kadyrov What kind of person is he?"

"Uh? What kind of person?" Maskhadov was stunned for a moment. He quietly observed the changes in facial expressions, and after thinking for a while, he gave a general answer without personal opinions and feelings, "I think he He is a good fighter, the backbone of the Islamic world, and the spiritual leader of the Chechen people."

"Well, the backbone of the Chechen world, what should we do if this backbone loses control? What should we do if he turns his guns and becomes a lackey of the Russians? This question, Deputy Maskhadov Has the President considered it?" Dudayev looked at Maskhadov, forcing him to make a choice.

The thing Maskhadov was most unwilling to face finally appeared. He thought silently in his heart, did the contradiction between the secularism and the extreme doctrine really break out?Dudayev is obviously forcing me to take sides.He replied cautiously, "I think President Dudayev should focus on the overall situation. Don't think that wind is rain. There are many people who sow discord. Maybe they also have their own goals..."

"Enough, Maskhadov, I don't need to hear such ambiguous answers, I just need to know, are you willing to do it or not?" Dudayev emphasized again.

The atmosphere became extremely silent and terrifying. For the first time, Maskhadov felt that the temperature in the office was colder than the severe winter outside. After thinking for a long time, he slowly answered, "Yes, I am willing to do it."

Maskhadov's weak character finally made him choose to compromise. Facing the coercion and temptation of the Wahhabi faction, he had no other choice.After all, Maskhadov is only the commander-in-chief in name, and the soldiers are really willing to pledge their allegiance to those respective factions.To put it simply, at this time, it is a bit like the vassal state in the Edo period of Japan. The leaders of the large and small armies below are loyal to the actual military rulers, the troops of the major sects, and the armies of the major sects are loyal to Maskhadov. "Shogun".

Maskhadov, who has no real armed forces, is in a depressed mood at this time.

"Very good, my friend." Dudayev was overjoyed. He patted Maskhadov on the shoulder and said, "I'm glad you made a right choice. The people of Chechnya will not forget your decision."

"Hehe." Maskhadov smiled weakly. He looked up at the sky outside the window, not knowing whether he was right or wrong in taking the overall situation first. He turned around and asked Dudayev, "You When are you going to do it? This is speed rather than slowness, and the longer it is delayed, the higher the possibility of being counter-killed by the enemy."

Dudayev said in a low voice, "The action will be tonight. The reason why I asked you to express your opinion is because Maskhadov controls the Presidential Guard. This is an armed force that cannot be underestimated. I will not allow it tonight Action slipped."

Maskhadov suddenly realized that this was what Dudayev was worried about. If his presidential guard made a mistake, it would be more fatal than the failure of the arrest operation.If Maskhadov had rejected Dudayev's request...

His eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of the shotgun hidden in the corner, and he was in a cold sweat. It turned out that Dudayev had already prepared to silence him. If he chose to refuse, he might not be able to walk out of this door alive. .

"One more thing, Maskhadov." Dudayev took off the blue-gray coat from the hanger and put it on, then tidied up his clothes and prepared to go out, "The jurisdiction of your presidential guard tonight belongs to you." Me, you have a good rest in my room. Get up tomorrow and everything will be over."

After Dudayev finished speaking, he lifted the shotgun in the corner, and took it out the door without explaining to Maskhadov. With the sound of closing the door, the empty office was full of people. The only sound was Maskhadov pacing up and down.He said helplessly in the direction Dudayev left, "Is this considered house arrest? With Kadyrov under house arrest, can you replace his armed forces in an open and honest manner? Don't forget, Dudayev, Kadyev Rove's son Ramzan Kadyrov is not a good one either."

It's a pity that the other party can no longer hear his advice.

Chapter 1 The Wolf of the Caucasus

"My father, I heard that Dudayev and the others are dissatisfied with you? Are you still quarreling in the office?" Ahmed Kadyrov's son, Ramzan Kadyrov, is As soon as Kadyrov entered, he saw his father's extremely dull face.He walked across to his father, sat down and asked with concern.

Although the little Kadyrov was only 16 years old, the fierce and aggressive character of the Caucasians had been highlighted during this period. He not only organized an armed force by himself, but also often participated in the guerrillas behind the Chechen War of Independence. The Soviet army was ashamed.Kadyrov not only ignored him, but also encouraged his son to continue to grow. For him, a strong heir is much better than a weak heir. If a son is not tough, how can he suppress a bunch of arrogant people in the army? senior.Don't let him return to the west after a hundred years, and the armed forces led by Kadyrov will immediately fall apart.

"Yes." Kadyrov sighed and explained to his son, holding his chin, "Dudaev continues to absorb foreign Wahhabi forces in an attempt to form them into a powerful armed force. It may not be a good thing for Chechnya, son."

"To be precise, it's not a good thing for our Sufi sect, isn't it father." Although Kadyrov is young, it doesn't mean he is ignorant. Regarding the intrigue between his father and the major factions, Little Kadyrov has been fascinated by what he has seen and heard since he was a child. For politics, his vision is more profound than that of Kadyrov.

"Hehe, my child, you have grown up, and you can finally see Ni Duan." Kadyrov stroked his son's hair in relief, and he continued, "Now I will do everything possible to prevent the continued admission of Wahhabis. Sect fighters, hmph, don’t think I don’t know what those royal bastards in the Middle East are thinking, this is Chechnya, not the Arabian Peninsula.”

"But my father, if you do this, it will be tantamount to pushing yourself to the point of the knife." Little Kadyrov sighed, and he analyzed, "You will only cause dissatisfaction among the Wahhabis, These crazy guys can do anything. Maybe after you quarrel with Dudayev, he will start preparing to assassinate you. "

"Assassination? My son, you think too much. Once I die as the spiritual leader, do you know how much turmoil will be caused in Chechnya?" Kadyrov laughed, thinking that his son is still politically I'm a little immature, I should learn a lot from my side, and see how to mediate between the enemy and the allies.

"No, you won't die, father. They will put you under house arrest, and then use the Sufi army to interact with the Soviet army. When the Sufi people are almost dead, their Wahhabis can be in Chechnya. In this way, will you still say that Dudayev's house arrest has no effect on you?" Kadyrov Jr. asked back.

This time Kadyrov couldn't laugh anymore. He closed his eyes and thought about it slowly. What his son said was unreasonable. As long as the leader they are loyal to is controlled by others, the secular forces can only be led by others Go ahead, step back ten thousand steps and say that I really chose to sacrifice generously. Only my 16-year-old son may not be able to suppress those old fritters in the army. My army fell apart and was defeated one by one. Isn't it the same ending?

In a plan, in a game, Kadyrov now realizes that he took it for granted. Imprisoning himself can give him a united front. Why didn't they choose to take the risk?

The tea in his hands was getting cold gradually. Kadyrov put him aside and asked his son this serious question with a serious look, "Then my son, if you were me, what should you do?" ?”

Kadyrov Jr. replied without hesitation, "Resign as chief of staff and leave here, the sooner the better, maybe they are already preparing for an attack. We can withdraw our troops to garrison the territory, and then issue a statement of neutrality, As for whether we support Chechnya's independence, we will try to suppress it as much as possible, and then we can sit back and watch the tigers fight."

"Once the extremist forces are almost dead, we will negotiate with the Soviet army. They need an agent to stabilize the situation. If I'm not wrong, Moscow has long wanted to stop because of the economic downturn. , so that we can gain great initiative at the negotiating table, for our faction, as well as the future of Chechnya, and the Soviet government, it is a win-win situation, of course, only those extreme teachings will suffer in the end.”

"What if Chechnya wins in the end and the Soviet army loses?" Kadyrov asked.

Little Kadyrov smiled coldly, "From the 800 people who were wiped out in Dagestan, it can be seen that Chechnya has no chance of winning against the Soviet Union. If the gang really wins independence, then we will take refuge in Moscow. Tell the Soviet government that as long as you help me, we can establish a pro-Soviet regime and split Chechnya. Chechnya wants to be independent, but it didn’t say that it would become one or two Chechens. With such benefits, you believe the Soviet government will not help Us? The leaders in Moscow would love to see a Chechen infighting all day long, they would laugh out loud in their dreams."

The little Kadyrov counted every step of Dudayev and the others, which made Kadyrov have a new idea of ​​his son for the first time. He habitually patted his son's head and said with a smile, "My child, you will definitely become a better hero than your father in the future."

Kadyrov didn't know if he could see the day when his son took over the family business, but Kadyrov Jr. would get a title that all extremists dreaded in the future, the strongman of the Caucasus.

"I'll go down and tell the guards to be more vigilant. By the way, father, if you allow me, I want to make a bureau." Kadyrov said, "A bureau that leaves the extreme sects completely speechless."

"What bureau?" Kadyrov asked with some vigilance, he was a little worried that his son's immaturity would spoil the event.

Little Kadyrov squeezed his father's shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, my father. Didn't I predict that Dudayev would launch a surprise attack and put you under house arrest? Then let the militants attack us, Then it will be wiped out. If this happened, how should Dudayev explain to the people of Chechnya? The president wants to assassinate the spiritual leader? At that time, the backlash from our faction will be even more intense. If he did not come to assassinate, just treat it as us Played a game."

"You bastard." Kadyrov said helplessly, "How do you know that they will come back to attack me one day? Is it possible that I will live in ambush every day in fear?"

"This kind of thing should be short rather than long." Little Kadyrov stretched his waist. "It will be tonight at the earliest, and it will not exceed ten days at the latest. The effect can only be achieved by surprise."

"Let me ask you, if they really sent people to attack me, what would you do to these assassins?" Kadyrov wanted to test his son's determination this time.

"Chief of the guard." Little Kadyrov called out towards the door, and the chief of the guard who had followed his father for many years came in and asked respectfully, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Order to go down and strengthen the security of my father's mansion in the past few days, because there is a possibility that someone will make a surprise attack. You gather the guards and secretly transfer my father to a safe place."

Little Kadyrov paused suddenly when he said this, "If someone really launches an attack, they will all be killed except for a few tongues, and their heads will be chopped off and given to Dudayev. After suffering this loss, it must be Dudayev has no excuse to attack you again. This deal is still very good, father."

"Also, I want everyone to know that Sufis are moderate, but that doesn't mean we dare not kill people."

"Chief of the Guard, did you understand what I said?" Little Kadyrov turned his head and asked calmly. In his eyes, eating and killing people were as normal as physical needs.

"Understood!" the chief of guard replied.

For the first time, Kadyrov looked at his son with admiration. He was only 16 years old, and his toughness, wisdom, and keen political vision far surpassed his aging body and head. If he really became the leader of Chechnya, what will happen to this country?

Kadyrov began to look forward to what interesting developments the next events would take.

On this day, the long-suffering Caucasus wolf finally showed its ferocious fangs.

Chapter 1 Seventeen: Assassination Failed

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