USSR 1991

Page 43

Even if the dead Yakovlev knew this, he would be surprised. No one thought that the person who stood in front of the tombstone to bid farewell to him was actually the mouthpiece of the centralized enemy Yakovlev wanted to defeat in his life, Soviet Propaganda Minister Surko husband.

"Yakovlev, you are still a little naive. After the liberals are controlled by a group of opportunists, the first thing they will do is to push out true idealists like you from the ranks, and then turn the entire ranks into Turning politicians into camps for fooling the people.” Surkov placed the flowers in front of the tombstone, and gently swept away the snow on the tombstone, on which Yakovlev’s last epitaph was written.

I did my best, and now I will rest in this beloved land.Please tell my motherland, I love her.

"When nobility becomes the passport of the mean, and meanness becomes the epitaph of the noble, this era is worse and absurd than you can imagine." Surkov put his hands in his pockets, looking at the flying sky. The wind and snow, as well as the forest of steles, said slowly, "Unfortunately, this country doesn't need an idealist like you, what it needs is a pragmatist who can actually save the entire regime from crisis, and can suppress That group of arrogant opportunists."

Surkov's soliloquy seems to be mocking Yakovlev's wasted effort, and it seems to be sympathizing with the idealist's disillusionment.After a few minutes of silence, Surkov left the empty cemetery, took one last look at Yakovlev's tombstone, and sighed.

Like a silent farewell.

After leaving the cemetery, Surkov went back to the Kremlin to meet with Yanayev. Because Surkov had a strong comprehension ability, Yanayev completely let go of his hands and feet, and handed over the full power of the Su Xuan Department to Sur Cove is in charge, and only some major public opinion events will personally give pointers to the country.

The car drove into the Kremlin, and Surkov got out of the car without stopping, and went straight to the president's office.From the moment he was summoned, he knew that another war without gunpowder was brewing.

The enemies of the Soviets never let up, and neither did he, of course.

"Comrade Surkov, here you are. The General Secretary is waiting for you in his office."

In the corridor, Surkov unexpectedly met Putin who was coming out of the President's Office. He was reporting the new work summary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the General Secretary.Through the offensive of public opinion and the well-designed traps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, some public intellectuals who were unwilling to cooperate were taken to the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by means of phishing law enforcement.Under the severe interrogation, these people, who are usually righteous, quickly confessed their crimes in tears and asked the party and the country to give them another chance.

Moreover, the content of the explanation was beyond Putin's expectations. He could only shake his head and say that the world is going down, and there are everyone.These sanctimonious guys are dirtier than the bureaucratic lifestyle.

None of the convicted public intellectuals were convicted because of freedom of speech, because these people themselves are moths of the country, public enemies of the people, and the inside story dug out of them is far more exciting than a crime of suppressing freedom of speech .

The maggots and flies of the empire, the Soviet will trample you under your feet, and you will never turn over.

"Comrade Surkov, you are finally here, sit down." As soon as Surkov entered the door, Yanayev warmly greeted him to sit down and handed Surkov a document.

"What is this?" Surkov was about to open the documents in hand before he even took off his coat. He knew that every time the general secretary handed over a document, it was the beginning of a public opinion war.

"Let's take a look, this is a new round of public opinion offensive I designed." Yanayev stretched his waist. Fortunately, after the time travel, the body of at least a teenager was not affected by memory decline. He can also spend a night writing out some previous memory fragments silently, and then slightly modify it into a new Soviet propaganda report.

"I am a Soviet invader?" Surkov frowned, and asked, "Is such a title too intriguing?"

Of course, the daydream that Surkov refers to is a euphemism that is too aggressive, fearing that it will cause panic or disgust in the Western world.But Yanayev has never considered this issue. Didn't the Western world continue to sanction and exploit Russia after the disintegration of the Soviet Union?Later, he also denounced the new Russian president as a dictatorial tsar. Is it any different from the excuse of a communist dictator?

For them, there will always be an excuse to crusade against Russia, and until the polar bear can no longer stand up, they will happily stand on the corpse and take a share.

Only a disarmed Soviet Russia, whose economy and people's living standards are hopelessly bad, is eligible to join their camp.European countries that like to fight among themselves will always forget one thing, that is, when they fight each other and gradually fade away, on other continental shelves, an empire that is eager to change the rules of the world set by Europe and the United States is rising.

"Don't worry, keep reading, Comrade Surkov." Yanayev took a sip of coffee, and when Surkov finished reading the copy, he couldn't help but applaud.

"This, it's so, I don't know how to describe this piece of copywriting." Surkov was a little incoherent with excitement, "It's simply too perfect, and it slapped the Western World hard! Of course they will pretend Turn a blind eye, but at least let our people see who is the savior of Europe."

"Well, I plan to edit him into a video that can show the power of the Soviet Union. It is best to select shocking scenes from the video of our Western August [-]st military exercise, and then blend them into the copywriting through editing." Yanayev Not as excited as Surkov, he still patted Surkov on the shoulder and encouraged, "This glorious and arduous task is entrusted to you, Comrade Surkov."

In Russia, where electronic and computer technology is backward, Yanayev can only make propaganda films in this form.Want to make animations of the quality of Modern Warfare cutscenes in this day and age?Just dreaming.

"I will fulfill my mission." As if he had discovered a new world, Surkov began to contemplate what kind of beginning of the video could show the grandeur and solemnity of the Soviet army and national strength in the propaganda.

After returning, Surkov hurriedly recruited people to prepare to start the operation of the promotional film.Surkov's think tank team is not a rigid group of guys from the bureaucracy, but a group of truly talented and imaginative freedom patriots.Because Surkov firmly believes that the public opinion offensive can only exert the best effect in a free space after breaking away from the dull bureaucratic system.

Three days later, the team members staring at the dark circles submitted four proposals to him. Surkov selected the better one from the four proposals and revised them until the more enlightened Moscow high-level officials were satisfied. until.

"Hello, European powers, I am a Soviet invader..."

Starting in such a domineering way, the Soviet Union will once again bring a huge shock to the Western world.

Chapter 95 I am a Soviet invader

A few days later, a video began to circulate in the Western media. Yanayev did not adopt the official method of publicity, but recorded a video released by the Soviet people and sent it to some Western media.The headline "I am the Soviet invader" of course also attracted the attention of European and American official media.

"Hello, European powers, I am the Soviet invader."

"Aggression is my specialty. Look at how I have invaded in history. From the Siberian Khanate to the Ottoman Empire, from Kamchatka to France, from the Central Asian Khanate to Germany. That's right, that's how I trampled through those of an enemy who seeks to threaten Russia's existence."

Starting with an aggressive momentum, the overwhelming An series of large transport aircraft in the August [-]st military exercise covered the sky, and the dense armored group charge on the plain reminded people of an unstoppable torrent of steel, giving people an illusion of fear, as if they could stop them. A very ridiculous thing.

"When I occupied Siberia, now it produces oil, gas and aluminum, and all kinds of other products. The city I built there has the best hospitals and kindergartens. People there don't need to sell women and animal skins. Yes, it was the Soviets who did it."

"I took the three Baltic countries, now there are fertile farmlands and power plants are built in my hands, the Baltic countries produce famous perfumes, high-quality electronic equipment and the best cars, and now they let communism from the land Get out, they would rather welcome a bunch of politicians who only promise empty promises than accept a regime that is all for the people."

"I occupied Central Asia, built laboratories and radio stations there, and launched space rockets in Baikonur. And hospitals and gymnasiums, where I built satellites, rockets and missiles, opened up Flower of industrial civilization. Help the people there develop their own agriculture and grow enough wheat and cotton to feed the rest of the country. Wait until they have everything and tell me to get the hell out of Central Asia, well, a few years after we're gone , they will just stand on the street with signs against the current government."

"I took Ukraine, after that Ukraine started to produce the largest planes and ships in the world, tanks and armored vehicles, and then they started to divide and destroy everything we built, but they did nothing of their own."

The video clips include the molotov cocktail-throwing crowd during the Tbilisi incident, the cheering crowd holding the Long Live Freedom sign during the August [-] incident, and the heart-rending crowd crying when Ferganari’s home was burned down by mobs.

"Yes, I'm an aggressor, and I'm tired of apologizing. I'm fine, I'm busy, because I was born to be a serial killer, scary Ivan, be afraid of me."

"I was forced to burn Moscow to save it from Napoleon, but what happened to Napoleon?"

"I sat in the trenches waiting for the Nazi tanks and felt it was impossible to stop their advance, but what about these bastards? Their leaders are berating Hitler for ruining Germany."

Many more invaders have come to my house, Turks, British, Poles, Germans, French.The Soviet has prepared enough land for you, 2.5 square meters per person.Put away your tricks, we don't need your strange values, we don't need your hypocritical democracy, political elections where money interests are paramount.I have my style, but gently warn you one last time, don't mess with us.I love peace, but I also have a torrent of steel that can flatten the European continent, and an intercontinental missile that can accurately land anywhere in the world, because we are good at war.

Address, Enter the Peace-loving and Fighting People of Russia.

At the end of the video, the barrage dropped by the Figure 95 strategic bomber ended. The mountain covered by the aircraft missile was directly smeared to the ground by the bomb. The Russian people warned his enemies in the simplest and rude way not to try to anger the Soviet Union. Giant bear, otherwise their end will be miserable.

Soviet officials did not give any explanation for the video, and even played deaf and dumb about the incident.But Western people really feel what is called punishment from the communist camp and what is called a propaganda film from another country.

"It's a terrible thing. It's a threat to Liberalism!" The Times published its opinion on the news. "What is our government doing when the Soviets threaten us? The empire on which the sun never sets, whose naval strength is so eye-catching, is now at the same level as the French navy. I think Great Britain is about to end."

The performance of the Paris newspaper in France is quite different. Perhaps it has always been an alternative role in the EU countries. It praised and affirmed the military strength of the Soviets while criticizing the government.

"I firmly believe that there are only two kinds of armies in the world, one is our terrible French army, and the other is the Soviet Red Army called someone else's. Of course some people will point out the glory of the Napoleonic Empire to refute me. Come on, the times have already changed It's different. We taxpayers spend so much money every year to contribute to national defense, and what does the government give us back? The repeated defeats in the Vietnam battlefield, the humiliating record in the Algerian war, my God, if I As the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the first thing he did was to resign and apologize to the people of the whole country."

Just when the attitudes of the people of Britain and France were different, the American people also came to join in the fun, saying that if the Soviet army was really that powerful, they should not bully the poor European Union, and just cross the white Ling Strait, land on the west coast of the United States and attack us.

All of a sudden, the media and the Internet were filled with various opinions such as "terrible torrent of steel", "invincible army", "look at other people's weapons", and "hit me if you have the ability".The Soviet Union once again brought the world a surprise, or rather a fright.

Of course, these are just teasing jokes. What is really scared are the member countries who want to split their families. The video released by the Soviet Union is obviously not aimed at the West or the United States, but the nationalist forces who want to split like Georgia.

Of course, the deterrent effect of the propaganda film has little effect on them. They will not be afraid of the military power of the Soviet Union. In fact, in order to realize the so-called ideal of independence, this group of people, no matter how much they pay for the people of the allied countries to accompany them , at all costs.Yanayev didn't think that a promotional video would turn these fanatics back, but he just wanted to say hello to them, so as not to say that he was unpredictable.

As the Georgian President Zvyad, who was under house arrest in a KGB prison, said, unless the Soviets use war and blood to wring the heads of all nationalists off and hang them from street lamps, he will never try to stop the nation The crazy train of separatism.

Yanayev's reply was equally domineering. He told Zviad directly, "As long as there is one such person, the gears of the Soviet war machine will not stop until the head of the last national separatist is cut off. The butcher knife in his hand will stop waving. Then show the people the heads piled up like a hill, and tell everyone that this is the end of splitting the country."

"Of course, Zviard, you are no exception."

In the dark room, shrouded only by the dim light of a light bulb, Yanayev's expression showed a creepy sternness, like a cold snake wrapped around Zviad's neck, entangled him out of breath.

The terrible Soviet violent machine, and the equally terrible iron-blooded general secretary.

Chapter 96 Both sides are preparing

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