After a while, when Chu You came to the level 12 strange area, he chose a mountaintop as his observation point.

After solving a few ordinary monsters, Chu You calmly looked into the distance on the top of the mountain.

I saw that on the land in the distance, I could vaguely see a miniature of a town.

According to Chu You's experience, he was very sure that that was the location of the ROD guild, and the appearance of the guild town was easy to judge; after observing for a while, Chu You had a plan in mind, and Chu You summoned the horses again, went down the mountain and go.


"This scenery is quite beautiful. In reality, you can't see this kind of scenery at all." The person who said this was a Western woman, whose appearance was extremely beautiful. Even Easterners would find this woman pleasing to the eye. Especially that temperament, it reveals the innate nobility!

"Yes, princess, this place is extremely beautiful." A young woman who was traveling with her agreed, and after she finished speaking, she took a strong sniff of the air here.

"Feiweier, don't call me a princess, okay? It's a formal occasion, and it's okay to call me a friend like that." The one who was called the princess was Xia Duoli from the royal family of Great Britain.

"Okay, I know Xia Duoli, just don't call me in the future." Fei Weier said immediately, and then her eyes showed vigilance, and she said carefully: "But if we go deeper, I'm afraid we will encounter experience monsters, and we are all Level 4."

"That's right." Xia Duoli stood still, glanced around, then looked up at the dense forest hill beside her, and said, "Let's go to the top of this mountain, and we can just see the whole town of the ROD guild."

When hearing about the ROD guild, Feiweier said curiously: "I heard that they are really powerful. More than 40 professional-changing players appeared at once."

Xia Duoli raised a smile: "That's because they discovered a series of gold coin exchange experience tasks. As far as I know, it costs 6 gold coins for a level 4 player to upgrade to a job change."

Feiweier's eyes widened, "So, they spent a total of more than 160 million gold coins? My God, gold coins are very valuable."

Xia Duoli nodded, "The energy of this guild is very unusual, and its composition is very complicated. There are everyone, including Asians!"

Not long after, the two were approaching the top of the mountain.

"Xia Duoli, will you spend money to get promoted to another job?" Fei Weier asked curiously.

Xia Duoli shook her head, "My original intention of playing this game is different from theirs, I just want to take a good look at the scenery here."

"However, it is said that many high-level maps have more beautiful scenery."

Xia Duoli smiled faintly: "Take your time, in fact, some scenery looks ordinary, but it can retain people."

Just when the two were about to continue talking, a systemic cold voice suddenly rang in their ears.

System: High energy ahead!Please stop going!Warning, you are in extreme danger, please leave quickly.

System: Warning again!High energy ahead...

System: You triggered a hidden mission (ordinary hidden mission)...

The two looked at each other in shock, completely unaware of what had happened.

Fevier opened the task interface in horror to check the hidden tasks.

But Xia Duoli didn't, because she saw something in front of her, and the extreme curiosity in her heart drove her to walk over.

As she moved forward, Xia Duoli saw a group of bright red characters appearing there.

What's happening here?

Xia Duoli suddenly strode forward and started to run, and the forest that blocked her view followed her, and soon, the sight suddenly opened up!

On the cliff at the top of the mountain, a tall and slender figure was sitting on top of a black horse, with a huge, faintly shining halberd weapon sticking out of his back.

That silver-white modern hairstyle is extremely eye-catching, and the boots under his feet also exude radiance, which is extremely extraordinary.

At this time, the figure in front of him seemed to sense someone coming, and slowly turned his head.

Chu You looked back at the guild town below the mountain, and turned her head to look at the visitor indifferently.

In Xia Duoli's eyes, there is nothing else, only a set of scarlet characters on the opponent's head: Extraterrestrial private first class, evil forces are hostile to players!

Chapter 61 This is the newest operation!

"Hurry up and run with your nipples in your hands!" Chu You said very casually, seeing the other party's bewildered expression, Chu You couldn't help but feel happy.

Who would have thought that not long after the game server was launched, there would be foreign players. Back then, my previous life was not much better.

Withdrawing the mount, Chu You's feet landed on the ground.

I glanced at the ROD Guild down the mountain again, there were ribbons hanging everywhere, it was very lively, and it was very lively with people coming in and out.

Chu You's eyes turned cold, and without any hesitation, she directly activated the Dou Zhan One Star transformation skill!

Xia Duoli was really confused and couldn't pull it out. She was too shocked by the image information of the other party.

It's just, what did the other party say to me just now?

There is no built-in translation in the game like this. If you understand it, you can understand it. If you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it. The translation system only appears on the world chat channel.

Moreover, in the case of adding friends, you can also bring your own translation, but if you want to add players outside the domain as friends, there is only one prerequisite: destroy the other party's large area!

The middle finger of Chu You's right hand directly touched the brow of the mask.

'Broken Star'!

A ripple of flower petals quickly spread along the body like scattered waves, and in an instant, a large amount of unknown substances densely covered the whole body of Chuyou's body.

"Grand...Princess, I know, the other party is a player from outside the territory, and the mission said..." Fei Weier rushed over and shouted loudly, but in the middle of speaking, after seeing Chu You, she felt very conscious He joined the ignorance and kept in sync with Xia Duoli beside him.

Chu You's body swelled up sharply, reaching a height of 5 meters. The halberd weapon on the back also became very long along with its owner, and the sharp edge of the weapon looked even more creepy.

Chu You completed the transformation within 10 seconds, with more than 54000 HP!

At this time, a fireball shot from the forest hit Chu You.

Chu You's pupilless eyes turned around...

"Princess (*@ο@*) Wow~, attacked him just now?" Fevier was startled, and whispered in a low voice as much as possible, sweating profusely.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just now." Xia Duoli didn't know what happened to her just now, she actually cast a fireball technique, seeing the other party's appearance, Xia Duoli said to the other party weakly Say sorry.

Chu You took out the 'low-level gliding props' from the space backpack and used it immediately.

The gray ball changed rapidly.

No longer looking at the other party, he bent down and kicked his feet, and the whole person glides directly from the cliff to the target guild...

Xia Duoli and the two hurried over from the forest and stood where Chu You was before.

When the two saw Chu You flying towards the ROD Guild, they immediately realized something...

"Oh my god!!"

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