Li Yanan raised her hand and touched her left cheek, and said, "I don't have the money to do such a high-end surgery as skin transplantation, and not just any doctor can do this surgery." She suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at me, saying : "Could it be, do you know how to perform this operation? Are you going to perform this operation on me?"

Chapter 1: Skin Transplantation

I smiled and said nothing, Fang Zhiya said: "You don't know what kind of person Dr. Lin is! He is the father of xenotransplantation in China, and he is also very good at plastic surgery. The plastic surgery department of the county hospital was founded by him. Wake up, any cutting-edge high-end surgery is no problem in his hands."

Li Yanan said excitedly: "Of course I know, Dr. Lin, that's great, can you really perform this operation on me?"

I smiled lightly and said, "This operation does have relatively high requirements on the surgeon, but I have some experience!"

Li Yanan suddenly grabbed my hand and said, "Dr. Lin, I believe in you, please, oh no, please help me with the skin transplant operation!"

Fang Zhiya laughed out loud, and said, "Just now you were aggressive towards Dr. Lin and asked him to give up your seat. Is this your attitude of begging?"

Li Yanan blushed, and said embarrassingly: "I was too much just now, Dr. Lin, as long as you help me remove the birthmark on my face, I promise I won't ask you to give up your seat. You can sit in this position for as long as you want, anyway. Supervisor Liu will not fire me either."

This is what I want, and I said kindly to her right away: "Don't worry, Doctor Li, I'm sure to remove the birthmark on your face, so let's do it! You can arrange a time, and we will go to the plastic surgery department of the county hospital to do it." Operation."

Li Yanan left happily, and I breathed a sigh of relief to Fang Zhiya, and said, "Fortunately, she has a birthmark on her face that allows me to show off. Women love beauty. Otherwise, she insisted on asking me to step aside, but I can't help it." It's troublesome."

Fang Zhiya said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of? She dares to make such a fuss in front of me. When Supervisor Liu comes back to see if she dares to make a scene, Supervisor Liu will send her to the men's prison to work as a prison doctor."

A delicate female doctor went to the men's prison to see a male prisoner who hadn't seen a woman for several years. Although the birthmark on her face can scare away many normal men, I can still imagine that she is like a sheep joining wolves. I said: "This way No, she deserves the right to take maternity leave, and it is also her duty to return to work after taking her leave, she did nothing wrong in asking me to step aside, we can’t bully others.”

She looked at me with a smile and said, "Don't pretend to be a good person in front of me. Tell me, if you can't handle her today, will you really make room for her?"

I chuckled, shook my head, and said, "Of course not, let me leave the female prison and leave you, even if it means killing her and destroying her body, I can do it."

Fang Zhiya: ...

This day Li Yanan made an appointment with me for surgery. She wore a pink dress and waited for me in the plastic surgery department very early. Beautiful, I smiled, I had to take off my clothes when I entered the operating room, no matter how beautiful I was, it was useless.

Bai Xue was also very excited today, and said, "Teacher, you actually know how to perform skin transplantation. That's great. I can learn one more technique."

While changing into a sterile suit, I said, "This operation is relatively delicate. You usually go to the emergency department to practice suturing. If you are proficient enough, this technique will be easy to master."

I asked her to push Li Yanan into the operating room and give Li Yanan anesthesia first. When they came in, I found Li Yanan's expression was rather tense. I walked over to comfort her and said, "You are also a doctor yourself. How can you behave like an ordinary patient?" Not as good."

She suddenly grabbed my hand and said, "Dr. Lin, I, I have a phobia of anesthesia."

I was surprised: "Anaesthesia phobia?"

She said: "Yes, because I am a doctor, I know that anesthesia is the first hurdle in the operation process. When I was an intern in the hospital, I saw a patient who was anesthetized and died before the operation."

I smiled and said, "You! You are similar to Zhong Hao in the men's prison. You don't know much about medical skills. It's true that anesthesia is dangerous, but it's general anesthesia, and you only need local anesthesia. It's not life-threatening at all."

She said: "I know this truth, but when I think of the patient I saw during my internship, I feel scared."

Her weak expression made me feel pity, so I said: "Okay, I won't give you an anesthetic injection, I will give you an anesthetic, which is made from the leaves of the dream devil flower, what is the dream devil flower You know medicinal materials! This is what Hua Tuo gave Guan Gong when he scraped his bones and healed his wounds."

Bai Xue said: "My teacher is really kind to you! Dream Demon Flower is a rare medicinal material that can't be found, and we only have a few capsules of this anesthetic in our hands."

Li Yanan grabbed my hand and said, "Thank you, Dr. Lin."

After giving her an anesthetic, her eyes quickly became blurred, and she smiled and said, "It's great, I'm not afraid at all now, and I'm so confident about the operation, I'm already fantasizing about it." There is no birthmark on the face, hee hee, my husband will definitely love me to death when he sees it."

Bai Xue whispered to me: "The anesthetic you made seems to be quite effective."

I said: "Of course, the effect of Dream Demon Flower is stronger than that of drugs. Remember, you can't give patients multiple doses. If you become addicted, you will be in trouble."

She said: "You only made a few pills in total. If you were not generous today, we would not be willing to give it to her."

After Li Yanan took the anesthesia, we began to operate. The skin grafting operation is the same as the autologous fat filling operation. It uses its own skin for transplantation, because using other people's skin is prone to rejection, and the face is the most important aspect of a person's appearance. Therefore, if there are birthmarks on the face, skin can be transplanted from other parts of the body. The skin is usually taken from hidden parts such as thighs and buttocks. After all, these parts are covered by underwear, even if there are birthmarks, it will not affect the skin. Exterior.

According to the skin color of Li Yanan's whole body, we picked the skin that was closest to the skin color of his face, and finally chose to take the skin on the left side of the armpit. This is a relatively delicate operation, even more delicate than repairing the hymen. Of course, These two operations are not comparable. Many doctors in small hospitals can perform the latter operation, because it only needs to be repaired. If an experienced gynecologist conducts a gynecological examination on the patient, it can be done. The non-virgins were detected, but if it was done by a doctor like me, I can guarantee that even a gynecologist would not be able to detect it, and would treat prostitutes as virgins.

Li Yanan was very well behaved after taking the anesthetic, lying quietly on the operating bed and waiting for us to take the skin. The dream magic flower has already anesthetized her body, so she won't feel the slightest pain, but we encountered trouble.

Li Yanan is a breastfeeding woman with plenty of milk. She has not breastfed her baby for a while, and the milk overflows automatically. The troublesome thing is that the skin is taken from the armpit, which is the only way for the milk to flow down. , I smiled wryly and said: "The operation can only be postponed, you go to the obstetrics and gynecology department to borrow a breast pump and suck all her milk dry."

Chapter 151 The Most Delicious Drink

Bai Xue said: "But anesthesia has a time limit. If we postpone the operation, what should we do when the anesthesia effect of the patient wears off during the operation?"

This is a big problem. If the anesthesia wears off and we are still using a knife on her body, it will be torture. At this time Li Yanan spoke, and she said: "There is no need for a breast pump, you open your mouth and suck my milk." Can you just do it?"


Snow White: ...

Li Yanan said: "I know it's bad for you adults to breastfeed, but it's also for my operation to go smoothly, please."

Bai Xue pushed me and said, "In this case, you are more suitable."

I wanted to cry, but even though she was my assistant and student, it was really too much to order her to suck other women's milk, so I had to bend down and open my mouth...

It was quite embarrassing, but afterwards I smashed my mouth, thinking it’s no wonder that breastfeeding is advocated, breastmilk is the best food for children, I said to Bai Xue: "You get ready, I will suck the other side dry too, So it doesn't spill over and make a mess."

It is always said that the strength of breastfeeding is to use the greatest strength, but that is for babies. In fact, I want to say that breastfeeding is not a very difficult thing, but a relaxed and happy thing, the most delicious thing in the world Drinks don't get any better than this.

The subsequent surgery went very smoothly. Of course, I have nothing to say about my craftsmanship. The birthmarks on Li Yanan's cheeks were completely gone. Since the skin was chosen to have the same skin color, if you don't look carefully, you can't see the difference at all.

But don’t think that this means that the operation is successful. The key to skin transplantation is whether the new skin can survive, which depends on whether the capillaries in the skin can supply blood normally. If not, the transplanted skin will turn black, or even fall off due to necrosis. , That's really beauty becoming disfigured. According to statistics, the plastic surgery industry has the most frequent medical accidents in medicine.

Bai Xue wrapped a bandage on Li Yanan's face and sent her to the ward, where Li Yanan had to stay. I also had to check her every two days. The more troublesome thing about this operation was the after-sales service.

When I went to the locker room to change, Bai Xue came over with a stern face. I knew she was jealous again, so I pinched her little nose lightly and said, "Little vinegar jar, there was nothing I could do just now! Tell you to suck it!" , and you don't want to."

She said coquettishly: "It is the left side that affects the skin harvesting part, you can just suck it dry, why even let her suck it dry on the right side, tell me honestly, did you enjoy it?"

I stared at her maliciously and said, "I haven't had it yet! I'm going to get one tonight."

She covered her chest with her hands, and said coquettishly: "Don't even think about it, besides, if I have a baby, you can't suck the milk even if you suck it."

In fact, I know that she didn't really refuse. Women are born with motherhood, and men are children who will never grow up. Sucking is the most important thing when you need it.

I used to see news that rich adults hire wet nurses to feed their breasts, and I thought it was absurd, but now I know it’s not absurd at all, and I even have an idea of ​​wanting to develop Li Yanan into a wet nurse.

The next day I went to the ward to check on Li Yanan, the ward was very lively, her husband and child were there, and she was breastfeeding the child, so she didn't care when I came in.

A woman is a contradictory creature. When I was a girl, I valued my breasts very precious. When I put on clothes, I had to think about it for a long time. However, when I gave birth to a child and became a mother, I didn’t care even if I breastfed the child in front of outsiders. Of course, because I am a doctor, Li Yanan may not regard me as an outsider.

Her husband seemed to be an honest man, short in stature, and honestly he was not good enough for Li Yanan. I shook hands with him, and he couldn't stop thanking me.

I looked at Li Yanan who was lying on the hospital bed. Her cheeks were wrapped in white gauze. I believe her husband would be surprised when she removed the gauze. I looked down and saw a piece of white, a lovely face. The little baby was sucking happily, and I said: "The baby is so cute, is there enough milk?"

Li Yanan said: "It's too much to eat. The little guy has a small appetite, so he has to use a breast pump every day to suck it out and waste it."

I looked at the snow-white area. It was quite large. I experienced it myself. There was plenty of milk. I said, "Waste it? Your husband won't eat it?"

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