I shook my head. Since Yu Ruyi leaked our whereabouts to Liu Batian, it is estimated that the house opening plan will not work. Rather than being embarrassed in the hotel, it is better to wait here. I opened a bottle of beer and said: " Let's play for a while! Come, drink."

After delaying by drinking for a while, Liu Batian really came to the door, and the group of passers-by who were very popular avoided me, and laughed when they saw me: "Yo! What a coincidence, I met you as soon as I went out, Xinyi, time It's getting late, it's time to go home and rest."

I greeted him politely, and Liu Xinyi put her arms around my arm and said, "No! Dad, Dr. Lin rarely comes to the county, and I'm going to be with him tonight."

Seeing that Liu Batian's face was gloomy, I said, "Hey, listen to your father, I have an operation tomorrow, so I have to rest early."

I gave her a look, and she reluctantly let go of her hand and said, "Then I'll come to you tomorrow."

Watching her leave the bar hand in hand with Yu Ruyi, Liu Batian looked at Xiao Meibi and Xiong Yue who just came back from the dance floor, and said: "The female supervisors are full of talents, if you come out with two, you can be the number one lady in the nightclub .”

I opened a shop on his site, and all the information naturally cannot escape his eyes. It can be seen that he is suspicious of my relationship with them. I said: "The prisoners in the female prison are both beautiful and ugly, and Zhang Qian is the most beautiful. .”

When Zhang Qian was mentioned, Liu Batian's eyes lit up, and he said, "Is she okay now? Can you see her often?"

I said: "I saw her a few days ago, it was good, by the way, I have a recent photo of her in my mobile phone, do you want to see it, Boss Liu?"

This Boss Liu is obviously very concerned about Zhang Qian. The last time he invited Jian Liu to dinner, he intended to restore Zhang Qian's privileges in the women's prison. However, Liu Jian did not fully agree to him, but only promised to take care of her as much as possible. The current life is very good. The single room is equipped with a TV and computer, and the food is the same as the prison guard’s work meal, but the degree of freedom cannot be the same as before.

I sent the photos on my phone to Liu Batian directly. In the photo, Zhang Qian looked graceful and smiling, and she really looked like she was being treated preferentially. Liu Batian looked at it infatuatedly and said, "It's great to have a computer to play games." , so that she won't be lonely and bored."

I said, "She's not playing a game! Don't you know she's very talented? She's writing a script! And Qiyi is going to make her script into a TV series."

He nodded and said, "I always knew she was very talented and smart, otherwise she wouldn't have developed a new method of making drugs."

I am very curious about the relationship between them. If Zhang Qian is his woman, then he is too pitiful, even more pitiful than Mao Jianxiong, because I am not only related to Zhang Qian, but also to Liu Xinyi. I asked: "What's your relationship with her? You are the boss, why did she go in and you didn't?"

He said: "She was my sister-in-law. I was not the boss at that time. Because I didn't touch drugs, I escaped unharmed when the incident happened, but my eldest brother was shot dead on the spot."

The elder brother and sister-in-law he was talking about were naturally not relatives. I said: "Nowadays people rarely pay attention to the morals of the world. It is really loyal for you to treat your sister-in-law like this."

He said: "On the one hand, morality is good. My elder brother is good to me. On the other hand, he also wants to gradually withdraw from the arena. He might as well go to this small county town to do serious business and take care of my sister-in-law by the way."

I can see that there is a third aspect that he didn't say, I bet he must have a crush on his sister-in-law, from the way he looks at Zhang Qian's photo, I can tell, "Do you have anything to tell me? I'm going to see her tomorrow."

He said: "You tell her for me that I, Liu Xiaoer, will always guard her."

Looking at his fiery eyes, I couldn't help but feel worried. If Zhang Qian told him that he wanted to escape from prison, I'm sure Liu Xiaoer would do it without hesitation. This kind of look is too scary. He dared to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire for the sake of love. eyes.

I feel sorry for him again, he loves his sister-in-law so much, but does his sister-in-law know?I guess even if he knew, Zhang Qian might not have taken him to heart, or how could he push me back just by seeing me?I know there's a hunger element to it, but it wouldn't be like this if someone had a heart.

He calmed down and said, "Thank you very much for your photo, this is something I really want, but..." He looked at me and said, "I still don't approve of you being with Xinyi."

Chapter 93 Bai Xue and Aunt Bai Danhong

I can understand Liu Batian's mood. Is there any father in the world who would like his juicy daughter to fall in love with a prisoner?I said, "I agree to your request, and I will go and explain it to Xinyi tomorrow."

He shook his head and said, "No, no, Xinyi has never encountered setbacks since she was a child. You hurt her too much by breaking up with her."

This is indeed the case, I can see that he is very contradictory as a father, let's break up!It hurt my daughter a lot, so agree with us to be together!Feeling that my son-in-law is unreliable, I said, "Then what should I do? Anyway, I will just listen to you."

He said: "I have a solution. I will arrange a beautiful woman for you tomorrow. When you are making out, Xinyi bumps into her. Let her know your true face, so that she can take the initiative to give up on you."

I wiped my forehead, this method is really good, in fact, the biggest advantage is to get rid of him, I said: "Okay, for the good of Xinyi, I am willing to do anything."

He patted me on the shoulder with a smile and said: "I appreciate your attitude the most. To express my gratitude to you, I will arrange a top beauty for you tomorrow."

I chuckled, even a top beauty is just a street girl, with a pair of jade hands that thousands of people can rest on, and a little red lips that thousands of people can taste, I am not interested.

In fact, I would rather play this scene with Xiao Meibi or Xiong Yue, but I was worried that the domineering girl would anger them, so I agreed to Liu Batian's plan.

After the conversation, I went to Baixue’s dormitory. The lights in the dormitory were still on. I knocked lightly on the door, and it opened quickly. Baixue was wearing a white nightgown, which looked like Snow White, but she blocked the door and didn’t let me in. , whispered: "What a coincidence, my aunt is here and insists on squeezing me to sleep together."

Baidanhong?I suddenly remembered that night when I mistakenly thought Bai Xue pushed me back while I was drunk, that woman who looked exactly like Bai Xue but was as crazy as a wild horse in bed, this woman was too crazy, and she was the wife of the county magistrate, she was rational Tell me that you must not provoke me, so I said: "Then I won't go in, and I will come to you tomorrow when I have time."

"Why didn't Dr. Lin come in? I'm not an outsider. My life was saved by Dr. Lin." Bai Danhong spoke in a high position for a long time, and there was an unquestionable taste. Bai Xue and I looked at each other. I turned around and left, Bai Xue opened the door and let me in, I saw a beautiful woman also wearing pajamas, but compared with Bai Xue, she was too sexy.

Bai Danhong's figure was built by myself, and her perfect curves rivaled Angel's. I said awkwardly: "You guys are going to rest! It's inconvenient for me to be a man, I'd better come visit tomorrow!"

Bai Danhong smiled sweetly and said, "What's the inconvenience? Where has Dr. Lin seen or touched my whole body?"

He really has a very vigorous personality, and he can say such things in front of his niece and daughter. I looked at Bai Xue, and was extremely embarrassed. Bai Xue said: "Auntie, it's okay for my teacher to come today. Let him be so late." Go and rest!"

Bai Danhong said: "He has nothing to do with you, but I have something to look for him. Doctor Lin, I feel a dull pain in my chest. Could it be the recurrence of breast cancer? Come and check it for me."

I stood there and dared not go over, and said, "There is no rush for the physical examination. I will go to the hospital tomorrow and I will check it carefully for you."

Bai Danhong suddenly lowered her face and said, "Dr. Lin came so late, he must be dating my niece! Yo! It's time to go to bed, how can I, an aunt, not know anything about it?"

I smiled wryly, this is considered to be caught on the spot for doing bad things, although I didn’t catch the rape in bed, but with Director Bai’s wisdom, I can see through it at a glance, and the last crazy night in the hotel, I always regarded her as Bai Xue , Shouting kisses and good apprentices were all heard by her, even if I wanted to renege on my debts, I couldn't.

Bai Xue's face was pale, and she hugged her arm and said, "Auntie, you are the one who loves me the most. I really like Teacher."

Bai Danhong said: "I know you like Dr. Lin, and Dr. Lin is also a very good man, but..." She looked at me and said, "Your teacher is not a serious person."

I wiped my forehead, I have had so many things with her, I once gave her husband a green face under his eyes, I once had a crazy night with her when I was drunk, no matter how I say it, I am not serious People, as Bai Xue's elder, it is normal for her to disagree with me being with Bai Xue.

"However..." She looked at me and said, "You came here so late today, you must have succeeded in my good niece!"

I wiped my forehead, and since she made it so clear, I had nothing to hide, and said, "You are to blame for this, I thought it was Xiaoxue who went crazy with me all night while I was drunk. , your aunt and nephew look too much alike."

The shrewd Bai Danhong immediately understood, even Bai Xue understood, pointed at us and said, "You...you..."

Bai Danhong said: "Yes, Xiaoxue, Dr. Lin was drunk that time, and we sent him to the guest room to rest together. I took the room card away while you were not paying attention, and then sneaked into the guest room."

Bai Xue's face was as white as snow, and she said: "No wonder the teacher started to be intimate with me after that night. I thought the teacher changed his mind about me!"

I said ashamedly: "Xiaoxue, it's all my fault, you are a good girl and I shouldn't have provoked you, but I mistakenly thought it was you that night, thinking that you are all mine, and I treated you with the wrong behavior There will be no scruples in behavior."

She shook her head and said: "The teacher is not wrong, and I don't regret being nice to the teacher now."

I am not wrong, neither is Bai Xue, the one who is wrong is naturally Bai Danhong, if she hadn't been uncouth and pushed me against me while I was drunk, I wouldn't have misunderstood Bai Xue, but Director Bai doesn't seem to have the consciousness to admit his mistakes, She rolled her eyes and said, "Since the mistake has already been made, let's make it right! Dr. Lin is a very good man, excellent in every aspect, Xiaoxue and you are not at a disadvantage."

Bai Xue's eyes were full of expectations, and she said, "Auntie, do you agree with me being with the teacher? You quit?"

Bai Danhong said: "Of course, I don't want to divorce your uncle, I won't rob you of a man."

Bai Xue was happy, put her arms around her and said, "Auntie, I knew you were the best for me."

That's all right?I used to be crazy with Bai Danhong, and now I'm on good terms with Bai Xue, they are aunts and nephews, don't they have a feeling of chaos...?Why do they look like they don't mind?

Chapter 94 Aunt and Nephew Shuangmei

In fact, they are all in the rhythm of the unruly white red belt. She said in a relaxed tone: "Since the matter is out of the way, Dr. Lin, go and wash up. Everyone is going to sleep."

Bai Xue had the same doubts as I did, and said, "Auntie, there is only one bed here."

I said: "It's really late to go to the hotel to get a room at this time, so I'll just sleep on the sofa!"

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