When I opened the door and entered, I saw Yin Su leaning on the bed, flipping through the book casually. It was an obscure English book on economics theory.

"Susu, I'm here." My voice was high-pitched, and it could even be said that there was a hint of obscenity. Up to now, I have had too many physical contacts with Yin Su, but I have not gone further.

This time, instead of standing by the bed, I got on Yin Su's bed all at once, lying beside her with a smile on my face.

Yin Su's eyes widened immediately, she never expected that I would be so shameless.

"Tsk tsk, Susu, your bed is soft, I'll sleep here from now on, how about it?" I smiled and said to Yin Su, seeing her faintly seductive appearance in a silk nightgown, I couldn't help raising my hand and thinking To untie the strap.

Yin Su patted my hand, then continued to immerse herself in the book, completely ignoring me.

This damned woman... so seductive, such a beautiful day, but still buried in her book?This is not a waste of time, an inch of time is worth an inch of gold!

While she was still reading, I raised one hand quietly, trying to untie the strap of her silk nightgown.


Another slap, slapped on my hand, "Wait until I finish watching."

Seeing her serious expression, I didn't want to disturb her, so I curled my lips, changed direction, looked at Yin Su's fair and slender legs, and stretched out a finger to fiddle with them gently.

Sure enough, not long after, Yin Su's speed of turning the pages of the book was obviously much faster, and I also pretended to know nothing and continued to fiddle with it.

"Crack!" Yin Su couldn't bear it anymore, closed the book and put it aside, "What do you want?"

Whoa!This annoying goblin actually asked me what I wanted!What do you think I want?If I hold it any longer, I will be suffocated!

Looking at Yin Su, who had spring water in his eyes, and then at the open part of the silk nightgown, there was a hint of roundness looming, with infinite charm, who could bear such a temptation?

With a strange cry, I rushed towards Yin Su.

And obviously Yin Su didn't expect this, after being thrown by me like this, he no longer has the strength to resist...

Main text Chapter 32 The last critical moment

"No! Not today!" Yin Su's face was very flustered, and she waved her hands indiscriminately, trying to block my sight.

I was taken aback for a moment, and said angrily, "Why not?"

Yin Su's complexion turned red immediately, and she twisted her body, which made me feel hot all of a sudden: "The inner one is here..."

Depend on!

At this time, what I want most is to raise the middle finger to Yin Su, and my heart is full of contempt. Sure enough, every time the most critical moment comes, I will always be poured a basin of cold water.

Just when I had nowhere to vent my anger, I saw Yin Su voluntarily sticking to my body. The charming appearance and the endless temptation brought by the half-exposed breasts made me unable to stop, and I really wanted to break through. That kind of taboo, no matter what happens...

But Yin Su's next action was completely beyond my expectation, and he felt an unparalleled sense of comfort, the heat became even hotter under the stimulation of the cold, and there was even a touch of madness from the heart. Roar.

"Huh..." I squinted my eyes to enjoy everything, but Yin Su was tightly attached to my body, I couldn't help reaching out to hold the softness, her body trembled, and she immediately let out an infinite moan, happy The notes spread uncontrollably between me and her, and the extreme comfort made me unable to control myself. At that moment, my whole body was numb and I felt a strong sense of relief.

"Huh...huh..." I lay heavily on Yin Su's bed, looking at the two blushes on her cheeks, I felt very happy: "You are really... really a fairy!"

But she giggled from the side, like a young girl.

Yin Su is indeed a wonderful existence. Her face like a girl and her skin that can be broken by blows and bullets fully show that age has never been a problem, and that graceful figure full of extreme temptation and infinite charm is even more attractive to girls. Can't have.

The deep sense of satisfaction brings extreme drowsiness. Even though it is the hot summer, the flame in my heart has gradually subsided, and I sleep peacefully.

This is the first time I slept in Yin Su's bedroom at home, and Yin Su didn't refuse, hugging and sleeping together, like a couple, I think today is a good start, that one keeps beating My heart is still hot, and the beautiful figure that appeared in the dream is gradually walking towards me.

The next morning, when I was still immersed in a dream and didn't want to wake up, I saw Yin Su hurriedly woke me up. I opened my sleepy eyes and glanced at my phone: "What, it's only six o'clock. Today we are at 08:30. The exam is only at [-]."

I turned over unwillingly, and when I wanted to continue to sleep, Yin Su's words made me trembling like a carp, and I woke up suddenly.

"You slept with me last night..."

Opening my eyes suddenly, I hurriedly put on my clothes, with an unconcealable panic on my face, this feeling was like stealing food, which made me suddenly open Yin Su's room door and was about to rush out.

Yin Su was still wearing a nightgown, but she had obviously finished washing, Xiumei frowned slightly and said to me: "Be gentle, don't wake Yinyin up."

I nodded, and when I returned to my room, my mind was extremely clear, and my beating heart finally calmed down. Thinking of what happened last night, it was really like a dream.

In the days to come, I'm afraid it will be more exciting than this, so I can't help but look forward to it a little more.

Everything has not been discovered. The relationship between Yin Su and I has been well concealed. Zhang Yinyin is busy with work and refuses to work in Yin Su's group. She is a person who has proved her ability. When Zhang Yinyin wakes up and takes a shower , Seeing that there seemed to be a gleam in my eyes, Zhang Yinyin couldn't help smiling and said, "Hey, today I feel good, I will definitely get a good grade in the exam!"

I smiled and nodded, but in fact I smacked my lips, constantly reminiscing about the amorous feelings Yin Susu brought to me last night. It was the ultimate enjoyment, just like the pinnacle of life. There is nothing like this feeling More exciting and refreshing.

I took a sneak peek at Yin Su's room, everything was as usual, I packed up my things and prepared to go out to the examination room, if I fail in the exam today, I'm really sorry for Teacher Yin's hand-in-hand teaching last night!

Before departure, Yin Su was waiting for me in the car, and Zhang Yinyin also came downstairs. I greeted her, but saw Zhang Yinyin waved to me, indicating that we should go first.

She has a companion and has been waiting at the intersection for a long time. She is a teacher from the same school, and she seems to teach music.

After getting in the car, Yin Su glanced at the rearview mirror and said about the makeup on her face, then said lightly, "Yin Yin didn't notice it, did she?"

Maybe it's a guilty conscience, Yin Su seems to be more worried about this matter than I am, after all, once this matter gets out, it will have a very bad influence on Yin Su.

I nodded: "No, Mr. Zhang slept very hard, so I won't find out."

Yin Su is very delicate today, she looks different from before, that is the state that a woman who has been emotionally nourished will show, her complexion is ruddy and radiant.

I couldn't help teasing: "I'm about to go to the examination room, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Yin Su gave me a hard look, and snorted coldly: "Let's wait until you pass the exam, and start claiming credit before the exam."

I giggled, and couldn't help but kiss Yin Su's cheek, and then I saw Yin Su's pretty face flushed, her skin seemed to be able to pinch water, and she looked cute.

"Let's go." Yin Su, who started the car, was very familiar with it, and today's was very different. When he got off the car, there was still a faint smile on his face.

It is Yin Su's usual rule to get off the car one intersection earlier, and I don't want people in the school to see me getting off a luxury car.

Exam room, exam!I am coming!

When the exam bell rang, I received the paper and looked at it, and I was immediately filled with joy. The content of this test paper can be said to be a synthesis of all the test papers I have done before, and it can be said to be handy.

I finished answering the test paper quickly, but it took me more than an hour. I carefully checked for omissions and slowly entered the state. This time, there must be no problem in the inspection.

Shi Xiaowan passed by me with the paper, and snorted coldly, it turned out that she had already handed in the paper.

I couldn't help but look at Shi Xiaowan, this girl like a proud peacock will eventually pay the price for her arrogance and arrogance, and that price is Shi Xiaowan calling me "kiss my husband" in front of the whole class.

Almost subconsciously, she raised her head to look at Shi Xiaowan's back, and couldn't help but compare herself with Yin Su in her heart, um, as expected, the peaches are still young and cannot be picked. In terms of all aspects, Shi Xiaowan is much inferior to Yin Su.

Main text Chapter 33 results release

There were several exams in a row, and I took all my energy out. When I straightened out my thoughts and walked out of the exam room, I saw Shi Xiaowan standing at the school gate, as if waiting for someone.

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