When did this kid record it! ?

Seeing this scene, Peng Liang opened his eyes wide.

"Have you succeeded in the second tempering?"

Xiao Liang said subconsciously at this time.

It's one thing to practice the body training technique, but it's another thing to completely temper it successfully.

"That's right, I said the second tempering was successful, but now you are only good at body training."

Peng Liang felt complacent again.

"Sao Nian, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and we need to continue to work hard."

"Of course the tempering was successful."

Just when Peng Liang was proud, Lin Luo continued to laugh.

At this time, Peng Liang suddenly petrified.

"I do not believe!"

Peng Liang said directly.

Not to mention Peng Liang, even Wu Guoqiang and the others had doubts in their eyes.

Could it be that Lin Luo has practiced since the first contact?

Otherwise, how could the second tempering succeed so quickly!

"Would you like to bet on a high-grade tempering pill..."


Before Lin Luo's words were spoken, everyone shook their heads.

Especially Peng Liang, he swore that he would never bet with Lin Luo again.

"Whether there is a secondary tempering, just try it and you will know."

Wu Guoqiang also said aloud at this time.

"Yeah, try it and you'll know."

Peng Liang also nodded.

"Well, let's try it, Lao Peng?"

Lin Luo frowned and said to Peng Liang.

"Good boy, just try it."

Peng Liang grinned, showing his white teeth.

Just looking for an opportunity to teach this kid a lesson.

And Lin Luo also thought, find an opportunity to beat Peng Liang, the iron cock.

The two have their own ghosts, standing on both sides of the training ground.

"Peng Liang, suppress your strength..."

"No need to suppress, let him fight me with his original strength, we don't need weapons."

Lin Luo shook his head.

"Lin Luo, you underestimate me too."

Peng Liang was a little unhappy at this time.

How can I say that I am also a martial artist who is about to reach the fourth level, Lin Luo still wants to defeat himself?

Peng Liang is close to the fourth level, that is to say, his limbs and bones should be tempered almost.

The power is definitely strong.

But the body he tempered the second time is not much worse than him.

The distance of an equal step is not particularly large when crossed.

Moreover, I still have agility, and I have practiced to a proficient level.

"Don't worry, Lin Luo, I won't beat you to tears."

Peng Liang chuckled, and in the next moment, rushed towards Lin Luo!

What a great speed!

Seeing this scene, the pupils in Lin Luo's eyes couldn't help shrinking.

The moment Peng Liang rushed over, he punched Lin Luo with his right hand.

Lin Luo turned his body slightly, his right arm slapped directly on the side of his punching arm, and his left uppercut punched towards Peng Liang's abdomen.


The uppercut hit Peng Liang's abdomen, and there was a dull sound.

And at this moment, Lin Luo turned an uppercut into a fist, and continued to practice hitting the past with one punch.

Peng Liang's body was instantly repelled a few steps by this set of attacks.

[Shock from Wu, points +10]

【From... 】


At this time, Wu Guoqiang and others were obviously shocked, because Lin Luo repelled Peng Liang who was the first to attack!

You know, Peng Liang is a martial artist at the peak of Tier [-].

And Lin Luo, even at the peak of the second order, can't be so strong...


At this time, Peng Liang growled and continued to attack Lin Luo!

But Lin Luo did not dodge at all, but directly attacked.

The two were entangled in an instant.

"Agility, he has learned agility."

Wu Guoqiang was even more shocked when he saw Lin Luo's footwork.

"Have you learned all the body skills!?"

Tian Zhen opened his mouth wide.

Xiao Liang and Jiang Long were also dumbfounded.

[Super shock from Wu Guoqiang, points +100]

【From... 】


At this time, Lin Luo ignored the system's prompt and was fighting with Peng Liang.

The body after the second tempering is more powerful, and the ability to resist blows has also become stronger!

(Recommendation ticket recommendation ticket! Let's fight!)

Chapter 1 Life is really lonely like snow (fourth update)

Lost movement!

At this time, with the release of Lin Luo's body skills, coupled with his already extremely stable footwork, Peng Liang couldn't catch Lin Luo at all!

Warriors like Peng Liang are used to using their own weapons, especially after practicing powerful martial arts, they rely on weapons even more.

Now that you don't use weapons for a while, if you just use your bare hands, it's not easy to fight at all.


In the next moment, Lin Luo punched Peng Liang's eyes, making Peng Liang's left eye look like a panda's eye.

"Lin Luo, I'm coming for real!"

At this time, Peng Liang also hated his teeth itching.

But Lin Luo's footwork is so weird that there is no pattern at all.

It was hard to hit Lin Luo, but Lin Lu, who reacted quickly, blocked his attack with his arm.


In the next moment, Peng Liang's other eye also turned into a panda's eye.

"Stop playing! Stop playing!"

After going back and forth for several rounds in a row, Peng Liang stepped back and shook his head.

Although his fist hit Lin Luo's body, the guy's flesh became too strong, and he reacted quickly to block.

It's like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

On the other hand, my eyes probably turned into panda eyes!

His handsome face was also ruined.

"Now, you know that I succeeded in the second tempering."

Lin Luo smiled.

Lin Luo looked indifferent on the surface at this time, but in fact his whole body was already in great pain.

After all, Peng Liang is a warrior at the peak of the third rank. The bones of the left and right limbs have been completely tempered, and the burst of strength is very powerful.

The second tempering of flesh and blood is still a bit close.

It hurts.

In my heart I'm amused, but on the surface I still have to smile.

"Evil sect, it's too evil, the second tempering of flesh and blood, is it really so strong?"

Peng Liang already doubted life at this time.

At this time, Wu Guoqiang felt that he had opened a door to the outside for the monster Lin Luo.

Martial arts talent is really too strong.

But even if it wasn't him who opened the door, it would be someone else.

By the way, Lin Luo also has a master.

"Your agility was taught by your master?"

Wu Guoqiang said subconsciously.


Lin Luo was startled, then nodded.

Anyway, if there is something that cannot be explained, just push it to the legendary 'cheap master'.

"You kid, you even have body skills!?"

Peng Liang, who was half sitting on the ground, got up at this moment, his eyes widened.

"It's not fair, it's not fair."

At this moment, Peng Liang shook his head, his eyes showed incomparable envy.

Not only him, Wu Guoqiang and others also had envy in their eyes.

[Super envy from Peng Liang, points +100]

【From... 】

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