Generally, Jitou has a dozen or so girls under his command. These girls are also the source of their livelihood, but girls can't last long in this business, and the turnover is too high... Some meet good people and marry quickly, and some make money. When I had enough money, I went home and started my own business. Some got sick and had to quit the business, some were taken care of by others, some were poached by others, and some...

To put it simply, it is not easy to be a good chicken head. Not only do you have to manage your ladies well, but you also have to pay attention to replenishing fresh blood at all times... and how does the fresh blood come from?Do you think that all these women who sell outside are voluntary?of course not!If it's not really a lack of money, there is no other way, how many girls are willing to degenerate into this shameful industry?Especially girls who already have legitimate careers, why do they have to degenerate themselves?

It's very simple, rape, then take pictures, then threaten...

Chapter 054 Get involved with sister Chu Fei?kill!

Not every girl can withstand this kind of injury, most people's first choice is... to give in, and then become a toy for different men.

But after one or two, women don't care anymore. Anyway, many men have slept with each other. Is there a difference between a hundred and one?Then they found that the money is really easy to come by, as long as the legs are open, and after just one hour or even ten minutes, they can easily earn the money that they had worked hard for a month or even several months before, expensive cosmetics, beautiful Clothes, branded babies... everything is no longer far away from me.

So everything began to fall into place. After all, this is a real society, and money is the only way to have everything...isn't it?

And obviously, Chu Lian and the other girl on the bed were Xiao Pingtou's targets this time.

Here comes the question, how did Xiaopingtou know and know Chu Lian?

Let’s start with the people of Hong Kong. Presumably most of the children’s shoes who read this book have read All the Way to the West... Do you think the content in it is amazing?In fact, movies are just movies, after all, they are restricted, not even one-tenth of reality.

But one thing is true, that is... Hong Kong people are very horny!

What is the saying?Food and clothing think lust.

In fact, the income of Hong Kong people may not be very high. They can't even afford a good house in Hong Kong, but as long as they cross that line, they find that every penny they earn can be regarded as two cents or even a penny. Dime money... For example, in Hong Kong, what can 100 yuan do?It's just a bowl of noodles without beef!

But when you arrive in Shenzhen, you can have a fling with a hair salon girl for 100 yuan!

In the same way, if you order a glass of wine in a nightclub in Hong Kong for 2000 yuan, you will be gone, but in Shenzhen, you can use it to find two chicks for a one-night threesome... Of course, you can also find a regular girl to have fun.

If it were you, would you come over to play?please!The yellow-faced woman at home really has no interest, okay?

Otherwise, why do you think there are so many women in Shenzhen?

Okay, I'm talking too much nonsense again...stop!

This time, the establishment of China Star and the taking over of the star brokerage business from Yongsheng led to a large number of Hong Kong stars coming to Shenzhen. Of course, there are also male stars, and then... I don’t think I need to give you some science and entertainment. How 'open' is the circle, after all, Mr. Chen is still very active.

So here comes the important point, another fact I want to tell you is that among the male stars in the entertainment industry... none of them is not chaotic!

Well, your idol is Bruce Lee?Then you tell me where he died?It's a pity, although it seems to be disrespectful to Bruce Lee, but he did die in someone else's wife's room...

So, after coming to the Chinese stars with so many beauties, how can you let these male stars who are used to messing around be indifferent?They first tried their best to hook up with Li Xin, Yin Jiayi and the others, but what made them unhappy was that Li Xin and the other women didn't dump them at all. After realizing that it was a long-term and arduous task to "conquer" Li Xin and the other women, They started to change their goals and began to have thoughts about other girls in the company, but because they still had a glimmer of hope for Li Xin and other girls in their hearts, they couldn't go after other beautiful girls in the company by themselves, so what should they do? ?

Very simple, find the chicken head!

As long as you are willing to pay a sum of money, Jitou will help you to do it... Of course, you can play if you don’t want to pay, as long as you can recommend such girl resources to Jitou, and then accept them as Jitou. After you get your hands, you can also play a few times for free.

As for Chu Lian, although her body is still thin, she is still pretty, and it gives men a desire to care and conquer, so she was unfortunately taken by a few lechers in the company, so she was in During a small gathering of colleagues in the company, he 'coincidentally' bumped into Xiaopingtou who came to eat, and then 'just happened' to collide with Chu Lian, so the two got to know each other.

Xiaoping spent more than a month trying to make Chu Lian happy, and finally managed to catch up with her, and then asked her out for a drink tonight, and then contacted the customer, ready to 'deliver' tonight.

But fortunately, Chu Lian happened to be shopping with a girl in the same dormitory tonight, so he took her to go together... Because Xiaopingtou has already made an appointment, he had to do it, and directly The two girls were taken to the hotel after being unconscious, and then contacted the guests to come to the door.

Fortunately, Xiaopingtou only prepared one psychedelic drug, and after dividing it into two parts, the potency of the drug was greatly reduced. Chu Lian became a little sober shortly after arriving at the hotel, and saw his boyfriend bargaining with several people Wanting to sell her as a commodity, Chu Lian's heart almost fell to the bottom at this moment, but she finally remembered to ask for help.

Fortunately, Chu Lian came to Shenzhen not long ago. There are not many numbers on her new mobile phone, and it is easy to find the number. But since she wanted to ask for help at this time, she immediately thought of the tall Chu Fei, so she secretly Pressed his phone!

It was just because there were too many people in the room, Chu Lian didn't dare to speak at all. She was worried that those people would beat her, do other things to her, and take her to another place... In fact, she doesn't know now. Where is he, even if he speaks, how can Chu Fei rush over?The only hope is that Chu Fei will be alert and call the police!

To Chu Lian's surprise, less than 3 minutes after she made the call, Chu Fei appeared directly beside her! !

To be honest, when Chu Fei suddenly appeared like a ghost, Chu Lian was definitely not less frightened at that moment. She almost thought that Chu Fei was with these people, so she just continued to pretend to be dizzy. Fortunately, The development of the following story made her heart gradually become more at ease, because Chu Fei didn't know these people well, but then she discovered...

Chu Fei is too strong, too manly!

It can be said that Chu Lian didn't really know his brother until this moment, and suddenly felt that his embrace was so safe, so reassuring...

In fact, the reason why Chu Lian was not close to Chu Fei before was not because of anything wrong with her, but because he had some prejudice against Chu Fei... It is precisely because the two families are familiar with each other that Chu Lian deeply knows that Chu Fei's family is related to him. It was as embarrassing as home, and even worse than my own home later.But it was only a year after Chu Fei graduated from university. Not only did she have a car and a house, but she also started a big business. She even heard the girls in Qingcheng keep saying...Young Master! !

How can this be?In fact, even a normal person wouldn't think that Chu Fei's current situation is normal. At least the capital that Qingcheng needs to invest in such a large scale, I'm afraid that ordinary people will not be able to earn it in their lifetime!

And you, Chu Fei, were just an ordinary child from a poor family, so why are you pretending to be a rich second generation now?

So, at that time, Chu Lian had a vague guess in his heart, that is... Chu Fei got close to the rich woman! !

In an easy-to-understand language, Chu Lian thought that Chu Fei was a little boy, a guy who ate soft food, and a super boneless guy, so she subconsciously kept a distance from Chu Fei. So she moved out of Qingcheng...because she didn't want to have anything to do with Qingcheng.And then, China Star even gave all internal employees white VIP cards of Qingcheng, and they can go to Qingcheng for free consumption with the card! ! !This point further confirms Chu Lian's guess. After all, there are quite a few Chinese stars now. With such a situation every month, how much money can Qingcheng make?Being able to make such a big sacrifice means that Qingcheng does not actually belong to Chu Fei, but to the big boss of China Star! !

Who is the big boss of China Star?I don't know, anyway, Chu Lian has only seen the executive president and director in charge of things now, but people like them are not something that Chu Lian can get in touch with now... So, Chu Lian has never even mentioned himself to anyone in the company There is also the matter of an older brother named Chu Fei.

Of course, if she had mentioned it, there wouldn't be so many things now.

But what happened this time did give Chu Lian a new understanding of the world...Because among the five people kneeling on the ground, two of them were her colleagues, and it was precisely because of their contributions that Chu Lian met Xiaopingtou "accidentally", and they were also the most vicious people who robbed her head just now!

If Chu Fei hadn't come here, she might have been broken by them at this moment, and even became their sex slave from now on... After all, in the company, if she doesn't want to ruin her reputation, she can only accept their threats again and again in the future !


So Chu Fei sighed, "Let me think about how to punish you..."

"I was wrong! Brother, I am willing to pay for their losses!" The middle-aged man with a big belly suddenly took out his wallet from his pocket, and then took out a stack of money without looking at it, "Here is [-]. Give it all to you, please let me go, this matter has nothing to do with me, I was just called by that guy to look at the goods! Please, let me go..."

"Bang!" At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open, and then a group of heavily armed special police rushed in. Of course, they were immediately shocked by the amputated crew cut and the blood on the ground. Immediately, they all raised their guns, "Everyone is not allowed to move!! Police!!"

"Help, Mr. Policeman!! Help!!" The five people kneeling on the ground rushed over as if seeing a savior, "He killed people!!!"

"..." Seeing the police come in, Chu Lian was startled, but the scene that followed surprised her even more, because the group of special police not only did not protect the few people who rushed past, but kicked them one by one. They fell to the ground, and then dozens of submachine guns were pressed against their heads, and then a leading policeman carefully walked around the blood at the door and walked in front of Chu Fei, standing at attention and saluting!

"Lieutenant Colonel Chu! Tang Jiang from the municipal special police detachment is reporting to you. Are you and your sister... all right?"

"It's okay!" Chu Fei didn't return the salute at all, but stood up holding Chu Lian, "I'll take them back now, and you guys deal with the scene here, these people...keep it and wait for me to play slowly! "


Chapter 055 The Little Demon Narcissus Is Finally Born

Chu Lian's colleague was in a daze from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know what happened. It was probably because she drank the glass of wine with a lot of hallucinogenic drugs, so it was a fluke that Chu Lian and She survived...

Fortunately, the side effects of this medicine are not too big, as long as she sleeps and wakes up tomorrow, she will be fine, so I really don't know whether to say she is unfortunate or lucky!

When Chu Fei walked out of the hotel with Chu Lian and this guy in his arms, Leng Ying and Jiang Peipei were waiting outside, and they quickly stepped forward to pick up the two girls, "Husband... Xiao Lian, is she okay?"

"She's okay!" Chu Fei said lightly, and then stretched out his hand to pinch Chu Lian's nose, "Don't pretend to be's already out!"

"Ah!" Chu Lian hurriedly reached out and knocked off Chu Fei's hand, then turned to look at Leng Ying and Jiang Peipei curiously, "They call you husband? Brother! Are these two... sisters-in-law?"

"Well, it's okay for you to call sister-in-law." Chu Fei walked over and opened the door of the Cadillac, "Okay, now hurry up and get in the car, I'll take you back first, sleep well at night, don't think about anything , leave this matter to me to handle..."

"Okay, brother, this yours too?"

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