Sword fairy?

Although they have long known that Chu Fei knows the legendary martial arts, although they have seen Chu Fei use his majestic and incomparable combat skills, all of that is far less than Chu Fei's direct flying away. The shock came.

Humans can really fly in the sky without the aid of aircraft?The legendary sword fairy really exists?Chu Fei turned out to be a sword fairy?

Then, Leng Ying has also got off the helicopter, holding a special instrument in her hand, scanning these people one by one... "I'm sorry everyone, because you saw something you shouldn't see, So I hope you will keep this matter in mind from now on, because if it is revealed, you will be in big, big trouble!"


In order to give way to Chu Fei's air flight, and in order not to arouse the surprise of the world, Mr. Wang and the others even implemented air control for a period of time. It was just like the last time he returned to Shenzhen from Chengdu. In the case of driving with all his strength, that is more than an hour, Chu Fei landed under the guidance of Cheng Fei's ground guide.

Apparently, seeing Chu Fei stepping down from the sky with a flying sword, even though the ground staff had already been notified, their expressions at this moment were quite exciting, but immediately Chu Fei was picked up by a special car and went straight to the exclusive hospital.

The most regrettable thing is that Chu Fei was already in a hurry, but Mr. Xiang still couldn't hold on. Under the erosion of that deadly virus, all the organs in his body quickly lost their functions, and only relying on the artificial heart could not save him. Even if those doctors tried to save his brain... When Chu Fei came into the ward, Xiang Zong's body was already chilled, and even began to become stiff.

All the doctors and nurses, as well as the surrounding military officers and engineers were all crying. Not being able to save him also meant...Cheng Fei's hard work of more than ten years was completely in vain, even if he got back those materials in the future , but without overall planning to the general, how much time will it take to sort out everything again?

Chu Fei also sighed slightly when he walked into the room, then walked over and nodded to the air under the surprised eyes of everyone, "It seems that you also understand what happened, so you are still staying Here it is... so are you ready?"

Then Chu Fei waved his hand, and the air on the general bed seemed to be distorted, but it disappeared quickly. The people in the room looked at each other but didn't know what he had done. They gathered around together, "Is it Lieutenant Colonel Chu Fei? Were you talking to Mr. Xiang just now?"

Chapter 043 Ye Xiaodie's Date Request

"That's right." Chu Fei nodded facing them, "Although Mr. Xiang is dead, his soul has not left yet, and he has been here reluctantly..."

"Ah!!" Suddenly everyone was startled, soul?What you said...isn't it a ghost? ?

Are there really ghosts in this world?

Of course Chu Fei would not explain this to them, so after a short while, all irrelevant people were cleared out, and there were only a few leaders in charge left in front of Chu Fei. He lowered his head and muttered, "Now Mr. Xiang has only his soul left, although he still has the memory of his previous life, but after all, Yin and Yang are separated, and the soul cannot stay in the yang world forever, and cannot communicate with you, let alone teach you everything."

"Then what should we do? Mr. Xiang..."

"I understand, let me think about how to deal with this matter." Chu Fei also sighed, and raised his head after a while, "Where is that rebellious female engineer? Where is she?"


Stayed at Chengfei Base for one night. On Sunday morning, Chu Fei saw the female engineer. She was transported in a sealed container, and there were dozens of dragon team members guarding her, not only to prevent Other people's sneak attack to save others is also to prevent her from trying to commit suicide, so everyone who gets close to her needs to pass a very strict test, even Chu Fei is no exception.

However, after Chu Fei walked up to her, he reached out and grabbed her. Then, the female engineer disappeared. This scene immediately shocked all the members of the dragon team. Fortunately, there were several people who accompanied Chu Fei. Cheng Fei's old leaders, although they were agitated, did not take any action.

Two minutes later, the female engineer reappeared in front of everyone, and then Chu Fei took out the bite beads tied in her mouth, "Tell me, where are those materials?"

"At..." To everyone's surprise, the female engineer, who had been reluctant to reveal the truth before, confessed immediately, revealing the location where the information was hidden.

It's just that no one thought that the information never left Chengdu, or even Chengfei, because it was always hidden in Mr. Xiang's room... As expected, the more dangerous the place, the safer it is, because no matter what, everyone He never thought that he would search Mr. Xiang!It's no wonder that the spy went straight into Mr. Xiang's room yesterday, because they knew the location of these materials at all! !

Immediately, the members of the dragon group took action immediately, and within 10 minutes, a member of the dragon group walked up to Chu Fei, "The information has been found!"

The lost information was finally found, which made many people breathe a sigh of relief, but at this time, there were some doubts, how did this female engineer hide the information in the general room?Why are you hiding in Mr. Xiang's room again?

And the answer to that question is pretty... shocking.

It turns out that this engineer named Lu Yun has been with President Xiang since she graduated from the college more than ten years ago. Because she has always admired the knowledgeable President Xiang, she has gradually developed a good impression of President Xiang, and she has developed feelings for him. It's a pity that the relationship between Mr. Xiang and his wife has been very good until Mrs. Xiang's wife passed away three years ago... Because Mr. Xiang has returned to being single, Lu Yun thought that her chance had come. On weekdays, he always took care of Xiang in various ways, but unfortunately, Mr. Xiang didn't appreciate it. Finally, one night a year ago, Lu Yun poured some medicine into the medicinal wine that Mr. Xiang likes to drink twice every night.

That night, Lu Jun finally got her wish and became Mrs. Xiang's woman, but unfortunately, the dream she thought she would become Mrs. Xiang from now on was ruthlessly shattered, because after Mr. Xiang woke up the next day, he drove her away. She went out and said that she would never recognize her as a disciple again!

Afterwards, Lu Yun begged and begged in a thousand ways, and at last Mr. Xiang did not sweep her out because of his discipleship for many years, so there was no rumor about this matter. She still has feelings for her, but it's just because of embarrassment or because of face, so it's better for her to treat him more and more, and take care of him meticulously, thinking that one day she can move Mr. Xiang.

But some time ago, Mr. Xiang actually recommended Lu Yun to work in another department. On the surface, he was taking care of his disciples, but in fact, Lu Jun knew that he wanted to drive himself away from him... Now All of Lu Yun's love suddenly turned into hatred.I've been serving you for so long, you just ignore it, and now you want to drive me away?My body is given to you, how can you do this? ?

But in the end, Lu Jun still loves Mr. Xiang, so she finally blamed the system and the people around her. If it wasn't for you, why would he not want me?Therefore, Lv Yun, who is good at asserting herself, did something privately enough to make her regret for the rest of her life, and she planned to kidnap Mr. Xiang and go to the United States.

Because after going to the United States, no one can stop them from being together!

And having been by Mr. Xiang's side for many years, Lu Jun naturally knew that this time the research on new fighter jets was all Mr. Xiang's heart and soul, and it was impossible for him to let him go. She collected all the materials, and then contacted people in the United States. Originally, she planned to go to the United States first, and then told the United States that those materials were hidden in Mr. Xiang's room, and then asked them to find a way to get them, and by the way, Mr. Xiang was also brought along. Walk……

But then things obviously went wrong. Although the Americans planted spies in China, who said that China didn't plant spies in the United States?So Lu Yun's plan was finally exposed, and she was immediately hunted down by the Dragon Group. Although Lu Yun managed to escape to Hong Kong under the protection of American spies... When she entered the US Consulate in Hong Kong, she thought she had succeeded .

But Chu Fei's appearance finally cut off all her hopes.

Therefore, feelings are really the biggest...bitter fruit in this world!

How many people do not hesitate to do things that they regret all their lives for that illusory relationship?Almost countless!But while sighing, Chu Fei has no sympathy for this Lu Yun... There is nothing wrong with pursuing love. It is not a pity to die!

Although the materials have been retrieved, they have not been directed by the general manager. These materials need to be reorganized and digested again, which will waste a lot of time. So the biggest problem now is how to get the general manager... to come back ?

After all, Mr. Xiang is currently only in the state of a soul, which is what we commonly call a ghost. He has all his thoughts and ideas in his lifetime, but at present, apart from being able to communicate with Chu Fei, who is the owner of the demon refining pot, outsiders can't perceive him at all. exist.Moreover, his current state can only exist in the world of the Demon Refining Pot, relying on the power of the rules of the Demon Refining Pot to protect his soul so that he does not have to worry about dissipating. If he returns to the real world, within a few days, he will Dissipated cleanly, thoroughly...

Of course, this is not to say that there is no way to make Mr. Xiang appear in the world as a ghost, because the power of the demon refining pot is not only to collect and refine demons, but also to control demons.

As the owner of the Demon Refining Pot, Chu Fei can choose any two of the "demons" in the Demon Refining Pot and make them his "guards"... Although there are only two positions, but fortunately they were chosen A demon who becomes an escort cannot resist, that is, no matter how powerful you are, once you are chosen as an escort by the owner of the demon refining pot, you can only obediently obey him.

The escort is actually an image, the body of the demon is still in the demon pot, but its image will be projected to the side of the master of the pot, usually in a state of nothingness, only when the master of the pot calls Or when the master of the refining pot encounters a battle, they will show up.

Therefore, as long as Chu Fei sets Mr. Xiang as his escort, then his projection can accompany Chu Fei and appear in the outside world.

Although Mr. Xiang couldn't communicate with normal people, couldn't Chu Fei?Mr. Xiang can completely pass the message through him, and then guide Chengfei's engineers to quickly master all the technologies and information of the new fighter!

So Chu Fei has to stay in Chengfei temporarily, because he is needed here, and this matter is a major national event, which is related to whether China's fifth-generation fighter can be successfully developed, and it is even more related to the development of the country's grand strategy. , so Chu Fei has no way to refuse the leader's request... And in his heart, why doesn't Chu Fei want to see his motherland prosper and prosper?

Just in this way, wouldn't he have to be separated from the girls at home for a period of time?

And what about his cultivation?

Fortunately, in the eyes of the leaders above, Chu Fei's cultivation is indeed a very important matter, so on Monday, a military plane landed on Cheng Fei's runway, and when Chu Fei finally finished his day's After working hard on 'communicating', he returned to the 'dormitory' specially assigned to him, only to find that there was a room full of women waiting for him.

Leng Ying, Jiang Peipei, Wei Xue, Wei Qiang, Wei Wei, and Ye Die, Yu Yue... Except for Duan Lin and a few of her apprentices, almost none of the members of the empty dragon group were left. They were all dragged to Cheng Fei, what are they doing here?Of course he came to practice with Chu Fei!

So that night, Chu Fei's room was full of spring, but it was hard for Ye Die, Yu Yue and other women who lived next door. When Chu Fei came out the next morning, he found that they were all covered in deep black. Bags under the eyes, staring at him with resentment... Apparently because of Chu Fei's troubles, they all stayed up almost all night last night.But what surprised them the most was that Wei Xue and the others who were tossed were full of energy. If Wei Xue was a monster, what about Leng Ying and Jiang Peipei?

Ye Die immediately took her sister Jiang's hand and muttered to the side, and when Chu Fei came back from 'off work' again at night, Ye Die suddenly jumped to Chu Fei's side, "Chu Fei, let's go out on a date at night Bar!"

Chapter 044 A Reasonable Little Female Soldier


Chu Fei saw Jiang Peipei nodding slightly not far away, so he showed his teeth and smiled softly, "Okay, where do you want to go on a date tonight?"

"Chengdu!" Ye Die suddenly became excited. Girls always like to play around, and Xiao Die is very lively and active, but as a special member, she seldom has the opportunity to walk around casually, even less like ordinary people. Girls have the same right to go shopping as they please, but this time, the purpose of the higher authorities to transfer all of them to Chengdu is to let them practice with Chu Fei.

How to practice?

Who else doesn't understand the girls around Chu Fei now?What's more, Xiaodie has been included in the demon refining pot by Chu Fei, and she has long been full of affection for him, but she has never had the chance to get close to Chu Fei for so long, so she can't take the initiative to run to Chu Fei and say, "Hey, Chu Fei Fly, let's open a room!"

That's not what girls do at all, is it?What's more, Chu Fei is still the man she is doing to her sister Jiang Peipei. If she does this, isn't it the same as stealing her sister's man?

Fortunately, when she was talking with Jiang Peipei during the day, she found that Jiang Peipei no longer objected to her showing affection for Chu Fei... You must know that was not the case. Hui would stop it, she was afraid at that time that Chu Fei would kill Ye Die and the scourge.But now Jiang Peipei has clearly discovered that being harmed by Chu Fei is actually... not a bad thing.

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