Chapter 027

But fortunately, in the next few years, the country began to improve the level of remuneration of teachers, and Chu Li quickly raised her professional title because of her working years, which finally pulled her daughter up... It is because it is not easy, so When Chu Fei was admitted to university, He Peiling went everywhere to borrow money, but never found her, but Chu Li took the initiative to come to the house and gave He Peiling 1 yuan.

In fact, Chu Li's daughter, Chu Lian, is only one year younger than Chu Fei, and she will also face the pressure of going to college soon, so her 1 yuan was eventually confiscated by He Peiling, but this love is irreplaceable, isn't it? what?This is also the reason why He Peiling had to discuss with her son after she called yesterday, because she was not other relatives.

Speaking of which, Chu Lian didn't call her this name before, she changed her name after she was sentenced to her aunt Chu Li, and she also wanted to completely sever ties with that bastard man, because her family background was not good, and her figure was very small since she was a child. Thin and thin, as if a gust of wind could blow it away, it really makes me feel sorry for him.

But the relationship between Chu Lian and Chu Fei, um, can only be said to be very ordinary, not at all as close as Chu Fei and He Shishi... The reason is simple, the poorer you are, the greater your self-esteem, and you are afraid that others will look down on you, so you pretend arrogant.

Just like Chu Fei before, when he worked so hard in Wuhan to earn more than 2000 yuan, he was also very afraid of meeting his classmates and acquaintances, because he was afraid of losing face, so he pretended to be happy... So Chu Fei and Chu Lian They rarely see each other. Although they are both in the same city, the two families hardly move around except during the holidays. On the one hand, both parties know that the other side is difficult and do not want to cause trouble to the other side. On the other hand, what do they say when they meet?They are all people who are overwhelmed by life and can't hold their heads up. Let the other party see how hard and tired they are?

Because of this, even though Chu Lian also went to university in Wuhan later, Chu Fei never met her, and Chu Lian would not take the initiative to come to Chu Fei. It is a miracle that the relationship between the siblings can develop into this way... ...but this time is different, now that Chu Fei is famous, rich, and has a great fortune, and this time is also when Chu Lian is graduating.

Everyone knows what the current university is like. With the increasing pace of enrollment expansion, there are countless students who are unemployed after graduation, and Chu Lian...unfortunately, she is one of them.Although Chu Lian majored in foreign languages, is it useful to major in foreign languages ​​in Wuhan, an inland city?Well, maybe there is a need, but how can people look at Chu Lian, especially her thin body, basically people who see her just shake their heads, can you have a body like yours?Don't be sick!

Her daughter graduated from university but couldn't find a job. Chu Li was very anxious about this matter. Unfortunately, she didn't know anyone in Wuhan, so she couldn't help at all!So she asked people everywhere, planning to find a job for her daughter at home, but overheard her colleagues teasing her, saying that she still needs to find a job for her daughter?Only then did Chu Li know that her own brother's son was already a celebrity and popular all over the country.

It's not her fault, because she has never paid attention to Chu Fei's affairs, and she doesn't surf the Internet, so she naturally doesn't know what Chu Fei is doing now.But now that I know it, I might turn to the phone number that He Peiling left before he left a few years ago, and then... Fortunately, He Peiling never changed the number.

That's why Chu Li knew that Chu Fei had really come out on top, especially when He Peiling told her that Chu Fei still had a Dubai Princess girlfriend, Chu Li was really tempted.Shenzhen is close to Hong Kong, so it is naturally very developed, and there are many foreigners, or let Chu Fei help his sister find a good job?

Of course it's my younger sister, this is a direct blood relative!

When He Peiling thought of Chu Li's love back then, he immediately patted his chest and agreed without saying a word.But of course she couldn't be in charge of this matter, so she had to tell Chu Fei...Of course, as a mother, He Peiling is naturally very authoritative. While bearing Chu Fei's impact, she made a decision without authorization. "That's how things are. Xiao Lian bought a train ticket for tonight, and she's probably on the train by this time. You pick her up at the station tomorrow morning, and then arrange a good job for her, do you hear?"

"Yes! Yes! Mom, you have the final say!"


Since the train was 45 minutes late, Chu Lian didn't arrive until 08:30 in the morning. Fortunately, this time He Peiling asked Chu Li to find out her carriage number, so Chu Fei simply went to the platform to pick up her... This is because his words standing outside are a little too conspicuous now.

Although we haven't seen each other for four or five years, Chu Lian is still easy to recognize, because her body is too thin, so she didn't squeeze with the crowd on the train who were eager to get off, until everyone else was almost gone, she Still struggling to find a way to get her suitcase off the shelf... Chu Fei, who had been waiting for a long time, simply walked into the car and reached out to take her luggage.

"Ah!" Chu Lian saw Chu Fei now, and immediately screamed. "elder brother!?"

" did Auntie stuff you with so many things? I don't even think about whether you can handle them or not." Chu Fei glanced at her, "Why are you still so skinny!"

"Didn't she think that you would come to pick me up?" Chu Lian smiled a little embarrassedly, then stepped aside, and at the same time looked enviously at Chu Fei's tall figure.

"Well, then let's go back and talk about it first." Chu Fei took Chu Lian all the way to check the ticket out of the station, and then threw the luggage into the car, "Get in the car!"

"Wow!" After getting on the Wrangler, Chu Lian looked left and right in disbelief, "This car is yours? Didn't you just graduate last year? When did you buy the car?"

Chu Fei turned his head and looked at her strangely, "Xiao Lian, you haven't heard about me?"

"What did I hear about you?" Chu Lian was also very surprised. "I haven't heard about you from my mother. My mother said that I only got in touch with my aunt recently."

"Uh...then why did you come to Shenzhen?"

"I don't know, my mother asked me to come here. She said that the foreign language I learned is difficult to find a job in Wuhan, and that Shenzhen has more dealings with foreigners, so there are more opportunities..." Chu Lian was still a little confused, Seeing Chu Fei start the car, he immediately lay on the window and looked outside, "Is this Shenzhen? It really feels like a big city!"

"So, you still want to work in foreign languages, don't you?"

"Well, this is my major, and my English is very good!" Chu Lian proudly puffed out her chest, "I just don't know if I can find a job here...Brother, I want to live temporarily. Your aunt won't have any objections, will she?"

"It's too late for her to be happy, so how could she have any objections?" Chu Fei cracked his mouth and smiled, "Okay, I will arrange things for you. You can play in Shenzhen for a few days now and then we can talk about it."

"..." Chu Lian suddenly turned her head to look at Chu Fei in surprise, "Brother, you have changed a lot!"

Qingcheng had just opened at around nine o'clock, but because it was Monday again, there were many people queuing up outside, and the long queue of cars lined up all the way to the gate of the distant community, but Chu Fei didn't care about the caravan and drove directly to Chu Lian was taken aback immediately. Although she didn't know how to drive, she obviously knew that it was wrong to drive a car in the wrong direction. "'re not good at this!"

But what surprised her the most was that not only did no one in the long convoy object at all, even the few traffic policemen standing on the side of the road directing the traffic turned a blind eye to it, and even waved to Chu Fei when he passed by. Greetings seem to be commonplace... Isn't this nonsense, people who often come to Qingcheng, who doesn't know that this Wrangler is Chu Fei's car?If Chu Fei was stopped outside, why did they come to Qingcheng?

Seeing Chu Fei's car coming back, the gate of the originally confinement courtyard was opened immediately, but Chu Fei only drove in and then stopped, then nodded to Chu Lian, "Get out of the car!"

"Eh?" Chu Lian hurriedly got out of the car. She thought that Chu Fei was going to put her down first and go find a parking space by herself, but she found that Chu Fei also got down, and then two girls in Qingcheng uniform came over. . "Morning, young master!"

"Morning!" Chu Fei nodded, then walked away, "Xiao Lian, come with me."

"Wait! Brother, my luggage is still in the car!"

"It's okay, they will help you get it up later." Chu Fei chuckled, "I'll take you to identify people first."

" you live here? Also, why do they call you young master? It sounds..." Chu Lian stuck out his tongue in a strange way, young master?What year is this all from?

"Hehe..." Chu Fei didn't answer, but led Chu Lian towards Qingcheng's building.

"Brother! Why does this place seem to be doing..." Now Chu Lian found something strange again, because at this time she finally saw the situation in the hall on the first floor of Qingcheng.

"That's right, this is a beauty salon." Chu Fei chuckled, "Come on..."

"Morning, young master!" The two beautiful girls at the door bent their knees slightly together, Chu Lian was taken aback by the situation, and before she could react in shock, all the girls inside had already made a gesture together. The same movement, "Morning, young master!"

"Morning!" Chu Fei greeted them, and then led Chu Lian to the front desk, "Xiao Ran, Xuanxuan, she is my sister Chu Lian."

"Hello!" Li Ran and Gu Xuan immediately greeted Chu Lian with a smile, "Welcome to Qingcheng!"

"Oh my god!" Chu Lian was a little dull here, what a beautiful girl! !Such a beautiful girl... is just the front desk?

But what shocked her was that this was just the beginning, and then Chu Fei brought Chu Lian to meet one after another...

"This is He Shishi, my cousin."

"This is Lin Juan."

"This is Duan Lin."

"This is Wei Xue..."

Chu Lian already felt that the stimulation he had received in his whole life was not as much as today's total, especially after seeing Chu Fei's unrestrained kiss with that Russian chick, he subconsciously moved away from Chu Fei, but then she……

"Xiao Lian!! You are finally here!! Let me see...Let me see! You have grown up so much, when I saw you last time, you were still a little doll!"

"You... who are you?" Chu Lian looked at the young woman in front of him in shock, when did I know you?

"Look at you child! I'm your aunt!"

Chapter 028: Chu Lian's New Career Line

It took Chu Lian a long, long time to accept the fact that her aunt had become as young as herself, and then it took her a long, long time to accept that her brother was the owner of this building... So they They have all developed to this point!

It turned out that my aunt and cousin had already made a fortune in Shenzhen!No wonder my mother asked me to come and find them!

But because of this, Chu Lian's little self-esteem felt even more hit, as if he had no choice but to join them... It was also a lonely family back then, why is there such a big gap now?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that staying here is like a needle sticking on my back, and I feel restless all the time, so at noon, Chu Lian anxiously told He Peiling that she wanted to go to the talent market here in the afternoon. See if there are suitable jobs.

He Peiling didn't stop her, so Su Rui sent a security guard to accompany her out.

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