"Hehe..." Chu Fei reached out and tore off the seal on her mouth, "Speak, I have enough patience to listen to you now, of course, if your answer doesn't satisfy me, you also know what will happen today end."

"Chu Fei, let my boyfriend go, please! Please!! This matter has nothing to do with him!!" After being able to speak, Wang Ying immediately begged Chu Fei to let Sun Yuan go. Of course, she just didn't want Sun Yuan to let him go. Yuan was there, because she didn't want Sun Yuan to see her like this...

"Let him go? Then did you let Jiang Ning go? She has always regarded you as a good friend and classmate, but you betrayed her like this?" Chu Fei sneered, and stretched out his hand to pinch Wang Ying's chin, "Very good Ah, since you like posting pictures on the Internet so much, then tomorrow, your nude photos and videos of being gang-raped will be broadcast on the Internet, and you should be very happy too!"

"What?" Sun Yuan struggled violently again when he heard this, his face flushed with anger, "Chu Fei!! You are a celebrity after all, and I have always admired you, but I never thought you were This kind of person, you are actually a member of the underworld!! If you have the ability, you let her go, you are a man, you come to me!! I do everything!!"

"Huh?" Chu Fei turned around and glanced at Sun Yuan in surprise, "Wang Ying, your boyfriend isn't as bad as you said... There is such a good man who likes you, but you still steal behind his back , and now do these nasty things... What kind of woman are you?"

"Please...don't say it...please!" Wang Ying had already burst into tears, "Let him go, I beg you to let him go!"

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Sun Yuan finally realized something was wrong, "What did Yingying do? What is she hiding from me?"

"So you don't know?" Chu Fei shrugged, then ignored Wang Ying's desperate eyes, "It's okay to tell you, your girlfriend Wang Ying is the hot 'Feifei' on the Internet recently."

"What? How is it possible? How could Yingying have your nude photos? It's impossible?"

"Hehe, why is this impossible? Isn't that extra beautiful calf in the photo belong to your precious girlfriend?" Chu Fei reached out and pulled Wang Ying's leg, "How is it, it doesn't look like it?"

"Impossible!!" Sun Yuan first roared in disbelief, and then his whole body stretched straight. If it weren't for the female soldiers behind him holding him down, he might have rushed over immediately, "Yingying, this is not real! Yes! You tell me it’s not true!!”

Chu Fei snorted coldly, then reached out and squeezed Wang Ying's chin, "Okay, don't pretend to be dead, tell me now, where did you hide all those photos?"

"Let... let him go, let him go!" At this time, Wang Ying's face was ashen, and she also knew that she was completely finished, and the only thing she could do now was to let Chu Fei let Sun Yuan go.

"You don't have the capital to bargain with me." Chu Fei snorted coldly, and was about to continue talking when suddenly the warehouse door was opened, and then Leng Ying, Jiang Peipei and the others left with a woman wearing a gray factory uniform with a terrified face Come in.

"Sister!!" Wang Ying exclaimed suddenly.

"Yingying!! Oh my God... Yingying, why are you tied up like this? Who are you? What do you want to do? Let her go!! Let Yingying go!!" Wang Ying's sister rushed over immediately, And unceremoniously pushed Chu Fei away, and immediately tried to untie the rope on Wang Ying in a panic, but after realizing that it was not easy, she immediately took off her top and put it on her younger sister , and then she bravely turned to face the crowd with only her bra on.

"Who are you? Don't you know that this is against the law? What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Chu Fei!! I was wrong, I beg you!! Don't hurt my sister!!" Wang Ying suddenly screamed desperately, because she found that everything was completely out of control, and she finally realized that she had committed a crime. What was wrong... When she uploaded that photo, she never thought that it would cause such serious consequences. She actually just wanted to use that photo to attract Chu Fei's attention and lure him to her, even though there were also There was some intention of threatening Chu Fei, but she thought that as long as she confessed her mistake and handed over all the photos, nothing would happen, and she could still contact Chu Fei from then on.

But obviously, she underestimated the seriousness of the situation too much. Chu Fei is a celebrity now, and her doing so has already caused damage to her reputation and... blackmail!

Even if Chu Fei doesn't do anything, many people will come to clean her up. Besides, in order to protect Jiang Ning, Chu Fei has to let Leng Ying and Fu Linna do it. So, don't talk about Wang Ying, the people around her, boyfriend, sister , and even good friends are all within the target of sweeping the net, and only in this way can we ensure that those photos will not be leaked to the greatest extent.

"Chu Fei, I was wrong! I was wrong!! I shouldn't threaten you with photos. I'll tell you where those photos are. You take them all. Please let my sister go, please let them go. I did it all myself, it has nothing to do with them!! Please..."

"Yingying, what are you talking about?" Wang Ying's older sister turned around and looked at her younger sister in disbelief, and then at Chu Fei, "What photo?"

Seeing her expression did not seem to be false, and seeing Sun Yuan next to him seemed to be ignorant, Chu Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, "Say!"

"In..." Wang Ying did not hesitate this time, and immediately revealed the location where the photos were hidden. It turned out that she had downloaded those photos to a USB flash drive, which was locked in a drawer in her dormitory.

Chu Fei turned his head towards Leng Ying and the others, and immediately everyone turned around and left silently, obviously to get the USB flash drive, so Chu Fei turned back to look at Wang Ying, "These photos, Who else enjoyed it?"

"No...no one has seen it!" Wang Ying desperately shook her head, "I have been hiding it by myself and dare not show it to anyone, because I am also on it..."

"This is the best, otherwise your fate..." Chu Fei snorted coldly, then turned and walked out, "But don't think that this is the end of the matter, before you get the USB drive back, think about it yourself How should I punish you!"

"Yes!" Wang Ying lowered her head immediately, and replied very respectfully, as if she had already expected it.

"Yingying, what's going on? Who are they?..."


Wang Ying didn't lie, and soon Leng Ying and the others took the U disk back, and then Chu Fei saw that this girl Wang Ying actually took a lot of sneak shots. While Chu Fei and Jiang Ning were asleep, she While having fun, they not only took pictures of Chu Fei, but also posed for selfies in various poses.

But from this point, it can be judged that her purpose of taking these photos was not to blackmail Chu Fei, so this also made Chu Fei's anger calm down a bit, but what should be punished must still be punished, Jiang Ning has not done much yet, Even though she exposed her naked body, even though it was just Chu Fei's body that he had 'formed' before, it was still explosive after all. As Jiang Ning's man, Chu Fei would naturally be very upset.

So after a while when he re-entered the warehouse, Wang Ying was crying and talking with her sister. God looked at the ground, as if he couldn't bear the blow.

What hit?It must be the fact that his girlfriend slept with another man!What's more, Wang Ying has caused such a big thing now. Not only did she offend people like Chu Fei, but he was also beaten up violently, and no one can say what Chu Fei will do with them next. allow.

So Chu Fei smiled evilly, "Your name is Sun Yuan, right?"

"Yes..." Sun Yuan immediately trembled all over.

"Let me ask you, are you ignorant of this matter from the beginning to the end?" Chu Fei walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly. "There's no need to rush to answer, you should think about it first, but your answer may affect your future fate, so think about it first."

"..." Sun Yuan shuddered again, and it took him a while to look up at Wang Ying beside him, "I don't know."

"So this matter has nothing to do with you?" Chu Fei chuckled, "But since your girlfriend provoked it, it is not wrong for you to end up now...well, I will give you two Way. The first one, I will give you a sum of money, and then you get out now. This money is your medical expenses, and it is also a hush money. Tell anyone about it, and you know what happens."


"The second thing is to stand up as a man and take the blame for your girlfriend." Chu Fei showed an evil smile again, "But you have to know that it is not a trivial matter for her to threaten me by sending nude photos, and even Jiang Ning's stardom may directly affect her. I was destroyed by her, so I am very angry! But fortunately, she didn't publish more photos, and she didn't show them to others, otherwise... Now, although her death penalty can be avoided, the living penalty is absolutely inevitable!"


Seeing Sun Yuan with a sluggish face, and sister Wang Ying who was looking at him nervously, Chu Fei gently took out the phone, "Linna, help me bring in 5 yuan...Okay, let's make a decision now Well, are you leaving with 5 yuan? Or are you going to stay?"

"I...I..." Sun Yuan's complexion fluctuated violently, quickly changing between pale and pale, but in the end he did not disappoint Chu Fei... "I'll take the money and leave!"

"..." Wang Ying's eyes suddenly turned dead gray. Although she knew very well that Chu Fei was deliberately torturing her by doing this, and that it was the most correct move for Sun Yuan to choose money to leave at this time, but When Sun Yuan really chose the money, her heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley, and she also knew that her relationship with Sun Yuan might come to an end.

"Hehe." Chu Fei took the money from Fu Linna with a half-smile, and threw it in front of Sun Yuan, "Then get lost!"

"..." Now that he has made a decision, Sun Yuan also knows that he will never have the face to see Sister Wang Ying again, so he quickly got up, picked up the money on the ground, and ran outside without looking back. Wang Ying.

Therefore, looking at the slowly closing warehouse door, Chu Fei finally showed a smile, "Wang Ying, I have to admit now that your previous judgment on your boyfriend was indeed correct!"

Chapter 007

"Chu Fei, this matter has nothing to do with my sister, let her go too...I will admit what you will do to me next, but this matter has nothing to do with her." The more sad Wang Ying felt, The more she calmed down, although the tears on her face never dried up, she knew very well that her sister was still in danger because of herself.

"Chu Fei." Wang Ying's sister also spoke suddenly, and fell to her knees on the ground. "Yingying is still young and ignorant. She did something wrong just because she was mischievous for a while. She didn't do it on purpose, and she didn't want to hurt anyone in the past...I beg you to let her go, give her a chance, I will kneel down for you down!"

"No matter what the reason is, if you do something wrong, you are doing something wrong." Chu Fei frowned, "Could it be that she killed someone, and you have to tell the family members that she is still young, so she didn't do it on purpose?"

"She's not..." Wang Ying's sister originally wanted to say that Wang Ying didn't kill anyone, did she?But thinking that Chu Fei was just a metaphor, and thinking of their strength, she suddenly couldn't say anything.

"So, she must accept punishment, and only in this way will she feel that she is really wrong." Chu Fei sneered, "Besides, she has really hurt us now... If your good friend Will you forgive her for posting your nude photos online for countless people to see?"

"..." Wang Ying's sister was at a loss for words. This kind of thing can't be forgiven, so she could only continue to pray, "Please, let her go, Yingying is still young, if there is any punishment, I will take it for you." She suffers."

"Sister!! This is none of your business!" Wang Ying was startled, and hurriedly spoke from behind.

"Shut up!" My sister turned around and slapped Wang Ying's face, "You are my sister! How dare you say it's none of my business!!"

"Sister..." Wang Ying burst into tears immediately after being beaten, "I beg you, please don't meddle in this matter, please leave quickly!!"

"Fart, how could I leave you alone!" Wang Ying's sister was also stubborn, she stood up suddenly and walked in front of Chu Fei, "She is doing wrong things now, all because of my ineffective discipline, I will take care of everything Now, whatever punishment you want, it's all directed at me!!"

"You? Can you handle it?" Chu Fei looked her up and down. Wang Ying's elder sister was about 24 or [-] years old. She looked similar to Wang Ying, but she was a little more mature and sloppy. She is an ordinary factory worker, and she doesn't have much energy to dress herself up. Although her body is covered by the loose work clothes, it can still be seen that her breasts are much better developed than Wang Ying's, at least it looks like normal woman. "May I have your name?"

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