Want to go to the third floor?Please apply for a purple VIP card first, starting from 20, dear! !

Is everything safe after going up to the third floor?Of course not, you still have to go through Duan Lin, this glamorous fairy always points out the problems in the body of all visitors, and then there are detailed medical arrangements, of course, the price of diagnosis is also expensive.So, are you willing to do physical therapy according to her arrangement?Or go to Chu Fei desperately?

Oh, you have to go all out for beauty, right? You must find Chu Fei, right? !OK, you go in!

so easy?

of course not!Even most of them can't even see Chu Fei's face, because they will be stopped by two beautiful girls at the entrance of the VIP room, "For slimming physiotherapy, please come here and swipe your card. This project is divided into ten parts." Each course of treatment can guarantee a weight loss of [-] to [-] kilograms, and the charge for a single treatment is [-], which can be paid individually or in one lump sum.”

"Come here to cultivate a beautiful woman. Please fill in your personal information first. In addition, please fill in the biggest reason why you want to become beautiful... Finally, please write the price you are willing to pay. If this price is what our young master likes Yes, I will call you to discuss the next step.”


That's right, it's the price... If you want to become beautiful, of course you have to pay a certain price, otherwise why would Chu Fei want to make you beautiful?money?Don't be ashamed of showing it, Chu Fei still needs this little money?

So the reality is always so cruel. Countless women can't see Chu Fei even if they squeeze their heads, because their so-called price can only be lost, because what most women want to pay is only money.

Seeing that this method is not feasible, some people began to use their brains to trust the relationship, and this is undoubtedly effective, because everyone has a circle of life, and there is always this or that favor around everyone. , This is the original composition of human society, so Zeng Xiaoyue and the others are in trouble now... She was promoted again!

Of course, after being promoted, the dean's wife, the director's wife, colleagues in this department, people in that department... People who I didn't know before, all came to my door now, begging her for help with an introduction .

In the same situation, Zhong Huini was not very popular in the TV station, because beautiful women are easy to be jealous... you know.But now she is definitely the hottest person, everyone is starting to flatter her, the mouths are sweeter than the other, as if smeared with honey.

Even Li Xin, Li Bing, and Jiang Wen, who were far away in Hengdian, were also tricked. Their former friends called one after another, asking them to help introduce them.

As for Xie Qin and Zhang's brothers and sisters, that's not to mention... When Chu Fei continued to arrive at Zhang Man's house on Friday night, what he saw was a room full of women. With a sweep of his eyes, Nima was at least twenty people. Above, and there are various levels of aunts.

If it wasn't for Xie Qin and Zhang Lin, Chu Fei would have wished to turn around and leave, but even if he resisted and stayed, would this nima still be in the mood to eat?How are you going to play at night?

Fortunately, Xie Qin and the others also knew what Chu Fei was thinking. In fact, they were also very impatient with these seven aunts and eight aunts, so they immediately came over and introduced him to everyone, "This is Chu Fei, now you all See you? Okay, let’s all leave, today is the meeting of our Qingcheng board of directors, and we will have a meeting later!"

"Chu Fei, help me do a beauty treatment!!" This is straight to the point, when he walked to Chu Fei's side, he asked directly, and then... "I am XX, it is XXX..."

"Chu Fei, you're so handsome, when are you free? I can treat you to dinner..." This is the oblique type, trying to get a little relationship with Chu Fei first, of course their purpose...

"..." This is an affectionate type, well, in fact, there are too many people, and they can't get in the conversation at all.

Chu Fei's answer was very straightforward, "I will kick out those who are still in this room after ten seconds, and I will list them as people I will never interact with from now on!"

Ten seconds is too short, but what Chu Fei said was too firm and scary, so this group of women who usually pretend to be ladies just rushed out without caring about anything. After Xie Qin closed the door forcefully, she turned her head and let out a sigh of relief, "Finally gone... Ah Fei, don't blame us, we really... these people are too annoying, and we are helpless .”

"I know!" Chu Fei nodded, walked over and twisted Zhang Man's face, "Why do you have such an expression today?"

"Husband, you are famous now!" Zhang Man seemed to be seeing Chu Fei for the first time, and held his hand happily, "When I saw you on TV, I couldn't believe it. When did you go to make a movie?"

"It's just a cameo, I don't have much role to play." Chu Fei laughed, and then looked at Zhang Lin and Xie Qin who came over, "Why, those two girls didn't come today?"

"There are a lot of people here today, so it's inconvenient for them to show up, so I told them to come back later." Zhang Lin walked over and held Chu Fei's hand, "Ah Fei, although I've been here since I knew from the beginning that you would be extraordinary, but I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, you would grow to the point where we all need to look up to you, won't you start to dislike us?"

"Sister Lin, what are you talking about? How could I dislike you all?" Chu Fei immediately hugged Zhang Lin into his arms and kissed him, "If I thought so, I would have turned around and left just now, didn't I?" ?”

"I didn't miss it." Zhang Lin stretched out her hand and touched Chu Fei's face, "A Fei, I have always treated you like my own brother...don't make me sad."

"Of course! Of course you are my own sister..." Chu Fei laughed, and then stretched out his hand to lift up Zhang Lin's skirt. Sure enough, he didn't wear underwear at all. Immediately, Chu Fei hugged her directly, and with his hands, he lifted up Zhang Lin's skirt. He separated Zhang Lin's two legs greatly, then released his big dick, and smashed it in without any explanation, "Sister, how about my younger brother?"

"Ah... so comfortable! So cool!" Zhang Lin couldn't say anything immediately, "Brother, you are amazing!!"

Seeing that Chu Fei had already started working, Xie Qin couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately took off her clothes and rushed over to join the battlefield.On the other hand, Zhang Man has been standing on the sidelines and doing nothing... Zhang Man is only 26 years old, and he is far less hungry than Xie Qin, so he can still live on HOLD. It is really difficult for her to hold back for a week before she can enjoy herself.

After Chu Fei made Zhang Lin and Xie Qin feel comfortable, he stretched out his hand and hugged Zhang Man who was licking on his body, only to find that not only did she not take off her clothes, she even didn't take off her panties. , Only then did I realize that the reason why she was so 'good' and so calm today was Zhang Man's aunt who came...

"Huh?" Xie Qin gave Zhang Man a strange look, "Don't you know that there is a medicine that can change the date of menstruation?"

"I know, but didn't you say that it's not good for your health?"

"With A Fei and Duan Lin here, why do you still have to worry about your health?" Xie Qin suddenly chuckled, "You may not know that Duan Lin can cure any disease, just go to her if you have anything."

"Is it really possible?"

"Of course others can't..." Chu Fei raised his mouth slightly, "But this is the privilege I gave you..."

"Husband!!" Zhang Man immediately threw herself into Chu Fei's arms... Later, the three women cleaned up the messy living room, and then started cooking, and then called Qu Dan and Dai Ling to come over , Suddenly the night became bright again!

It was only when Chu Fei arrived in Hengdian by helicopter on the next Saturday that he realized that the troubles he had to face were still not small.Two of Jiang Wen's "girlfriends" flew directly from Hong Kong to Hengdian on the grounds of visiting the set, because they knew that Chu Fei was also filming here. Fei was dragged aside, "Ahem, that... Chu Fei..."

Not only Zhang Wei, but also the screenwriters, planners, and executives of the New Three Kingdoms crew... Almost everyone has been found. Everyone has a flattering smile when they see Chu Fei. Of course, the topic cannot be separated from that. In the end, Chu Fei found out that There is no way to go on, especially once he let go of his mouth and set a precedent, I am afraid that there will be more troubles in the future, not only him, but also everyone around him will never be at peace.

So Chu Fei later simply notified everyone around him directly, "Listen well, all the people who come to you for introductions should be blocked by me, just say that I said it, and all those who are looking for a relationship I will never meet anyone in the future!! Want to see me? It’s actually very easy, let them go to Qingcheng honestly and follow the normal path!!”

Regular way?

Chapter 002

Chu Fei not only notified people, but even asked Su Rui and the others to print a big notice and paste it outside Qingcheng, saying that they would directly block all those who try to find connections through the back door, no matter who you are, as long as you find connections to let Chu Fei see It's here, congratulations, you have no chance in your life.

Of course, you can also choose plastic surgery, Korea welcomes you!

But want to meet Chu Fei through Qingcheng's normal way?Not to mention whether Duan Lin can pass this level, the 20 VIP purple card alone is enough to discourage most women. Although beauty is good, this 20 is not something anyone can afford!Many people are trying to complain that Chu Fei is snobbish and only serves rich women, which is unfair... But then they found that the bottom of the notice actually explained in detail Qingcheng's 'regular channels' and 'application methods'.

This time, everyone doesn't need to go through Li Ran's purple card, and they don't need to go through Duan Lin's test. They can directly find the girl in charge on the first floor to take the form and fill in the information, and then hand it in. No fee will be charged, just the same, you need to fill in detailed information on the form and the reason why you want to be beautiful, and you'd better not leave the price column at the bottom blank, let alone fill it indiscriminately, because This is what Fei mainly looks at, whether he chooses or not depends entirely on his mood.

But there are only one hundred copies of the form per day, and each person can only get one with their ID card, and they cannot get it repeatedly, even within a month... Once you are found, you fill in the form in the same month. Congratulations, you are on the blacklist.

This announcement was quickly spread to the eyes of everyone who paid attention to Qingcheng through the media. The most direct consequence was that every morning in the future, before Qingcheng opened its doors, there was already a long queue outside the courtyard... …

At about nine o'clock on Monday morning, Chu Fei walked down the stairs refreshed and ready to start work. His two female assistants were already standing there with a hundred forms, smiling and waiting for him. Chu Fei took it casually and flipped through it, but he threw most of them into the trash can next to him, leaving only one in the end.

"Okay, that's it. Go down and announce to everyone that this girl was lucky enough to be picked by me... If she's still down here, bring her up to meet me."


This lucky one is a 21-year-old girl. Her handwriting is very neat and neat, and it is precisely this that makes Chu Fei's first impression very good, because the handwriting is like a person... Secondly, the reason why she wants to be beautiful, she said Half of her face was destroyed in a fire. From then on, there were only abuse and ridicule in her life. What should have been a girl's most beautiful blooming age turned into an extremely hopeless prison, because this terrifying half face, even never No one is willing to be her friend, so when she knew that Chu Fei had lifted all the restrictions, she flew all the way from Liaoning to Shenzhen, and even stood outside in line in the middle of the night yesterday.

Of course, Chu Fei couldn't be moved just like this, because Chu Fei is not a philanthropist, nor is he a savior. The reason why she was selected in the end was actually what she filled in the price column. She only filled in two words, loyalty.

Loyalty actually has many meanings, but here, the girl named Qi Qi obviously wants to use these two words to tell Chu Fei that as long as Chu Fei can restore her normal appearance, she will be loyal to Chu Fei in the future and is willing to do anything for him.

Although the price was actually not that great, at least it made Chu Fei's eyes shine amidst a bunch of sweet words and all kinds of nasty seductive words, and that was enough!

As expected, Qi Qi hadn't left yet. Because she was too tired last night, she sat down on Qingcheng's small sofa and fell asleep directly after filling out the form. When Chu Fei's assistant announced that she was the lucky one, she even They didn't hear it at all, and it was Li Ran who dialed the phone number she left behind, and everyone realized that she was lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

So when she appeared in front of Chu Fei, her eyes were bloodshot, but she was looking at Chu Fei curiously...

Qi Qi's clothes are very ordinary, even a little old, but they are very clean. At a glance, she can tell that she is not a child of a very rich family, and because of the injury on her face, her hair hangs high on her forehead, directly It covers half of her face, which gives people a non-mainstream feeling, but even if she only looks at the half of her face exposed, she is not qualified as a girl... Qiqi's skin It is very white, but it is morbidly pale, probably caused by burns to some blood vessels on the face. Besides, her eyes are narrow and long, with single eyelids, and they are a little crooked, and her nose is also collapsed The garlic nose, the lips are thin and long, and she has a big pie face... So in conclusion, even if she is not burned, she is probably the kind of 'dinosaur' that is difficult to get a boyfriend?

The only thing that can be said about the past is probably Qi Qi's figure. She is about 1.6 meters tall. It is also difficult to arouse any interest in her body.

Qi Qi naturally knew that she was not that good-looking, and she could even be said to be so ugly. At this time, she was staring at Chu Fei nervously, for fear that he would say something that disliked her, or drive her away, but what made her feel relieved was that, After Chu Fei looked her up and down, he smiled kindly at her, "Congratulations, the price you paid has successfully moved me...so, it doesn't matter what you were like before, what matters is The most important thing is, from now on, you will have a brand new start, are you ready?"

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