It really hurts!

To be precise, my whole body is sore!

The current extreme sports have made me extremely tired. I don't care about what I think, just fall to the ground and have a good night's sleep.

I started to miss the comfort of my dream bed at home, and I started to miss my family and friends.

This horrible place is definitely not the place I want to stay!

I want to go back!

I want to go home!

I can't shout it out!

But my heart is already roaring in the bottom of my heart!

So I can't rest now, and I have to go back to find Yujie Li Meihong.

I don't know how this lady is doing now?Have you escaped this disaster!

"Hold the grass! I'm exhausted!" I couldn't help but cursed inwardly!

Along the way I ran out, the way back was so long, I ran so far without knowing it.

And after the adrenaline hormone drops, the negative impact of excessive overdraft on the body is reflected!

Fortunately, the method of using the corpse of the giant poisonous bee to smear the wound just now was really a mistake. The giant poisonous bee really contained pain-relieving ingredients, and the bulging area soon became less painful.

It's just that the effect of reducing swelling is much worse, it's still bulging.

"Every day... every day..."

Yujie Li Meihong was also on the way to look for me. When she saw me, she couldn't help but rushed into my arms.

The tight hug made me feel her dependence and love for me in her heart.

"Now the poisonous bees are flying away. You haven't been stung, have you?" I asked her while comforting her.

"Ah, that... no..." Li Meihong suddenly stuttered.

I looked at her body again, but found that she always deliberately avoided me and turned her back to me.

I looked at Li Meihong strangely, her dodging eyes made me even more suspicious.

I checked her back and there is nothing wrong with it.

I tried to turn her around again, only to see that she was covering her breasts with her hands so as not to show me.

"Sister Meihong, I'm not taking off your skirt, and it's not the first time I've seen it! What are you afraid of! Come on, let's play a game where a doctor examines a patient's body. Hehe." I raised my eyebrows with some teasing Taste smiled.

"You rascal doctor! No, I don't need your examination. I'm fine..." Li Meihong's oval-shaped beautiful face suddenly turned crimson!

"I want to check it now, otherwise I don't worry!"

I took her hands away, and I was so shocked that I couldn't close my mouth.

What is this!

Li Meihong's chest was bigger than usual.

"Wow, sister Meihong, what kind of breast enhancement medicine did you use!" I couldn't help laughing badly, "Come on, let me rub it."

"No, it hurts!"

Li Meihong blushed and rejected my offer.

At this moment, she was so embarrassed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"Sister Meihong! You have to trust me! I am your personal doctor! Hehe!"

I pretended to be serious and said, but still couldn't help raising a mysterious and enjoyable smile.

And my hands have been involuntarily rubbed on a place that is one size larger than usual, but the movements are very gentle, very gentle.

"Ah... um... Setian, what did you paint on me?" Li Meihong let out some groans that she didn't know whether it was pain or enjoyment, and when she found out that I was not simply taking advantage, she couldn't help but screamed.

"Good stuff! You'll feel it later! Hehe!" I laughed.

Li Meihong calmed down from the initial struggle, and found that I was applying some sticky liquid to her sensitive female parts, which also had a fishy smell.

"Where did these liquids come from?" Li Meihong asked curiously.

"This is the essence of a man!" I laughed, with a playful arc on my face.

Not to mention, the body fluids of these giant poisonous bees really smell like the essence of men.

"Yah! disgusting..." Li Meihong said with a look of disgust, a disgusting feeling flooded her heart, as if swallowing it.

She really couldn't understand why I took it out so quickly, wouldn't the plane be booked in advance!

Chapter 58 The Woman Who Turned into a Pig's Head

"Don't wipe it off! If you dare to wipe it off, I'll let you eat it later!"

I said in a commanding tone, I know that when a weak woman becomes dependent on a man, many things will change.

In fact, the most important thing is that this thing is good for her, so I naturally acted a little more domineering.

Li Meihong put on a bitter face. She looked at me with a serious look. Although she felt very disgusted, she didn't wipe it off in the end!

"too disgusting!"

Li Meihong still gave me a big roll of the eyes, I don't know if he despises me or praises my scoundrel.

In modern society, if one is stung by a poisonous bee, symptoms such as redness, swelling, fever, and distending pain will soon appear at the sting site.

Generally speaking, as long as it is not stung by a large number of poisonous bees or stung important acupuncture points such as the temple, there will be no major problems.

Because the body's immune system will produce antibodies to fight against these toxins, it will slowly heal after a period of time!

But I can't have such a fluke mentality, any animal and plant in this primeval forest may be mutated!

Especially this kind of poisonous bee, which is bigger than the poisonous bees I have seen, must be quite poisonous!

There is no hospital here, no swelling and painkillers, and we can only look for all available Chinese medicines in the forest.

If I hadn’t found a way to alleviate it by mistake, I should have spent time looking for some alkaline Chinese herbal medicine to apply to reduce the effects of these toxins!

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