After a moment of silence, Chacha said: "Forget it, you don't believe it really makes me sad, but I really need your help this time when I ask you for something."

"Snow Mountain Ghost King?" Lin Xiao knew Chacha's thoughts without even thinking about it. It is rumored that there are four places in the underworld that Chacha can't control. One of them is the Snow Mountain Domain of the Snow Mountain Ghost King. In fact, it is not Chacha. I really can't control it, but if I force it, there will be huge chaos in the entire Hades, and even the ghost kings in the other three major regions will take the opportunity to come out. At that time, the Hades may change the day, which will affect the whole world. The world is a crushing blow.

Chacha nodded: "There is basically no room for reconciliation between you and the Snow Mountain Ghost King now, so even if I don't come over, you will definitely help me deal with the Snow Mountain Ghost King, but I still come here, besides asking you to help, I just want to see you, um, you are really handsome!"

"emmmm" The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, MMP, what do you mean by the phrase "several words are inseparable?"I don't understand if I sell my art but not my body?

Exhaling turbid air, Lin Xiao nodded: "You are right, there will definitely be a battle between me and the Snow Mountain Ghost King, so your business is over, can you go?"

"I'm not welcome?" Chacha suddenly put on a pitiful expression. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise Lin Xiao wouldn't be able to clean himself up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to say something, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, walked up to Chacha, and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect you to make two-handed preparations, why? You are going to kill me when I don't agree to you." ?”

"What two-handed preparation?" Chachaxiu frowned slightly, suddenly felt something, and suddenly turned her head to look not far away, but there was nothing around.

But Chacha still narrowed her eyes, and said coldly: "You are really brave enough to detect my whereabouts and follow directly to Yangjian. Do you really think I can't deal with you?"

Lin Xiao was slightly taken aback, who else would dare to follow Pluto?

Before he came back to his senses, Chacha waved his hand at him: "The man has already left, but the news of my leaving the underworld will definitely spread throughout the underworld in the shortest possible time, and there may be some troubles at that time, so I You must go back now, give me your phone number!"

"What?" Lin Xiao looked at Chacha suspiciously.

Chacha glared at him angrily, and then took out his mobile phone from her pocket, but when she was about to open it, she found that Lin Xiao had actually locked the phone. She was so angry that she almost threw the phone out .

"Unlock it, hurry up!"

"Hey... I said you..."

"Can you unlock it?"

"..." Lin Xiao unlocked the phone, dumbfounded, and handed the phone to Chacha again. Chacha quickly dialed her phone number, saved Lin Xiao's number, and then went to Lin Xiao's phone number again. After tossing and turning on the phone for a long time, he finally threw the phone to Lin Xiao.

After doing this, she shook the Apple [-] in her hand, and said with a smile: "I'll go back first, and I'll come to you when I'm free, or you can go to me, remember to miss me, handsome boy!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Chacha suddenly disappeared in place out of thin air, and Lin Xiao was dumbfounded, MMP, it must be because I was too tired during this period, and I have hallucinations, Pluto is absolutely impossible to be so cute.

Then he picked up his phone and looked at it. When he saw the note that Chacha had given him, he went crazy. What is cute and invincible little Chacha?Invincible, he admits, cute but reluctant, Xiao Chacha... May I ask how small you are?An old hag who has lived for an indeterminate amount of time, she is very bad!

Suddenly, there was a faint fluctuation in front of his eyes, and then a sharp blade formed by Yin Qi stabbed straight at him.

With a cold snort and a slap, the angry Thunder Dragon instantly smashed the sharp blade into shards, but the yin energy slowly formed a few words—boy, you have kindness, see you on Ghost Festival !

Looking at these cold words, Lin Xiao's eyes gradually showed a murderous intent, and he snorted softly: "Snow Mountain Ghost King? Is he preparing to die forever? Hehe, let's see who can have the last laugh .”

After the words fell, Lin Xiao turned around and left, but before leaving, he looked at Chacha's note again, with a slight smile on his face.

No matter what Chacha's thoughts are, at least now the two sides have a foundation to cultivate their relationship, maybe this task will not be as difficult as imagined.

After walking leisurely on the street for a while, Lin Xiao was ready to go back to the hospital to rest. Judging from the wording just now, there should be no accidents between this time and the middle of the Ghost Festival. The only thing he is worried about now is Chacha. Will it cause a chain reaction if he comes out for the first time? If the tea is not served during the Hungry Ghost Festival, he might really have to go to the Hades.

At the same time, Zhao Li on the other side joined Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya, followed Ding Xiaoyu all the way and walked slowly forward.

Suddenly, an 'out of control' car ran towards Ding Xiaoyu at a thunderous speed...

Chapter 461 A Completely Out-of-Control World


Rao, Zhao Li and Xia Dongqing had tried their best to rescue Ding Xiaoyu, but the final result was that the two of them were blown away, and Ding Xiaoyu was killed.

As for the 'out of control' car, it disappeared without a trace in an instant~.

Climbing up from the ground with great effort, Zhao Li stared at everything in front of him dumbfounded, feeling the faint evil atmosphere around him, his eyes slowly condensed an unprecedented anger.

"Damn... bastard... what do you want to do?"

Xia Dongqing sat on the ground in a daze, looking at Ding Xiaoyu who was lying in a pool of blood, and vaguely saw something, but when he looked carefully, he found that there was nothing at all.

Wang Xiaoya was more straightforward. Ding Xiaoyu had already fainted the moment Ding Xiaoyu was knocked into the air. It's a pity that the reincarnation of the majestic Nine Heavens Xuannv actually fainted. Thinking about it is really intoxicating.


At six o'clock in the afternoon, the hospital.

Lin Xiao wandered around for a day, and just came back to take a break, but when he walked to the front of his suite, he found that Zhao Li was sitting on the ground in a daze, and he casually threw the soul-killing gun beside him. This area has been turned into a forbidden area by the dean, and no one would come here without Lin Xiao's permission. Otherwise, this alone would cause a lot of panic.

As if hearing footsteps, Zhao Li suddenly raised his head, his red eyes locked on Lin Xiao instantly, and then he stood up abruptly: "Help me!"

There was a strong sense of unwillingness in the voice of gnashing teeth, Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, and somewhat puzzled why Zhao Li suddenly became like this.

Sighing lightly, he pushed open the door and said, "Come in if you have anything to say."

Zhao Li walked into the room with his head down. When Lin Xiao closed the door, he couldn't wait to look at Lin Xiao and said, "This time, you have to help me no matter what."

"help you with what?"

"Ding Xiaoyu is dead!" Zhao Li's voice turned into grinding his teeth again, and Lin Xiao even felt a faint wave of energy. Is this the resonance of Zhao Li's soul in the underworld?

Lin Xiao frowned. Lin Xiao didn't know why Zhao Li sealed his own soul, but he knew that if Zhao Li really merged with the soul, it might not be a good thing for the whole Hades and the world.

So he hurriedly said: "What's going on? You two used to protect her. How could she die? "

"The one who killed Ding Xiaoyu was not a stranger, but a ghost, the ghost of the four great ghosts of the Hades, I can feel their aura, are they going to turn the world upside down?"

boom!Zhao Li suddenly slammed the soul-killing gun against the wall, and the soul-killing gun turned into a cloud of yin energy and disappeared without a trace.

Four ghosts?Is it from the four places that Chacha can't reach?How did they know Ding Xiaoyu?If he didn't know Zhao Li's character, Lin Xiao would have wondered if this guy came here to tease him for nothing.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Xiao suddenly looked at Zhao Li: "Tell me honestly, how did Chacha get to be the King of Hades?"

"Huh?" Zhao Li was stunned: "Why do you ask this suddenly? I'll just ask you, can you help me?"

"It's okay to help you, but you have to answer my question now." The more Lin Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, especially when Chacha came here today, and her whereabouts could be known by the four ghosts and monsters. It is simply the greatest shame.

Yes, it is true that Chacha can't be easily controlled by the four great ghosts, but it doesn't mean that the four ghosts can provoke Chacha. Not only have they provoked them now, but they have provoked them in such an upright manner that it is simply a joke.

Zhao Li has existed for an unknown number of years. If he said he didn't know the inside story, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed Lin Xiao.

Zhao Li was silent, and it took more than ten minutes before he sat on the ground limply and said, "Chacha was pushed up by me."

"..." Lin Xiao was dumbfounded for a moment. Is this Nima really the soul ferry I have seen?Are you kidding me?

Chacha, the lord of the underworld, was pushed up by Zhao Li?How could he do it?

Zhao Li smiled sadly: "Back then, I was the real master of the underworld, but because of certain things, there was a huge turmoil in the entire underworld, and countless resentful spirits rioted. In order to quell these riots, I proclaimed myself a soul, Chacha has been promoted to the position of Lord of the Underworld, and even her current cultivation is all given to her by me.

Originally, I thought that this would completely stabilize the Hades, but who knew that those bastards in the Hades would stand on their own hills one after another after I left, wanting to dominate the Hades.

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