When the voice fell to the ground, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, turned around, walked to the bed and jumped on it, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in a short while.


The next day, Lin Xiao was awakened by the movement outside the door. Looking at Xia Dongqing who came in with breakfast, Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, and then looked at the time, it was already 07:30 in the morning.

But I have to say that the modern Simmons sleeps more comfortably than the hard bed in the previous world.

"Are you awake? I bought breakfast, let's eat something together. By the way, I told Li Zhao yesterday that you can go to work with me tonight. Also, he paid me a month in advance The salary, and it is the last month, that is to say, as long as I don't resign, this monthly salary will be regarded as a reward, am I very good?"

Seeing Lin Xiao wake up, Xia Dongqing couldn't wait to speak, with joy in her tone, and even a gesture of asking for credit.

Lin Xiao gave Xia Dongqing a thumbs up: "It's really good, but are you sure I can do this job?"

"Why not?" Xia Dongqing looked at Lin Xiao in confusion.

The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched slightly: "Don't you see that Zhao official is not very welcome to me?"

Pfft~ Xia Dongqing couldn't help laughing, and said, "You just think too much, it doesn't matter if he likes what you do or not? As long as he is willing to pay, that's all. Who of us doesn't live for a bite of food? Right? ?”

"Your consciousness is quite high, but forget it, I'll go out today and see if there is any way to make money."

"You really don't want to go?" Seeing Lin Xiao's refusal, Xia Dongqing felt a little lost, and for some reason, when Lin Xiao was by his side, he felt overwhelmed with security.

After Lin Xiao left yesterday, he stayed in the convenience store all night trembling by himself, and he felt colder as he went to the back, and he didn't feel better until dawn.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but walk up to Xia Dongqing's side and patted him on the shoulder: "Are you so lost? It's okay, besides, it's up to me whether I can find a job or not. Maybe I'll go to you in the end, won't I? "

"..." Xia Dongqing was dumbfounded.

Chapter 441 Robbery on the road?

After breakfast, Xia Dongqing started to pack his things and prepared to catch up on sleep. He shivered all night, and now he just wanted to sleep well to make up for the energy he lost yesterday.

But when he was about to go to bed, Lin Xiao who had just opened the door to go out suddenly turned around and said, "What day is it today?"

Xia Dongqing was slightly stunned, then took out her phone and looked through it: "June [-]~, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, go to sleep!" Lin Xiao said and left the room.

On June [-]th, if Lin Xiao remembers correctly, Pluto Chacha should have come out during the Hungry Ghost Festival, so he will stay here for at least a month, or even longer. After all, seeing Chacha does not mean that he will be able to Complete the task immediately, even with Chacha's cooperation.

So, some things seem to have to be prepared, such as mobile phones?For example... where he lives, he can't always be squeezed together with Xia Dongqing, not to mention the inconvenience, he himself is not used to sleeping with a big man, it's awkward.

The summer in Shanghai can't be said to be too hot, but it's definitely uncomfortable. The salty and cold sea breeze blows the scorching heat, which makes people's faces extremely uncomfortable.

Walking on the wide street, Lin Xiao just turned aimlessly, his eyes kept looking at the surrounding buildings. Since this is a world where ghosts and ghosts are active, it shouldn't be a problem to find some weird things.

What made Lin Xiao a little bored was that he searched for the whole morning, but he couldn't find what he wanted. Even if some buildings were shrouded in evil spirits, it was because of Feng Shui problems, and there were no so-called ghosts inside.

And it's a fucking unfinished building, what can he do?He is also very desperate.

He randomly found a small restaurant on the side of the road, but just when he was about to go in, he suddenly realized...he had no money.

That's right, after traveling for nearly a year, the modern currency on his body has been discarded for a long time, and what he has on him is only the oceans from the early Republic of China. Although these oceans are antiques, they are definitely not spendable. No one even dared to ask for it, because... Well, it's too new, it looks like a fake at first glance, who would be so stupid to accept his currency, just like Xia Dongqing yesterday, although he had no money, he didn't have money. want.

Feeling dumbfounded, Lin Xiao touched the tip of his nose, turned around, and continued to walk forward, thinking about how to get a sum of money in his mind.

"Catch the thief, help me catch the thief in front..."

Suddenly, a slightly piercing scream came, and looking up, a young man was running fast not far away, with a stern look on his face, and a switchblade in his hand.

Behind the young man, followed a little girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. The little girl's face was pale, and she chased and shouted: "Please, help me catch him, he stole my father's money." My life-saving money, I beg you!"

But the little girl's call got nothing but passers-by watching coldly, some even whispering beside her, obviously gloating from their expressions.

This is a world that is more indifferent than the world before Lin Xiao crossed over. With a helpless sigh, Lin Xiao suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of that young man. , the young man's switchblade disappeared, and by the time he realized it, the point of the switchblade had already been aimed at his neck.

"Fake? But it's enough. At such a close distance, even if it's a fake, you might die. For some money, it's really not worth losing your life, so..."

"Fuck you!" The young man gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Xiao, then took out a sackcloth bag from his arms, threw it to Lin Xiao, and then backed away slowly: "I've given you something, don't come here!"

Lin Xiao chuckled, and then threw the switchblade at the young man: "I don't need this thing, so I give it back to you!"

Pfft~ The switchblade pierced the young man's arm directly. The young man grunted and stared angrily at Lin Xiao for a while, then quickly grabbed the switchblade and disappeared on the spot.

The little girl ran to Lin Xiao out of breath, and looked at Lin Xiao pleadingly: "Can you return that bag to me? It's my father's life-saving money."

Lin Xiao opened the bag with a smile, and then saw three stacks of red bills, including some change, he frowned: "This is really your bag?"

"Yeah, I borrowed it from relatives and friends for a long time. My father is now waiting for the money to save his life in the No. 1 civilian hospital."

"Is that so? Then how much money do you think there is?" It's not that Lin Xiao doesn't believe this little girl, but that the money is obviously wrong, because more than half of the money in it is fake. Lin Xiao still remembers how to distinguish money, and with his current strength, one glance is enough to distinguish the authenticity of the money.

The little girl was stunned for a moment: "There is a total of 630 yuan and [-] cents in it. I borrowed [-]. The remaining money is my living expenses with my father during this period."

The amount is correct, Lin Xiao was silent for a moment, and finally returned the bag to the little girl, but patted the little girl on the shoulder: "You are right about the amount of money, but the money inside is at least 1 yuan. Fake money, I don’t know where you got it from, but I hope you can dispose of the fake money yourself and don’t let it flow into the market.”

…… 0

The little girl's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and the corners of her mouth showed a hint of sadness: "Thank you, big brother, I will."

After finishing speaking, she turned and walked towards the hospital.

In an instant, Lin Xiao suddenly thought of something, couldn't help frowning, then shook his head and caught up with the girl: "Is this money you borrowed from usury?"

The girl shuddered, then nodded.

"The usury group doesn't care if they gave you fake money or not. They will only ask for real money at that time, so you have been tricked, save people to the end, send Buddha to the west, can you take me to meet those who borrowed from you? A usurer?"

The girl hurriedly shook her head: "No, they are very fierce, I...I will find a way to return it to them, even if I do everything I have, I will return it to them, thank you, big brother, I have to leave quickly. "

Lin Xiao looked at this girl in astonishment, she was quite proud, then he smiled and said, "What's your name?"

The girl's running body paused slightly: "My name is Zhou Shuyi."

PS: The update is here, ask for a full order! !

Chapter 442 Meeting Wang Xiaoya Again

Zhou Shuyi?

Lin Xiao suddenly had a strange feeling for such a girl with such a nice name. It wasn't that Zhou Shuyi was not beautiful, but that she was very ordinary, and she belonged to the kind of girl who would not be glanced at in the crowd. kind of.

After all, if she was really beautiful, it would not be Lin Xiao's turn to make a move just now, and those single young men around would definitely form a super-powerful flower-protecting army to clean up that thief submissively.

The most important thing is that this girl named Zhou Shuyi seems to be hiding something from outsiders.

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