"I just want to save people. I'm thinking about 10 yuan there. Saving people is the most important thing. Let's talk about other things. I feel very happy to be able to save people."

Ye Fugui even said with a smile, and also wiped off the water droplets on his body, but his clothes were already soaked, and he might have to change when he got to the shore.

The staff of Blue Sky Park also gave Ye Fugui a big towel to wrap himself up first.

Soon, they had already reached the shore, and everyone boarded the shore, but the young couple who fell into the water never left.

"Brother, thank you for saving my girlfriend, I kowtow to you."


The boyfriend of the woman who fell into the water just now knelt down to Ye Fugui and kowtowed three times, his forehead was red and swollen.

Chapter 74 One Big Brother, One Life Big Brother

The boyfriend of the woman who fell into the water kowtowed to Ye Fugui, and even thanked Ye Fugui for taking the risk to save his girlfriend. Just now, it was too mysterious.

If Ye Fugui couldn't come up, the boyfriend of the woman who fell into the water really had no choice but to know how to deal with it.

"Get up."

"Yes, yes, get up."

Ye Fugui and Ma Chunlan, Teacher Ma even helped this gentle young man with glasses up, and his girlfriend also thanked Ye Fugui.


The man in the red vest glanced at Ye Fugui. Just now, Ye Fugui hadn't drowned, which made the man in the red vest very angry.

Ye Fugui spoiled his good deeds, at least, he lost hundreds of thousands, the loss was too great, and he even went to the other side.

"Didn't you say that whoever saves your girlfriend will give him [-] yuan?" Another young couple couldn't help but say.

Indeed, it was so dangerous just now, Ye Fugui almost couldn't come up, this gentle young man with glasses, since he yelled out, he wanted to give him [-], if he didn't express it, the others would not let them go.

"Brother, thank you for saving me. I'm also having a brain convulsion. I'm having so much fun with the game. If my phone falls, how can I still get it back? Brother, my boyfriend said he would give you [-] yuan. Please give me Alipay." , I’ll call you right now, thank you, big brother.”

The woman who fell into the water was relatively exquisite, about 1.6 meters tall, and she took one big brother at a time, thanking Ye Fugui for saving her life.


One hundred thousand?

"Yes, yes, brother, look at me, do you have Alipay, I will give you 10 yuan, thank you so much, you saved my girlfriend."

The gentle man with glasses even said repeatedly.

cell phone?

Ye Fugui waved his hand helplessly.

Just now, Ye Fugui jumped into the water to save people, and his mobile phone was also submerged in the water, and now, it can no longer be turned on.Moreover, Teacher Ma Chunlan Ma also smiled.

Just now when Ma Chunlan went into the water to rescue Ye Fugui, her mobile phone had also been flooded, needless to say, it was completely scrapped.

Fortunately, her phone can be backed up.

However, her mobile phone is the latest Apple mobile phone, and she has to buy this kind of mobile phone in order to get back the address book and information on her mobile phone, as well as photos and videos taken on her mobile phone.

These are backed up.

"My mobile phone is no longer usable, let's forget it, let's just be friends, I didn't want to ask for your 10 yuan at that time."

Ye Fugui couldn't help but said.


If he asked for more than 10 yuan, I am afraid that Ye Fugui would not go to save people. When Ye Fugui saw someone fell into the water, he would go there immediately, and he would not be for the [-] yuan.

If it was for 10 yuan, Ye Fugui would not be moved if this gentle man with glasses shouted 20, 30.

Ye Fugui is not very interested in money, belongings outside his body, as long as he has enough money to spend and use.

"No, no, there are so many witnesses, how can I not count my words, these staff members are also here, we really thank you, brother, please leave your contact information."

The gentle man with glasses couldn't help but say.

"contact details?"

"Okay, okay, since this is the case, let's be friends. My mobile phone and my girlfriend's mobile phone have also been flooded just now. We have to buy mobile phones now. Teacher Ma, please tell me your mobile phone number. People, this is mine... I guess I will have to get a new card in a while."

Ye Fugui held the phone, and sure enough, it couldn't be turned on.

Ye Fugui's mobile phone costs less than 1000 yuan at most, and Ma Chunlan Ma's mobile phone costs at least 6000 yuan. It is already past five o'clock, and it is estimated that it will be too late to reapply.

The mobile phone can't be used, but Ye Fugui feels that at least the mobile phone card can still be used. If it can't be used, he can only get a new mobile phone card.

"Brother, here is 2000 yuan. We don't have much cash, why don't we go to the bank to get some." Sure enough, the woman who fell into the water insisted on taking Ye Fugui and Ma Chunlan to the bank to get the money.

She had already written down Ye Fugui's phone number and Ma Chunlan's phone number.

"No, no, no, really, if this is the case, the elder brother will not be happy, so be it, my girlfriend's clothes are also soaked, and your clothes are also soaked, let's go change clothes, other Let’s talk about it later, it’s really unnecessary.” Ye Fugui said involuntarily.

Here, Ma Chunlan and Ye Fugui nodded and left wrapped in towels.

"Su Wen, have you written down the numbers of Big Brother and Big Sister?" At this time, the woman who fell into the water asked the gentleman wearing glasses.

"Susu, write it down, brother is really a good person."

Su Wen, who was wearing glasses, couldn't help but took the towel from the staff, and even wrapped it up for the woman who fell into the water. They rented in the Blue Sky Hotel.

"Then let's go back and change."

Su Wen helped the woman who fell into the water and went to the Blue Sky Hotel ahead.The two of them, especially this Su Wen, have already taken photos of Ye Fugui, and also wrote down Ye Fugui's mobile phone number.

In the future, I will ask Ye Fugui to thank you.

"Fugui, let's take a taxi to the mall, buy a suit of clothes first, and then buy a mobile phone." Teacher Ma Chunlan Ma said kindly.

Now, Ma Chunlan's tone of teacher Ma is already very kind, and also has become a lot more easy-going, and has become closer with Ye Fugui's relationship.

Just now, Ye Fugui introduced Teacher Ma Chunlan as his girlfriend, and Teacher Ma also readily accepted it without any objection.

Also, Ye Fugui fell into the lake just now to save others, and did not come up for four or five minutes. Teacher Ma Chunlan became even more anxious, and jumped into the lake to save Ye Fugui, which moved Ye Fugui even more.

Could Ye Fugui not be moved by this kind of action?

"Okay, let's go out. Fortunately, it's early summer. If it's winter or early spring, we'll have to catch a cold. If it's late winter, we'll be frozen into popsicles."

Ye Fugui was joking.

"Hahaha, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm not afraid of catching a cold, isn't there a genius doctor like you? Let's go, let alone buy two sets of clothes and change." Teacher Ma Chunlan also laughed.


Ye Fugui and Ma Chunlan took a taxi to the clothing supermarket on the third floor of Yiyuan Supermarket. Ma Chunlan bought two sets of clothes and changed into a brand new and decent dress.

Ye Fugui also bought a new set of shirts and trousers, which are more generous to wear.

Fortunately, Ye Fugui's wallet is relatively waterproof and contains more than 3000 points, which Chen Liangdi asked him to carry to buy more things for Mr. Ma.

Now, when a guy talks about a partner and finds a girlfriend, no one will spend money.

When paying the bill, Teacher Ma Chunlan did not stop Ye Fugui from paying. "Fugui, it's more than six o'clock now, should we go around or go back, it's so late, why don't you go to my place to rest for a night, and then go back, there is no bus going back now."

Ma Chunlan, Teacher Ma, couldn't help but say.

Come and stay with me for one night.

This is the key.

Chapter 75 A Treasure

Ye Fugui also knew that it was already dark at around 06:30, and the bus to Shilipu Township was gone.

If you want to go back to Shilipu Township, you have to take a taxi, or take a private van to go back, and it won't cost you a few yuan, about ten yuan at most.

Of course, the taxi is more expensive, more than 40.

The van is expensive at night, and the price is [-] yuan during the day.

"Okay, I also want to see the pictures of beauties you drew, and appreciate them. Your mobile phone is not working now, why don't we go to the sixth floor and buy a mobile phone."

Ye Fugui said generously.

"That's good, will you buy it for me?" Ma Chunlan asked Ye Fugui with a smile.

"No problem at all."

Ye Fugui was even more generous at this time. It must be that Mr. Ma has been so reserved just now, if Ye Fugui can't understand it, then he is too mentally retarded.

"I'm joking with you, you really take it seriously, you are really interesting." Ma Chunlan, Teacher Ma, smiled again.


"Am I serious?!" Ye Fugui opened his hands and said involuntarily. "Okay, okay, serious, I understand, sister, we can go shopping, by the way, we played all afternoon, your mother and Aunt Zhou didn't call you, did they?" Ma Chunlan smiled up.

Ma Chunlan stared at Ye Fugui as if she was looking at her own student.


Ye Fugui couldn't help touching Ma Chunlan's forehead, "What's wrong? Fugui?" Ma Chunlan was surprised, this was the first time Ye Fugui was so intimate.

"You, you rescued me from the diving just now, are you like that girl, your brain is flooded, our mobile phone has been broken for more than an hour, my mother called me, I am afraid there is no answer Well, you must be in a hurry, why don't you scold me to death when you go back?"

Ye Fugui said with a smile.

Ma Chunlan, Teacher Ma, was stunned, and suddenly realized that just now, choosing clothes and so on, I forgot about this matter, and the phone is now flooded and broken.

"Look at me, I'm really out of my mind, Doctor Ye, can this be cured?" Ma Chunlan became even more happy, Ye Fugui was not so dull, he knew how to joke.

"It can be cured, it can be cured..."

Ye Fugui also laughed, joking and frolicking casually, let alone now, Ye Fugui and Ma Chunlan, Teacher Ma, chatted really happily.


Ye Fugui and Ma Chunlan came to the sixth floor. This sixth floor is exactly where Yiyuan Supermarket sells mobile phones, computers, and other electronic equipment.

More than 6000?

Ye Fugui and Teacher Ma selected three people who bought mobile phones. The latest iPhone 6000 phones cost more than [-] yuan in the county.

"Okay, I want this."

Could it be more than 6000? Now, Ye Fugui is rich, and he is not afraid to spend so much money. This time, Ye Fugui reaped a lot, and he didn't feel bad at spending more than 6000.

Not even the slightest bit of distress.

It turned out that this time, when Ye Fugui jumped into the lake to rescue the woman who fell into the water, the eyes of the dragon and snake shone with light, which made Ye Fugui discover the bottom of the lake.

This treasure made Dragon Snake's eyes sparkle. He had already brought the package wrapped in the treasure into the Immortal Mansion and entered his own small courtyard of the Immortal Mansion.

As for the treasure, Ye Fugui hadn't opened it yet to have a look. There was a golden light in the package, so it must be a treasure or a good treasure.

Teacher Ma Chunlan Ma’s mobile phone was indeed flooded and could no longer be used, but the mobile phone card on it was still usable. Soon, Teacher Ma took out the card on the phone that was soaked in water, and the staff helped to press the new card. On the mobile phone, the boot login is restored.

This time, it took about 10 minutes.

"This is Mi [-], I want one." Ye Fugui didn't choose much in this mobile phone store, and again, he asked for Mi [-].

This Xiaomi Mi [-] costs about [-] yuan at most.

Ye Fugui removed the memory card and mobile phone card from his mobile phone, and replaced it with a new mobile phone, which was ready to use. Sure enough, there were two missed calls, and it was Chen Liangdi who called.

Over there, Ma Chunlan's iPhone has already been set up, and it has been restored again. The old phone, this store actually costs [-] yuan to recycle.

"How about this, this Xiaomi doesn't cost any money, and only costs the price of this new Apple [-], how about it?" Teacher Ma Chunlan said involuntarily.

"This...then you have to add another two hundred." The waiter couldn't help but said.

"It's fine if it's retrograde, but if it doesn't work, I won't sell it."

Ma Chunlan was very straightforward.

"Okay, okay, your boyfriend is really considerate. I will give you a good mobile phone. He uses this kind of low-end domestic mobile phone. I am so happy and envious."

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