my aunt

Page 70

In the Ouyang family's meeting hall, the quarrel finally came to an end.Until the end, there was no answer.The president, Ouyang, walked away without fear, and the other elders also left angrily, leaving a few unworthy members looking at each other in blank dismay.

The Ding family, the meeting has come to an end.Ding Lei was still a little hesitant about posting the hero post, and finally gave up the idea temporarily under everyone's persuasion.Wait and see what happens, let's see the reactions of other companies first.

The meetings of Ouyang's family and Ding's family were all over, but there was one person who couldn't calm down in his heart. ,

This person is Liu Tiannan.

At this time, he had just finished smoking his pipe and sat on the sofa for a few minutes before standing up,

Walk towards the dining room.The housekeeper, Uncle Qi, has already arranged dinner, and after the meal, he went to meet someone.This person is called Yun Hongsheng.

At this time, Yun Hongsheng was in the office of Sikong Yanran, chairman of Sikong Group, discussing cooperation in a real estate development project.This matter has been discussed several times before, and now it is basically time to sign the contract.It's just that Yun Hongsheng has been out of shape today, and Sikong Yanran is a little guilty. She vaguely guessed that Ye Fan was responsible for Yunbo's murder. In addition, Yun Hongsheng also knew about Yunbo's visit to her house.

Therefore, Yun Hongsheng has been looking for answers on Sikong Yanran's face with suspicious eyes.

As a result, the contract that was destined to be signed had to be delayed in the end because it was not negotiated.

The atmosphere in Linhai City already seemed a little tense.Various rumors are also quietly circulating in the market.No one can understand the current situation.

Every day people come to the city and people leave.The arrival of any one person is like a drop of water falling into the sea, and it will not cause any fluctuations at all.On this day, a fat man came to this bustling city.

On a high platform outside the Linhai Railway Station, a fat man in his 20s was holding a roasted chicken leg in his left hand and a cigar in his right hand, squatting there as if no one was around, gnawing on the chicken leg.

The shape of the fat man quickly attracted everyone's attention.I saw that when the fat man occasionally raised his cheeks, his face was simple, honest, pure and lovely, and his eyes were even a little dazed and dazed.Seems to be starving, he eats chicken drumsticks very fast.

If it is to eat chicken legs, there are homeless people squatting here every day to eat the chicken legs they picked up.If it was a homeless man, he wouldn't attract so many people's attention, but this fat man had a cigar in his right hand and a golden ring on his right middle finger.

Forget it, this fat man is covered in high-end clothes, which can be roughly seen from the fabric.

But seeing how popular he was eating chicken legs, many people shook their heads unanimously.I thought to myself: Didn't this fat man steal the clothes from that rich family?The ring on his hand is probably the kind sold for two yuan on the street stall.And that cigar, was it also stolen?

The train station is a gathering place for people from all walks of life. Fatty's fantastic appearance was quickly spotted by a gang.

The fat man gnawed chicken legs very fast, and he gnawed one chicken leg in a few minutes.People thought Fatty would just leave.Who knew that like a magic trick, he took out another chicken leg from nowhere, and started to eat it like no one else was there.

"Fatty, where are you from?" At this time, a middle-aged man with a small beard leaned over, looked up and down at Fatty, and asked with a smile.

The fat man looked up at the man, but he didn't speak, but a look of panic flashed across his face, he continued to gnaw on his chicken leg, and moved his body slightly to the side.

This kind of defensive psychology seems to be particularly familiar to middle-aged men.He didn't care, just smiled lightly, squatted down in front of Fatty, and said, "Fatty, what are you doing here in Linhai?"

"Hey, hey..." The fat man gnawed on the chicken leg and made an unpleasant sound.He ate the chicken drumsticks regardless, as if he didn't hear the middle-aged man's words at all.

The middle-aged man was extremely patient and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.He took two out of them, handed one to the fat man, and said, "Come on, fat man, smoke a cigarette. I'm not a bad person, so don't be afraid."

The fat man looked at him timidly, flicked the cigar in his hand, and then took a puff, but did not take the man's cigarette.

The middle-aged man chuckled, and then said: "Fatty, the Linhai Railway Station is very chaotic. You are alone and helpless, and you can easily be deceived. There are many bad people around here, so you have to be careful."

The fat man finally finished eating the drumstick and took another puff of his cigar.Then he took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped his mouth, then stared at the middle-aged man, tried to squeeze out a silly smile, and asked honestly, "I didn't see any bad guys."

"Oh, well, the word "bad guy" is not written on his face." The middle-aged man didn't expect to meet such a fool. It was ridiculous, but he was still very patient.

"Oh." Fatty nodded foolishly.

"Fatty, where do you live tonight? Are you looking for a friend in Laihai, or a job?" The middle-aged man asked leisurely.

The fat man looked confused and shook his head, as if he was at a loss as to what to do next.

Chapter 118 Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger

"Why don't you go and live with me first, as my factory is short of manpower, so you can work at my place first. Let's talk about it later, okay?" The middle-aged man smiled.

"Do you have chicken legs?" The fat man asked the middle-aged man with a smile.

"Yes, I buy chicken legs for you every day." The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly.

As soon as he heard that there were a lot of chicken legs to eat, the fat man's eyes lit up, and the muscles on his face couldn't help trembling.Danced and danced, looking extremely excited.He was about to stand up, but he had a look of guard on his face.

Fatty's wariness was very obvious, making people around him laugh.

"Then tell me, what do bad guys look like?" the fat man asked with a wary face.

"For example, deliberately striking up a conversation, giving cigarettes, or helping others find a job. Oh, don't look at me with such eyes. I just want to help you because I see you alone and pitiful." The middle-aged man explained road.

The fat man looked the middle-aged man up and down, and suddenly jumped up, which shocked the middle-aged man.

But the fat man grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar and shouted loudly: "The bad guys are caught, the bad guys are caught..."

It's just that the people around are very indifferent, even watching this scene a little funny.

The sudden action of the fat man made the middle-aged man a little unresponsive.But soon he became a little annoyed and said: "Fatty, I want to help you out of good intentions, how can you say that I am a bad person?"

The fat man had a naive face, but he shook his head and said, "Didn't you say that you are a bad person if you strike up a conversation with someone and give them cigarettes?"

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded, and immediately realized that the fat man was serious.

"Then you just now..." the fat man asked with a smirk.

"If I were really a bad person, would I tell you this?" The middle-aged man seemed calm and said with a sneer.

"That's right." The fat man scratched his head with doubts on his face.Just as he was about to let go of the collar of the middle-aged man, he seemed to think of something again, grabbed it immediately, and shouted loudly: "I was almost deceived by are a bad guy. Uncle policeman, you caught the bad guys..."

Middle-aged men are a little bit broken, how can there be such a fool?Take it back today, and make sure to clean it up.

The fat man shouted loudly, but no one paid attention to him.The people around stared at him with a kind of spectacle or indifference.

"Huh? Why don't you catch the bad guys?" The look of doubt on Fatty's face became more intense.

At this moment, five or six people squeezed out from the crowd, exchanged secret glances with the middle-aged man, then surrounded the fat man, and walked towards a dark alley next to the train station.

The fat man yelled desperately, but no one paid attention.

"It's all gone." The middle-aged man said fiercely to everyone, and then walked towards that alley.

The onlookers were afraid of offending these local snakes, so they quickly dispersed.Until the fat man completely disappeared in the alley, the train station immediately fell into the original noise.It seemed that what happened just now never happened.

Ten minutes later, the fat man with a silly smile appeared at the entrance of the alley again, holding a chicken leg in his left hand and a cigar in his right hand.While gnawing on the chicken leg, he muttered, "What's wrong with the world? Mom said that there are many bad people near the train station, but they are too bad, aren't they? They even want to grab my chicken leg? It's not fun."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the chicken leg that he had eaten cleanly, and threw it back casually, a playful light flashed in his eyes.He stood at the entrance of the alley, glanced around, and then strode towards another direction. While walking, he cursed: "Ye Fan, the fat man is here, and you still welcome me gorgeously... at least prepare a hundred!" Give me chicken legs...

In the alley, there were six or seven people lying here and there, all of whom seemed to have fallen into a deep coma.Until this moment, they didn't understand why the fat man who was so stupid just now was so ruthless?

At this time, Ye Fan, who was at Lin Meixin's house, felt his heart skip a beat for no reason, thinking: Who is thinking about me?

What's wrong?Lin Meixin looked at Ye Fan shyly and asked.

Oh nothing.Ye Fan shook his head and smiled strangely.

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