The Shaolin Temple itself is almost the largest local landlord and gentry family, with countless temple properties, countless fertile fields, and a long history of incense. It is absolutely a first-class Buddhist holy place and a place of wealth.

When the Four Olds were destroyed, the monastery suffered a catastrophe, and many great monks in the monastery were forcibly driven down the mountain to return to secular life.

These great monks had no choice but to return to vulgarity, but they did not stay away from Shaoshi Mountain, and they all became members of the production team at the foot of the mountain.

Especially the refuge village at the foot of the mountain,

Others did not come here for nothing to protect the disaster. According to the legend, it was the name of the village that Li Shimin bestowed on his handwriting jade back then.

In Li Shimin's army back then, there were not only eighteen Shaolin bronze men enshrining him, not only five hundred monk soldiers following the dragon, but also tens of thousands of lay disciples from Shaolin who also followed him.

In a word,

In recent years, local governments have been clamoring for the restoration of policies to protect the heritage of Buddhist culture.

The people at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain are all watching eagerly, to what extent the country will restore the Shaolin Temple.

Just talking without practicing fake tricks, these people who have a long history with Shaolin have a plan in their hearts, otherwise how could the local cultural and propaganda department think of making a movie for publicity.

Another factor is that the crew of "Shaolin Temple" is indeed a bit too high-profile in China at the moment. An investment of 500 million Hong Kong dollars, in today's domestic environment, the effect can directly announce the investment amount with future entertainment companies. It's a big deal to start a big project with hundreds of billions of dollars.

Even, even better.

To put it bluntly, things just kept twists and turns like this one, two, and three. Now the local cadres say that it is impossible to let the crew evacuate again, otherwise they will really not be able to pay the job.

Director Qin and others whispered to each other before saying again:

"Leader Lu, we didn't think enough about it before, but please rest assured that the local government will definitely not do that kind of thing like fishing in a dry lake.

But in fact, with our current conditions, we are so poor that there are only some lands that even the surrounding farmers are not willing to want.

If the crew's investors can take a fancy to these lands, the local government can study the contracting rights of some lands. In the future, all the food cultivated on the land will be owned by the investors.

I don't know if the investor is willing to agree to this condition..."

Lu Yixuan's eyelids twitched involuntarily: Sell the land contract right?Contract the entire Shaoshi Mountain all at once, and then manage and develop it yourself?

His eyes were almost red from being stimulated by this crazy idea, and his breathing was suddenly out of rhythm.

If this thing can really be achieved, be good, and in another 20 years, the Shaolin Temple, Shaoshi Mountain, and even the entire Fengdeng County will develop into a company with an annual output value of several Tens of billions of Big Mac industry ah!

"Would it be okay for me to contract Shaoshi Mountain?"


Hearing Lu Yixuan's strange tone of voice, Chief Qin and the others were stunned.

They didn't know what kind of turmoil was going on in Lu Yixuan's heart at this moment, they just thought that Lu Yixuan was using this kind of topic to run on them.

However, the matter of contracting Shaoshishan...

Chapter 191 Contracting Shaoshi Mountain

Chapter 191 Contracting Shaoshi Mountain

Director Qin and the others glanced at each other: It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, right?

Shaolin Temple and Shaoshi Mountain belong to the state. If foreign capital is brought in to contract temples and barren mountains and find a suitable policy point, this matter can be done, right?

"Leader Lu, are you joking? The investor really intends to contract Shaoshi Mountain and Shaolin Temple? Can you tell us about the specific contracting method?"

"Yes yes yes yes..."

"Let me tell you, since Leader Lu can directly propose it, the investors must have already had a corresponding plan, and have already communicated with the relevant parties in the country. It must be feasible in terms of policy, so they will decisively propose it.

This is a great thing for mutual benefit and reciprocity, no matter what, we must make it happen! "

"That's right, no matter what, we must do our best to facilitate the contracting of Shaoshi Mountain and Shaolin Temple..."

Several local leading cadres expressed their support clearly and expressed their support.

It seems that they all want to promote such a beautiful thing.

In fact, it was Lu Yixuan's words that he might withdraw the crew at any time, which really hit the nail on the back of these people.

Lu Yixuan suppressed the excitement in his heart, glanced at these local cadres, and pointed at Shaoshi Mountain with his fingers: "I want the entire Shaoshi Mountain to be contracted as far as I can see, and for a long time to come, all development and construction here , income, all belong to investors, can you do it too?"

"Leader Lu, for a period of long is it?"

"However, it will take two to thirty years!"

"Then can you tell me what the contractor mainly does?"

"Planting trees, afforestation, and renovating the entire Shaolin Temple. It will take ten years to restore the majesty of this thousand-year-old Buddhist holy place on Shaoshi Mountain. In the near future, it will be built into a place that is rich in the inheritance of Chinese martial arts civilization. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the film and television bases of Hollywood in North America, let this place finally become a humanistic holy land and a tourist holy land that attracts visitors from all over the world to come here to pursue the root of Chinese martial arts civilization..."

Director Qin and the other leaders hurried down the mountain and returned to the county seat, anxious to report the situation to the higher-ups.

It was really unbelievable to hear the conditions that Lu Yixuan proposed so suddenly.

They actually want to contract the entire Shaoshi Mountain for 30 years, saying that they want to build it into a film and television shooting base for Chinese Kung Fu movies.

In the near future, we will make this place comparable to North American Hollywood...

This guy threw such a big bomb so suddenly, it really scared me to death!

Not only Director Qin and other local leaders were shocked by Lu Yixuan's rhetoric, but Li Jueyuan, Ji Chunhua and other young martial arts lovers who had been standing by were also excited by hearing it, yearning for it, and trying their best to imagine it. One day, what kind of psychedelic world will this barren mountain range, as far as the eye can see, become.


In front of the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, Zheng Neng, who is profound in Buddhism, quietly said a Buddha's name, looked at the group of ordinary people who came today, with one palm straight on his chest, nodded slightly, turned and went back to the temple Inside.

On this day, the sound of the wooden fish in the temple was still clear.

When Lu Yixuan and others went down the mountain, they met Zhang Xinyan and Zhang Yimu halfway up the mountain.

These two people were actually still discussing Zhang Yimu's hand-drawn booklet of sub-camera scenes, and seeing them like this, the conversation was really speculative.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yixuan was a little proud.

Outsiders don't know, the reason why these two people can speculate like this, but to him, it is very clear.

Probably because he asked Zhang Yimu to draw this album of scenes and scenes. From the beginning to the end, the story images almost followed the story images of "Shaolin Temple" in the previous life, and the album was highly restored. How can it not be a speculative coincidence with a true original creator to discuss.

The two have now become a year-end friend who talked more and more speculatively.

One is a great contemporary director, and the other is a new-generation great director who will become famous both at home and abroad with "Red Sorghum" in a few years. "The effect of the future shooting will be more shocking than the previous life.

Everyone went down the mountain and returned to the accommodation, but Danny Zhen hadn't come back yet.

People like Li Jueyuan had no choice but to go back to the mountain to find someone.

It wasn't until it was almost dark that he finally found the person. It turned out that this person went to places like Dharma Cave and Chuzu's Temple in the back mountain of Shaoshi Mountain, looking for the real Shaolin hermit eminent monk.

According to the kid, it was indeed near a cliff in the back mountain, and he caught a glimpse of a white-browed floor-sweeping monk.

It's a pity that when he came forward to ask for a visit, the white-browed floor-sweeping monk ignored him, jumped up and disappeared in front of the cliff, and made him search hard all afternoon but couldn't find it.

Anyway, it is just a word, Shaolin Temple really has a generation of hidden eminent monks and powerful generations.

Not to mention how the crew will continue to adapt to the new environment, Director Qin and his party returned to Fengdeng County in a hurry, and immediately reported the situation to the relevant leaders of the province.

In the early morning of the next day, Director Qin and the head of Fengdeng County, Mr. Wang, rushed to the crew and found Lu Yixuan.

"Leader Lu, after I reported the relevant situation to my superiors yesterday, the superiors attached great importance to it. Now, Lao Wang and I come to the film crew again, just to confirm with you the specific situation of contracting Shaoshishan to build a film and television base!"

"That's right, that's right, Leader Lu, what kind of regulations are these contracting rules, please tell me carefully."

These two attitudes are very earnest. It seems that as a result of the discussion back to the county seat yesterday, the relevant leaders of the province must have let go of the words and given the relevant authorization.

There is definitely a way to contract Shaoshi Mountain.

Lu Yixuan cheered up and said: "In this way, let me first explain to you two the benefits of doing this carefully!

To put it simply, after the successful establishment of this film and television base, many films will be filmed here in the future.

A production crew of our size has been stationed here for three to five months. During this period, all material needs will be consumed, and each crew member will eat and drink during this period. , 150 people, will it cost at least 300 yuan a day?

Three hundred a day, accumulated in three to five months, what kind of concept would it be?

Do all these consumptions need to be provided locally?

It's just a simple matter, how many market transactions can the crew create for the local people, and how many people can they provide opportunities to make money? "

"Three hundred yuan a day, nine thousand yuan a month, if you stay for five months, wouldn't it be 5000 yuan directly..." The county magistrate, Old Wang, was so excited that he was about to lose his balance.

Chapter 192 It's better to sign for 100 years

Chapter 192 It's better to sign for 100 years

Seeing that the matter of contracting Shaoshi Mountain was really possible, Lu Yixuan also actively lobbied, drawing up a vision for the future of Shaoshi Mountain for the two.

This is what he wants to let these local grassroots leading cadres really have a good basic plan in their hearts.

Still the same sentence, if you want the horses to run, you must let the horses eat more grass and develop Shaoshi Mountain. This is a long-term work, and it will take an investment period of ten years or more to make real big profits. return.

If this had not given enough confidence to the local grassroots leading cadres to take a big project with unlimited benefits, it would have turned into a raw meal in the end, how bad it would be.

Lu Yixuan continued to count the economic accounts for the county magistrate Wang:

"The 5000 yuan is only the most basic living expenses of the crew. During the filming process, extra extras must be hired for many big scenes!"

"This is just another consumption income for the locality, right!"

"After the film crew repaired the Shaolin Temple, when the film is released, the reputation of the Shaolin Temple will be established at home and abroad. In the future, there will be more people visiting the place. Let's count him as 100 million people every year. How much income will be generated from tourism?"

"As more and more tourists come to the local area, will the local hotel accommodation, catering, souvenir sales, souvenir sales, and sales of all walks of life also be stimulated?"

"In this way, it will drive the local economy and generate a lot of income, right?"

"Such a good business, do you think it's a great thing for the crew and investors to contract Shaoshishan to build a film and television base?"

"Such a great thing, tell me, do you want to agree immediately, and negotiate the relevant contract with the investor of our crew, so that both parties can devote money and energy wholeheartedly to boost the local economy together, with the help of a few The leader of the Shaolin Temple in Muroshan will flourish and create a better future?"

Lu Yixuan's words are basically speaking the truth according to the historical trajectory of his previous life, without any pretense.

The situation he mentioned is also a fundamental aspect of the development of Shaoshi Mountain, Shaolin Temple, and after the "Shaolin Temple" movie becomes an international hit in the near future.

A more promising future and greater development are far more than these.

For example, in the next period of time, those various martial arts schools that are popular all over the country, for a period of time, almost everyone in the whole country is keen on performing martial arts and practicing martial arts. A large number of primary and secondary schools directly set up martial arts classes. It has become an educational innovation policy focusing on teaching martial arts.

Even, because of the film "Shaolin Temple", it has achieved record box office popularity in China.

At a time when the whole country is keen on practicing martial arts to strengthen their bodies, more and more "Qigong masters" and "supernatural power masters" have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

At one time, newspapers were reporting that a certain qigong master used magical powers to help the country, and corrected and repaired the deorbited satellite...

The absurdity of that era is not the theme of the movie "Shaolin Temple".

But it all started with "Shaolin Temple", but it has to be explained that this movie has a great influence on the ideological pursuit of Chinese people.

In those years, there was even a dispute over who was the authentic representative of Shaolin in the North and South.

All of these are the trend of fame and fortune behind it.

At that time, the Songshan Shaolin Temple was really famous for thousands of miles across China.

However, even though he was telling the truth according to the future of his previous life, it is a pity that sometimes things in the world are so ridiculous.

Tell the truth, no one will believe it.

It is completely credible that the production crew camped here for three to five months of consumption can generate income for the local area.

However, Chief Qin and County Chief Wang didn't believe the grand blueprints he casually drew, and decided that he was lying.

It's nothing more than playing the trick of painting cakes to satisfy hunger, trying to change ways to make the local government promise more favorable conditions.

However, in their eyes, the contracting of Shaoshi Mountain is nothing more than a barren mountain. Now that the provincial policy is feasible, there is no problem at all. No matter what the purpose of the film crew contracting the barren mountain, it is no matter what kind of film and television Whether it's the base, or opening up wasteland and farming on the mountain, the key is how much contract money the crew can give each year.

This is what attracts the most local attention...

"Leader Lu, we all believe in your long-term vision. At the same time, we will unconditionally support the contracting of Shaoshi Mountain to build a film and television base in principle, but the specific contracting fee..."

"It's easy to say, the annual contract fee is [-] yuan, you can see it!"

"One hundred thousand a year?" Director Qin was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

County Magistrate Wang was short of breath, and suddenly felt a little ignorant: "One hundred thousand in one year, one million in ten years, three million in 100 years... Leader Lu, the crew's investor, can you really come up with so much money all at once? ? If the contract is signed, how long will it take for the contract money, the cast and investors, to be paid in full?"

The two people who came to negotiate were completely shocked by Lu Yixuan's generous gesture.

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