Fifth Hongxun looked at the tanks and fighter planes that completely surrounded her in shock, and asked dryly, "Uncle Beard... is it necessary to use such a large army?"

Looking at the tanks and fighter planes outside, Fifth Hongxu couldn't help but blush a little.

When she fought against the rebels back then, she dispatched at most a dozen light armored vehicles, but here, just for traveling, nearly a thousand huge heavy tanks were used as escorts!

Hearing that Fifth Hongxuan followed Wu Hai and called himself Uncle Beard, Uncle Beard smiled until his eyes narrowed into a line.

He patted Wu Hai's thigh vigorously, and laughed loudly: "Good girl, hey, what a good girl! When you do good things, the bearded uncle will give you some good things! Hey, I didn't expect that I would have a queen in this life." Call me Uncle Lao Tzu! Hahahaha..."

After laughing happily for a while, the bearded uncle explained to the blushing fifth Hongxi.

It's not that the bearded uncle likes to show off, but that without the use of large-scale armored forces, none of the top leaders of the three parties dare to show their faces.

Ever since the Guangming Holy See and the Alliance of All Saints jointly attacked and killed the grand master of the Daoist League, high-ranking officials from both the military and political parties of the Atlantis Federation have been assassinated from time to time.

Especially two days ago, after Wu Hai blatantly appeared on the new moon with the Imperial Shield, a heavy mechanical brigade blatantly attacked the base led by Sam's son at night. After a night of fierce fighting, Sam's son was seriously injured. One of his special operations battalions suffered casualties.

"It's come to this point of blatant assassination, I don't bring many people, but I really dare not show up on the street!"

The bearded uncle sneered. "Now that I am going out, there are at least eighteen navigation satellites in the sky following me, and two strategic missile bases are always ready to support me. If anyone dares to use a large force to confront me head-on, don't blame me for being rude!"

Wu Hai laughed.

He put his arm around the shoulder of the bearded uncle and said with a smile: "Then, I really hope that someone will come to trouble us!"

What are the two strategic missile bases? Wu Hai has 36 celestial-level puppets with him. He really hopes that someone will come to challenge him.

The convoy moved forward at an extremely fast speed, and when it was almost night, the convoy finally arrived at the outskirts of the headquarters.

At this time, the Federation Headquarters has completely turned into a military fortress. It is on both sides of the avenue where Wu Hai and the others are advancing. The army on the left is flying the flag of the Atlantis Federation Army, while the army on the right is flying the flag of light. , On the bellies of several heavy fighters passing by in the air, there were eye-catching wolf head badges sprayed on them.

A large group of chariots wanted to enter the federal headquarters.

The troops on both sides of the road grabbed nearly a company of soldiers at the same time, and at the same time issued a signal to stop.

The convoy stopped slowly, and the bearded uncle poked his head out of the car window and yelled at the second lieutenant who was the leader of the federal army.

The federal soldiers hurriedly withdrew to the side of the road, and the second lieutenant saluted to indicate that the troops could move on.

And the second lieutenant of the Guangming Kingdom rolled his eyes, pointed at the bearded uncle and shouted: "No. 15 target, kill!"

Wu Hai grabbed the bearded uncle and pulled his head back from the car window.

'Boom! '

Two muffled sounds.

Two large-caliber armor-piercing sniper bullets hit the car body near the window.

If the bearded uncle's head was still outside the car window, the two bullets would definitely hit.

The bearded uncle roared angrily: "These bastards!"

Wu Hai's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed the air with his right hand, and the five-water dragon's beard fan appeared out of thin air with waves of water.

With a loud bang, Wu Hai grasped his fan and swung his fan towards the position of the Kingdom of Light, and saw real water in five colors, black, white, blue, blue, and indigo, soaring into the sky with a roar in the flat ground. Passed the position of the Kingdom of Light.Nearly two thousand soldiers, dozens of chariots, and snipers lurking in the dark were killed by the five weapons that either weighed more than Mount Tai, or were as sharp as knives, or were bitingly cold, or were hot enough to melt iron, or burst like thunder. As soon as the Dao Zhenshui was rolled, it turned into a wisp of green smoke and drifted away in the blink of an eye.

The raging real water rushed forward for nearly a thousand meters before dissipating slowly.

The original position has turned into a huge tiankeng with a depth of nearly [-] meters.


Wu Hai sneered, and put away the Wushuilongxu fan casually.

The bearded uncle stayed for a while, and suddenly grabbed Wu Hai: "Boy, with your support, I must turn the federal headquarters over!"

"It's natural, whoever dares to bully our people must pay the price!"

Wu Hai sneered proudly.

The gray-white divine light in the eyes pierced a few feet away into the sky, and the cold air swept across the surroundings.

Pojun Yuti, who had been flying around in front of Wu Hai all this time, huddled into a ball in Fifth Hongxu's arms in fright.

Under the almost maniacal adoration eyes of the officers and soldiers of the federal army, large troops roared into the federal headquarters.

The Federal Headquarters, which used to be brightly lit and full of people, is now under blackout at night.

Except for three or five famous traditional streets such as the Champs-Elysées, the street lights in other urban areas of the Federal Headquarters are completely extinguished. In the residential buildings on the side of the road, there are often only two or three dim lights on. Because the voltage is unstable, these lights Occasionally flickering, it's like a will-o'-the-wisp.

The combat readiness defense system near the federal headquarters city was turned on, so the main energy supply of the federal headquarters city was emptied.

On the dark street, only a group of soldiers wearing black uniforms of the Federal Army, white uniforms of the Light God Army, and light silver uniforms of the Federal Army of All Saints passed by. Occasionally, a few dull sniper shots could be heard from a distance.

Every gunshot will make the soldiers on the road nervous for a while, and the three-party army is at war, which seems to be on the verge of firing.


A few high-power searchlights on the roof of the roadside building shone down with bright beams of light.

Seeing Wu Hai's huge chariot unit, the beam of light immediately swept towards the sky again.

The bearded uncle muttered a few times into the communicator, and when the convoy passed through several intersections, about [-] federal infantrymen gathered from all around.The soldiers climbed into the chariot, and each chariot was filled with three to five people. The chariot accelerated and drove towards the federal headquarters building in the city center.

The change of the federal army immediately alarmed the high-level military officers of the Kingdom of Light and the Federation of All Saints, and a large number of troops began to concentrate here.

All the lights in the residential buildings on the side of the road were suddenly extinguished. Occasionally, there were a few loud dog barks in the distant block, but the barking soon turned into a deep whimper, and then the dead night returned to tranquility. .

The square in front of the federal headquarters building was filled with soldiers in white and silver uniforms.

They set up barricades on the square, and a large number of anti-armor weapons were densely arranged behind the barricades. A lieutenant general in white uniform and a lieutenant general in silver uniform stood nervously behind the barricade, looking gloomy. Looking ahead, the brigade of chariots slowly approaching.

Chapter 732 A Brazen Strike

Dozens of high-power tweeters rose from the electronic chariot behind the roadblock.

A high-pitched voice suddenly sounded.

"Front troops, retreat immediately!"

"Otherwise, all consequences arising from this will be borne by you!"

"Repeat, please retreat immediately, or we will open fire without warning."


"Call the wind and rain, lightning and thunder!"

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