It is also rippling in the heart of Fifth Hongxue.She held Wu Hai's hand tightly, with a smile on her pretty face.

There are so many rare metals, so many strategic minerals, and no one-tenth of the rare metals here can be found in the strategic inventory of any six-star civilization.

Enemy rich!

There is more than a rich country here?

The wealth here is enough to match the strategic reserves of more than a dozen six-star civilizations!

The fifth Hongxuan seems to have seen the scene of the Fifth Empire standing on the top of the universe. Can the king's flag of the Fifth Empire fly in the meeting place of the Supreme Council of the Star Alliance?

Pojun Yuti pressed his hands tightly on his chest, and leaned weakly on Fifth Hongxu's body.

She stared blankly at the huge amount of minerals in front of her, and suddenly sighed deeply and faintly: "My brother must be the number one pirate leader of the Star Alliance in the future, absolutely right! There is no need to argue, my lord, brother. The benefit of one vote is more than a hundred times the total income of Dongyi over the past ten thousand years!"

Happy and troubled!

With the help of Mo Liqing, Mayexuan and others, it took the group ten days and ten nights to put all the minerals in the three star fields into the storage fairy.

Seven of the ten green lotus rings in Wu Hai's hand were filled. He selected the rarest and rarest metal ingots and filled seven green lotus rings.

"Happiness is also pain!"

Wu Hai muttered to himself, "The biggest pain is, with so many refined metals, how long will it take us to spend them all?"

The remaining two star fields, a slightly smaller one has ten super mothership production lines in it, and the length of each production line is about [-] kilometers. Only such a giant production line floating in space can produce long A super mothership with a distance of [-] kilometers.

This is already out of the scope of a normal battleship, this is a space city made of metal!

These production lines are more advanced than the prototype production lines of the Diamond people, and the performance of the warships produced is also better. After all, these ten production lines have been continuously improved by "Little Star" for 500 years.

As a result, two more Qinglian rings were filled.

Ten production lines and various ancillary facilities filled the two green lotus rings.

The last star field, this is the testing ground of "Little Star", all kinds of strange and whimsical theories of the skykillers are experimented here. This is a dangerous space junkyard, countless destroyed or self-destructed warships, The mothership and all kinds of strange and strange instruments are spinning in space indiscriminately.

Time and space here are a bit distorted.

Because, in the center of this star field, there are three monster-like twin black holes with three sons. The powerful gravity of the black holes distorts time, space, light, energy lines, and everything here.

'Little Star' stretched out his metal arms proudly, pointed at the three black holes, and said with a smile: "In order to test the dark universe shield, I have conducted more than 300 large-scale experiments in 2000 years. There are about 400 times, I accidentally ran through the dark universe and the positive space, so I left these three guys who couldn't deal with it."

A very anthropomorphic sigh.

Then, 'Little Star' muttered: "Fortunately, these black holes exist on the diaphragm between the two spaces, so the impact on the positive space is not too great. According to my calculations, after about 230 years, they will be destroyed by the space itself. Restoration power repair. Hey, the law of space is not so easy to break!"

Wu Hai looked at 'Xiao Xing' with the gaze of a monster, and he asked in a deep voice, "The material you used to make that strange triangular warship?"

'Little Star' looked at Wu Hai in amazement: "Aha, you mean the ghost triangular ship I made? Boss Killer, you are so smart. The materials I made them were from the eruptions of these three black holes. Extracted."

Wu Hai remained silent, he stared blankly at the three black holes.

When he scanned these three black holes with his consciousness just now, he found that the state of these three black holes is very strange. Their existence mode is exactly the same as those triangular battleships, and they all project themselves in the positive space.


From the core of the black hole, energy and matter far exceeding the speed of light are constantly being ejected.

Some of these substances and energies have extremely terrifying and strong magnetic force. As soon as they leave the huge pressure and extremely high temperature black hole, they begin to attract and entangle each other, and gradually form an invisible, colorless, odorless, and only occasionally emit a little light. Halo's wondrous substance.

True magnetic dual instrument light!

Chapter 699 True Magnetism Liangyi Light

True magnetic dual instrument light!

This is the real magnetic Liangyi light for refining the real magnetic Liangyi lightsaber.

As long as it is tempered with innate fire, it can be refined into a true magnetic Liangyi lightsaber!

Compared with this wonderful and extremely rare true magnetic ampere, the super mothership and battleship suspended in this space junkyard and used as toys by "Little Star" are nothing.

Although there are more than 500 super motherships that have been continuously improved and upgraded by "Little Star" for 1 years, and there are more than [-] giant warships of different sizes, the biggest problem is that Wu Hai does not have so many Manpower to drive these warships, let alone enough energy to drive these warships!

The standard operator of a Diamond Super Mothership requires 30 people, with a standard deployment of 250 million people, in order to fully exert the full combat effectiveness of a Super Mothership.

in other words!

The more than 300 super motherships in front of us are not enough to drive all the people of the Fifth and Fifth Empires as operators.

'Xiao Xing' can control them, but 'Xiao Xing' is just a half-hearted researcher who conducts all kinds of scientific experiments with huge destructive power. He is a good hand. It is completely impossible for him to control the battleship to fight .


There are more than 300 super warships, and it is impossible to put them into a battle at the same time.

These warships will definitely be used in a scattered manner in the future, and it is absolutely impossible for the 'little star' to control these warships across billions of light-years, or even tens of billions of light-years!

"Man, I want to recruit troops, I want to expand the army!"

Wu Hai let out a loud cry.

Lei Wen and Linghu's eyeballs were shiny, they calculated quickly.How many people are needed to fully tap out the combat power of this huge fleet in front of you.The calculation results made the two of them dizzy. If Jasmine Defense Company really built such a huge fleet, the only result would be that Jasmine Company would go bankrupt directly after paying the first day's salary.

The two looked at each other and closed their mouths at the same time.

The faces of Fifth Hongxu and Pojun Yuti were also a bit ugly.

After listening to the introduction of these warships by 'Little Star', they also looked at each other in blank dismay.

The combined strength of the two of them, multiplied by ten times, is still not enough to fully activate these warships, let alone exert their combat effectiveness!

At last!

And the most important thing is!

'Little Star' has an absolute talent in machinery manufacturing, because he is in charge of managing a comprehensive mining farm, he needs to constantly repair various damaged machinery and ships, so the Dimeng people have imported a large number of machinery into his memory Manufacturing relevant data, but not inputting enough data for energy development research.

This has led to such a huge mining area of ​​'Little Star', which can only operate on the natural energy extracted, and he has not developed a new type of energy engine.

The engines of all the warships he manufactured are all Dimeng people's engine units that use special high-efficiency energy blocks.

In 130 years ago, the only high-efficiency energy block production line in this mining area collapsed in a certain crazy experiment of Xiaoxing, and the energy blocks in stock became less and less, resulting in the super mothership that could operate in the "Xiaoxing" mining area. There are only ten left.Now that there is not enough special energy blocks, these battleships and motherships cannot be activated.

"The engine units of these warships and motherships must be modified."

Fifth Hongxu frowned and said, "The Star Alliance once unearthed high-efficiency energy blocks used by ancient demons, and more than a dozen six-star civilizations jointly analyzed the energy blocks, but they still don't know the manufacturing principle and specific use of the energy blocks. method."

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