In the underground hangar, which is nearly a thousand meters long and wide, Han Xiaoba looked at Wu Hai with a worried face while holding a bottle of spirits.

These two days, his little life is really happy. Hundreds of millions of citizens of the Yingtian Empire will be sold into slavery. He is holding his personal beauty pageant among these hundreds of millions of people.Soldiers, policemen, nurses, doctors, teachers, all the little beauties of the Yingtian Empire state, I don't know how many people have been blacked out by him, and he has sucked a lot of blood.

It was a wonderful time to be happy to miss Shu, and Wu Hai brought him to this empty underground base in vain. Han Xiaoba felt resentment in his heart, very resentment.

"Junior Brother, why did you ask me to come here? There are many beautiful little lambs out there waiting for me to save them!"

"Gudong, Gudong" took a few sips of strong wine, Han Xiaoba looked at Wu Hai with his mouth crooked.

Wu Hai walked around the huge hangar and nodded in satisfaction. The space here is so big, it should be enough, right?

Hearing Han Xiaoba's question, Wu Hai didn't bother to pay attention to him.

After choosing from the Immortal Wisdom Bracelet for a while, he picked out a purple-black flying sword that was extremely sharp and held it in his hand, and Wu Hai arranged it on the ground of the hangar.

After more than two hours of busy work, a gathering spirit formation with a diameter of more than 300 meters was finally carved with the efforts of Wu Hai.

Wu Hai took out a large amount of nine-forged tungsten gold with a high degree of aura compatibility from the bracelet, condensed and dissolved it with Taiyin Secret Flame, and filled the viscous ice crystal-like tungsten gold on the formation map of the spirit gathering array. Finally, more than 1000 fist-sized spirit stones were inlaid on the formation map, and Wu Hai clapped his hands, standing up happily.

This is the first large-scale formation independently arranged by Wu Hai.

Integrating the essence of the formation from the Venus in the Purple Mansion and the formation experience of the generals in the "Book of Good Fortune", Wu Hai's spirit-gathering formation is very different from the formation diagrams commonly used in the monastic world.

The formation is more complex, and the effect of gathering aura is more powerful.

6 Chapter Fifty So Big

Such a spirit-gathering formation is enough to artificially create a man-made cave with extremely abundant aura.


Wu Hai let out a soft drink, and a palm thunder hit the eye of the Spirit Gathering Formation.

'Om', it seemed that the entire military base trembled, and white air currents clearly visible to the naked eye swarmed from all directions. In just ten minutes, the hangar was densely covered with milky white aura.The concentration of the smoky spiritual energy continued to increase, and gradually the spiritual energy condensed into tiny droplets, and finally turned into a thumb-sized downpour that roared down.

The strong wind rose from the ground in the hangar.

The wind whipped Wu Hai's long robe and sleeves flying wildly, and Wu Hai, who was standing in the wind with a swinging fan and laughing loudly, was already inhuman at this moment.

More than an hour passed.

The speed at which the spiritual energy surged gradually became very stable, because the abnormality caused by the sudden increase in the concentration of the spiritual energy also disappeared quickly.

At this time, a layer of white juice about three feet thick had accumulated on the ground of the hangar, which was all liquefied spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Han Xiaoba stared at it so much that if the current hangar was sent to the Federation, wouldn't the masters and great masters of the Dao League break their heads and fight for it?After searching countless famous mountains and rivers under the name of Daoist League, there is no place where the concentration of heaven and earth aura can reach one-tenth of the level here. Even Zhongnan Mountain, which is known as the ancestral home of Taoism, does not have such a strong aura!

"Not bad, not bad, better than I imagined."

Wu Hai clapped his hands and laughed, "There are no ascetics here in the Star Alliance, so the concentration of spiritual energy in the world is really enviable!"

O'Neill looked at Wu Hai's behavior in surprise, and he didn't talk too much, but just gave Wu Hai a thumbs up.

Wu Hai smiled, and slapped his hands vigorously: "Okay, let's do serious business now, senior brother Han Xiaoba, get Hanba out, and ask her to fulfill her promise to pass on your nerves, otherwise I will ruin her face!"

When Han Xiaoba heard Wu Hai's words, he was overjoyed and hurriedly recruited Hanba.

Han Yan, who was wearing a red dress in the blood light, came out slowly, and gave Wu Hai a reluctant look.

With his right hand, he grabbed the thick white spirit energy on the ground, and a ball of spirit fluid the size of a water tank flew up immediately.

Hanba's fingers flicked a few times, and several bloody spells were shot into the spiritual liquid. The mass of spiritual liquid was compressed inward frantically, and instantly condensed into a white spirit stone the size of a thumb.

A very thin thread of blood shot out from the center of Hanba's eyebrows.

Then, as fast as lightning, he tapped on the spirit stone and retracted into Han Yan's body.

Han Yan angrily threw the spirit stone to Han Xiaoba, and said to Wu Hai with three points of anger, three points of resentment, and four points of fear: "I have taught him all the corpse nerves of my aunt. Before recovering, my aunt never wants to see you again! Do you understand?"

Wu Hai smiled.

He looked Hanba up and down for a while, and stretched out his right palm towards her: "Well, the nerve of the corpse belongs to my senior brother. This is what I said a long time ago. Don't have any resentment. Kindness makes money, and kindness makes money. We are all on our own, so we must not have internal conflicts! Hehe... Are there any exercises suitable for people with innate fire attribute aptitude and wood attribute aptitude?"

Han Yan frowned and looked at Wu Hai's outstretched right hand. After a while, she sneered and said, "I owe you?"

Wu Hai said bluntly: "If there are good fire-attribute and wood-attribute cultivation methods, I will give you enough benefits to exchange with you!"

Rolling his eyes, Han Yan sneered and said, "What benefits can you give me?"

After pondering for a moment, Wu Hai took out the jade bottle he used to hold the 'drop' of blood essence of the 'True Sun God', and shook the 'drop' of blood essence out. More than 2000 cubic meters of huge 'blood droplets' swarmed out, like a top-quality ruby, suspended behind Wu Hai, emitting intense light and heat.

The strong breath of fresh blood and the mighty and boundless coercion of the blood caused everyone except Wu Hai to stagger back and forth.

O'Neill and Lily looked at this huge drop of blood in shock.

Lily muttered in a low voice: "How many people have to be killed to have so much blood!"

Han Xiaoba's saliva dripped down for more than three feet, and he screamed: "Junior brother, where did you get this kind of good thing? My old lady, this taste is so delicious!"

Hanba stared blankly at the huge drop of blood, and there was a loud 'cluck' in his throat.

"You, you, you bastard, how can you have this kind of thing? This is the holy blood of Xiantian Xingjun, which has the magical effect of turning decay into magic and turning acquired into innate! I can have a drop in my heart, you, you..."

Wu Hai just smiled lightly, without saying a word.


Han Yan was like the frozen land suddenly returning to spring, or like a withered peony flower suddenly blooming, she smiled at Wu Hai, she twisted her waist with a smile, and walked in front of Wu Hai, without hesitation condensed two A piece of Lingyu, the blood in the eyebrows flashed away, she handed the two pieces of Lingyu with light red and light blue to Wu Hai.

"One "Fire Refining Sutra" and one "Wood Origin Code" are the natal supernatural powers cultivated by Hu Xingjun and Ju Xingjun among the Nine Obsidian Lords. Back then, my, my girl, I had a hard time betting with them. Dice to play with the treasures won from them. If you exchange these two secret books for your thirteen drops of innate holy blood, you will not suffer!"

Wu Hai couldn't help being amused when he looked at the swaying, like a newly married little daughter-in-law.

He coughed dryly, and asked lightly, "Thirteen drops?"

Fearing that Wu Hai would not agree, Han Yan hurriedly raised her hands and gestured cautiously: "It's just such a big thirteen drops, it's nothing compared to your big ball."

Hanba carefully drew a piece the size of a human head with his hands.

"So big?"

Wu Hai frowned.

"So big!"

The volume between Hanba's hands immediately shrank by half, becoming only the size of a baby's head.

"So big?"

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