Before the doomsday, even those who have never practiced know a word, all martial arts in the world are invincible, only speed can not be broken!


Suddenly, Wu Hai, who had been dodging all this time, moved the long sword in his hand instantly.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of thunder.

No, to be precise, the speed of the long sword reached a certain level and made the air vibrate.

Each sword crossed the neck of a mutated pig. The speed was strange, but the precision was incomparable. With Wu Hai's pace, it was even more powerful.

Although there are many mutated pigs, in this small supermarket, only two or three can attack Wu Hai at the same time.

And every time he kills one or two pig monsters, Wu Hai can always use the body of the dead pig monsters to find some gaps to avoid being collided by the pig monsters.

This kind of precise grasp of space is beyond the reach of most people.


The blood of the pig monster spurted out like running water.

In just a moment, more than half of the dozens of mutated pig monsters died, and more than ten mutated pig monsters turned around and fled seeing the situation was not good.

"Hey, with the growth of physical energy, these ordinary monster crystals can only replenish energy, and cannot increase the cultivation base."

Among the dead pig monster corpses, Wu Hai picked out the crystals in their brains, and sighed helplessly.

Wu Hai didn't care about the meat and fangs of those pig monsters. After more than 20 days of fighting, the three of them made a mountain of monster materials in their temporary base.And these pig monsters have no other purpose except to eat the meat all over their bodies.

For Wu Hai, who was devoted to training himself, this was waste and useless.

Leaving the bloody Wanjiafu warehouse supermarket, Wu Hai came to sit and rest on the roof of an ordinary six-story residential building.

"After more than 20 days of training, my body has been improved to the limit. It seems that I need to find a way to improve the quality of the ability."

Wu Hai summed up the long training in detail.

His daily practice is not aimed at killing. Every time he fights with monsters, Wu Hai first stimulates his potential, trains himself, and finally kills them.

That's it, Wu Hai's efficiency in killing monsters is also very high.

Of course, he has also encountered countless crises these days.

After all, after those monsters have been mutated, their IQ is not lower than that of humans, and some monsters are even unusually cunning.

During the killing process, the roar of the monsters can sometimes even attract some particularly abnormal beasts. Facing the attacks of those beasts, Wu Hai can only rely on his awakened abilities to avoid them as much as possible.

It can be said that without the awakening of the supernatural ability, without the improvement of the supernatural ability, Wu Hai would probably have died long ago without knowing how many times.

Relying on the fact that he is the only supernatural awakener in this area, Wu Hai can hone himself so crazily.Basically, he set off every morning and returned to the temporary base at night. Such crazy exercise naturally made his effect better than others.

After all, before the doomsday, Wu Hai was neither a genius nor a "second generation", just a dick.

For him, being able to awaken supernatural powers is God's favor for him. If such an opportunity is in front of him, if he doesn't fight for it desperately, he will still be a dick in the end, and Wu Hai doesn't want to be a dick anymore.

He also thought about the person who "would lie on the lap of a beautiful woman, wake up and take power in the world"!

"Hey! It's already five o'clock in the afternoon. Today's journey is far away. I should go back."

Wu Hai glanced at the watch he got from the counter in the supermarket, pulled his backpack and jumped off the rooftop!


After a while.

Wu Hai, who had already set foot on his way home, was in a good mood.


Wu Hai felt a faint vibration behind him, so he couldn't help turning his head to look.

To the south of the road he was walking on, there were two figures running in a panic, and the two stumbled, very embarrassed.

"That's handsome Li?!"

After being baptized with supernatural powers, Wu Hai's eyes became very good.

He recognized at a glance that among the two fleeing in embarrassment, the one in front was Li Shuai, and the person behind Li Shuai was the young man who had been following him.

Extending his eyes further back, behind Li Shuai and the others, there was a black mass of monsters.

The size of each monster was only about [-] centimeters, but the tidal wave of these little monsters made Wu Hai feel terrified and shuddered!

"Rat, rat tide?!"

Wu Hai was startled.

No matter who it is, once surrounded by endless rat swarms, they will surely die.

Chapter 14 Murder

Rats have been one of the "four pests" since ancient times.

But at this moment, the dark, boundless mouse was mutated after the catastrophe of Doomsday Rain.

There is only one choice for Wu Hai!


Without saying a word, Wu Hai turned his head and galloped into the distance.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

At the moment of life and death crisis, Li Shuai's potential also exploded.

The two kept running, and although the mutated mice behind them kept chasing after them, they still didn't care, and they were able to run every second.

one kilometer!

800 meters!

500 meters!

100 meters!


20 meters!

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