Wu Hai dodged to dodge, and then poured all the strength in his body into his hands, and mercilessly chopped down the long sword in his hand.

The sword light mixed with the roar of the wind, hit the monster's body fiercely.

The sword edge cut across the monster's body from top to bottom.


The monster's body was directly divided into two halves.

The front half of the body was immediately thrown into the air, and blood spurted wildly from the severed body. The running front half of the body still flew for more than ten meters according to the inertia, and then fell down with a bang!

The body still twitched for a while on the ground before completely dying.

"Huh, huh."

Wu Hai took two deep breaths, the scene of the monster spewing blood with its severed neck made him tremble a little.

Killing a monster for the first time was indeed a bit shocking.

Chapter 12 Killing

"Before the doomsday, watching those people in the movie killing people, I felt very passionate, but now it seems that they are all farting!"

Wu Hai stood in front of the monster's corpse, reflecting on the previous battle.

After all, it was the first time he saw blood, and he had just awakened, so there were many things worth reminiscing about.

In fact, Wu Hai's mentality is not bad.

After pondering for a while, he walked up to the monster, and with a wave of his hand, the long sword in his hand fell on the already cold corpse of the monster.


The monster's sharp claws were cut off, and Wu Hai picked it up.

Then they shouted towards the dilapidated wall behind them, Wang Xiaowen and Xiaoyan ran out quickly, their faces were pale, but their eyes were full of shock.

The two are not fools to be able to go to college before the doomsday.

They could naturally guess that Wu Hai might be an awakened one.


Time passed slowly, Wu Hai and the three of them kept moving towards the goal of the base.

From the campus to the base, you have to pass through a city. The city is already dilapidated. As Wu Hai and the others move forward, you can naturally hear the screams of humans, monsters, and even zombies from every corner of the city.

Apparently, fierce battles are taking place throughout the city.

Although Wu Hai intends to save those people, he is weak after all, so he can only think about it.

The night is getting dark!

Wu Hai looked up at the sky, and silently calculated in his heart, it should be around eight o'clock.

"Let's rest here today!"

Wu Hai turned around and said.

Both Wang Xiaowen and Xiaoyan looked a little tired, and they naturally nodded when they heard Wu Hai's words.

Wu Hai handed the two long swords he had just taken out of the fencing gym to the two, told them to pay attention, and then rushed into the night alone.

The loneliness and poverty since childhood made Wu Hai understand a truth.

In this world where the strong are respected, begging for sympathy from others, and yearning for pity from others, is just a foolish behavior. Only striving for strength is the only way to win and be respected.

So he should cherish every bit of time.


Just after rushing out of the temporary shelter, a black shadow bumped into him head-on.

The cold light suddenly lit up in the night, Wu Hai crouched in front of his body, the long sword in his hand suddenly moved forward, and his blood flushed violently.

The black shadow was flung out feebly and fell to the ground, his body trembling endlessly.

"I X, people in this city are also boring, there is nothing to do with so many cats..."

Wu Hai muttered and walked quickly to the front of the monster.

This is a gray cat-shaped monster, smaller than the previous Persian cat, about half a meter long, but very fast.If Wu Hai didn't have the awakening ability, he might not be able to escape its attack.

At this moment, the cat-shaped monster fell to the ground, with a scary wound on its abdomen, and its internal organs were clearly visible.

"Against ordinary people, this cat monster is simply invincible. As for me... hehe!"

Wu Hai smiled coldly, raised his sword and cut off the claw of the cat monster.



Wu Hai's expression froze, and he squinted at the top of a three-story dilapidated villa above.

Above the villa, there is a Tibetan Mastiff with white spots on its body. The Tibetan Mastiff is also obviously mutated. Its tusks protrude like ivory. The dog's eyes are wide open, and a faint light radiates from it.

Wu Hai's expression changed drastically, and he stepped back with a kick of his legs.


Just as his figure left, the mutated Tibetan Mastiff monster had rushed to where he was originally standing.

Wu Hai didn't stop, and immediately flew out, then leaped behind the Tibetan mastiff monster, and rushed straight into a private house.


The Tibetan mastiff turned around like a monster, and chased after it, smashing the walls of the houses into pieces.

The whole floor was shaken!

Wu Hai's figure froze for a moment, feeling the wind sweeping behind him, he rolled along the trend, lost his strength, and turned around to avoid the monster's attack.


The Tibetan mastiff monster roared and chased after it.

Like a nimble leopard, Wu Hai quickly jumped over the houses and got behind a car.

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