Fred looked at George with disgust on his face.

This younger brother looks stupid. For someone as smart as me, how could my younger brother be a fool? Couldn't it be in person?

Fred scratched his chin thoughtfully, could it be... that my hair changed?

Completely unaware that his brother was plotting against him, George thought hard about whether he knew of any more hidden stronghold.

He must not let anyone else know where he and Angelina are dating, otherwise these unscrupulous guys will definitely come and watch.

Can that still be called a date? !

It’s simply a party to enjoy the cool weather!

Time was spent in George's entanglement and Angelina's waiting.

Many wizards in the restaurant have left. They have no interest in the starry sky or anything. There are very few new young wizards. Like Robert, there are not many who come straight to the end.

Most of the young wizards are like wild horses running wild. After leaving the gathering place, they exude the aura of "the world is so big, I can reach it". They transform into ancient wizards, look down on everything, fight with beasts and people. , and then was pressed to the ground by the snowstorm and rubbed.

When the professor and Aurors dug him out, his face was blue and purple, and his old nose was terrible.

However, more people were brought back to the temporary base before the blizzard to be used as laughingstocks and free coolies. Compared with the double mental and physical torture at the foot of the mountain, the few little wizards who climbed up the mountain, although in appearance, It's a bit ridiculous, but the courage and perseverance are commendable.

Now, the little wizards of Hogwarts are inhumanely watching a certain Quidditch star in Durmstrang.

"Merlin! When I saw you just now, I thought I was dreaming!" Li exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Victor Krum! You are the idol of many people!"

"..." Krum's expression was gloomy, and he obviously had no desire to speak. There was a scar on his nose, but it had scabbed over and he had obviously received treatment before coming.

As the youngest official Quidditch star player on the Bulgarian team and even in the world, Krum received unparalleled attention on and off the field.

Almost everyone knows that as long as Krum is there, the Golden Snitch can't escape his clutches!

"Speaking of which... shouldn't you be participating in the training camp before the game?" Fred frowned, "Can't they afford to lose and not let you play? Then I must write and tell Dad! Let him go The Department of Sports and Sports will file a complaint!”

He looked very angry, this was Krum! A true genius! How can you be buried because of other people's jealousy!

Speaking of which, this year's National Quidditch team has been tortured and bloody.

England lost to Transylvania, Wales to Uganda and Scotland were beaten by Luxembourg.

Fortunately, the Irish team defeated the Peruvian team with the hope of the whole village and successfully entered the finals to face the Bulgarian team.

This year's Quidditch Cup will be held in the Country of Corruption. It's hard to imagine how embarrassing it would be if no team from the Country of Corruption enters the finals!

Four teams, with the home court advantage, were pinned to the ground and completely crushed. Speaking of which, it is almost laughable.

Many Chinese people have been secretly trying to increase the prestige of their country.

And now that the decisive battle is about to begin, it is very unreasonable for Krum to appear here!

Perhaps feeling the sincere concern of these young wizards from the rotten country, Krum's expression softened slightly, he raised his head, greeted them, and then explained in a low voice, "No, I am from Durmstrang. As a student, this is my last year, and I also want to go on a trip with my friends as a last memory."

His pronunciation was a bit strange, and he was obviously not very proficient in English, but everyone could still understand him.

So that's it.

The little wizards looked astonished.

Robert noticed that when Krum looked directly at them, his gloomy temperament disappeared. However, when he lowered his head, he still looked like an extremely gloomy guy from other angles.

After looking carefully for a long time, he realized that the gloomy temperament was actually because of Krum's two thick and black eyebrows?

Those two eyebrows are particularly interesting. When viewed from the front, they are flat straight lines. But as long as you change the angle, especially when viewed diagonally from above, they will appear like horns, occupying almost half of his face. Therefore, a kind of A very depressing aura rushed over his face, making people feel that he was a gloomy person.


He is actually considered to have a gloomy personality because of his eyebrows?

Robert didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But to be honest, if you ignore those two eyebrows, Klum is indeed very popular. Just look at his fans, ranging from an old mother in her 60s to a 6-year-old girl, they are all fascinated by him. You can tell how charming he is, and his figure is really strong, giving people a sense of stability.

Speaking of which, the Seeker profession should be Harry's eye-catching plug-in in terms of setting. Due to long-term malnutrition, Harry's body is thin and thin, which is just suitable for the Seeker profession, which requires more eyesight, dynamic vision, and dexterity. .

But the problem is that basically all the star Seekers in the official teams are tall with long hands and legs, while the Chasers are all petite in stature, which is completely inconsistent with the setting.

Perhaps the coaches of the official teams feel that in official games, it is not about who can find the Golden Snitch first, but who can squeeze the opponent off the broom and grab the Golden Snitch.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Some failed seekers often say in post-game interviews that if they were stronger and their arms were longer, they might be able to get the Snitch one step ahead of their opponents.

"When did you guys arrive?" Krum asked somewhat staggeringly, "We just arrived today."

"So are we!" Fred admitted carelessly, "But we arrived a little earlier, uh, we should have arrived at noon or in the afternoon."

Krum nodded, "We were lost in the mountains, and then we met a wolf..."

"You are still fighting against the wolves?" Emma's eyes widened, "That's awesome! Are your companions okay?"

Krum shook his head and nodded again, "It's not very good, but it's out of danger."

As he said that, he looked at Chen Xiaodong and asked hesitantly, "Is this... also a student of Hogwarts?"

Chen Xiaodong stretched out his hand, showing his big white teeth, "No, I am from the Flower Country, from Kunlun. You are welcome to come to the Flower Country as a guest in the future! We have a lot of delicious food there, I hope you will be interested. By the way, I have an ancient book here Do you want to study the recipe that comes down first?!"

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