Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Hufflepuff Common Room

Robert picked up the photo and glanced at it casually.

The fat monk did not appear on it, only the frightened expressions of the little badgers and an unnatural distortion somewhere.

When the little badgers who enroll with you in the future graduate, get married, or have babies... you can make a copy of this photo and put it in a gift box and send it to them.

This is really...


Putting away the photos happily, Robert decided that such precious photos must be preserved more.

So, that night, there was a little badger wandering around in the auditorium. He appeared at the dining tables of various colleges, captured the frightened expressions of more than 80% of the freshmen from incredible angles, and later made them into A collection of personal emoticons has become a dark history that countless wizards cannot erase.

By the time Robert returned to his seat with satisfaction, the ghosts had left. They looked very happy after saying hello, and the little wizards could finally continue to dine tremblingly.

At this time, what was served were desserts. Maybe the chefs from Fu Kingdom were wrong in their cooking skills. These desserts were obviously much more delicious than the main meals, including various puddings, pies, jams, cakes, sponge cakes, and donuts. , and the most important ice cream!

Well, eating ice cream on such a cold day, I hope the school hospital will not be full on the first day, otherwise Madam Pomfrey will definitely despair of this class of wizards.

The delicious desserts filled the little wizards' stomachs and soothed their hearts. They quickly calmed down and began to introduce themselves to their new companions in a low voice.

When the last piece of pudding disappeared from the plate, it meant that dinner was over, and Principal Dumbledore stood up again.

The restaurant quickly fell silent.

"Now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to you. At the beginning of the semester, I want to put forward a few things to pay attention to."

"Attention first-year students, the wooded area on the school grounds is off-limits to any students."

"Mr. Filch, the caretaker, asked me to remind everyone not to do magic in the corridors between classes."

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in participating in the college team please contact Mrs. Huo Qi.

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore said loudly, which made the smiles on the other teachers' faces freeze.

I saw the principal flick the wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting like a snake above the dining table, coiling out lines of text.

"Everyone chooses a tune he likes." Dumbledore said, "Get ready and sing!"

Robert could see some senior students with expressions of despair, following other teachers and students and singing loudly:

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Please teach us knowledge,

Whether we are a bald old man or a child who hurts his knee,

Our minds can accommodate some interesting things.

Because now our heads are empty, full of air, dead flies, and trivial matters,

Teach us some valuable knowledge,

Give us back what we have forgotten,

Just do your best and leave the rest to us.

We will study hard until we turn to dust.

Everyone finished singing the school song in a flurry, but almost everyone finished it at the same time. Robert did not hear the famous song of the Weasley twins - "Hogwarts School Song: Funeral March Version", but think about it It’s normal, it’s the first day of school! The twins may have been a little frightened, but when they recover, they will start to do crazy things!

"Music," Dumbledore wiped his eyes with his hand, "is more charming than anything we do here! It's bedtime now, let's go back to the dormitories."

The male prefect of Hufflepuff was a bit lively. He called all the little badgers to follow him, for fear that they would get lost. The female prefect seemed a little nervous. She was carefully counting the number of people and subconsciously avoided them. other people.

The Weasley brothers and Lee Jordan followed Charlie and stood up.

The little snakes of Slytherin were the first to walk out of the door under the leadership of their prefects. Behind them were the little lions of Gryffindor, followed by Ravenclaw. When everyone else was gone, the two Hutchies Patch's prefect breathed a sigh of relief and left the auditorium with the little badgers.

It seems that Hufflepuff has not been doing well in recent years, Robert thought.

Following the prefect, they walked down the stairs next to the auditorium and entered the basement. After passing a long corridor, a shadowed stone trough appeared on the right.

There was a stack of wooden barrels stacked above the stone trough. The male prefect stepped forward, stood in front of the barrels and turned his head to face the little badgers who were looking at them curiously.

"Our Hufflepuff common room is very safe. Do you know why?" Some rich prefects looked at the little badger below with a smile.

The little badgers have their eyes wide open and their faces are full of curiosity.

The prefect did not continue to whet their appetites. He walked to the big wooden barrel and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the bottom of the second barrel in the middle of the second row. "If you follow the rules of Helga Hufflepuff, )' beat here..."

As he finished speaking, the lid of the bucket swung open, and the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room appeared in front of the little badger.

"Remember, if you hit the wrong rhythm, the punishment waiting for you will be to be showered with vinegar." The prefect said, and demonstrated it again.

The little badgers nodded to show that they remembered.

"Follow us, we're going to the common room." The prefect said, climbing in first.

Behind the barrel is an uphill dirt road, a bit narrow, which reminds people of a badger's den.

Coming out of the wooden barrel entrance is a huge screen. Going around it, the most mysterious common room in Hogwarts reveals its true appearance.

It was a very plain large round room, with all the decorations in sight being made of wood. The ceiling is low, and plush sofas and chairs in predominantly yellow and black colors are scattered haphazardly here and there. There are many circular windows on the wall, and below the windows is a circle of windowsills with many plants placed on them. Some ferns and vines are scattered from the roof, which fills the common room with a sense of life.

Directly opposite the common room is a huge honey-coloured wooden fireplace that blends perfectly into the wall. There is a sculpture of a dancing badger above the fireplace, and a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff hangs above it. The lady is smiling and holding a gold cup with a double-sided handle, which seems to be greeting everyone who enters. The little badger toasted in celebration.

On either side of the fireplace were some bookshelves filled with books.

"The boys' dormitory is on the left, and the girls' dormitory is on the right." The prefect introduced, and Robert looked in the direction of his finger, which was the downward steps.

It turns out that the dormitory is on the lower floor.

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