Journey to the witch world

Chapter 959 The Law of Time

"The energy fruits of the divine tree are the embryos of the gods!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't hide the look of surprise on his face. He looked at the six hearts of gods in his hand and felt extremely shocked.

It takes more than five hundred years to embark on a wizard's journey.

Enzo has experienced great storms, but what happened in the spiritual world is actually beyond his imagination.

Therefore, Enzo's mood is a bit complicated now.

"What if the fruits on the sacred tree are all the embryos of gods?"

After a while, Enzo asked, "So, it takes many times for these gods to hatch, or how do they become real gods?"

There are countless gods in the multiverse.

Most of the gods are indigenous gods of small worlds. They have life levels beyond the fourth level, but they may not have much power. But gods are gods after all, and every god is an immortal existence.

In the multiverse, fourth-order life forms are considered a threshold.

Any life form that breaks through the fourth level will gain eternal life. Therefore, in the multiverse, only those with level four and above can be called strong.

Although the number is huge, it is much less than the third level.

"I don't know exactly what happened."

Alice shook her head and sighed, "The news about the spirit world is the biggest secret of wizard civilization and even the entire multiverse."

"Even I only have a little understanding of it."

"I only know that the sacred tree in the spiritual world is called the cradle of gods. After each god's heart is formed, it will turn into a god!"

"Then... how many sacred trees are there in the spiritual world?" Enzo asked hesitantly.

"The exact number is unclear."

Alice smiled bitterly, shook her head and said, "However, there are probably countless places in the spirit world like the realm of death!"


Suddenly, Enzo couldn't help but gasp.

If everything is true as Alice said, the sacred trees in the spiritual world can give birth to gods, and there are countless sacred trees in the spiritual world, that means that there are already countless gods being nurtured in the spiritual world today. .

Moreover, it is still a god that has not yet been conceived.

If the cycle of the spiritual world's sacred tree giving birth to gods is not long, then how many gods will take shape under the gestation of the sacred tree in the endless years.

What a terrifying force this will be!

The expression on Enzo's face changed uncertainly, and he felt an inexplicable fear in his heart about the spirit world. His original mentality as a Holy Soul Wizard had undergone a slight change.

Enzo had always believed that the wizarding civilization was the pinnacle of the entire multi-distant universe.

Even the Abyss World, which is also a top civilization, is far behind the Wizarding Civilization. But now that he has learned the secrets of the spiritual world, Enzo no longer has the same sense of superiority as before.

The spiritual world is the most mysterious place in the universe!

"Your Excellency Alice."

After a while, Enzo raised his head and asked, "In addition to investigating the disappearance of the Calvin wizards, do you have any other tasks when you go to the spiritual world this time?"


Alice shook her head, with a hint of complexity on her face, and sighed, "I am going to the spirit world this time. According to the order issued by the Supreme Council, I am only responsible for investigating the secret of the disappearance of the Calvin wizards."


Alice said with a trace of hesitation on her face.

"Just what?" Enzo's heart skipped a beat.

"As ordered by the High Council."

Alice took a deep breath and said solemnly: "My first task when going to the spirit world this time is to investigate why the Calvin wizards collectively fell into the spirit world."

"Instead, take them back!"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat when he heard Alice's words.

"you mean……"

Enzo frowned slightly, his face became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "The Supreme Council only asks you to go to the spirit world to investigate the reasons for the disappearance of the Calvin wizards, but it does not need to bring them back to the wizarding world."

"Yes, that's right." A trace of apology appeared on Alice's face.

"I see……"

Enzo murmured to himself, couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said, "It seems that in the plan of the Supreme Council, all the Calvin wizards have been abandoned."

"It seems more important to know the truth than to save them."

"Sorry, Sir Enzo."

Alice shook her head and whispered, "Everything the Supreme Council has done is to understand the mysteries of the spiritual world and for the development of the entire wizarding civilization."

"……I see."

Enzo sighed and quickly adjusted his mood. As a qualified wizard, he could also understand the behavior of the Supreme Council.

The secrets of the spiritual world have already made wizard civilization feel threatened.

Therefore, compared to wizard Calvin and others, the secrets of the spiritual world are obviously more important. As the leader of the wizard civilization, the Supreme Council must naturally give priority to the interests of the entire civilization.

In the history of the development of wizard civilization, countless wizards have been sacrificed by the Supreme Council.

Some of these people voluntarily gave up everything for the sake of civilization, while others were forced to do so, and their names will never be forgotten by wizard civilization.


On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath to relieve his emotions, and then asked Alice, "Now that the Supreme Council has decided to abandon Wizard Calvin, what should we do next?"

"It's time for us to leave." Alice said solemnly.


Enzo was stunned for a moment and asked puzzledly, "What should I do with the task assigned by the Supreme Council?"

"I have already conducted some investigations during the time I entered the spirit world."

Alice pondered for a moment and said, "Although we haven't gotten accurate information yet, we already have some clues about the disappearance of Wizard Calvin and the others."

"So, our next task is to leave the spirit world."

"After returning to the wizarding world, I will report all the information obtained from the investigation to the Supreme Council. Then we will see how the Supreme Council will make a decision."

Hearing Alice's words, a look of surprise appeared on Enzo's face.

" already know why Wizard Calvin and the others were collectively drawn into the spirit world?" Enzo asked in a deep voice.

"It's not just Wizard Calvin and the others!"

Alice shook her head and said in a deep voice, "In addition to the wizards who expedition to the 900-layer world of the abyss in the north, there are many wizards who went to the abyss, and they were all involved in the spiritual world."

"After preliminary investigation, it was found that the behavior of an abyss demon was behind this incident."

"The other party seems to have mastered certain mysteries of the spiritual world, so it used some method to banish all those wizards to the spiritual world."

Alice said, paused, and then said.

"The wizards who have been exiled to the spiritual world are contaminated by the curse of the spiritual world and have difficulty escaping. Now it depends on the decision of the Supreme Council."

"Is it really Abyss's conspiracy?" Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

In fact, before going to the spirit world, Enzo had already made an inference in his mind.

With the advent of the third era of the multiverse, the war between the wizard civilization and the abyss civilization, which are also the top forces in the multiverse, has already started. Faced with the powerful expedition of the wizard civilization, the abyss world cannot sit still and wait for death.

In fact, strictly speaking, the two worlds have been mortal enemies since ancient times.

In the age of gods, demons provoked a war between gods and demons in order to invade. However, in the end, both sides suffered losses in that war. Neither gods nor demons were victors. The only real winner was the rising wizard civilization.

However, even if the invasion fails, the abyss world still has powerful power.

Even though time has arrived in the Third Era and the rise of wizard civilization has become unstoppable, on the surface the wizard civilization and the abyss world are still evenly matched. In fact, in terms of the number of strong people, the abyss is even better.

However, there are big differences between the two civilizations.

The wizarding civilization is a whole. In ancient times, after the Battle of Paradise Mountain, the entire wizarding civilization worked hard for a common goal. On the other hand, in the abyss world, although there are seven demons, they are always fighting on their own.

Even those powerful demons plotted against each other.

In addition to the demons, other demon lords or high-level demons are also in similar situations. It is precisely because of this situation that the abyss world and the wizard world are both top-level worlds, but there is always a big gap between them.

In place, Enzo raised his head.

"Your Excellency Alice."

Enzo pondered for a moment and said, ": Now that you have investigated the beginning and end of everything, how do we leave the spiritual world now."

Being in the spirit world, one is always under the pollution of the curse of the spirit world.

Even Enzo is not willing to stay in the spirit world, so if he gets a chance to leave, he will definitely not give up.

"Come with me!"

Alice nodded slightly, and then waved to Enzo.

Immediately afterwards, she turned into a silver light and headed in one direction, and Enzo turned into a shadow and followed closely behind.

In a moment, the two of them left the realm of death.

"Your Excellency Alice."

Enzo turned into a shadow and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Bronze Door!"

Alice simply replied, "It is an artifact left behind by a supreme master when he went to the spiritual world. We can only get rid of the shackles of the spiritual world by relying on the power of the bronze door."

After hearing Alice's words, Enzo said nothing more.

Since it is the bronze door left by the Supreme Wizard, it must have its own magic. Enzo only needs to follow Alice to leave the spiritual world.

Soon, the two came to a wilderness.

"This Camp Gro?"

Enzo's heart moved, and he suddenly discovered that the direction Alice was heading seemed to be the Glo camp.

"Is this the Gero camp you mentioned?"

A hint of surprise appeared on Alice's face, but she didn't say anything more. She looked into the distance, silver light flashing in her eyes.

"Next, let's walk." Alice said.


Enzo followed Alice's footsteps without asking the reason. The two of them, one after the other, soon arrived outside the Gro camp.


However, when he returned to Camp Gro and looked at the scene in front of him, a look of surprise appeared on Enzo's face.

I saw the previous Grotto camp, and now it seemed as if it had been baptized by countless years. Everywhere I saw was a dilapidated scene, even the walls were covered with marks, like tofu crumbs that would break at a touch. The previous witch formation was even more It has long been completely broken.

"how so?"

An incredible expression appeared on Enzo's face. He had only left Camp Glo for a few days.

Nowadays, Camp Groo seems to have experienced countless years.

Moreover, looking at the dilapidated Glo camp in front of him, Enzo could not feel the breath of life, as if the place had long been turned into a dead city.

On the spot, Enzo's face was solemn.

He didn't know what exactly happened. It was as if overnight, the Gro camp had been destroyed and all the wizards inside had disappeared.


Enzo murmured to himself, a trace of trance flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the Gro camp in front of him, he even had some doubts about whether everything that happened before was a real experience or just like a dream.

"Wizard O'Callen..."

Enzo recalled the three Holy Soul Wizards at Glo Camp, took a deep breath, and walked straight in the direction of Glo Camp.

Arriving at Camp Gro, Enzo looked around.

He confirmed once again that there was no one here, as if it had gone through countless years. There were mottled traces everywhere, the ground seemed to be buried by the sand, and the traces of the wizards' previous survival had long since disappeared.

"Could it be that...everything in Camp Gro is an illusion?"

There was a flash of hesitation in Enzo's eyes, but he quickly shook his head and said secretly, "No, all that happened really happened, and it absolutely cannot be an illusion."

Then, Enzo continued to walk forward.

He searched for traces of Wizard O'Callen and others as much as possible, but he searched the entire camp, but still found nothing.

"Sir Enzo, you don't have to look for me anymore."

At this time, Alice suddenly spoke, looking at the dilapidated Glo camp, a thoughtful expression appeared on her face.

"Maybe... I know what's going on?"

A thoughtful look appeared on Alice's face, and she murmured, "It seems that all this is the layout of the Supreme Lord. This Grotto Camp is where the Bronze Gate is!"

"What's going on?" Enzo asked in a deep voice.


Alice took a deep breath, her eyes flashed with luster, and said, "This is indeed Camp Glo, but it's not the Camp Glo on the correct timeline."

"It's the Gero Camp countless years later!"

"The Supreme Lord hid the bronze door at a specific time in order to protect it. No wonder the Supreme Council gave me this before the start of this mission."

Alice said, suddenly taking out an hourglass.

Golden sand is flowing inside. As each sand grain passes, the time for the hourglass to reverse is getting closer and closer.

"You mean...the law of time?"

After hearing Alice's explanation, Enzo seemed to understand something.

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