Journey to the witch world

Chapter 934 Immortality

"Very good, I accept your deal!"

After a while, Enzo made his choice and looked at the soul of the giant snake Yanilas.

After all, no conquering wizard can refuse the temptation of a new world, especially a wizard like Enzo who is destined to hit the sixth level.

"Thank you, respected wizard..."

A trace of joy flashed in the eyes of the giant snake Yanelas, but mid-sentence, she changed her words and said, "No, maybe I should call you master now!"

Enzo nodded slightly, but the expression on his face didn't change much.

"I can help you regain your physical body."

On the spot, Enzo pondered for a moment, and then spoke again, "But before that, I don't want anything to be concealed about your alliance with the worlds."

"Also, I also want to get a detailed description of how you were involved in the spirit world."

The giant snake Yanilas fell into silence.

"Actually...I don't know too well."

After a while, the giant snake Yanelas sighed, and said with a hint of bitterness in her tone: "I have been staying in the world of snake teeth."

"But one day a few years ago, I received a message from the Alliance of All Realms and went to a region to attend a party!"

"As a result, when I arrived at my destination, there was no one there."

"Before I figured out what was going on, I was already sucked into the land of nothingness..."

The giant snake Yanilas said, with a deep sense of powerlessness in her tone.


Enzo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then don't you have any opinion on your inexplicable involvement in the land of nothingness?"


After another period of silence, Yanelas raised her head and said solemnly, "I also have some speculations, but I haven't received any confirmation."

"Perhaps... all of this was a conspiracy from the beginning!"

In the vertical pupils of the giant snake Yanilas, the luster flickered slightly and said: "There is someone in the alliance of all realms who covets my world of snake teeth, so they planned this conspiracy!"


A trace of thought also appeared on Enzo's face, and his eyes sparkled.

The experience of the giant snake Yanelas is not complicated. As a member of the Alliance of All Realms, she was betrayed by the alliance and fell into a conspiracy.

The unknowing giant snake Yanelas fell into the trap prepared for her by the Alliance of Realms and entered the land of nothingness.

"It seems that the Alliance of Realms is not monolithic!"

Enzo sighed in his heart.

The Alliance of Realms is just an organization formed by small worlds in the multiverse to keep each other together.

Different worlds have different levels of civilization.

Therefore, the Alliance of Realms seems to be a whole, but in fact there are great conflicts within it and it is divided into different factions.

The world of Snake Fang obviously does not belong to any faction.

Therefore, the lone giant snake Yanilas was quickly targeted by other alliance members, so they formulated this banishment plan.

Only by banishing the giant snake Yanelas to the land of nothingness can members of the Alliance of Realms seize her world of snake teeth.

Although there is no definite evidence, various signs have shown that this is the case. Perhaps the giant snake Yanelas also noticed this, so she chose to withdraw from the Alliance of Realms so simply and dedicated the world of snake teeth to Enzo.

After all, the giant snake Yanelas is now trapped in the land of nothingness. Strictly speaking, she has lost control of the world of snake teeth.

What's more, the giant snake Yanelas doesn't have many choices.

In place, Enzo thought for a moment.

Then, he took out a sacred object-level bracelet from the space ring and threw it directly in front of the soul of the giant snake Yanelas.

"Before leaving the land of nothingness, I don't have the ability to help you reshape your body."

Enzo said in a deep voice, "So, just use it as a carrier for the time being!"

"Yes, Mr. Wizard."

The giant snake Yanelas also knew very well how difficult it was to reshape the body, so she had no objection to Enzo's arrangement.


The next moment, the soul of the giant snake Yanelas penetrated directly into the sacred bracelet, and the originally silver bracelet turned into a small snake and swam towards Enzo.

In place, Enzo raised his hand.

The bracelet carrying the soul of the giant snake Yanilas was put on Enzo's wrist, like a small silver snake.

Then Enzo turned around.

Now that the soul-eating wind outside has stopped and Enzo's lost magic power has been restored, Enzo naturally has not forgotten the purpose of coming to the land of nothingness.

Outside the cave, the sky was gray-white.

This is the scene of the land of nothingness. The sky is always gray and white. Unless a natural disaster strikes, nothing will change.


At this time, seeing Enzo coming out of the cave, the King of Spirit Devourers, who had turned into a white bird, also flew onto his shoulder.

Enzo walked outside.

The land of nothingness that had just experienced a natural disaster presented a scene of deathly silence. As far as the eye could see, there was endless desolation everywhere.

And every time you walk, you can see some gloomy bones.

Obviously, these are all creatures that died due to the soul-eating wind. The terrifying natural disasters in the void are tens of millions of times more terrifying to creatures below the immortal level than the apocalypse.

Enzo shook his head, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The danger of the Void Land exceeded his imagination, and through communication with the King of Spirit-Eating Monsters, Enzo already knew the terrifying rules of the spiritual world.

Therefore, he must be extremely cautious.

Otherwise, once they fall, it means real death. No wonder the spiritual world is called the most terrifying place by immortal creatures in the multiverse.


Enzo was walking on the road in the land of nothingness, but suddenly he heard a sound in the distance, and he couldn't help but look away.

But in the mist, there was a sound of fighting.


Enzo's heart moved, and he felt the wizard's breath coming from the distance.

Immediately, he walked towards the direction of the movement.

Not long after, Enzo came to a stone forest. The scene in front of him made his eyes flash, and he saw a wizard being besieged by monsters.


In the stone forest, a wizard wearing a tattered gray robe held a twisted wand. When he waved it, the energy burst out to repel the surrounding monsters.

However, there are too many monsters around.

"What is this?"

Enzo did not show up rashly, but hid in a hidden place and looked into the distance.

They were a group of distorted monsters.

They have burly bodies over two meters long, with hideous and ugly faces, and a cruel luster in their scarlet eyes.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind, and the chip also used the scanning and search function.

Soon, lines of information appeared in front of Enzo's eyes.

It was a creature called a wolf demon, and it only existed in the spiritual world. Many years ago, wizards who specialized in studying the spiritual world discovered the existence of the wolf demon.

Moreover, based on the understanding of the wolf demon, it was found that this kind of creature has the characteristics of immortality in the spiritual world. Although their combat power is generally only about level three, they can be said to be immortal.

In the history of wizard civilization, there was once a fifth-level holy soul wizard who was besieged by tens of thousands of wolf demons in the spiritual world.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, facing a group of immortal creatures, he should have been sure of victory, but the final result was the fall of the holy soul.

Because of him, the wolf demon cannot be killed!

Tens of thousands of wolf demons surrounded the injured Holy Soul Wizard. The war lasted for an unknown number of years. In the end, even a powerful Holy Soul Wizard died of hatred.

But before dying, the holy soul wizard passed the news about the wolf demon to the wizarding world, allowing the wizarding civilization to have a better understanding of the spiritual world.

In fact, in the spirit world, there are many creatures with immortal attributes like wolf demons. In other words, their existence is originally one of the rules of the spirit world.

To this day, the wizarding civilization, and even the entire multiverse, still have not cracked the secrets of the spiritual world, and do not know the reason why the wolf demon is immortal.

In place, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

"This is a bit troublesome."

Enzo murmured to himself, looking at the wizard entangled by the wolf demon, his eyes shining slightly.

The wolf demon has the characteristic of immortality, which means that in the spiritual world, once entangled by such a creature, it will be an endless battle.

But in front of him, the wizard in the stone forest was in an injured state. His legs were already bone-white, and his face was as pale as paper.

Obviously, the wizard was hurt because of the soul-eating wind not long ago.


At this time, the wolf demons seemed to feel the gray robe wizard's weakness, and they roared and pounced on him, just like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

In the stone forest, the gray-robed wizard looked ugly.

As a fourth-level all-spirits wizard, if he were in the outside world, killing these third-level wolf demons would be as easy as drinking water and eating.

Even in the spirit world, when encountering the siege of this group of wolf demons, even if the gray-robed wizard cannot kill them, it is easy to escape intact.

But now, the situation seemed extremely dangerous to him. He had just experienced a soul-eating wind, and the gray-robed wizard's magic power had long been exhausted, and all the flesh and blood on his legs had disappeared.

Standing in the stone forest, the gray-robed wizard was in great danger every moment. Therefore, he seemed a little unable to withstand the attack of a group of wolf demons.

"Damn it!"

The gray-robed wizard gritted his teeth, but deep down in his heart, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Because of the immortal nature of the wolf demons, no matter how powerful his attacks were, it was in vain.

"There are still three hours left, we must persevere!"

The gray-robed wizard took a deep breath. There were only three hours left before darkness fell. He must persevere, otherwise once he entered the dark season, he would only die if he fell into the wild.

Before being besieged by the wolf demon, the gray-robed wizard had already fired a signal flare. If his companions could see it and come to support in time, maybe the gray-robed wizard would have a chance of survival.


Facing a group of attacking wolf demons, the gray-robed wizard suddenly paused with his wand, and the powerful magic power spread instantly.


The invisible wave of magic spread like a tide, instantly knocking several wolf demons away. The terrifying attack even destroyed the wolf demon's body.

However, in a moment, the wolf demons returned to their original state.

In the spirit world, the wolf demons are immortal.


At this time, an even more terrifying wolf demon suddenly roared, and then charged towards the gray-robed wizard.

"not good!"

The gray-robed wizard's expression changed. He had been trapped in the land of nothingness for hundreds of years, and he already knew the wolf demon very well.

Therefore, the gray-robed wizard knew very well that the strength of a wolf demon was often determined by its size. The wolf demon in front of him was almost three times the size of an ordinary wolf demon, and he was obviously the leader of this group of wolf demons.

"It's over!"

Watching the wolf demon leader attack, the gray-robed wizard had a look of despair on his face. His magic power had been exhausted, so he could no longer resist the wolf demon leader's attack.

However, as a wizard, it is obviously not the gray robe wizard's style to sit still and wait for death. Facing the fierce attack of the wolf demon leader, the gray robe wizard also raised his wand.


As the last trace of magic power was drained from the body, the twisted wand burst out with intense light, but cracks appeared on the surface of the holy object-level wand.

The next moment, the wand shattered.

The leader of the wolf demon was also knocked away, but the gray-robed wizard's face did not show any joy at all. Instead, it was shrouded in despair.

The reason is simple, he is at the end of his strength.

Not only was the magic power in his body depleted, but even the wand that had been with him for thousands of years was shattered. The gray-robed wizard had completely lost the fighting power that a fourth-level all-spirits wizard should have.

"It seems that my journey is over!"

There was a trace of despair on the face of the gray-robed wizard, but the corners of his lips were slightly raised. When faced with real death, some were hysterical, while others faced it calmly.

The gray-robed wizard is obviously the latter.

When he was dying, a look of nostalgia appeared on the face of the gray-robed wizard. It had been thousands of years since he embarked on the wizard's journey. As an apprentice with top talents, he successfully became an official wizard.

Then, for thousands of years, the gray-robed wizard continued to fight and improve his strength, and finally broke through the realm of immortality when he was a thousand years old.

A thousand-year-old all-soul wizard can be called a young man in the entire history of wizard civilization. Therefore, after becoming an immortal, the gray-robed wizard once thought that he could easily become a holy soul wizard.

However, another thousand years have passed.

Over the long years, the gray-robed wizard used all his strength, but still saw no sign of breakthrough.

Therefore, in order to seek a breakthrough, the gray-robed wizard ignored the opposition of his colleagues and came to the void of the spiritual world alone. He thought he could enter a higher realm, but the result was disappointing.

After arriving in the void of the spiritual world, the gray-robed wizard realized that he had made a stupid decision. Hundreds of years have allowed him to see the cruelty of the spiritual world, and his former ambitions have faded with the passage of time. , and gradually turned into nothing.

After being trapped in the spiritual world for hundreds of years, the gray-robed wizard no longer hoped for a breakthrough, but only wanted to return to the wizarding world one day.

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