Journey to the witch world

Chapter 931 Spirit Swallowing Monster

Not far away is the black mountain peak.


Another gust of black wind came from the surroundings. Enzo paused with the soul bone wand in his hand, and the shadow energy was released again, forming an energy like shield.


However, under the invasion of the black wind, the shadow shield once again made an overwhelmed sound, as if it was about to break in the next moment.

At this moment, Enzo's eyes flashed.

But he saw a cave on the top of the mountain not far away, which seemed to be just the right place for Enzo to hide from the black wind.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated.

The shadow wings behind him trembled, and he flew up directly, heading straight for the cave. But just before entering the cave, there was a noise inside the cave.

The next moment, a black tentacle that seemed to be transparent was thrown out of the cave.


Enzo was caught off guard and was attacked by black tentacles. His whole body was shocked. Fortunately, he was protected by an energy shield.

However, even so.


The energy shield attacked by the black tentacles also made an overwhelmed sound again, as if it was on the verge of breaking.

Enzo's eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

Ever since he came to this land of nothingness, he has been restricted in every way. Now, the unknown beings in the cave dare to attack him like this.

This made Enzo feel a little angry.

At the same time, the strange black wind swept up again. Enzo clenched the soul bone wand in his hand slightly, and was about to release the magic power to strengthen the defense of the energy shield. The protective shield condensed by the shadow fell under the strange wind. Under the attack, it actually shattered.

Suddenly, the black wind swept towards Enzo.

"This not good!"

As the black wind swept over, Enzo didn't pay too much attention at first, but the next moment, he felt the terrifying pain like bone erosion.

Suddenly, Enzo's expression changed drastically.

"Twisted Barrier!"

Immediately, without hesitation, Enzo released the magic power in his body and formed a twisted barrier around him, thus blocking the sweep of the black wind.

Then, Enzo looked down.

However, he saw that the flesh and blood of the legs that had been swept away by the black wind had turned into ashes, leaving only two white bones standing there.

"It's so scary?"

A trace of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face, but he really didn't expect that the black wind sweeping across the void could have such terrifying power.

You know, Enzo is a Holy Soul Wizard, a fifth-level life form!

In the entire multiverse, there are absolutely not many beings that can cause him harm, and in this place of nothingness, just a gust of black wind swept over, making Enzo feel the pain of bone erosion. It corroded the flesh and blood of his legs in an instant.

"The land of nothingness truly deserves its reputation!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, and there was a trace of vigilance on his face. The spirit world is indeed the most mysterious and dangerous place in the entire multiverse.


On the same spot, the soul bone wand in Enzo's hand paused, and his legs, whose flesh and blood turned to ashes, returned to their original state in an instant. As a fifth-level life form, Enzo has an immortal body, even if his head is severed. All can be immortal.

It was just ulcers on both legs, not a serious injury.

After relying on magic power to restore his legs, Enzo raised his head and looked towards the cave in the distance, his eyes flickering slightly.

Nowadays, the black wind is raging in the land of nothingness.

If he continues to stay outside, just to resist the black wind, the magic power Enzo loses every moment will be an extremely terrifying consumption.

Therefore, he must find a hiding place as soon as possible.

The cave in the distance is obviously a good target, but it seems that there is already an owner there, and he is full of malice towards Enzo who is approaching.


Enzo snorted coldly, and the shadow wings behind him trembled. The next moment, he flew towards the cave, and two huge tentacles also attacked him.

"Get away, wizard!"

At the same time, a harsh voice came from the cave, saying, "This is my territory, you are not welcome!"

"Now that you know my identity, you still dare to take action?"

Enzo had no expression on his face and said in a cold voice: "If you want to monopolize this place, let's see if you have such ability!"

After saying that, Enzo raised his arm.

The Night Curse Spirit Blade then appeared in his palm. Enzo waved the spirit blade, and the sword light transformed from the power of the curse swung out.


In an instant, the huge tentacles that came were cut off, and the power of the curse began to spread, attacking the monster in the cave.

The next moment, Enzo stepped into the cave.

The cave located halfway up the black mountain peak can just about escape the sweep of the black wind. What you see seems to be a deep place. On the rugged rock wall, there are traces of twists and turns, looking like trapped souls. .

"For the last time, get out!"

At this time, a harsh voice came from deep in the cave again, saying: "You are not welcome here, wizard! If you dare to take the first half step again, I will tear your soul into pieces!"

"If you have the ability, then go ahead!"

Enzo's expression was cold, but he paid no attention to the threat coming from the cave and walked straight towards the depths of the cave.


From the depths of the dark cave, transparent tentacles struck.

Enzo's expression remained unchanged. He paused with the Soul Bone wand in his hand, and the shadows under his feet spread around, turning into endless black flames.

In the distance, tentacles trembled violently.

Obviously, the being deep in the cave is not as powerful as Enzo, and the seemingly menacing tentacles are just a bluff.

"I want to see what you are!"

Enzo sneered, and then quickened his pace, and at the same time, a trembling wave came from the cave.

The next moment, on the wall.

The twisted traces turned into souls and attacked Enzo. However, Enzo was obviously vulnerable to such an attack.

Immediately, Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth.

The magic power spreads like a tide, easily killing all the surrounding souls in just an instant.

Then, Enzo turned into a shadow and disappeared.


The next moment, Enzo had reached the depths of the cave and looked forward, only to see a group of soft monsters entrenched above the cave.

From a morphological point of view, the monster resembles an octopus or squid.

On the bloated and twisted body, tentacles were waving continuously, surrounded by groups of souls like fireflies.

"Swallowing monsters!"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face, and he couldn't help but nod slightly. Even without using the search function of the chip, he could deduce the type of monster in front of him.

A spirit eater, a creature that feeds on souls.

According to the information description in the chip database, spirit-swallowing monsters generally live in the abyss world and belong to the companion race of the devil. The weakest spirit-swallowing monsters are only at the level of first-order life forms, but as they continue to devour souls, they will become more and more powerful. The stronger.

Like devils, ogres crave souls.

Unlike the devil's way of bewitching human beings to fall, the targets of weak spirit-eating monsters are often those weaker humans. When they are weak, they seize souls through their sleep, thereby devouring them as nutrients for their own growth.

In the multiverse, spirit-eating monsters are not rare creatures.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for this kind of creature to grow to the endless level. However, under the huge base, there are always some spirit-eating monsters that eventually transcend the ordinary.

For example, the spirit-eating monster in front of you.

Although it is not clear what caused this spirit-eating monster to come to the land of nothingness, the method it just used is enough to prove that this spirit-eating monster has at least reached the immortal level, or even the higher fifth level. .

"Perhaps... I should call you the King of Soul-Eating Monsters?"

Enzo raised his brows, but there was not much solemnity on his face. The brief confrontation just now gave him some judgment on the strength of this spirit-eating monster.

Therefore, Enzo will naturally not be afraid of the other party.

"Go to hell, wizard!"

Above the cave, when the King of Soul-Eating Monsters saw Enzo approaching, he immediately let out a scream, which spread like a sonic attack in all directions.

Suddenly, the cave trembled.

The ghosts who were enslaved by the King of Soul-Eating Monsters and trapped on the wall began to scream in agony.

The next moment, all the ghosts gathered together and turned into a huge evil ghost.

The evil ghost had an extremely huge body, as if it occupied the entire cave, and it grinned as if it wanted to eat people.

"Go, my slave!"

The King of Soul-Eating Monsters was entrenched above the cave and issued an order: "Enjoy the taste of flesh and blood and let this wizard see how powerful you are."

As soon as he finished speaking, the evil ghost was already attacking Enzo.


On the spot, Enzo chuckled lightly, not taking this evil ghost into his eyes at all, and casually threw the soul bone wand in his hand.

In an instant, the Soul Bone Wand turned into a giant skull.

Immediately afterwards, blazing flames burned around the huge skull, and the blazing heat spread, causing the evil ghost to immediately retreat.

After possessing the three realms of flame, Enzo also controls the power of the flame.

Immediately, Enzo's eyes flashed and he gave orders to the skull. In just a moment, the huge hungry ghost was swallowed.

Then, the skull flashed and returned to the form of the soul bone wand.

"According to legend, after a spirit-eating monster is promoted to the immortal level, soul crystals will condense in its body." Enzo stroked his chin at the same spot, raised the corners of his lips a little, and said faintly: "Soul crystals are important to wizards." It’s the best supplement to enhance your mental strength!”

"Wait, wait a minute!"

At this time, seeing that the evil ghost he summoned was killed by Enzo, the King of Soul-Eating Monsters was also completely panicked.

"Wizard! You and I are both immortals. Even if you take away my soul crystal, it will mean nothing to you!"

As he spoke, the spirit-swallowing monster king softened his tone a bit.

"Anyway, there isn't much hatred between us. How about we each take a step back and use this cave together?"

"According to my experience, each soul-eating wind lasts for up to three days."

"As long as we wait for the soul-eating wind to end, we will leave separately, and no one will affect the other, how about it?" the spirit-eating monster king said.


Enzo sneered and said calmly, "Don't you think it's too late to talk about this now?"

After saying that, a flash of red flashed in Enzo's eyes, and the flames suddenly turned into a long dragon, heading straight for the King of Soul-Eating Monsters.

"Damn! Wizard..."

Feeling the heat and high temperature of the flames, the King of Soul-Eating Monsters suddenly fell into panic and let out a scream.


Seeing that Enzo had no intention of stopping the war, the King of Soul-Eating Monsters also waved his tentacles, summoning more ghosts to attack Enzo.

However, this level of attack meant nothing to Enzo.

"Shadow Realm!"

On the spot, a hint of coldness appeared on Enzo's face, and then the soul bone wand in his hand paused, and endless darkness and shadow suddenly swallowed the earth.

In an instant, the cave fell into darkness.

"Wait a minute, wizard!"

The King of Soul-Eating Monsters felt the gap between himself and Enzo, and screamed in horror, "We can talk again, I am willing to pay a sufficient price in exchange for my soul!"

"Don't you wizards believe in the principle of equal exchange?"

"Principle of equivalent exchange?"

Enzo sneered and said indifferently: "I can't believe that a creature like you has heard of the principle of equivalent exchange."

"But it's a pity."

"According to the rules of wizard civilization, the basis of the principle of equivalent exchange is based on the premise of equality between both parties."

"As for you now, what qualifications do you have to be equal to me?"

After saying that, Enzo waved the magic wand in his hand.

The originally crimson flame turned into black in an instant, completely engulfing the spirit-devouring monster king entrenched in the cave.

The feeling of burning flames caused the King of Soul-Eating Monsters to let out a shrill scream.

Although they are both immortal-level creatures, it is obvious that the strength of the Spirit-Eating Monster King is far different from that of Enzo.

The two are completely different from each other.

"Great wizard!"

At this time, the King of Soul-Eating Monsters, who was swallowed by the flames, finally gave up all unrealistic thoughts and begged tremblingly.

"Please forgive my offence."

"Humble Karental, I am willing to be your lowest slave. I only ask that you spare my life. For this reason, I am willing to serve you forever!"

Enzo raised his brows after hearing the words of the King of Soul-Eating Monsters.

Then, he waved his hand again, and the flames surrounding the King of Spirit-Eating Monsters dissipated, revealing the scarred body of the other party.

"Are you willing to be my slave?"

Enzo looked at the King of Soul-Swallowing Monsters in the distance, with a glint in his eyes. Through the previous contact, he had already deduced the strength of this King of Soul-Swallowing Monsters.

A fifth-level life form.

As for immortal-level beings, almost everyone has some ability to save their lives. Even if the body dies, it will only fall into the realm. Therefore, in most cases, any immortal creature will not surrender to others easily.

Because, compared to falling into the realm, losing freedom is obviously more difficult to accept.

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