Journey to the witch world

Chapter 916 Defeat is decided

It's not that Reiner is afraid of death, it's really that the Destroyer mechanical giant can no longer hold on.

The strength of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton is not weaker than that of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Major Shutas, and is even a bit stronger to some extent.

Therefore, even though Reiner controls the Destroyer Mechanical Titan and has reached the fifth level of strength, it is still difficult to compete with him.

Being able to persist until now is already the limit.

If the confrontation continues, it may not take long before the Destroyer mechanical giant will be completely destroyed and turned into a piece of scrap metal.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

In the distance, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas seemed to have seen Enzo's thoughts, and immediately rushed towards the Dark Portal, intending to intercept the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.


However, at this moment, Enzo turned into a shadow and stood in front of him.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

As Enzo poured out syllables, his eyes seemed to have flames burning, turning into seemingly endless waves of heat rolling away.

In an instant, the flames burst into flames.

The Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas was also swallowed up by the power of the Three Realms of Fire in an instant. However, relying on the black armor on his body, Shutas remained unscathed in the flames.

The next moment, Shutas' whole body trembled.

The blazing flames were extinguished instantly, and the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas also sneered, looking at the dark door behind Enzo without saying a word.

"Are you planning to give up here? Wizard!"

Xiutas said quietly, "It seems that you are not as determined as I thought."

"No need to talk nonsense."

On the same spot, Enzo had no expression on his face and said coldly, "If you want to continue fighting, I'll just accompany you!"


The Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas looked ferocious and said in a low voice, "Do you think we will let you go?"

Having said that, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord attacked again.

At the same time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Hell's Red Flame Higra also flew into the sky and spit out clouds of dragon breath at Enzo.

In place, a trace of calmness flashed in Enzo's eyes.

At the same time, even though he was unable to win when faced with the siege from the strong men in the abyss, he could still do it if he persisted for a while.

Especially now, Enzo is in a state blessed by the power of the Fourteen Realms.

"Thousands of miles of ice!"

On the spot, Enzo slowly raised his hand, only to see the Soul Bone Wand turning into a ray of light and flying over, and then after a slight pause, an endless chill suddenly surged throughout his body.

In an instant, the coldness turned into thousands of meters of ice crystals.

The breaths of the ancient dragons on both sides were blocked by thousands of meters of ice crystals, but the confrontation between ice and fire also erupted with terrifying power.


Not long after, cracks appeared on the ice crystals, and then they turned into pieces. The black dragon emperor Oren Caesar in the sky laughed ferociously and spit out a ball of black fire again.


At this moment, the four walls condensed with ice crystals exploded, turning into countless ice crystal fragments and scattering in all directions.

However, Enzo was no longer visible in the ice crystal wall.

"Up there!"

The Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas raised his head, only to see that Enzo had turned into a phantom crow and soared into the sky.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also discovered Enzo's escape at this moment. He immediately laughed ferociously, vibrating his wings and flew over fiercely.

The next moment, the dragon claws struck.

"Shadow Incarnate!"

In the sky, a hint of vigilance flashed in Enzo's eyes. Facing the oncoming dragon claws, he decisively transformed into a shadow and escaped Oren Caesar's offensive.

"Wings of Shadow!"

Then, with a thought in Enzo's heart, he summoned his shadow wings and flew towards the sky.

At the same time, Enzo kept giving orders in his mind.


On the distant ground, the World-Destroying Flame Snake and the Blood Demon Ancestor were originally entangled, but as Enzo gave the order to retreat, the World-Destroying Flame Snake suddenly turned into a ball of flame and exploded.

The next moment, countless flowing fires returned to the portal.

On the other side, the scarred Seraphim Gabriel was also knocked away by the Demon King Gegra. This time, he did not stand up like before, but flew towards the Dark Door.

Hee hee hee!

Upon seeing this, Gegla, the King of Demon Spirits, immediately let out a strange laugh, and then chased in the direction of the Seraph Angel Gabriel.


But at this moment, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas suddenly issued an order, and the demon king Gegra could only stop when he saw this.

In this way, Enzo's three fifth-level life forms left the 900-layer world of the abyss one after another and returned to Enzo's plane through the Dark Gate.

However, this war did not end.

The Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas stopped the demon king Gergra from pursuing Gabriel, but ordered him to surround Enzo's rear.

At the same time, the same is true for the ancestors of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton and the Blood Demon.

"Wizard, you are destined to die here today!"

On the ground, Alice, the pearl of the deep sea who had been injured by Enzo before, let out a vicious curse, and then dragged her scarred body around towards Enzo.

From then on, seven fifth-level life forms in the abyss demon coalition surrounded Enzo.

In mid-air, Enzo's face was solemn.

Facing seven fifth-level life forms at the same time, even he felt a lot of pressure, but the current situation did not allow Enzo to have too many choices.

The Dark Portal is the only chance for the top brass of Enzo's expeditionary force to retreat. Therefore, Enzo must persevere even if it is for the sake of the indigenous gods.

"Half an hour!"

Enzo's thoughts flickered in his mind, calculating how long it would take for the top brass of his expeditionary force to evacuate safely.

After analysis of the chip, Enzo would need to hold on for at least half an hour before the top brass of his expeditionary force could leave here through the Dark Portal.

As for the soldiers of the expeditionary force, they have become pawns abandoned by Enzo.

This is the sorrow of lower-level life forms.

In the entire Ten Realm Fortress, there are more than 10 billion soldiers of the bottom expeditionary force. It would take more than half an hour for all of them to safely leave the 900-layer world of the abyss.

You know, when Enzo was just preparing to build the Ten Worlds Fortress, it took him several years to teleport his expeditionary force to the abyss world.

Moreover, at that time, there was still no war.

Nowadays, the demon coalition is coming fiercely. The expeditionary force relies on the protection of the Ten Realms Fortress, but it is still retreating. It is basically impossible for the soldiers at the bottom to evacuate safely.

In mid-air, a trace of determination flashed in Enzo's eyes.

As a rational wizard, Enzo is rarely swayed by emotions. Therefore, even if all the tens of billions of expeditionary soldiers under his command die, he will not allow himself to have too many emotional waves.

This is the absolute reason a wizard should have.

But now, Enzo still needs to hold on for another half hour before all the indigenous gods under his command and the top brass of the expeditionary force can evacuate.

Compared to those low-level soldiers, the indigenous gods and the senior leaders of the expeditionary force were Enzo's real power.

In the distance, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas saw the indigenous gods escaping from the 900-layer world of the abyss through the door of darkness, with a sneer on his face.

However, he did not stop this behavior.

"Wizard, are you too conceited?"

On the same spot, Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas looked directly in Enzo's direction and said quietly, "Do you really think you can deal with seven of us at the same time?"

While speaking, Xiutas waved his hand.

Immediately, seven fifth-level life forms in the demon alliance surrounded Enzo, and no one paid attention to the Dark Portal and the evacuated senior executives of the expeditionary force.

For these demon coalition forces, they have a very clear goal in this war.

That is the Ten Realms Fortress and Enzo.

The biggest task of the Demon Alliance this time is to destroy the Ten Realms Fortress and eliminate Enzo. As for the indigenous gods and the expeditionary force, they are nothing more than dispensable ants.

As long as they can destroy the Ten Worlds Fortress and get rid of Enzo as the Holy Soul Wizard, it doesn't matter what the expeditionary force does.

Anyway, in the eyes of those high-level demons, the soldiers of the ordinary expeditionary force are nothing more than a group of dispensable ants.

Just like in the abyss world, low-level demons are born every day. Although they are numerous, they do not have much value and significance.

From the very beginning, the goal of the Demon Alliance was Enzo and the Ten Realms Fortress.

However, the abyss lords also know very well how powerful Enzo, as the Conqueror Holy Soul Wizard, possesses. Even if the three abyss lords join forces, they may not be able to stay in the 900-layer world of the abyss forever, so For the Abyss Demon Alliance, the most important goal in this war is the Ten Realm Fortress.

However, the current situation is also very advantageous for the Demon Alliance.

Enzo opened the Dark Portal to buy time for the indigenous gods under his command, but he stayed behind and faced the siege of seven fifth-level abyssal beings.

"Wizard, give you one last chance!"

In the distance, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas looked directly at Enzo and said in a deep voice: "Give your soul an oath and become a part of the abyss!"

"Otherwise, prepare to die here!"

After hearing the words of Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xiutas, Enzo's face was still expressionless, obviously he still had no idea of ​​compromise.

"It have made your choice!"

When Xiutas saw Enzo's attitude, he knew that he had made a decision, so he immediately stopped holding back and launched an attack directly.

At the same time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar also roared.


The next moment, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar vibrated his wings and flew into the sky, spraying blazing black flames in Enzo's direction.

On the other side, other Abyss Level 5 also launched a siege on Enzo.

I saw Gegla, the king of demon spirits, letting out a weird laugh, and invisible sound waves spread around, making Enzo groan.

"Wizard! I want you to pay for your previous actions!"

Alice, the pearl of the deep sea, roared angrily, and it seemed as if a stormy sea rose up from beneath her body, turning into waves and attacking violently.

In an instant, the waves rolled wildly!


On the spot, Enzo snorted coldly, but a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and then he waved his arms, and the endless chill suddenly surged away.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and the power of the heart of the ice crystal world was unleashed. In just a moment, the surrounding area turned into a field of ice.

The waves summoned by Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, were instantly frozen by Enzo, as if they had turned into thousands of miles of ice like a city wall.

Then, the fire in Enzo's eyes flashed away.


The next moment, a ball of flames rose up, turning into a huge fireball and striking towards Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, like a falling sun.

In an instant, a roar sounded!

Amidst the violent and terrifying trembling sound, the huge fireball exploded, and at that moment, it bombarded the huge figure of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Among the seven surrounding fifth-level abyssal life forms, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, is obviously the weakest, so if a war breaks out, she will naturally become Enzo's top priority.


As soon as he defeated Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, with one blow, Enzo felt a sense of crisis, and then, red mist surged around him.

Immediately afterwards, the Blood Demon Ancestor attacked violently.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xuetas looked at each other and launched attacks again, obviously intending to solve the target as quickly as possible.


Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar roared, opened his bloody mouth, and swayed the hot black dragon's breath towards the earth.

In an instant, flames engulfed the earth.

The walls of the Ten Realm Fortress, which were more than a thousand meters high, also began to collapse. The defensive witch formation carved on the city wall had been completely destroyed. Facing the attack of the fifth-level life form, the Ten Realm Fortress seemed to have no defense capabilities at all.

At the same time, Hell's Red Flame Higra also suddenly flapped its wings and flew up.

However, his target was not Enzo and the Ten Realm Fortress, but the Dark Gate in the distant sky. He saw Higra turning into a ball of flame, like a falling star, and smashing towards the Dark Gate. , as if everything can be destroyed in an instant.

"Shadow Chain!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed slightly, and he waved the wand in his hand, and the chains turned into shadows instantly pierced out from the ground and penetrated directly through the body of the red flames of hell, Higra.

"Come down!"

Enzo shouted low, controlled the shadow chain, and pulled down the hellish red flame Higla in the sky.


Just hearing a loud noise, the huge body of Hell Red Flame Higra fell heavily to the ground, causing the earth to form a huge deep pit.

However, this level of damage obviously cannot pose a threat to the Red Flame of Hell.

Higla just shook his body and stood up again. The eyes burning like flames in his skull were staring in the direction of Enzo without any emotion.

"Delay it!"

In mid-air, Enzo took a deep breath, with a determined expression on his face. The current situation can be said to be very obvious.

The destruction of the Ten Realm Fortress is a foregone conclusion.

For Enzo, retaining power to the greatest extent is what needs to be done.

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