Journey to the witch world

Chapter 913 Chapter 923: Joint Action


Amidst the fierce roar, the rolling flames rushed away, and the red light almost swallowed Alice in the sky.

The blazing heat is coming!

Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, suddenly let out a shrill scream, and the originally gorgeous blue scales turned into dripping blood.

"help me!!"

Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, let out a shrill scream, and at this moment, a black figure surged away like a black cloud.


The black dragon emperor Oren Caesar vibrated his wings, and the black aura emanating from his body immediately extinguished the flames that swallowed the Pearl of the Deep Sea, Alice.

And then, the next moment.

Alice, the pearl of the deep sea, fell to the ground. Although her body was scarred, luckily she saved her life and was not directly killed by the Crimson Demon Prison.

"What a useless piece of trash!"

Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor vibrated his wings and hovered above the sky. A displeased light flashed in his vertical pupils.

On the ground, Alice struggled a few times, but failed to fly again. Although she was also a fifth-level life form, her strength was vastly different from Oren Caesar.

Even compared to the previous Poison Dragon Dormammu, there is a big gap.


On the other side, a sigh flashed across Enzo's eyes. He was undoubtedly a little regretful that the attack just now failed to kill Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea.

However, Enzo was not discouraged.

Although she failed to kill the Pearl of the Deep Sea, the blow just now had at least seriously injured her, and she would no longer be able to participate in this war in a short period of time.

Although Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, is not very powerful, she is at least a fifth-level life form.

Facing four fifth-level life forms at the same time, Enzo also felt a lot of pressure. Now that there is one less enemy, he can also share a lot of pressure.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Although Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, was eliminated, the remaining three enemies were not weak, especially the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Having had a confrontation experience before, Enzo already knew the strength of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.


While Enzo was thinking, before the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar could take action, the hell-red flame Higra, which was already a skeleton, had already risen into the sky.

Enzo looked up.

Looking at the hellish red flames of Hiigara that shot straight into the sky like flowing fire, a trace of solemnity flashed in Enzo's eyes, and he clenched the Soul Bone Wand in his hand.

In its heyday, Hell's Red Flame Higra was a well-known strong man in the Dragon Clan. Even the Holy Soul Wizard would need five people to join forces to deal with him.

But now, even though the hell-red flame Higra has fallen and transformed into an abyssal bone dragon, it still retains at least one-third of its combat effectiveness.

Still not a peep!

"It's a good thing there's no soul!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart.

If it were the Hell's Red Flame Higurah in its heyday, even if he faced it alone, it would probably be difficult to deal with it. But the Abyss Bone Dragon in front of him now, although it has the aura of the Hell's Red Flame, it lacks a soul.

Otherwise, if the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar had obtained the skeleton of Hell's Red Flame Higra along with the opponent's soul, then the Abyss Bone Dragon created would definitely be stronger.

However, even the Black Dragon Emperor Orenkaiser may not be able to deal with the red flame Higra of Hell that possesses a soul.


Above the sky, the red flames of hell, Higra, opened its bloody mouth, which was already filled with bones, and red flames suddenly spurted out.

In an instant, flames struck.

"Shadow barrier!"

On the spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, waved the soul bone wand in his hand, and the shadows under his feet suddenly surged like a tide.

In an instant, the shadows formed a barrier.

The crimson flames that attacked were all blocked by the shadow barrier. However, in just an instant, the shadow barrier shattered.

"Can't stop it?"

Enzo's heart trembled, but he immediately understood that just the shadow barrier condensed by magic power could not stop the attack of Hell's Red Flame Higra.

Immediately, he didn't hesitate.

"Mechanical Gate!"

Enzo used the power of Aquamarine Heart, and a roar suddenly came from the ground, and the giant door made of steel slowly rose up.

The flames struck the mechanical door, making a terrifying sound, but no matter what, the attack of the red flames of hell was blocked.


The next moment, the mechanical steel door exploded, and the scattered metal turned into combat weapons and flew towards the red flames of Hell, Hiigara.

In an instant, distant roars sounded one after another.

Under the manifestation of the power of the Heart of the Sea Blue World, the mechanical weapons burst out with terrifying power, bombarding the body of Hell's Red Flame Higurah one after another. However, this was not possible for the Hell's Red Flame Higurah, whose whole body was burning with flames. Not much damage.

At the same time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

I saw him opening his bloody mouth, and endless black flames spurted out in an instant, turning into a terrifying offensive.

On the same spot, a look of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face.

Then, without any hesitation, he flicked the wand in his hand, and his body instantly turned into thousands of phantom crows, flying away in all directions.


Thousands of phantom crows flew around, avoiding the offensive of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. However, Oren Caesar was entrenched in the sky, and the black flames in his bloody mouth seemed to be endless, making Enzo almost nowhere to be found. Can hide.

And, this is just the beginning.

At the same time as the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar attacked, the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas on the other side also transformed into his true form, like a giant like an ancient demon god, with thousands of arms stretching out from behind, and each arm had a A sharp blade with the level of a sacred object.


Wancian's sharp blades were swung together, and the terrifying offensive almost destroyed the world and destroyed the enemy. Even though Enzo had turned into thousands of clones, he could not escape such an astonishing offensive.

Forced into desperation, Enzo could only escape into the shadows.

However, before he could stabilize his condition, he saw in the distance, the red flames of hell, Higra, turning into flames and attacking fiercely.

The huge and terrifying body is like an ancient giant beast.

In other words, as a strong dragon clan, the Hell Red Flame Higra was an ancient behemoth that survived from ancient times. Although he is dead now, even though he has transformed into a bone dragon form, he still retains part of his combat power during his lifetime. .


The hot and raging flames struck crazily, Enzo's face showed a trace of solemnity, and the soul bone wand in his hand could only turn into a white bone shield.

Suddenly, the flames hit the bone shield.

Using the power of the artifact, Enzo temporarily blocked the offensive of the red flames of hell, but the next moment, the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas appeared behind him at some unknown time.


Xitas's voice sounded in vain, and the body shrouded in black armor seemed to turn into a shadow, swallowing Enzo in mid-air.

The next moment, Shutas wielded thousands of sharp blades.

Enzo seemed to be locked by an inexplicable force, and all the magic power in his body was frozen. He could only watch the sharp blade of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas coming at him.

"not good!"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat, his eyes turned red immediately, the power of the Three Realms of Flame burst out, and flames suddenly surged in front of him and turned into a barrier.


The sharp blade of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas, in an instant, tore apart the fire curtain, and the terrifying figure made people shudder.

"Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits!"

Enzo mouthed the syllables, feeling a sense of crisis in his heart, but his reaction speed was very fast, and he immediately used the ability of Phantom Crow Qianling to break free from the mental shackles of Wanren Demon Master Shutas.

The next moment, Enzo appeared thousands of miles away.


On the spot, Wanren Demon was cultivating Tas, with a trace of regret on his face, but a ferocious luster flashed in his eyes.

At that moment, he almost caused harm to Enzo.

Confrontations between strong men often depend on that moment. If the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas can exert the power of the Cursed Blade on Enzo, then even if he is a Holy Soul Wizard, Enzo Must fall into a state of extreme weakness.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Enzo broke free.

"Sure enough, it's a bit forced!"

A thousand meters away, Enzo's eyes flashed with solemnity. Just as he thought, facing three strong men at the same time, even he was in danger.

"Why aren't you here yet?"

At this time, Enzo also had a doubt in his heart. He had already sent a signal to Wizard Calvin for help before.

But now, there is no response from the other party.

This made Enzo feel confused, and at the same time he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart. Since the Demon Alliance had decided to attack the Ten Worlds Fortress, would they not consider Wizard Calvin in advance?

"What, are you still waiting for backup?"

At this time, Wanren Demon Master Shutas seemed to have seen through Enzo's thoughts, with a sneer on his face and said faintly.

"What a pity, I'm afraid you won't get any response."

"what do you mean?"

Enzo's heart trembled, and he felt vaguely uneasy.

"Oh, wizard."

On the spot, Xiutas shook his head, with a strange expression on his face, and said, "Do you really think that this attack is just something we decided on a whim?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you either."

"In today's 900-layer world of the abyss, all the abyss lords have united to drive out you wizards."

Saying that, Wanren Demon's main cultivator paused.

"If nothing else happens, except for you, all the wizards who came to the 900-layer world of the abyss will probably be facing the same situation now."

"So... you'd better not expect any more supporters."

After saying that, a look of pride appeared on the face of Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Xiutas.

"Joint action?"

In mid-air, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and he immediately issued an order to the chip to send a message to all the immortal wizards in the 900-layer world of the abyss.

However, there was still no response.

It seems that Wanren Demon Lord Shutas did not lie. In today's world of the 900th level of the abyss, all the abyss lords have united and prepared a joint operation. Except for himself, all the lords who came to the 900th level of the abyss Other wizards were also attacked.

It is precisely because of this that Enzo's message to other wizards did not receive any response.

Suddenly, Enzo's face turned gloomy.

If the words of Wanren Demon Master Shutas are true, then for the northern wizards, this is undoubtedly a devastating blow. In today's 900-layer world of the abyss, although the northern wizards stand firm Even though he had lost his footing, it was still difficult to compete with the local lords of the abyss.

If it weren't for the wizard Calvin at the head and the many fifth-level wizards in front, I am afraid that the wizards would have been driven out of the 900-layer world of the abyss.

"Your Excellency Calvin..."

A trace of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes, and the demon lords of the nine-hundred-layer world of the abyss joined forces to launch an attack on the wizards of the north.

Even he was attacked by three abyss lords, so as the leader of the northern wizards, Calvin would probably face even more terrifying threats.

"Don't worry, you will see the Calvin wizard soon."

Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also made a low voice, saying, "This will be the price you damn wizards must pay for entering the abyss."

Hearing the words of the Black Dragon Emperor, Enzo raised his head suddenly.

"You...killed Wizard Calvin?"

There was a hint of coldness on Enzo's face, and thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, but he couldn't believe that Wizard Calvin would be killed by the abyss lords together.

"Heh, what do you think?"

Maintenance of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon, Shutas, did not respond to Enzo's inquiry, but said with a half-smile, with a mocking luster in his eyes.

"Hmph! Is it just you?"

At this time, Enzo suddenly calmed down and sneered: "The power of Wizard Calvin is far beyond your imagination. I will not believe that you can kill him."

Seeing Enzo say this, Xiutas' face turned gloomy.

Ever since the original Grand Speaker of the Northern Parliament disappeared, Wizard Calvin, as the acting Speaker, has become the strongest person in the Northern Continent. Even Enzo had to admit that the opponent's strength surpassed his own, so even in the Nine Hundred Abyss In this world, there are not many people who can deal with him.

Moreover, Wizard Calvin is a Conqueror Holy Soul Wizard.

Even if he is really defeated by several abyss lords who have joined forces, it should be easy to escape from the 900-layer world of the abyss. Even facing a sixth-level life form, he still has a slight ability to protect himself. Enzo does not believe in Wizard Calvin. Will fall so easily.

"You're right, wizard."

After a while, Wanren Demon Master Shutas suddenly said, "We really don't have the ability to kill that Calvin wizard."

"However, the way he is now is probably no different from death."

"If you want to wait for his support, then I advise you not to have any wishful thinking. Your only chance to survive now is to surrender to us."

"Give up your original identity and become a fallen wizard!"

"In this case, maybe we can consider letting you go, otherwise, what awaits you will be complete death without any room for mercy!"

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