Journey to the witch world

Chapter 910 King of Demon Spirits

"What an amazing defense!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Facing the indiscriminate bombardment of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton seemed very calm.

He blocked all attacks with just his physical defense.

However, this is just the beginning.

The steel mechanical giant manufactured by Aquamarine World has already had the ability to compete with fifth-level life forms. Now, Enzo has spent all the resources of his ten realms to build the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, which is obviously more powerful than the steel mechanical giant.

Naturally, it cannot only have this power.


After several rounds of shell bombardment, but no obvious damage was caused to the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, the body of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant suddenly made a roaring sound, and then, a wave of energy surged out of the huge and majestic body. A stream of air.

The next moment, the Destroyer Mechanical Titan rushed into the sky.

In mid-air, Laina in the cockpit pressed a red button, and the eyes of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant immediately glowed red.


Fierce sounds followed, and intense red lasers shot out from the eyes of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, as if they were enough to penetrate everything in the world.

And those two red laser beams also accurately hit the chest of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton.

Suddenly, flame-like traces appeared on the skin of Zushan Troll Bolton, and the monster like a mountain of flesh finally let out a scream.

"Did it work?"

In the distance, Enzo raised his eyebrows. He knew that the Destroyer Mechanical Titan had three powerful attack methods from the beginning of its design.

And this laser eye is one of them.

When Laina used the laser eye of the Destroyer Mechanical Titan, Enzo also thought that if even such an attack could not cause any harm to the Zushan Troll, it seemed to mean that the Destroyer Mechanical Titan had no connection with the Zushan Troll at all. Qualifications for fighting trolls.

Because as long as the opponent sits there, he can withstand all the attacks of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.

Fortunately, things were not like this. Although the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton had astonishing defense power, he was also harmed by the powerful attacks of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.

After the attack was successful, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant also released laser rays again.

On the ground, the Zushan troll was injured by the laser ray and showed anger. The extremely huge body slowly stood up.

The next moment, the Zushan troll roared.


Accompanied by the terrifying roar of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, a wave of air surged in all directions like an overwhelming mountain.

In an instant, cracks were torn across the ground.

The surrounding low-level demons could not withstand such a sonic attack, and they all let out shrill screams, and some even exploded into pulp and died.

In mid-air, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant also shook.

Lai Na, who was in the cockpit, turned extremely pale instantly. Even with the protection of the steel mechanical giant, he still suffered serious injuries, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

Even if Laina was not a fourth-level indigenous god, just the roar of the Zushan troll would be enough to cost him his life.

This is why Enzo Parana controls the Destroyer Mechanical Titan.

As a mechanical weapon that can compete with fifth-level life forms, the Destroyer Mechanical Titan itself has strong energy radiation. If the life strength is not enough, there is no qualification to control it. Ordinary Hailan people will not control the Destroyer Mechanical Titan. It's risky to get too close.

In fact, even a third-level life form will fall into a period of weakness for a long time after being in the cockpit and controlling the Destroyer Mechanical Giant for a battle.

Therefore, in the entire Aquamarine World, only Laina has the ability to control the Destroyer Mechanical Titan.

At the same time, he is also the only one who can control the Destroyer Mechanical Titan without suffering any damage. If he is in the cockpit for a long time, the radiation contained by the Destroyer Mechanical Titan will not have any impact on Laina.


In mid-air, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant staggered to the ground. Laina used all his methods to stabilize the Destroyer Mechanical Giant. At the same time, he raised his head and looked to the opposite side with vigilance. He saw that the Zushan Troll Bolton stood up. , but had no intention of attacking.

Seeing this scene, Lai Na breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the next moment.

The originally ordinary earth suddenly gushes out a ball of blood. Before Laina could react, it had turned into a poisonous snake and wrapped around the feet of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant. Then, a crimson demon made of blood appeared in front. .

"Ancestor of the Blood Demon?"

On the city wall, Enzo's pupils shrank for a while. Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Blood Demon appeared here. The opponent was a fifth-level life form that broke the rules in the Blood Demon world.

Enzo had had a brief confrontation with the opponent before in the Ice Crystal World.

However, the appearance of the other party here at this time seems to mean that the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas is also nearby.

Just as Enzo was thinking, the figure of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas also slowly appeared on the ground.

In the sky, space was torn apart.

Covered in pitch-black armor, the Ten Thousand-Ren Demon Lord Shutas descended on the black wilderness like a hell demon, with an icy luster shining in his dark pupils.

"We meet again, wizard!"

After the Ten Thousand Demon Lord Shutas appeared, he did not take action against the Destroyer Mechanical Giant. Instead, he looked at Enzo with a glimmer of interest in his eyes.

On the city wall, Enzo's face was expressionless.

He has already seen the strength of Wanren Demon Major Shutas in the Ice Crystal World. The opponent is not weaker than the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and is also a powerful enemy.

"Ancestral Mountain Troll, Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. The appearance of two powerful demon lords was not a good thing for the Ten Worlds Fortress.

Today's war obviously represents a great threat.

However, even when facing two powerful demon lords at the same time, Enzo did not have any panic on his face. With the blessing of the power of fourteen worlds, he was very confident in his own strength, even if the strength of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton was unfathomable , but it couldn't pose much threat to him.

However, the arrival of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas posed a great threat to Laina who was in the cockpit.

The Destroyer Mechanical Titan is haunted by the Blood Demon Ancestor.

"Start boiling mode!"

In the cockpit, Lai Na decisively gave the order. The Destroyer Mechanical Giant was entangled by the Blood Demon Ancestor and was temporarily unable to move. However, in the boiling mode, it emitted terrifying high temperatures, and then his whole body burned. A roaring flame.

The mechanical giant of the Destroyer, which was like a fireball, immediately forced back the entangled Blood Demon Ancestor.

In the cockpit, Lai Na breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, a terrifying roar came from the sky again.

The next moment, the billowing dragon's breath attacked violently.

"Shadow barrier!"

On the wall of the Ten Realm Fortress, Enzo's pupils shrank for a while. Seeing the dragon's breath coming from the sky, he decisively waved the wand in his hand to create a shadow barrier in front of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.


Suddenly, the black dragon's breath impacted the shadow barrier, erupting with a terrifying sound. The two energies canceled each other out, and eventually turned into air waves and spread towards the surroundings.

When gods fight, little devils suffer!

The confrontation between powerful life forms turned the surrounding low-level demons into ashes. Just the air wave generated by the spread of the dragon's breath was terrifyingly powerful.

On the city wall, Enzo's face was solemn.

At the same time, the terrifying creature above the sky slowly appeared, its huge body protruding its head from the billowing black mist.

Black Dragon Emperor, Oren Caesar!

On the spot, Enzo's heart sank and he frowned slightly. Unexpectedly, this time the demon coalition attacked the Ten Realm Fortress and dispatched three fifth-level abyss lords at once.

Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton!

The Ten Thousand Blade Demon majors in Shutas!

Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar!

Among these three abyss lords, the first one is known as the oldest being in the nine-hundred-layer world of the abyss, and the other two are also famous and powerful men.

Among them, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar is known as the strongest man in the 900-layer world of the abyss.

If an ordinary fifth-level holy soul wizard faced such a terrifying lineup, they would probably have only one option: escape.

However, for Enzo, who has the blessing of the power of the fourteenth world, it is just a challenge, and he may not lose.


In the sky, the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar's huge body descended on the earth, and his pair of dark vertical pupils stared at the Ten Realm Fortress in front of him.


The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar made a low voice and said hoarsely: "You should pay the price of blood for your actions!"

On the city wall, Enzo frowned slightly.

Then, a look of thought appeared on his face, and he finally understood what the other party meant, that he was to blame himself for the betrayal and death of the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

However, Enzo didn't say much.

Facing the three powerful abyss lords, Enzo also felt a little pressure, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he whispered syllables in his mouth.

"Gabriel, come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a gap was torn open in the void, and the fallen angel Gabriel slowly walked out of the door of the void, with six black wings trembling slightly behind him.

On the battlefield today, there were three Abyss Lords on the side of the Demon Alliance. Enzo knew clearly that under such circumstances, ordinary fourth-level life forms no longer had the ability to determine the direction of the war.

Only fifth-level life forms can affect the situation in this battle.

Immediately, Enzo summoned the seraphim Gabriel.

"Fallen angel?"

In the distance, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas had a sneer on his face, and then he waved his hand, and a huge face appeared in the sky.

Hee hee hee!

That huge face let out a weird laugh that echoed in the black wilderness, making the soldiers of the Ten Worlds Fortress shudder.


In place, Enzo frowned slightly and turned on the scanning function of the chip.

In just a moment of scanning, Enzo got information about the huge demon spirit in front of him and knew that the life level of this demon spirit had reached level five.

"Go, Gergra!"

In the distance, the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas waved his arm and ordered: "Go and devour as many souls as possible. You can eat all you can in one go today!"

The King of Demon Spirits, Gegra!

Like the Fire Demon Tyrant, the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Master Shutas also controls three planes. In addition to the fifth-level life forms such as the Blood Demon Ancestor in the Blood Evil World, the Demon Spirit World also gave birth to the Demon Spirit's Ancestor. king.

Both of these life forms have broken the restrictions of the world's rules, but the ancestor of the Blood Demon only became a fifth-level life form after devouring everything in the Blood Demon World.

The situation of the King of Demon Spirits is somewhat different.

The Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Master Shutas connected the Demon King Gegra to the entire Demon World, making him a fifth-level life form.

However, through this method, although the King of Demon Spirits was promoted to a fifth-level life form, he was still hungry for a long time, as if he had been cursed.

Every once in a while, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas must provide enough sacrifices to the demon king Gegla, otherwise he may be counterattacked by the other party.

Therefore, unlike the blood demon ancestor's absolute obedience, for the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas, the Demon Spirit King Gegra is a double-edged sword.

It can only be powerful if used properly.

Otherwise, it will cause damage to itself. Even if the demon king Gegla does not devour the soul for a long time, it may cause the entire demon world to lose control and madly attack the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas.

The Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Master Shutas was unwilling to release the demon king Gegra unless it was absolutely necessary. But now, in order to invade the Ten Realm Fortress, Shutas was doing his best.

Above the sky, Gegra burst into weird laughter.

Immediately afterwards, as the sound spread around, the soldiers in the Ten Worlds Fortress also fell into a trance, and then countless souls flew out of their bodies.

Those souls are like light groups.

They flew uncontrollably in the direction of Gegla, the king of demon spirits. In an instant, at least hundreds of thousands of souls were swallowed by Gegla.

This is the horror of advanced life forms.

Gegla, the king of demon spirits, wants to harvest the souls of low-level life forms. It is simply a piece of cake. Even those third-level evil ghosts do not have much ability to resist.

In just an instant, hundreds of thousands of evil ghost soldiers lost their souls, and this was just the beginning, and it could not satisfy Gegla's appetite.

"Dark Spear!"

In the sky, seeing that Gegra was about to laugh again, the fallen angel Gabriel, without Enzo's orders, took the initiative to raise his hand, condensed a spear of darkness and threw it.

However, as the Dark Spear was flying in the direction of Gegla, the King of Demon Spirits, a group of flowing blood suddenly surged up to block the attack.

The ancestor of the blood demon!


The flowing blood swallowed up the Spear of Darkness, and then, the Blood Demon Ancestor turned into a huge monster and headed straight for the fallen angel Gabriel. The two fifth-level life forms began to fight in an instant.

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