Journey to the witch world

Chapter 907 The Eve of War

When the other female dragons in the Black Dragon Empire learned that Dormammu had died, they immediately began to take action and try to challenge her authority.

In this regard, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar has never responded. For him, only a powerful female dragon is qualified to be his partner.

Moreover, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also learned about everything that happened in the Ice Crystal World through certain channels, so he was quite dissatisfied with Dormammu for hiding his affairs.

Therefore, Oron Caesar would naturally not interfere in the dispute between Dormammu and other female dragons, and even publicly stated that he would abolish the status of the queen of Dormammu Empire.

After that, there was a fierce battle between Dormammu and the female dragon of the Empire. Although he fell down, Dormammu's strength was still remarkable. In just one month, he killed three heads and four. A female dragon.

Then, Dormammu inserted the heads of the three female dragons on the wooden stakes outside his lair as trophies.

With this method, Dormammu has re-established his position, and Oren Caesar no longer dwells on what happened before.

In this way, relying on the realm of the fourth-level life form, Poison Dragon Dormammu regained his identity as the queen of the Black Dragon Empire.

However, two months later, civil strife broke out in the Black Dragon Empire.

For some unknown reason, the poisonous dragon Dormammu unexpectedly attacked the black dragon emperor Oron Caesar, but was noticed by the opponent and was seriously injured in a counterattack.

Then, the poisonous dragon Dormammu escaped from the Black Dragon Empire.

According to the information obtained from the investigation of the Ten Realm Fortress, since Dormammu was killed by Enzo in the ice crystal world, he fell into the realm and has been looking for opportunities to recover.

I don’t know what method she used, but she actually became a believer of the Gluttony Demon. Under the guidance of the Gluttony Demon, she planned to devour the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and return to the fifth level.

But it is obvious that the plan of the poisonous dragon Dormammu failed. The black dragon emperor Oren Caesar is one of the strongest people in the 900th layer of the abyss, even if there is the figure of the Demon God of Gluttony behind this incident.

The betrayed Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar fell into a state of rage and immediately launched a relentless pursuit of the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

However, the poisonous dragon Dormammu, who was supported by the Gluttony Demon, still had a chance to compete with Oren Caesar even though he was in the state of a fourth-level life form.

But it's just a trace.

The poisonous dragon Dormammu persisted for two months with the support of the Gluttony Demon God, and then was personally killed by the black dragon emperor Oron Caesar.

But this time, the poisonous dragon Dormammu really fell!

The civil strife in the Black Dragon Empire lasted for less than three months before it came to an end. However, it is said that the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar suffered considerable damage when he killed Dormammu.

However, this cannot be verified.

"Gluttony Demon God!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Unexpectedly, the Demon God of Gluttony, currently being hunted by the three Demon Gods of Anger, Lust, and Arrogance, would still have extra energy to interfere in the affairs of the 900th Floor of the Abyss.

Then, Enzo shook his head.

In addition to the civil strife in the Black Dragon Empire, there is another thing that deserves attention in the 900-layer world of the Abyss in recent times.

That is the alliance between Ten Thousand Blades Castle and the Black Dragon Empire.

As the two most powerful forces in the 900-layer world of the abyss, both the Black Dragon Empire and the Ten Thousand Blades Castle have fifth-level life forms sitting in their place.

And for tens of millions of years, these two forces have been fighting openly and secretly in the 900-layer world of the abyss. There was even a peak battle between the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas. duel.

Even when the Northern Wizards invaded, the two forces had no intention of joining forces, but now, they openly joined forces to launch a counterattack against the Northern Wizards.

"Trouble is coming!"

In place, Enzo sighed in his heart, and then shook his head.

The demons in the nine-hundred-layer world of the abyss have united under the influence of some special force, and the northern wizards, as invaders, will also suffer an unprecedented blow.

"If there is the intervention of a sixth-order demon lord behind this incident, I'm afraid there will be some trouble!" A trace of solemnity flashed in Enzo's eyes.

Then, he waved his hand.

A screen of light appeared in front of me, but it was the situation in the Mayan world.

Originally, before the expedition to the abyss world began, Enzo formulated a five-realm expedition plan. However, this plan was only 60% successful in the end.

Maya world, Xina world, light seal world, wild world, black light world.

Among the five worlds, three were conquered by Enzo, and in the remaining two, the expedition in the Mayan world made no progress, and the Black Light world could be declared a complete failure.

Even up to this moment, Enzo is still worried about the mysterious god of the black light world, Xiaugonaer. If it were not for the expedition to the 900th layer of the abyss, he might have gone to the black light world himself and killed him. .

The world of Maya, a member of the Alliance of Realms.

There is only one indigenous god in this plane, and that is the God of Maya. The entire world is made like an iron barrel. Even the Goddess of Night and the Giant Spider God have used various means to shake the rule of the Maya God. , and even gradually became the evil god that everyone shouted to beat.

At this moment, Enzo looked forward.

Using the phantom crows left in the Mayan world, he had a certain understanding of the situation in this plane. The expedition to the Mayan world had been started for nearly fifty years, but the situation between the two goddesses seemed to be becoming more and more passive. .

"It really is……"

On the spot, a trace of helplessness appeared on Enzo's face. According to this progress, I am afraid that the two goddesses will not be able to complete the expedition to the Mayan world in a few hundred years.

What's more, in today's multiverse, alliances from all realms are also taking frequent actions.

All civilizations and races have known about the ambitions of the wizard civilization, so in order to survive, they have begun to hold together for warmth.

As a member of the Alliance of Realms, the Mayan world is also protected by the alliance.

Just half a year ago, the God of Maya launched an encirclement and suppression operation against the Goddess of Night and the Giant Spider God. In this operation, not only himself, but also the other three gods who were summoned, all of them Member of the World Alliance.

Four indigenous gods of the universe joined forces to attack the two goddesses.

With the home field advantage and the numerical advantage, even though the goddess of the night, Lucy Lace, was powerful, it was difficult to resist the opponent. After a confrontation, Lucy Lace was seriously injured, and the giant spider god Qiluo was even more powerful. Caught by the Mayan God.

At this time, Lucilece was hiding deep in the caves of the Mayan world.

With the prayers of tens of thousands of cavemen, Lucilece slowly recovered from her injuries. Looking at the poorly dressed cavemen around her, a trace of helplessness flashed in Luciles's eyes.

These cavemen are already Luciles, all the believers in the Mayan world.

However, relying on these believers to overthrow the rule of the Mayan God is simply like a dream.

"We have to find a way!"

In the crypt, Lucileth's eyes flickered, and she suddenly took a deep breath, dragging her injured body, and released the last trace of magic power in her body.

"Wizard! If you feel it, please give me a response!"

After decades of expedition in the Mayan world, there was still no progress. Coupled with the Mayan god's siege, the giant spider god Qiluo was arrested. The once proud goddess of the night, Lucy Rice, finally lowered her head and chose Ask Enzo for help.

Moreover, this is not the first time she has asked Enzo for help.

However, Enzo, who was in the 900-layer world of the abyss and focused all his energy on the expedition, had no energy to respond to Luciles.

But at this moment, Enzo was paying attention to the Mayan world, so he felt the call of Lucilece.

"Are you looking for me?"

In the crypt, Enzo's voice suddenly sounded, and in the illusory fog in front of him, a wizard in black robe slowly appeared.

On the spot, Luciles' eyes lit up.

The goddess of the night could swear that she had never thought that she would have such emotions when she saw the wizard in front of her, as if a lost traveler had seen hope.

"It seems that you are in trouble."

In the mist, Enzo looked at the embarrassed Lucy Rice, with a half-smiling expression on his face.

Opposite me, Lucy Rice's face darkened.

"...Yes, wizard."

Luciles looked ugly, lowered her head and said, "The expedition to the Mayan world did not go well. Qiluo and I have not developed our own church and believer power for so many years."

"And now, the alliances of all realms have begun to intervene!"

"So...I need your help!"

Luciles bit her lip, a trace of shame flashed in her eyes. For the proud ancient gods, asking for help from a wizard who was born as a human was obviously a difficult thing to accept.

However, after the giant spider god Qiluo fell into the hands of the god Maya, Lucilece no longer had many choices.

If she does not turn to Enzo for help, then she is likely to truly lose Qiluo, the giant spider god.

Lucilece had a deep affection for the being who had been silently protecting her since ancient times.

In the mist, Enzo looked thoughtful.

For him now, the Mayan world is no longer a necessary plane. Sending the two goddesses to the Mayan world was just a casual move, but now, it seems that this casual move has not been used. Too big an effect.

Therefore, Enzo doesn't know if he can get the ending he wants if he continues to increase his investment in the Mayan world.

After a while, Enzo raised his head.

"I can give you some help, but it's limited to resource support." Enzo's tone was calm, with a hint of indifference in his voice.


Lucilece bit her lip, but she had to accept this somewhat shameful gift, and felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart.

Once upon a time, the wizard in front of him was just an ant that he could easily crush.

But now, the other party has grown to the point where even she has to look up to him, and even has to seek help in order to save Qiluo, the giant spider god.

Subsequently, contact between the two was severed.

Enzo, who was in the Ten Realm Fortress, sighed slightly. In fact, he was not stingy and was unwilling to give enough help to the goddess of the night, Lucilece.

However, today's Mayan world has received help from the alliance of all realms.

It is no longer as easy as before to conquer this plane. If Enzo's support for Luciles is too obvious, then the Alliance of Worlds will definitely do the same and provide help to the Mayan world against Enzo.

After all, the current alliance of worlds has blocked the invasion of wizard civilization.

At the same time, the war started with the Abyss World and the Alliance of All Realms. Even the powerful wizard civilization felt somewhat powerless.

"Next, let's take care of the things in front of us."

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath. For him now, the biggest threat he faces is obviously the demon lords in the 900-layer world of the abyss who have decided to join forces.

In today's 900-layer world of the abyss, the situation has become very serious.

The demon lords who originally fought independently united due to unknown reasons, and the wizards of the Northern Council had to respond.

The expedition to the 900-layer world of the abyss has lasted for nearly fifty years.

Under the call of the Supreme Council, all resources in the Northern Continent were mobilized, and more than half of the wizards were involved in this war. But even so, in the 900-layer world of the abyss, the Northern Council still did not have any advantage. .

On the other hand, on the Abyss side, with the home field advantage, demons continued to appear.

If those high-level demon lords cannot be killed, then for the Northern Council, no matter how many low-level demons are eliminated, it will be meaningless, because in the 900-layer world of the abyss, demons will always appear continuously.

With the River Styx across the entire abyssal world as the boundary, the wizards of the north and the demon lords of the abyss are about to engage in the ultimate showdown. Judging from the current situation, the wizards do not have the upper hand, and are even somewhat passive.

"Chip, bring up the map of the 900-layer world of the abyss."

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he called up the map of the nine-hundred-layer world of the abyss. A screen of light appeared in front of his eyes, on which the regions and power divisions of the entire abyss world were marked in the form of lines. Among them, the ten realm fortresses were also impressive. In the column.

At this moment, the Ten Realms Fortress is located in the black wilderness.

Across this black plain is the territory of some fourth-order demon lords, and until the Styx River is the territory of the Black Dragon Empire.

Nowadays, with the Styx as the boundary, the area on the Ten Realm Fortress is occupied by wizards.

All the fourth-level demon lords were killed by Calvin himself, but those low-level demons appeared in endlessly like rats. Under the chaotic will of the abyss, they were constantly born and grown. Even the wizard Calvin could not stop this. .

Therefore, the Northern Council sent ten all-spiritual wizards and a large number of low-level wizards to form a large patrol team, constantly searching for new demons to kill near the boundaries of the Styx, in order to maintain the stability of the situation.

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