Journey to the witch world

Chapter 904 Ghost Wood World

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

"How about it? Wizard."

On the opposite side, Wanren Demon majored in Xiutas, but a confident expression appeared on his face, and he said loudly: "You and I will continue to fight. The victory or defeat will be between 50 and 50 at most."

"However, if I pay some price, leaving is definitely not a problem!"

"But if that happens, the ice crystal world may be destroyed because of this. I guess this is not what you want to see, right?"

Enzo's face was expressionless, but he sighed in his heart.

As the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas said, the ice crystal world that has experienced successive battles is now in danger.

If the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas is bent on destruction, Enzo will definitely not be able to stop it.

Moreover, now Enzo is not completely sure that if Xiutas stays, the two will only fall into a lose-lose situation if they continue to fight.

"You can leave now."

After a while, Enzo said coldly.

"Very well, wise choice."

Wanren Demon Master Shutas looked calm, but he was relieved in his heart. Although he continued to fight with Enzo, he also had the opportunity to escape from the ice crystal world, but the consequences of doing so would be to pay a certain price, which was not in line with building a tower. Sri Lanka's interests.

Therefore, if both parties take a step back, it will be a happy ending for everyone.

In mid-air, Enzo waved the soul bone wand in his hand, and a gap was suddenly torn apart in the sky. The Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas did not hesitate and turned into a ray of light and rushed into the gap.

"We will meet again, wizard!"

The moment before leaving, Xiutas made a voice. In the first confrontation, Demon Lord Wanren did not have any advantage, but he also had a certain understanding of Enzo's strength.

Today, the Northern Council is attacking the 900-layer world of the abyss.

Therefore, as the demon lord of the 900th layer of the abyss, Shutas will still face Enzo sooner or later, but who will win the final victory is still unknown.


And just as the figure of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas disappeared into the cracks in the void, a trembling sound suddenly came from the earth.

Enzo looked around and saw the ice cracking.

The huge body of the poisonous dragon Dormammu jumped up from the icy water, and headed straight for the crack in the void like a great beast.

"Hmph! You want to leave too?"

In mid-air, Enzo snorted coldly, but with a flash of his eyes, the torn crack in the void instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it! Wizard!"

Seeing the crack in the void leaving the ice crystal world disappear before his eyes, the poisonous dragon Dormammu let out a furious roar.

However, she did not impulsively attack Enzo.

"Wizard, let me leave!"

The scarred body of the poisonous dragon Dormammu fell on a glacier. The dark vertical pupils looked directly in Enzo's direction and said hoarsely.

"Otherwise, I will destroy the world!"

Upon hearing the threat from the poisonous dragon Dormammu, Enzo sneered.

"Destroy the world?"

A hint of sarcasm appeared on Enzo's face, and he sneered, "Do you think you still have the ability to destroy the ice crystal world now?"

As he spoke, Enzo paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand.

The poisonous dragon Dormammu, who was entrenched on the glacier, suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and a gloomy luster flashed in his vertical pupils.

They are both fifth-level life forms, but the strength of Poison Dragon Dormammu is obviously not as strong as that of Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas.

This was the case in his heyday, not to mention that Dormammu is already scarred. The injuries caused by the Ice Scorpion King and Enzo were almost fatal. If it were not for the powerful physique of the ancient dragon, she would It has long since fallen.

Enzo may feel a little threatened when facing the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas.

However, the poisonous dragon Dormammu, who was seriously injured in front of him, was not taken seriously by him, and naturally he would not let him leave.


On top of the glacier, the poisonous dragon Dormammu roared, "Wizard! Do you want to lose both sides?"

Enzo sneered, seeing Dormammu's strength on the outside and his strength on the inside.

"Shadow Realm!"

Immediately, Enzo did not hesitate at all. He paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, and endless shadows suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the ice crystal world fell into darkness.

Poison Dragon Dormammu's expression changed, and a solemn luster flashed in her vertical pupils. At this time, she was indeed at the end of her strength.

Facing Enzo, who still retains some strength, Dormammu has almost no chance of winning.

Therefore, she would always lurk under the ice. When she saw cracks in the void, she immediately wanted to escape from the ice crystal world.

But he didn't expect that Enzo was willing to let Xitas go, but he didn't intend to let himself go.

"Damn it, gotta get out of here!"

The vertical pupils of the poisonous dragon Dormammu flickered, as if he had made some kind of determination, and his huge body suddenly emitted a dark green light.

Immediately afterwards, she transformed into a woman in green.

This is the human form of the poisonous dragon Dormammu. There is a pendant hanging around her neck, and the emerald-like gems on it emit strong energy fluctuations.

The void stone!

It is an extremely precious material. It is only the size of a fingernail, but its value is comparable to that of a mid-grade artifact. Even Dormammu, a fifth-level life form, only has such a piece.

Normally, Dormammu never uses the power of the Void Stone.

However, today, she was forced into a desperate situation and had to place her last hope on this Void Stone.

"The door to the spiritual world, open!"

On top of the glacier, Dormammu pulled off the pendant, then crushed the extremely precious Void Stone, and intense energy was immediately released.

In the dark world, a whirlpool seemed to emerge.

The void light emanates from it, like a passage connecting to another world. Groups of void souls are floating around, full of mystery and unknown atmosphere.

The spirit world is a magical place in the multiverse.

It is a special plane. Even the wizarding civilization knows very little about the spiritual world. It only knows that the rules of the spiritual world are strange and full of dangers. There are also many opportunities, but it is extremely difficult to enter it. things.

In the history of the wizarding world, countless planes and civilizations have been conquered.

But the spiritual world is a place that even the five supreme wizards dare not easily set foot in. Over the endless years, many wizards have set foot in the spiritual world. Some of them got opportunities and soared into the sky, but most of them were completely lost. in it.

In place, Dormammu took a deep breath.

Even as a lord of the 900th level of the abyss and a fifth-level life form, setting foot in the spirit world is still a very difficult choice for Dormammu. She is not willing to take this path unless it is a last resort, so for the unknown spirit In this world, Dormammu is only filled with fear.

However, at this moment, Dormammu seemed to have no more options.

Facing the threat from Enzo, Dormammu stayed in the ice crystal world with only one way to die. Using the Void Stone to open the door to the spirit world became her only chance.

"Wizard! Just wait for me!"

Dormammu walked towards the door of the spirit world step by step, but he did not forget to leave harsh words for Enzo, saying coldly: "This matter will never end here!"

"When I return to the abyss world, I will make you pay the price with blood!"

After saying that, Dormammu stepped into the door of the spirit world.

However, the next moment.

The originally illusory door to the spirit world suddenly turned into black crows for some unknown reason and shattered before Dormammu's eyes.


Suddenly, Dormammu's expression changed, but he never expected that his last trump card would be broken like this.

"Do you think I would let you leave so easily?"

In place, Enzo said quietly.

At the same time, a panicked expression appeared on Dormammu's face again, and blood-red light suddenly swayed down from the sky.

Dormammu subconsciously looked at the sky.

But at this moment, above the sky, a blood moon was hanging high in the sky, emitting a dark and mysterious light.

"Blood Moon!"

Suddenly, Dormammu's heart sank, and he recognized that it was the scarlet moon that symbolized Lady Moon's authority.

At this moment, Enzo on the opposite side waved the magic wand in his hand again.

In an instant, darkness struck!

The tidal-like shadow on the ground turned into overwhelming waves, heading straight for the poisonous dragon Dormammu, as if to engulf her.


On the same spot, Dormammu roared like a giant beast again, and the human form changed again, turning into a huge poisonous dragon.

"I'll fight you!"

The poisonous dragon Dormammu roared at the top of his lungs, opened his mouth and spit out a ball of dragon breath, which collided with the incoming shadow, releasing a terrifying energy explosion.

In place, Enzo looked calm.

Facing the poisonous dragon Dormammu, who was already at the end of his crossbow, Enzo did not feel any pressure. If he had not considered the ice crystal world, he would have used all his strength to kill Dormammu on the spot.

"The tree world is coming!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the shadow-shrouded ground suddenly grew vines and branches, quickly wrapping and binding the poisonous dragon Dormammu's body.

In an instant, Dormammu was restrained in place.

Those crazy-growing branches and vines penetrated deeply into Dormammu's flesh and blood, causing constant damage to the poisonous dragon Dormammu's huge body.

However, even if Dormammu is seriously injured, he is still a fifth-level life form. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the same is true for Dormammu.

"The power of ghost wood!"

Dormammu let out a cry, but saw a dark luster emanating from his body. The power of the ghost wood world came, and the surrounding trees that were bound were instantly absorbed.

The trees that pierced Dormammu's body were also assimilated by the power of the ghost trees and became part of the power of the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

In the distance, Enzo raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, the poisonous dragon Dormammu can still use the power of the world in such a state. It seems that her connection with the ghost wood world is really strong.

"This is not bad at all!"

On the same spot, the corners of Enzo's lips were slightly raised. The connection between the poisonous dragon Dormammu and the ghost wood world is so strong, which seems to mean that she has a certain degree of control over the ghost wood world.

This is obviously not a bad thing for Enzo.

The last time he dealt with the Fire Demon Tyrant, Enzo gained control of the Three Realms of Fire. Now, if he kills the poisonous dragon Dormammu, maybe Enzo can take the Ghost Wood World as his own territory.

Immediately, Enzo did not waste any time.

Since the Ghost Wood World and the Forest World are both plant-dominated worlds, it is obviously inappropriate to use the power of the Forest Heart to deal with Dormammu.

"Hell of Bones!"

Immediately, Enzo waved the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, and countless bones broke out of the ice, turning into a hell made entirely of bones.


The huge body was pierced by countless bones, and Dormammu let out a shrill roar. The next moment, she suddenly flapped her wings, trying to escape from the shackles of the Bone Hell.

However, Enzo naturally would not give her this chance.

"Wings of Shadow!"

A faint light flashed in Enzo's eyes, and the shadow turned into wings and appeared behind him. Then, he jumped up and appeared in the sky above the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

The next moment, Enzo threw out the soul bone wand in his hand.

In an instant, the Soul Bone Wand turned into a huge spear and penetrated directly through the body of the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

Suddenly, Dormammu was pinned to the ground.

Such intense pain made Dormammu roar, but being trapped by the Soul Bone Wand, she could not move and could only barely raise her head.


The green flame spit out from the mouth of the poisonous dragon Dormammu, like a poisonous snake, heading straight towards Enzo.


Facing Dormammu's offensive, a slight smile appeared on Enzo's face, but he waved his hand casually and scattered the incoming dragon's breath flames.

The next moment, Enzo's figure disappeared.

He came to the top of the poisonous dragon Dormammu's head, looking down at him, with a hint of indifference flashing in his eyes.

"Let's talk, wizard!"

At this moment, the poisonous dragon Dormammu has completely lost the chance to resist. However, she still tries her best to maintain the pride that belongs to the dragon clan.

"Killing me will do you no good!"

The broken body of the poisonous dragon Dormammu continued to flow with black blood, falling on the ground, emitting traces of poisonous gas.

"Let me go!"

The poisonous dragon Dormammu raised his head and said solemnly, "I can swear to the abyss that after returning to the 900-layer world of the abyss, the entire Black Dragon Empire will never be your enemy again!"


"Are you going to use these things in exchange for your own life?"

A trace of coldness flashed in Enzo's eyes, he shook his head and said quietly: "What's more, the leader of the Black Dragon Empire is not you."

"So, your promise seems to have no value to me!"

"Okay, I don't want to talk too much nonsense."

Enzo shook his head and said coldly: "Leave the Ghost Wood World to me, maybe I can consider letting you continue to live!"

"Ghost Wood World!"

Poison Dragon Dormammu's expression changed, his vertical pupils flickered slightly, but he said, "This... I'm afraid it won't work!"

"Even now, I don't want to deceive you!"

"Although I can use the power of the Ghost Wood World, I am not the master of the Ghost Wood World. That world has always been controlled by Oren Caesar."


Enzo frowned slightly and said, "Aren't you the ruler of the ghost wood world?"

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