Journey to the witch world

Chapter 902 Blood Moon Suppression

"Can't you?"

Enzo's heart sank, he didn't expect the power of the flesh and blood cage to be so terrifying, even the power of the Heart of the World could not break through the blockade.

Even, in just a moment, the sea of ​​trees created by the heart of the forest spirit was swallowed up and assimilated into the flesh and blood prison.


Just as Enzo was thinking, he saw that the surrounding flesh and blood barrier suddenly began to squirm again, and twisted and ferocious tentacles came quickly.

Enzo remained expressionless.

A raging flame burned under his feet, and in an instant, all the black tentacles attacking around him were burned, turning into a strange black mist.

However, the next moment.

More black tentacles came in like endless waves, and the entire flesh and blood cage space turned into a man-eating maw.

At the same time, more black mist surged out from the wall where flesh and blood gathered.

"My magic... is passing away!"

On the same spot, Enzo released flames and resisted the attack of the tentacles, but thoughts flickered in his heart. He could feel the black mist around him constantly devouring his power.

"We must break through as soon as possible!"

Enzo took a deep breath. The cage of flesh and blood around him had begun to collapse. If he continued to stay here, his situation would only get worse.

Therefore, Enzo's only chance is to rush out!

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Immediately, fire-like light burned in Enzo's eyes, and then red flames also burned under his feet.

The scene was like a ball of red lotus blooming!

"Wrath of the Burning Sky!"

On the same spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth and used his strongest attack method now.


In an instant, the red lotus bloomed, and red flames rose into the sky. In an instant, it broke through the flesh and blood prison, causing a hole to appear in the sky.

"Wings of Shadow!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he immediately saw the opportunity, and the shadow wings bloomed behind him.

The next moment, he flew directly into the sky.


As the Shadow Wings vibrated suddenly, Enzo finally escaped the blockade of the flesh and blood cage, and snow-capped icebergs appeared around him again.

"It seems that the ice crystal world has not been completely assimilated!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Today's Gluttony Demon God is just a clone, a fifth-level life form. Although it has the power to be called a destructive disaster for a small world.

However, it will obviously take some time for the gluttonous devil to assimilate into a world.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

The terrifying voice of the Gluttony Demon came again, and Enzo looked around, only to see a huge hand made of crawling flesh on the ground, heading straight in his direction.


In mid-air, Enzo snorted coldly.

He had accidentally been trapped in a cage of flesh and blood before, but now that he had broken the blockade, it was naturally impossible for him to make the same mistake again.

Immediately, Enzo raised his arm.

"Death Spear!"

Enzo poured out syllables from his mouth, and the magic power representing death began to gather, eventually forming a spear, and then shot out.

The spear condensed by the power of the undead world instantly penetrated the giant hand of flesh and blood.

However, the hand of flesh and blood that was penetrated squirmed and recovered in just a moment.

Moreover, the ground also trembled.

As if a sleeping ancient giant was awakening at this moment, the Gluttony Demon God's body of more than 10,000 meters slowly stood up from the ground.

Compared to the size of the Gluttony Demon, Enzo at this moment was as small as a drop in the ocean, even more insignificant than a serious human ant.

However, the power between the two is at the same level.

"I'm afraid... I won't be able to hold on any longer!"

In mid-air, Enzo looked around, looking at the devastated world of ice crystals, with a hint of helplessness flashing in his eyes.

In any case, the ice crystal world is just a small world.

Even though it was imprinted by the abyss world and thus broke into a plane that could accommodate fifth-level life forms, with the successive battles between four fifth-level life forms, the ice crystal world began to show signs of collapse.

"In that case, let's fight quickly!"

In mid-air, Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with determination.

The next moment, Enzo roared angrily.

In an instant, as if a giant beast from the wild had descended into the world of ice crystals, the terrifying power spread, and a huge shadow appeared behind Enzo.

The ancestor of barbarism!

That was the birth of the most powerful life form in the barbaric world. However, due to the restrictions of the rules of the universe, the ancestor of the barbaric world, as a fifth-level life form, was destined to die the moment he was born.

As the saying goes, everything comes to life when a whale falls!

The fall of the Savage Ancestor gave birth to all things in the Savage World, and as Enzo completed his expedition, the power of the Savage Ancestor was also used by him.

Not far away, the Demon God of Gluttony came roaring.

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and the Savage Ancestor behind him immediately waved his arms to block the attack of the gluttonous demon giant.

Then, Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth.

"Wrath of Skyfire!"

Following Enzo's voice, fire burned in his eyes.

At the same time, a terrifying trembling sound was heard from the belly of the Gluttony Demon God.

next moment.


The dark power exploded in an instant, and the soul bone wand, which had been swallowed by the Demon God of Gluttony, turned into a black light and came out.

"Damn it!"

On the spot, the Gluttony Demon God's expression changed, and his huge figure swayed. Then, the Soul Bone Wand returned to Enzo's hand.

"The power of the Thirteen Realms!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes were like fire. At this moment, the power of thirteen worlds were released at the same time, increasing his combat effectiveness to the extreme.


There was a roar from the ground, but countless bones were stabbed out, instantly piercing through the soles of the Demon God of Gluttony.

However, an offensive of this level is obviously nothing to the Gluttonous Demon God.

However, Enzo's attacks don't stop there.

At the same time that the power of the heart of the undead world was activated, the power of the heart of the forest soul also moved with it. Countless emerald-like rays of light fell on the earth, turning into trees that broke out of the ground and grew out.

Immediately afterwards, a hole was torn in the sky.

It was like the roar of an ancient giant beast, and at the same time, mechanical armors were seen flying out of the cracks in the void.

Da da da!

Countless mechanical weapons appeared in the sky, firing wildly at the Gluttony Demon God below.

The blazing fire snake attacks the body of the Demon God of Gluttony.


On the spot, the Gluttony Demon God roared angrily and said, "Do you think you can deal with me this way?"

As he spoke, the gluttonous demon god's riddled body began to slowly heal, as if he had unlimited recovery capabilities.

In mid-air, Enzo's face was expressionless.

The Gluttonous Demon God devoured the Ice Scorpion King and became the ruler of the ice crystal world. Therefore, he had an absolute home field advantage.

At the same time, relying on the authority of the Gluttony Demon and through the power of devouring the ice crystal world, no matter how much damage Enzo caused to the Gluttony Demon, he can recover as before.

This is the horror of the Gluttony Demon.

In the world of ice crystals, he is almost invincible. As long as he eats away at Enzo's power, he can win the final victory.

Even though Enzo at this time was so terrifyingly powerful under the blessing of the power of the Thirteen Realms, it was still difficult to defeat the Demon God of Gluttony in such a state.

In a moment, the Gluttony Demon God had returned to his original state.

A trace of calmness flashed in Enzo's eyes, but he slowly raised his hand, and the power of the Heart of the Dead World condensed into a bone spear in his hand.

The next moment, Enzo waved his arms fiercely.

The bone spear, which was enough to penetrate a whole world, went straight towards the eyes of the Demon God of Gluttony, and in just a moment, it pierced deeply into the eye socket.

However, facing such an attack, the Gluttonous Demon did not dodge at all, because in the Gluttonous Demon's heart, no matter what kind of attack Enzo used, he could recover by devouring the power of the ice crystal world.


As the bone spear pierced the eye socket, intense pain also came, but instead, a twisted smile appeared on the face of the Gluttonous Demon God.

In his long life, the Gluttonous Demon God has experienced too much pain. As his life level increases, he has become familiar with the taste of pain.

But the next moment, the smile on the Gluttony Demon God's face suddenly stopped.

Because, the bone spear that pierced the eye socket grew like a strange tree. In just a moment, half of the Gluttony Demon God's face was destroyed, making it look both ferocious and terrifying.

At the same time, what surprised the Gluttonous Demon God even more was that his proud devouring ability disappeared inexplicably at this moment, and his destroyed body could no longer recover.

You know, today's ice crystal world is the home of the Demon God of Gluttony, and he has absolute dominance in this plane.

In mid-air, a trace of ridicule appeared on Enzo's face.

At the same time, a crimson light was also shed in the sky. The Gluttony Demon God raised his head and saw a scarlet moon hanging in the sky.

"Blood moon?"

The Devouring Demon God's heart sank. He looked at Enzo in mid-air and said in a deep voice, "Did you use part of Ms. Yue's power to suppress the rules of the ice crystal world?"


Enzo did not deny it and said softly, "Ms. Yue's life level is no different from yours. Therefore, the power of Blood Moon is enough to suppress you!"


On the ground, the Demon God of Gluttony snorted coldly, with a sarcastic glint in his eyes, and said faintly, "The power of the Moon Goddess is indeed on par with mine, but what you control is only a part of her power!"

"Now, how long can you maintain the existence of Blood Moon?"

After saying that, the Gluttony Demon God roared.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

As the other party said, Enzo used the power of the blood moon to temporarily suppress the authority of the Demon God of Gluttony, but for him, maintaining the existence of the blood moon is a very serious burden.

Therefore, Enzo's time was limited.

The Gluttony Demon in front of him must be dealt with before the blood moon disappears. Otherwise, when the Gluttony Demon regains his strength, Enzo will also be faced with disaster.

"If the fight continues, this world may not be able to withstand it!"

In mid-air, thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind.

The ice crystal world that has experienced the confrontation between several fifth-level life forms has completely turned into a battlefield. Since it is in a semi-integrated state with the abyss world, it still seems a little overwhelmed and has reached the edge of collapse.

"Quick victory!"

Enzo once again strengthened his mind. The soul bone wand that broke out from the body of the Demon God of Gluttony had already returned to his hand.

In mid-air, Enzo waved the wand in his hand.


Black rain fell from the sky, which represented the activation of the power of the dark water world. The black rain fell slanting down, as if it was going to overturn the entire world.

At the same time, fire burned in Enzo's eyes.

"Wrath of Skyfire!"

Enzo waved the soul bone wand in his hand, and the power of the three realms of flame was also released, turning into power enough to burn the entire ice crystal world.

Enzo now controls thirteen worlds.

In these thirteen worlds, the power of the three realms of fire comes from the same source, and they all belong to the fire attribute. Therefore, Enzo now also controls the power of fire.

Among the various elements in the universe, violent flames and thunder have always been known for their offensive power. Therefore, after Enzo conquered the Three Realms of Fire, he mastered the ability of the Eye of Heavenly Fire.

At the same time, this is also his strongest attack method.

The previous Enzo took the path of the shadow system, conquered the aquamarine world, gained access to technology, conquered the forest world, and gained access to the power of nature.

In addition, other worlds have also contributed their share of strength to Enzo, but even though Enzo controls the power of thirteen worlds, he has always lacked strong attack methods.

Shadow authorities are good at disguise and concealment.

Natural authority represents healing and growth!

The authority brought by the undead world may have offensive characteristics, but it is not strong, and is far from the aggressive nature of the authority of fire.

Therefore, since conquering the Three Realms of Fire, Enzo's lack of powerful attack methods has been made up for.

At this moment, Enzo's eyes were red.

Relying on the power of the Three Realms of Flame, the Eyes of Heavenly Fire, condensed at this moment, were exerted to the extreme, targeting the Gluttonous Demon God in front of him.

The next moment, the fire was burning.

Red flames spread all over the body of the Gluttonous Demon God, like a power that could destroy everything. However, under the suppression of the blood moon, the Gluttonous Demon God could not continue to recover.


On the spot, the Gluttony Demon God roared angrily, but roared loudly: "You can't even think of defeating me!"

"In the name of the Glutton, I will devour everything that belongs to you. I will not let go of every ounce of power. You will be destined to become a part of me."

After saying that, the Gluttony Demon God opened his bloody mouth.

The surrounding flames turned into fiery snakes, which were swallowed into his mouth one after another. Although the current Demon God of Gluttony was suppressed by the power of the blood moon. But it can still swallow everything, but whether it can attribute this power to itself is obviously unknown.

"Do you like swallowing?"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his face, saying: "In this case, let you swallow it all at once!"

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