With a scream, the strange human-faced bird was also swallowed up by the flames.


After doing all this, Enzo let out a long breath, and a look of thought appeared on his face. It seemed that his current state was not incapable of using witchcraft.

However, due to the restrictions of the rules, if I want to use witchcraft, I need to pay more.

On the same spot, Enzo looked thoughtful.

The evil world is the territory of Cthulhu of the Abyss. Even the wizarding civilization does not know much about it. Now that he can get the opportunity, he can make good use of it.

Anyway, the current self is just a part of the soul.

Thinking of this, a trace of relief appeared on Enzo's face, and then he looked around, took a deep breath, and walked straight forward.

The evil world is filled with strange fog.

There was deathly silence all around. Enzo's face was expressionless, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. Maybe those monsters dormant in the darkness were not too scary, but they were a fatal threat to himself at this moment.

After all, Enzo is currently under the curse of Cthulhu.

Swish, swish, swish!

Just as Enzo was walking in the fog, there was a sudden sound from around him. His heart skipped a beat and he immediately hid himself.

In the distance, a huge monster appeared in sight.

It was a towering tree, seemingly a hundred meters high, with a human-like face on its trunk, just like a tree demon in the wizarding world.

If that were the case, perhaps the giant tree would be ordinary.

However, the wormholes on the opponent's body were full of weird auras, and the strange insects that kept coming out of them all had human-like faces.

Enzo narrowed his eyes and tried his best to hide his aura.

The next moment, a shadow floated across the sky.

But he saw an octopus-like monster floating like a hot air balloon, with things like human eyeballs growing on its twisting tentacles.

"Great Cthulhu, please guide us forward!"

The giant tree made a hoarse sound, and scarlet liquid flowed from the eyes on the trunk's face. The strange insects living in the body also made prayer-like sounds.

However, the giant monster in the sky did not respond to the giant tree.

Instead, as the tentacles continued to squirm, the giant tree gradually disappeared. Enzo felt an inexplicable sense of relief in his heart, and then he was ready to leave this place.

However, at this moment.

At some point, a strange insect with a human face crawled to Enzo's feet, and an innocent smile appeared on the girl-like face.

"Big brother, come play with me!"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat when he heard the sound of the human-faced insect. Immediately, without any hesitation, he raised his foot and stepped on it hard.


The human-faced insect was trampled into flesh, but before she died, she let out a strange scream. The strange tree in the distance heard the sound and roared.

"Alice! You killed my Alice!"

As he spoke, the giant tree's body twisted, and the countless branches and vines began to wave wildly in Enzo's direction.

Enzo raised his eyebrows, but he didn't feel careless in his heart.

Immediately, he stepped back quickly, trying to distance himself from the strange tree, but at this time, the ground surged, and more and more tree vines broke out of the ground, as if the place had turned into a giant cage.

Enzo looked around with a calm expression on his face.

"He killed sister Alice to avenge her!"

At the same time, other human-faced insects also made harsh sounds, and then squirmed and rushed towards Enzo. The scene looked particularly weird.

"Long Sword of Darkness!"

On the spot, with a thought in his mind, Enzo used the power of dark elements to condense a long knife in his hand, and then swung it at the human-faced insect attacking from the front.


With just one blow, the two human-faced insects were killed, but at this moment, things like stones flew out from the vines waved by the giant tree.

Enzo's heart skipped a beat.

Looking carefully, he discovered that they were not pebbles at all, but eyeballs that exploded around Enzo like bombs.

"It's really weird!"

A sigh appeared on Enzo's face. The creatures in the evil world seemed to be very weird, obviously influenced by Cthulhu of the Abyss.


Being in an evil world, Enzo did not dare to use magic easily, so facing the frequent attacks from the giant trees, he could only wave his long knife to resist.

At the same time, Enzo stepped back one after another.


Suddenly, Enzo let out a low shout and swung the long knife in his hand. However, seeing the obstacle in front of him being spread out by the knife, Enzo rushed forward.

Finally escaping from the cage of the giant tree, Enzo quickened his pace and moved away from this place.

If it were in the wizarding world, dealing with these weird creatures would not be a hardship for Enzo.

However, this is an evil world.

Enzo felt that he was getting weaker just by staying here. If he fought with those strange creatures, he would only fall into a worse situation.

After finally escaping from the cage of the giant tree, Enzo immediately moved away from the area.

A moment later, Enzo came to a lake and looked at the calm water, but he was full of vigilance and did not dare to be careless at all.

"How do I get out of here?"

Enzo stood by the lake, with a look of thought on his face. He didn't know how he came to the evil world, but the top priority now was how to leave.

Although the current self is only a part of the soul of the body, if it is lost, it will be a great loss.


Enzo sighed in his heart, and his thoughts began to change. At this moment, he inadvertently raised his hand, only to find that two marks appeared on his arm.

"This is?"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat, and a look of vigilance appeared on his face. Then, he saw the two marks slowly split open, and there were actually two eyeballs inside, shining with a mocking luster.

"Damn it!"

Enzo's heart sank, why he still didn't understand that he was accidentally contaminated by the giant tree in the previous battle, and now his two eyes had become one with his body.

Without much hesitation, Enzo raised the shadow sword.


But he saw Enzo holding up the knife and dropping it. The two eyeballs on his arm had been gouged out by him. Looking at the bloody arm, a look of thought appeared on his face.

The evil world is indeed the territory of Cthulhu.

Even Enzo would be affected if he was not careful. In the previous confrontation, Enzo had been very careful, but unfortunately he still got hit.

On the bloody arm, two eyes had been gouged out.

However, as the flesh and blood squirmed, new eyes grew again, like Enzo's organs. With these two eyes, Enzo could even see everything around him.

"It's interesting!"

A sneer appeared on Enzo's face. It seemed that it was impossible to dig out these two eyeballs using conventional methods. If you want to solve the curse of Cthulhu, you still have to start from the root.

After pondering for a moment, Enzo turned around.

There was a bottomless pool in front of him. Enzo thought for a moment, walked forward, and tried to put his arm into the water.


As Enzo got closer, the originally calm water surface suddenly rippled, and twisted strange fish were seen attacking Enzo one after another.

Enzo frowned slightly.

He immediately retreated back, but the eyes on his arms released two strange rays of light, which penetrated a strange fish like lasers.

Enzo's heart moved.

There was a thoughtful look on his face, and it seemed that the arm cursed by Cthulhu was not without any benefits.

At least, under the influence of the Curse of Cthulhu, Enzo's body has been deformed, and the suppression of the rules has been weakened, so he can exert some power in this world.

Enzo had no expression on his face and turned around to leave the lake.

The eyes on the arms are like a newly born life form, looking around curiously, observing this world that is also unfamiliar to it.

The evil world is a place shrouded in strange fog.

Enzo didn't know how long he had been traveling, but he still couldn't find a way to leave this world. Gradually, he felt a bit depressed in his heart.


Enzo took a deep breath and knew very well that at such a moment, he must try to stay calm, otherwise he would only fall into a bigger dilemma.

Since we can't leave the evil world, we might as well explore further.

After Enzo pondered for a moment, he looked forward. Without the help of the chip, he could only explore the surroundings in the most primitive way.

At this moment, Enzo missed the power of the chip extremely.

I don’t know how long they have been traveling, but Enzo appeared outside a cave. In the dark cave, there was a faint light emitting, which was as eye-catching as a flame.

"what is that?"

A trace of thought appeared in Enzo's mind. He looked at the cave in front of him. After pondering for a moment, he walked towards it. Anyway, he couldn't find a way to break the situation now.

There is a need to try any possible opportunity.

Enzo quickly walked into the cave and looked around, only to see that this seemed to be an ordinary cave, but the bright light emanating from it was very attractive.

Immediately, Enzo speeded up.

This cave is very long and narrow, as if it has no end. The further you go to the back, the smaller the space it can accommodate, giving people a very depressing feeling.

But for that beam of light, Enzo continued to move forward.

After a long time, after passing through an extremely narrow path, Enzo finally came to the place where the light was, and the surrounding space felt like it suddenly opened up.

"This is?"

Looking at the deepest part of the cave, the source of the light, a strange look appeared on Enzo's face. It turned out to be a strange crystal like a heart.

Looking at the crystal not far away, Enzo frowned slightly.

Although this thing is still emitting bright light at this moment, for Enzo, it seems that it is no longer a temptation, but feels like a trap.

as expected.

The moment he stepped into the deepest part of the cave, a strange face appeared on the surrounding walls, looking at Enzo mockingly.

Then, the luminous crystal gradually turned into a real heart.

Bang bang bang!

Deep in the silent cave, the heart made a beating sound, like a drum, making people feel inexplicably trembling.

At the same time, the surrounding stone walls also began to change.

Enzo looked around and saw that the ground beneath his feet seemed to have become softer, and was constantly squirming like the intestines of some kind of creature. There was also an unpleasant smell in the air.

"A trap?"

In just a moment, the surrounding cave had changed drastically, but Enzo's face didn't have much expression change, he just looked at the heart calmly.

If this is really the inside of a creature, what will happen if its heart is destroyed?

Enzo thought of this, raised the shadow sword in his hand, and looked at the heart not far away, as if he was about to swing the sword to attack in the next moment.

But at this moment.

Around the inner cavity of flesh and blood, viscous liquid suddenly gushes out. Enzo frowned slightly. The moment his body came into contact with the liquid, he felt as if all his strength had been drained away.

"Something's wrong!"

Enzo's face changed slightly, but the next moment, his body softened uncontrollably. He tried his best to use magic to release the witchcraft, but the result ended in failure.

The squirming flesh began to shrink.

The world around him gradually became smaller and smaller. Enzo's eyes flashed with a solemn luster, and he forced himself to calmly think about ways to break the situation.

However, the mucus that was constantly oozing around him made Enzo seem to have lost his ability to think.

His eyes gradually fell into darkness. Enzo used his last bit of strength to forcefully open his eyes, only to see that his body seemed to be corroding in a pool of blood. His flesh and blood gradually disappeared, leaving only white bones. Then, his last consciousness disappeared. Completely disappeared.

At the same time, the source world.

Enzo, who was in the cave, suddenly opened his eyes and looked around with a look of shock on his face.

"Am I back?"

Enzo's face was as pale as paper, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. What happened just now made him unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

"How do you feel? Sir Enzo."

Not far away, Obelisk looked at Enzo, with a trace of hesitation on his face, and said quietly, "Three months have passed since you fell asleep!"

"What? Three months?"

A trace of astonishment flashed across Enzo's eyes, as if he didn't expect that so much time had passed in the blink of an eye, and a thoughtful expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"It seems that time in the strange world is very blurry."

Thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind, trying to recall what happened before and whether what he saw in the strange world was a dream or reality.

"Ha! How could it be a dream?"

Enzo shook his head, feeling that his thoughts were a bit ridiculous. As an endless wizard, he could already perfectly control his own spirit.

Such things as dreams no longer exist for Enzo.


After finally waking up, Enzo took a deep breath and subconsciously raised his hand, only to find that two eyeball-like marks on his arm were particularly clear.

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