Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1169 The Demon of Destruction

The huge rats swallowed by the flames turned into black mist one after another.

In the distance, Muharlin continued to play the magic flute. The strange notes seemed to turn into reality, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

The surging black mist turned into a huge hand and grabbed Obelisk.

"Do you need help?"

Enzo asked. Although Obelisk still had the upper hand from now on, he still asked the other party if he needed help.

"No need, Sir Enzo."

A trace of confidence appeared on Obelisk's face, and he said loudly: "I really want to try it, what is my current strength!"

While speaking, Obelisk suddenly thrust out the wand in his hand.


In an instant, the huge palm that came from the front had shattered like foam, and the surging black mist and flames touched each other and turned into ashes.

Meanwhile, Muharlin was still playing the magic flute.

The ground trembled, and three giants crawled out, as if they were creatures from ancient times. The shape of these three giants was very twisted. One of them had no arms and his whole body was covered with bandages, just like a twisted monster.

The second one has no eyes and roars like a wild beast.

As for the last one, its body was red in color, its surface emitted blazing heat, and the ground seemed to be shaking when it roared.

"Three sixth-level puppets?"

Looking at the giants summoned by the magic flute, a trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face. According to the analysis of the chip, the strength of these three giants has reached the sixth level.

Of course, it is not a sixth-order life form in the true sense, just a puppet creature.

But even so, being able to summon three sixth-level puppets at once is terrifying enough, and it is obviously not just Muharlin's own power.

"That flute?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. If nothing else happened, the magic flute in Muharlin's hand should have reached the level of an advanced artifact.

Just like that god-killing blade.

However, the properties of the Magic Flute are definitely not as good as the God-Killing Blade. After all, the latter is something that can severely damage even Anubis, the Desert God of Death.

But even so, the power of the Magic Flute is particularly terrifying.

Just the fact that it could summon the three twisted giants was enough to prove its worth, and a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

Now that Obelisk has taken action, he will naturally not compete with the opponent for Muharrin.

However, the magic flute can be considered.

While Enzo was thinking, Obelisk had already fought against the three giants, but when he saw the eyeless giant roaring, the sound waves spread like ocean waves. Wherever it went, the space seemed to be shaking, making people I felt a little trembling from the bottom of my heart.

If it were an ordinary immortal being, just hearing this roar would probably lose most of its combat effectiveness.

However, Obelisk didn't care.

He ignored the giant's roar at all, and with a wave of his hand, a huge tornado rolled up on the ground, as if it was enough to destroy the world.

"Death tornado!"

In mid-air, Obelisk mouthed syllables and waved his hands, and the huge tornado was already heading towards the armless giant.

In the deafening roar, the body of the armless giant was torn to pieces.

At the same time, the red giants also attacked Obelisk. Although these three giants all possess the level of sixth-level life forms, because they are puppet creatures, their fighting methods are very simple, and they are basically physical melee combat. .

The red giant possesses the attribute of fire.

As he ran, his whole body was burning with flames, and with each step, huge pits appeared on the ground.


The moment it approached Obelisk, the red giant also opened its bloody mouth and spit out a ball of flame as hot as a furnace.

In mid-air, Obelisk remained unmoved.

He didn't even dodge, but with a thought, the space was distorted, and then, an invisible barrier blocked the red giant's attack.

Then Obelisk took a deep breath.

Being in the star realm, the gods may appear at any time. He does not intend to waste time with the plague lord Muharlin. The right way is to deal with him as soon as possible.

"Demon shadow blast!"

Obelisk mouthed syllables, and the metal wand in his hand turned into pure black color, and the strong dark element power exploded in an instant.

The next moment, the demonic shadow blasted away like a wild dragon.


I saw endless dark elements, as if converging into a stream of light, directly penetrating the body of the red giant, and even the surrounding eyeless giants were hurt.


With a dull sound, the red giant fell to the ground, his body seemed to turn into flames, and blazing flames burned around him.

On the other side, the armless giant also looked scarred under the attack of the tornado.

However, as puppet creatures, the three-headed giants are all controlled by the magic flute, and they will not have the thought of retreating even if they suffer severe trauma.

The armless giant roared and jumped up like a cannonball.

He turned into a shadow and shrouded Obelisk's head, and then pressed heavily on him, as heavy as a giant mountain.


In an instant, the ground trembled again.

The armless giant had already smashed onto the ground, but Obelisk's figure had disappeared at some point.


Above the sky, a trace of amusement flashed in Obelisk's eyes. He seemed to be in a good mood and summoned the black swamp with a wave of his hand.

"Dark Swamp!"

Obelisk waved his wand, and the black swamp on the ground slowly swallowed up the armless giant. No matter how hard the opponent struggled, there was no chance of escape.

Among the three sixth-level puppet giants, two have been killed by Obelisk.

In the distance, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. It had to be said that although the combat power of these three giant puppets already belonged to the category of sixth-level life forms, they were actually too weak.

Perhaps, some powerful fifth-level experts are enough to defeat them.

Obelisk had already dealt with the two puppet giants with just a few moves, and the last one was no longer a matter of course.

In the distance, Muharlin's face was as gloomy as water.

The magic flute in his hand was already his last trump card, but now, the three-headed puppet giant he summoned was easily defeated by the wizard on the opposite side.

This also means that Muharlin is no match for the wizard.

What's more, there is another wizard nearby who has not taken action. If the other wizard also joins the battlefield, the situation will inevitably be more serious for Muharlin.

"Do you really want to..."

There was a trace of hesitation in Muharlin's eyes, and he seemed to be a little entangled. He still had one last trump card that could help him get a chance to get out of the predicament.

However, using that trump card was a difficult decision for Muharlin.

At least, in the bottom of Muharlin's heart, he would not use that trump card under any circumstances unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Kill him for me!"

Muharlin gritted his teeth and gave orders to the last puppet giant.

"Yes, my master!"

The last puppet giant made a hoarse and dull voice, and the white bandages wrapped around its body began to gradually unravel.

Immediately afterwards, it looked like a mummy.

The bandages on the eyeless giant turned into white poisonous snakes, and they quickly attacked in the direction of Obelisk.

However, this level of offensive does not pose much threat to Obelisk.

"Wind Hunting Blade!"

In mid-air, Obelisk mouthed syllables, and as he waved his hands, strong winds rolled up around him, as if they had turned into blades all over the sky.

In an instant, the white poisonous snakes attacking around him were killed one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a hint of coldness flashed in Obelisk's eyes.


The next moment, he moved and seemed to turn into a white light, rushing straight towards the eyeless giant in front of him.

In an instant, Obelisk turned into white light and penetrated the body of the eyeless giant.


Just like that, the last giant fell to the ground. Muharlin's expression was extremely ugly, but he still played the flute crazily.

All around, twisted creatures appeared.

But they saw countless ugly creatures, seemingly turning into an army of darkness, heading straight towards Obelisk.

"Sky Poison Demon Prison!"

Muharlin let out a roar, and the creatures summoned by the magic flute exploded one after another, and the endless black mist swallowed Obelisk like poison.

Suddenly, Obelisk frowned slightly.

Feeling enveloped by the poisonous mist, he raised his arm, only to see traces of decay quickly appearing on his skin.

It seems that the plague lord Muharlin has been forced to use the power of authority.

In order to deal with Obelisk, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his summons to form the Sky Poison Demon Prison, which barely caused some damage to Obelisk.

"What a shame!"

Obelisk shook his head, looking at the rotten arm with only bones left, the expression on his face did not change much.

As a wizard with an immortal body, there is no problem even if his head is cut off.

This kind of injury, which would be terrifying to ordinary people, seemed meaningless in Obelisk's eyes.

Moreover, based on Muharlin's attack methods, Obelisk already understood that the opponent did not have much power at this moment.

"It's almost time to end."

Obelisk paused the wand in his hand, and strong energy elements exploded, dispersing the surrounding Sky Poison Demon Prison.

Immediately afterwards, Obelisk went straight to Muharrin.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the wizard from the opposite side attacking fiercely, Muharlin's expression suddenly changed, as if he did not expect that even the Sky Poison Demon Prison could not trap Obelisk.


Forced into desperation, the plague lord Muharlin could only use his last trump card, which he had never used before facing the mad god.

"Great Demon of Destruction, please give me your power!"

In mid-air, Muharlin made a hoarse voice, and then, in the sky above his head, black thunder suddenly condensed.

"Destruction Demon?"

Enzo's eyes flashed when he heard Muharlin's prayer.

In the multiverse, only seventh-level demon lords are qualified to be called demons, such as the Demon of Eternal Night and the recently promoted Demon of Gluttony.

Enzo has also heard of the name of the Demon of Destruction for a long time.

The other party, like the Eternal Night Demon, is a legendary seventh-level life form, and it dealt a devastating blow to the world of gods in the wars of ancient times.

"Chip, search!"

Enzo immediately issued an order in his heart, although it was unclear what kind of relationship there was between the plague lord Muharlin and the demon of destruction.

However, since the other party mentioned the name of the Demon of Destruction, he naturally would not remain indifferent.

In a moment, all the news about the Demon of Destruction appeared in Enzo's mind. As one of the ancient Demons, he had many deeds.

Seeing the description of the Demon of Destruction, a strange look appeared on Enzo's face.

In the war between gods and demons in ancient times, there was no connection between the plague lord Muharlin and the demon of destruction.

Even, for some reasons, the relationship between the Demon of Destruction and Muharlin is still hostile.

According to the wizarding world’s understanding and research of history, the reason why Muharlin, the Lord of Plague, was sealed in the star realm by the Mother Goddess of the Earth may have been fueled by the Demon of Destruction. In other words, Muharlin, the Lord of Plague, was destroying Due to the calculation of the devil, he was trapped in the star world.

But now, Muharlin actually sent a signal to the Demon of Destruction for help.

This can't help but make Enzo feel doubtful. It seems that in ancient times, there were still many unknown and secret things between the Demon of Destruction and Muharlin.

However, these are not the focus for Enzo.

At this moment, Muharlin, the master of the plague, is almost at the end of his rope under Obelisk's attack. What's the point of calling out the name of the Demon of Destruction now?

In mid-air, Obelisk raised his eyebrows.

When he heard the plague lord Muharlin calling out the name of the Demon of Destruction, a trace of fear appeared in his eyes, but he was not afraid at all.

After all, we are now in the star realm.

Even if the Demon of the Abyss wants to intervene here, it may not be that easy. It would be too ridiculous to get the help of the Demon of Destruction with just a call.

However, the next moment.

Above the sky, black thunder flashed continuously, but strange aura and power poured into the body of the plague lord like a flood.


Immediately afterwards, a burst of wanton laughter sounded, and a huge face appeared in the sky like a shadow.

"Muharrin, you finally used the power I gave you!"

In the sky, a huge face laughed wildly and said, "Go, use my power, and you will also become a part of the King of Destruction!"

As he spoke, thunder struck at Muharlin.

Under the infusion of powerful power, Muharlin's aura continued to rise, and his already extremely weak body seemed to have completely gotten rid of its decadent aura.

In the distance, a trace of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes.

Looking at Muharlin who had absorbed the power of the black thunder, thoughts flashed in his mind, and he suddenly noticed that the strange tattoos on Muharlin's body were constantly twisting and squirming.

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