Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1167 Muharlin

Although the plague lord Muharlin is only a sixth-level abyss demon.

However, due to the authority held by the other party, his destructive ability is no less than those of the seventh-level demons.

In the beginning, the Earth Mother Goddess opened up the star realm.

In addition to the chaotic beasts, many powerful demon lords are sealed in the star realm, and Muharlin, the plague lord, is one of them.

Moreover, it is still a rather tricky existence.

Even Apollo, the sun god, had to be careful when facing the plague lord Muharlin, as he would be contaminated by the other party if he was not careful.

Two epochs ago, Muharrin broke free from the seal of the Earth Mother.

That time, the entire star realm ushered in a terrible disaster. Wherever the plague reached, even the gods could not escape the fate of their fall.

Apollo, the sun god, Drogo, the god of war, and Anubis, the desert god of death, were helpless.

In the end, it was the mad god Heraktor who took action, severely injuring the plague lord Muharlin, but he himself also suffered incurable injuries and eventually fell into eternal sleep.

Now, two epochs have ended.

Muharlin, the plague lord who had been severely hit, has made a comeback again, but the current star realm is no longer the same as before.

"It would be interesting if the plague really ruled Muharlin."

The corners of Obelisk's lips raised, and a hint of schadenfreude appeared on his face. For him, the more chaotic the star realm, the better.

Only chaos is the ladder.

If you want to seize the legacy of the Mother Goddess of the Earth from the hands of the Sun God Apollo, then the star world must be in absolute chaos.

Although the current star world is already in chaos.

But the gods still have strong control over the Source Realm, far from being able to let Enzo and Obelisk fish in troubled waters.

In place, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

As a conqueror wizard with forty planes, Enzo controlled many paths of authority, and plague was one of them.

Back in the war ghost world, Enzo had defeated the God of Disaster.

Therefore, Enzo obtained part of the disaster authority from the other party. Although it was very weak, it also represented part of the plague rules.

Thinking of the improvement that swallowing Anubis, the desert god of death, gave him, Enzo's mind flickered.

I just don’t know what the plan of the plague lord Muharlin is, and whether the opponent’s condition has returned to its peak after being seriously injured by the mad god.

"should not."

Enzo shook his head. Even though Muharlin, the former plague lord, was powerful, it was no longer his era.

After being severely wounded by the Mad God, no one knows how much strength Muharlin will still have.

Enzo felt calm in his heart. With his current strength, even if he faced Muharlin, the plague master in his heyday, he might not be able to fight.

The other party is now hiding behind the scenes, obviously his strength has not been fully restored.

"Let's do it, Lord Obelisk."

Enzo suddenly spoke and said, "Now that we know the existence behind these abyssal creatures, there seems to be no need to continue hiding them."

Obelisk also nodded in approval.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated and walked out of the shadows. With a wave of his hand, the shadows like chains bound every creature in Whitewater City.

In an instant, the situation was under control.

This sudden change also made the Abyss Wolf Giant and the Dawn Goddess Naraku feel surprised, and they were at a loss as they looked at the figure walking out of the shadows.

"This aura...Master Anubis?"

Looking at Enzo's figure, a trace of hesitation appeared on the face of Naraku, the goddess of dawn. She felt the breath of Anubis, the desert god of death, from Enzo's body.

However, it is somewhat different

The goddess of dawn, Naraku, had thoughts flashing in her mind, guessing Enzo's identity. He might be a big shot in the death god system, but she had never seen him before.

"Damn, how could this happen?"

At the same time, great despair also arose in the heart of the Abyss Wolf Giant. Feeling the endless terrifying aura on Enzo's body, he could not even raise the slightest belief in resistance.

"O great spirit, please forgive my offense."

The Abyss Wolf Giant trembled and knelt on the ground, pleading, "I didn't know that Whitewater City was your territory. I beg for your forgiveness!"

Hearing the words of the Abyss Wolf Giant, Enzo couldn't help but feel a little funny.

It seems that both Naraku, the goddess of dawn, and the abyss wolf giant in front of them regard themselves as gods of the death system.

But that's clearly not the case.

Enzo looked calm, looked at Naraku, the goddess of dawn, who looked confused, waved his hand, and sealed the opponent directly.

"grown ups……"

Not far away, another god was stunned when he saw this scene. He was about to say something, but was also sealed by Enzo.

Then, Enzo had a thought in his mind.

The shadow was like a tide, swallowing up the giant snake Babalu and the abyss wolf giant. During a burst of distortion, the giant creatures on both sides turned into the size of ordinary humans.

Feeling Enzo's power, Babalu and the Abyss Wolf Giant became even more frightened.

"Your master is Muharrin, the Lord of Plague?"

Enzo looked at the two abyss creatures and asked straight to the point.

"Yes, my lord."

The abyss wolf giant nodded and answered honestly, although his life and death were controlled by the plague lord Muharlin.

But considering the current situation, if you don't pay attention, the powerful existence in front of you may have the ability to kill you with a wave of your hand.

Both of them were existences that he could not afford to offend, so the Abyss Wolf Giant could only compromise.

"What is Muharlin's plan?"

Enzo asked again. Since he already knew the existence of the Plague Lord, the other party's plan naturally became the key.

Today's star realm is already in chaos.

Whether they are ancient gods, demons, evil gods or wizards, they all have their own ideas and goals. Enzo really wants to know what this Muharlin wants.


Hearing Enzo's question, a trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the Abyss Wolf Giant. Although he was afraid of the mysterious strong man in front of him, if he told the other party about the plan of the plague lord Muharlin, he would probably be dead.

After all, the Abyss Wolf Giant has the brand of Muharlin in his body.

Telling Enzo that the person behind him is the Plague Lord Muharlin may not be considered a betrayal, but if he reveals the whole plan, then there is no doubt that it is a betrayal of the Plague Lord Muharlin.


Seeing the hesitation on the face of the abyss wolf giant, Enzo sneered and immediately stopped talking. He paused with the soul bone wand in his hand, and the shadow turned into tentacles to wrap around him.

"No! Wait."

Feeling the killing intent in Enzo's eyes, the Abyss Wolf Giant's expression changed, and he immediately stopped hesitating and told Muharlin's plan.

However, the next moment.

The moment the thought came into the mind of the Abyss Wolf Giant, invisible black flames burst out from the body of the Abyss Wolf Giant.

The terrifying fire of the abyss burned the soul of the abyssal wolf giant.


With a desperate cry, the Abyss Wolf Giant was swallowed up by the flames, and its soul was extinguished, as if it had never appeared.

Enzo's pupils contracted.

It seems that this is the method of the plague master Muharlin. He has long been on guard against the abyss wolf giant betraying him, so he has made preparations in advance.

"grown ups……"

After witnessing the death of the Abyss Wolf Giant, the giant snake Babalu flashed a trace of fear in his vertical pupils, trembling and wanting to beg for mercy.

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand to release a ball of magic power.

Black flames also began to burst out from the body of the giant snake Babaru. It was obvious that Muharlin wanted to kill and silence him, but Enzo would not give him a chance.

"The power of dark water!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, the black water extinguished the flames on the giant snake Babaru, and also corroded its body.


The pain of his body being destroyed caused the giant snake Babaru to scream in agony. However, Enzo did not hesitate in his actions.

Marked by the plague lord Muharlin, the giant snake Babaru had no ability to resist.

The only way for Enzo to get what he wants is to destroy the body of the giant snake Babaru before the plague master Muharlin, thereby retaining the other party's soul.

In a moment, the body of the giant snake Babaru had turned into ashes.

The broken soul floated out like a black mist. Without any hesitation, Enzo directly held it in his palm and erased the mark on it.

And this process is naturally accompanied by horrific pain.

The giant snake Babalu, who has lost his body, is like a broken rag doll, unable to resist even if Enzo plays with it.

Seeing the giant snake Babaru in such a state, Enzo simply stopped forcing him.

He directly invaded his soul, forcibly read Babalu's memory, and knew all the information he wanted before the other party completely died.

"Curse Lake of Resentment! Gate to the Star World!"

From the soul of the giant snake Babalu, Enzo obtained two key pieces of information, one of which was the location of the plague lord Muharlin.

The other one is about the location of a star gate.

It turns out that two eras ago, after the plague lord Muharlin was defeated by the Mad God, he hid in the darkest place in the Origin World, a place called the Cursed Lake of Resentment.

There, Muharlin recovered as much as possible from his injuries.

However, after two epochs of recuperation, Muharlin's condition did not recover, but instead became weaker and weaker.

If he continues like this, his end will inevitably be death.

In order to gain a chance of survival, the plague lord Muharlin tried various methods, but they all failed.

Until not long ago, a devil appeared outside the Cursed Lake.

As a strong man who emerged from the abyss, Muharlin, the Lord of the Plague, is well aware of the cunning of the devil, but at this moment he no longer has the power to choose. In order to survive, he can only make a deal with the devil and obtain a star at the cost of his own soul. Information about the Realm Gate.

As long as he gets the star gate, the plague lord Muharlin can escape from the source world.

Only by returning to the abyss world and the plague master Muharlin can he have a chance to survive, and even rely on the power of the abyss world to return to his peak state.

However, being in the Source Realm, it is obviously not an easy task to seize a Star Realm Gate.

What's more, Muharlin, the current plague lord, is in a very weak state.

Not only is he not at his peak, he cannot even defeat some powerful fifth-level gods. Therefore, if he wants to seize the star gate, he must regain a little strength.

To this end, Muharlin, the plague lord, dispersed his power.

Using the characteristics of his own authority, he contaminated some creatures and used these abyss creatures as his minions.

Driven by the Plague Lord Muharlin, these creatures of the abyss will steal as many souls as possible.

As long as there are enough souls, Muharlin, the plague lord, can quickly recover a little strength and compete for the star gate.

However, for Muharlin, the opportunity is precious.

In the past, the existence of Apollo, the sun god, and Anubis, the desert god of death, would have been terrifying existences for the plague lord Muharlin.

If you don't pay attention, it will be a disaster.

Only by taking advantage of the current chaos and taking advantage of the fact that the gods of the source world have no time to take care of themselves can the plague lord Muharlin take advantage of the situation to recover.

Otherwise, if the gods of the source world had a chance, they would naturally completely wipe out the seriously injured plague lord Muharlin.

In place, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

"what's the situation?"

Next to him, Obelisk came over and asked.

Enzo did not hide anything, and told Obelisk all the information obtained from the memory of the giant snake Babalu.

"This is a good opportunity!"

Obelisk's eyes lit up. If the plague lord Muharlin was very weak at this moment, then it would be a golden opportunity for the two of them.

You know, the plague lord Muharlin is a powerful abyss lord.

The opponent has a sixth-level life form. Even if it is weak now, if it can be swallowed, it will be of great benefit to itself.

Enzo, who had just swallowed Anubis, the desert god of death, knew this very well.

"What do you think? Mr. Enzo?"

Obelisk asked again. Although he was very eager to devour the plague lord Muharlin, he also wanted to ask Enzo's opinion on the surface.

"This thing seems to be too coincidental, right?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, a trace of thought appeared on his face, and he said in a deep voice: "Two eras ago, Muharlin, the master of the plague, was seriously injured by the mad god. He has been hiding his aura for fear of being found by the gods of the source world, but Now you are taking the initiative?"

"And, the other party is also colluding with the devil?"

Hearing Enzo's words, Obelisk raised his eyebrows.

"You mean? This is a trap?"

A look of deep thought appeared on Obelisk's face, and he said, "Isn't it possible? The plague lord Muharlin doesn't know that we are in Whitewater City."

"It's not necessarily directed at us."

Enzo shook his head and said, "For the plague lord Muharlin, the gods of the source world are the real enemies. Perhaps, his target is those gods."

"After all, if the trap set by Muharlin in the Cursed Lake can swallow several ancient gods, his power can also be restored a lot."

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