Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1156 Planning

"As long as I can devour you, my power will be restored to its peak."

The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, flickered, and there was a trace of greed in his heart. The former God of Eclipse was also the top existence in the multiverse.

At his peak, he could even compete with the King of Light.

But in the end, the God of Eclipse was defeated by the King of Light. The other party was promoted to a seventh-level life form, but he threw himself into the abyss camp and became a being that everyone shouted at.

But now, the Eclipse God Terra Hogle still has a chance.

As long as he swallows Anubis, the desert god of death, he will not only return to the top, but also have the opportunity to hit a higher level.

Thinking of this, a hint of darkness flashed in the eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel.

The next moment, the dark sun behind him released a dim light, and everything seemed to fall into darkness wherever it went.

Anubis, the desert god of death, had an expressionless face.

As the god who holds the power of death, Anubis's power is also full of dark elements. Now he will naturally not have any fear when facing the god of eclipse, Terra Hogle.

Immediately, he swung the death hammer in his hand.

"Judgment of Death!"

Lifeforms that have advanced to the sixth level generally rely on the power of authority when fighting. The monotonous attack method does not mean that it is ineffective.

Just like now, the desert god of death is waving the war hammer in his hand.

The power filled with the aura of death spread towards the surroundings, as if turning into black lightning, destroying the offensive of Terra Hogel, the God of Eclipse.

This time, the next moment.

The Eternal Night Demon Armor Model charged in vain towards Anubis, the God of Death in the desert. The huge mace burst out with terrifying power as he swung it.

At this moment, Anubis, the desert god of death, is fighting against the power of the god of eclipse.

Facing the incoming Eternal Night Demon Armor Model, he wanted to stop it, but he could not find the strength, so he could only bear the attack of the Eternal Night Demon Armor Model.


The mace hit the desert god of death Anubis hard on the shoulder, followed by a violent roar, and terrifying forces collided with each other.

In an instant, the ground cracked.

Anubis, the god of death in the desert, had a cold look on his face. He was under the attack of the Eternal Night Demon Armor Model, which made his state become particularly unstable.

Even with the support of rules, it is impossible to be immune to any influence.

At this time, seeing the desert god of death Anubis falling into the lower peak, the fear lord Nomaros seemed to understand that this was an opportunity.

Immediately, he rushed forward without hesitation.

"Are you worthy? Get out of my way!"

Feeling the attack of the Dread Lord, Anubis, the Desert God of Death, roared angrily, and the power of death erupted like a torrent and tsunami.

The power of darkness surged forward.

In an instant, the fear lord Nomaros fell into a state that seemed to be on the verge of death, as if he had fallen into the ocean.

"How can it be?"

The fear demon king Nomaros trembled uncontrollably in his heart. He was obviously the god in charge of the power of fear.

But at this moment, facing the threat of death, he couldn't help but feel fear.

However, this state did not last long, and the fear devil Nomaros fled into the distance in a particularly embarrassed manner.

At this moment, he completely understood.

Although he and Anubis, the desert god of death, are both sixth-level life forms, their strength is not at the same level.

Therefore, the battle in front of him is no longer something he can intervene in.


Looking at the escaping Dread Lord Nomaros in the distance, Anubis, the Desert God of Death, couldn't help but sigh.

In the previous round of confrontation, he was only a few inches away from being able to completely kill the Dread Lord Nomaros.

Although based on the current situation, the Dread Lord Nomaroth is already a small player, but if he can be eliminated, it can also relieve some of the pressure on Anubis, the God of Death in the Desert.

At least, he no longer has to face five sixth-level experts at the same time.

However, since it failed, there was no need to be too entangled. Anubis, the God of Death in the Desert, quickly recovered his mentality and spent more energy on dealing with the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle.

"I wish you could come here soon, Apollo!"

The luster in the eyes of Anubis, the god of death in the desert, flickered slightly. In terms of the current situation, it will not be easy for him to deal with the god of eclipse Terrahoger, but if he gets the support of the sun god Apollo, the situation will naturally be easier. completely different.

In the chaos just now, several ancient gods had already escaped.

As long as they can bring the sun god Apollo over, then Anubis, the desert god of death, will be 100% sure to kill all the enemies on the opposite side.

After all, although he is unwilling to admit it, the sun god Apollo is a more powerful existence than himself.

As long as the sun god Apollo can come to support, and the desert god of death Anubis joins forces with him, it will be easy to destroy the enemy on the opposite side.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, as if a ball of fire flashed through his eyes, and an extremely hot breath suddenly surged out.


But in the endless waves of fire, groups of fireballs roared towards the front.

The desert god of death, Anubis, had an expressionless face, and the death hammer in his hand suddenly paused, and the black aura of death surged up as if it had turned into mist.

In an instant, the flames that struck in mid-air were extinguished.

Immediately afterwards, Anubis, the desert god of death, looked at the eclipse god Terrahoger in the sky. As he waved his hands, the power of death turned into venomous snakes.

Above the sky, the black sun burns!

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, has an expressionless face and releases black flames all over his body. In the years of the ancient times, the authority of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, was the Black Sun.

It was a black sun that only existed in ancient times.

In the ancient times, in the world of gods, there were two suns hanging in the sky, the light sun and the black sun, respectively representing the sun god Apollo and the eclipse god Terrahoger.

But later, due to the eclipse god Terrahoger thrown into the abyss, the gods also lost the black sun.

Now, seeing the black sun appear again, a hint of complexity and sigh flashed in the eyes of Desert Death God Anubis.

"The black sun destroys the world!"

Above the sky, the god of eclipse, Terra Hogle, spoke syllables, and the black sun behind him burst out with blazing black light.

Immediately afterwards, the world seemed to be torn apart.

The entire world seemed to be enveloped by the light emitted by the black sun. As a sixth-level life form, the power of the God of Eclipse was enough to affect the entire star realm.

In place, Anubis, the desert god of death, looked slightly cold.

Such a powerful attack method by the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, made him feel a little wary in his heart. The opponent seemed to be stronger than he thought.

"Are you still waiting for Apollo, the sun god?"

Suddenly, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, made a hoarse voice and said faintly, "Give up, he won't appear here."

Desert Death God Anubis's heart skipped a beat.

"what have you done?"

There was a flash of coldness in Anubis's eyes, as if he guessed that the Eclipse God Terrahoger had made some plans, thus affecting the support of the Sun God Apollo.

In the sky, the god of eclipse, Terra Hogle, had a rare look of ridicule in his eyes.

"What do you think?"

The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, flashed, and then he used the power of authority again without hesitation.

Above the sky, the black sun exudes a terrifying aura.

On the spot, a thoughtful glint flashed through Enzo's eyes. It seemed that since the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, could appear here, he also had his own plan.

Involuntarily, a trace of vigilance appeared on Enzo's face.

Since the God of Eclipse Terrahoger can plot against Anubis, the God of Desert Death, the same is true for himself. He must preserve his strength to face various crises that may arise.

"It's better to keep it a secret!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly as he planned his plan in his mind.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The core area of ​​the star realm, the Temple of the Sun, above the magnificent palace, was slowly enveloped by a shadow at this moment.

"The power of Terra Hoggle, the God of Eclipse?"

Apollo, the sun god, walked out of the temple and looked at the dark atmosphere in the sky, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Apollo, the sun god, was no stranger to Terra Hoguel, the god of eclipses.

The relationship between the other person and yourself is like two sides of the world.

Apollo, the sun god, once imagined that if he swallowed the eclipse god Terrahoger, he might have the opportunity to advance to the realm of a seventh-level life form.

However, Apollo, the sun god, was not sure.

Moreover, it is not easy for him to deal with the God of Eclipse Terra Hogle. He had to combine the power of the gods to trap the opponent in the place of exile.

Now, the Black Sun appears again.

This also means that the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, has come out of the land of exile. With the opponent's strength, there will definitely be a fight for him.

"In that direction, Hell Lake?"

The eyes of the sun god Apollo flickered, as if he understood something. He immediately stopped hesitating and summoned the sun carriage to prepare for support.

But at this moment.

Another larger shadow suddenly appeared in the sky. Apollo, the sun god, looked down, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"Chaos beast!"

Apollo, the sun god, took out his golden spear, looked at the chaotic beast appearing in the sky, and unceremoniously released streaks of light.

The golden light struck the huge body of the Chaos Beast, but failed to cause any damage. Instead, it made a dull sound.

Immediately afterwards, unlike before, the pained chaos beast did not choose to retreat, but instead let out a hoarse roar.

"Damn it!"

The face of Apollo, the sun god, changed, and he immediately understood that this was the plan of Terra Hogel, the god of eclipse, and the other party seemed to have the opportunity to control the chaotic beast.

I just don’t know how long this opportunity will last.

In the same place, Apollo, the sun god, looked uncertain.

Unable to repel the chaos beast at the first time, the sun god Apollo was caught in a dilemma. If he let the opponent go, it would inevitably lead to the entire star realm being devoured.

However, if too much time is wasted on the Chaos Beast, Anubis, the Desert God of Death, is likely to be in trouble.

After pondering for a moment, the sun god Apollo made a decision.

"I'm sorry, Anubis."

The sun god Apollo's expression darkened, he took a deep breath and said, "I must protect the star realm."

As he spoke, the sun god Apollo turned into golden light and headed straight for the chaotic beast.

Source Realm, Hell Lake.

The devastated land is still transformed into a barren and forbidden land, and the surroundings are filled with aura of terror. Anyone who comes even slightly close will definitely die.

Above the sky, the god of eclipse, Terra Hogle, stands in the sky.

The black sun behind him exuded an extremely hot and cold aura.

Desert Death God Anubis stood there with an extremely gloomy expression on his face. He looked at the Eternal Night Demon Armor Model running towards him not far away, and he immediately stopped holding anything back.


Desert God of Death Anubis roared angrily, and the power of death in his body seemed to explode in an instant, directly piercing the body of the Eternal Night Demon Armor.

Immediately afterwards, Anubis, the desert god of death, waved the black war hammer in his hand, and in just a moment, he shattered the head of the Eternal Night Demon Armor.

The pain originating from the depths of his soul caused Yongye Demon Armor to let out a scream.

The next moment, the power of death surged away like a tide.

The indestructible body of the Eternal Night Demon Armor also turned into ashes and disappeared, eventually leaving only the broken half of the body.

Then, Anubis, the desert god of death, struck again.


But he saw that the broken body was directly knocked out and fell to the ground, with the remaining soul fire swaying slightly.

In the shadows, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Just now, when the Eternal Night Demon Armor Model was attacked by Anubis, the God of Death in the Desert, Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, clearly had the ability to come to the rescue, but the other party did not do so.

Obviously, although the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, teamed up with three strong men of the abyss to deal with Anubis, the God of Desert Death, he had his own plans in his heart.

"Damn it!"

In the distance, the fear demon king Nomaros and the thousand-eyed snake king Thoronis looked at each other, and they could see solemnity in each other's eyes.

There is no doubt that they all have some vigilance in their hearts.

"Black Sun Realm!"

And at this time, just when Anubis, the desert god of death, was about to kill the Eternal Night Demon Armor, the god of eclipse Terra Hogel suddenly made a move.

But as he waved his hand, the black sun behind him seemed to be burning brightly.

In an instant, darkness swallowed the earth.

The surroundings were plunged into a world of nothingness, and a hint of coldness appeared on the face of Anubis, the desert god of death, indicating that this was the domain of Terra Hogle, the god of eclipse.

Immediately, Anubis, the desert god of death, waved the death hammer in his hand, wanting to smash the world into pieces.

However, he did not succeed.

Above the sky, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, had an expressionless face. Obviously, he was very confident in his divine domain and was not afraid of this kind of offensive.

"Sir Enzo, I have trapped Anubis."

At this time, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel said, "I'm afraid it will depend on you next."

Hearing the words of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, a trace of ridicule flashed in Enzo's eyes. As things have developed now, he no longer has any trust in the God of Eclipse.

Enzo looked around, thinking about how he could break the Black Sun Realm.

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