Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1146 The Sun God Attacks

Obelisk stood up, a solemn look flashing in his eyes.

Although he has now been promoted to a sixth-level wizard, he still feels a little afraid when facing a top-level sixth-level powerhouse like the Sun God Apollo.

Next to him, Enzo also flashed a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

The appearance of Apollo, the sun god, was something that neither of them expected. Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts as he analyzed the current situation.

"A trap?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. As soon as they arrived at the Star Gate, the sun god Apollo appeared driving the sun carriage.

If it's not a coincidence, then of course it's a trap!


While the two were thinking, there was a sudden trembling sound from the surroundings, and they saw the sun disks emitting dazzling golden light.

In an instant, golden light illuminated the earth red.

The surrounding space seemed to be distorted, and the ground burned with blazing flames. Obelisk's face changed slightly, as if he understood something.

"not good!"

Obelisk looked around and said solemnly, "This is the domain of Apollo, the sun god!"

Hearing Obelisk's words, Enzo also frowned slightly.

Feeling the blazing light around him, his eyes flickered. It seemed that Apollo, the sun god, was determined to kill the two wizards here.

Therefore, as soon as the opponent made a move, he used the power of the divine realm.

"Let's end it here today!"

In the sky, the sun god Apollo had an expressionless face, and his golden eyes were like two blazing suns.

Three eras have passed since the end of the war between gods and demons in ancient times.

The sun god Apollo became the guardian of the star realm under the will of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, but even he could not prevent the star realm from approaching collapse.

Chaos beasts, abyss demons, and even alien wizards.

One thing after another happened, the sun god Apollo gradually understood that if there was no change in the star world today, the final outcome would be destruction.

Therefore, he did not prevent Drogo, the god of war, from traveling to the Lost Continent.

Only by pulling out the anchor of the star world and making the star world an independent entity can the gods living in the three eras of the star world get a chance to survive.

However, even if you want to pull out the Astral Anchor, it will take some time.

Apollo, the sun god, did not know how long it would take Drogo, the god of war, to complete his plan.

But there is one thing that Apollo, the sun god, knew very well.

That is, before the mission of Drogo, the God of War, ends, he must guard the star realm and stabilize the current situation as much as possible.

To this end, Apollo, the sun god, and Anubis, the desert god of death, formulated a plan.

He will deal with the wizards who have sneaked into the star world. As for the desert god of death, Anubis, he will go to the place of exile and seal to kill the fear devil Nomaros and all the demons under his command.

Only by solving these two troubles can the star world be stable.

Otherwise, both the fear lord Nomaros and the two wizards Enzo and Obelisk will be the most dangerous hidden dangers in the star realm.

Even if these two forces join forces, it is more likely to threaten the gods' rule over the Source Realm.

"Repent, heretics!"

In the sky, the sun god Apollo drove a golden chariot, making a cold voice from his mouth, bending his bow and shooting golden arrows.

The terrifying power of the sun shot out.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Obelisk's eyes, and without hesitation, his figure disappeared from the place like a whirlwind.

As a veteran wizard who survived the ancient times, Obelisk may not be too strong, but his life-saving ability is definitely the best among the best.

It is precisely because of his super self-preservation ability that Obelisk can survive until now.

However, the next moment.

As Obelisk's figure disappeared, the golden arrow shot by the sun god Apollo did not lose its target. Instead, it turned into thousands of rays of light like the sun.


A scream was heard in the distance, and Obelisk, who was hiding in the shadows, was forced to reveal his figure as if being burned by golden light.

Enzo's eyes flashed, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he took action decisively, the Soul Bone Wand suddenly paused, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide to the surroundings.

At the same time, Enzo had a thought in his mind.

Countless black tentacles and poisonous snakes in the shadows were biting madly at the sun god Apollo in the sky.

However, Apollo, who was riding the Sun Chariot, had no change in his expression.

Facing Enzo's offensive, a hint of indifference flashed in his eyes, and a sun wheel behind him burst out with dazzling light.

In an instant, the poisonous snakes and tentacles in the shadow disappeared as if they were turned into ashes.

Enzo's heart sank.

“Restraint of authority?”

His eyes flickered slightly, and the brief confrontation made Enzo understand something, that is, using the power of shadow authority to deal with the sun god Apollo may be a very stupid decision.

The restraint of light and darkness left Enzo no chance.

What's more, although Enzo and the sun god Apollo are both sixth-level life forms, the latter is a powerful god who has been famous since ancient times.

As for Enzo, he has only been promoted to the sixth level of life form, and his condition is not yet stable.

Under such a premise, Enzo used his shadow to fight the sun, and naturally fell into the lower peak, immediately retreating quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo waved the soul bone wand in his hand.

"The tree world is coming!"

"Ghost Tree Sento!"

"The power of dark water!"

As Enzo uttered syllables one after another, there was a trembling sound from the earth, and a giant tree was seen breaking out of the ground, followed closely by countless black vines.

Black rain poured down from the sky.

"Elemental Seventet!"

On the other side, Obelisk also shouted low. Under the current situation, he knew very well that he had to join forces with Enzo to have any chance.

In an instant, the brilliance of the elements burst out.

As a veteran wizard from ancient times, Obelisk controls a lot of authority and power, and his control over the elements can be described as extremely proficient.

"Extreme Ice Feast!"

With a thought in Obelisk's mind, ten wands appeared behind him. As they floated, the elements condensed into pieces of ice in the sky.

The next moment, countless amounts of ice shot down like a torrential rain.


Obelisk roared angrily, and with a wave of his hand, countless ice crystals immediately attacked in the direction of the sun god Apollo.

On the sun carriage, Apollo waved his hand.

The spear made by the Mother Goddess appeared in his hand, and with Apollo's thoughts, the spear burned with golden flames.

"The eternally burning sun will become the master of all things!"

Apollo held a golden spear, and his whole body released endless light, turning into extremely hot flames, and all the incoming ice turned into water vapor.

Immediately afterwards, Apollo pointed his spear in his hand.

Just like his countless movements in the star realm, the golden light rushed towards Obelisk.

The terrifying energy fluctuations made Obelisk's expression change.

"Annihilation of black holes!!!"

Obelisk roared angrily, seeming to feel the terror of that golden light, and quickly turned all his magic power into a black hole.

The golden light rushed into the black hole, and Obelisk groaned.

Scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously seriously injured. In the sky, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Apollo, the sun god.

"I underestimated you!"

Apollo, the sun god, sneered. The beam attack just now was considered his ultimate move. For many years, it was usually used to deal with the chaotic beasts.

I thought that with this blow, even if it couldn't kill the wizard, it would at least make him lose his fighting ability and become a useless person.

As a result, Obelisk unexpectedly held the golden beam.

"Fire blast!"

Obelisk took a deep breath, suppressed the injuries on his body, and cast another spell attack. The red-gold flames were like a volcano erupting.

"Void Volcano!"

Immediately afterwards, he mouthed syllables again, and as the earth trembled, volcanoes rose from the ground, trapping the sun god Apollo as if forming a cage.

However, an attack of this magnitude posed no threat to Apollo, the sun god.

Above the sky, the sun god Apollo waved the golden spear in his hand.

Incomparably dazzling light swayed towards the surroundings. The terrifying golden light immediately destroyed the void volcanoes.

At the same time, the black rain in the sky also turned into a waterfall.

Enzo waved the soul bone wand in his hand, and the giant tree condensed with the power of the forest world swept towards him as if it had life.

And the thousands of black vines seemed to turn into countless venomous snakes.


Apollo, the sun god, snorted coldly and did not take the two wizards into his eyes at all. Instead, there was a hint of fighting intent in his eyes.

"Come, heretics!"

Apollo, the sun god, held up a golden spear and said loudly: "Let me see what kind of strength the wizard clan, now known as the strongest civilization in the universe, has!"

As he spoke, a pair of golden wings appeared behind the sun god Apollo.

The next moment, the sun god Apollo had already swept into the sky, and the other party was like a real sun, releasing light enough to burn the earth.

Thousands of rays of light swayed down, like countless light needles.

Obelisk's face became a little ugly. He was in the star realm, and as a guardian wizard, he had to bear the oppression of the rules.

Next to him, Enzo was equally uncomfortable.

The strength of Apollo, the sun god, is indeed terrifying. The opponent seems to have exerted a strong suppressive force on him and Obelisk even before he attacks with all his strength.

"There is indeed a huge difference between the sixth level and the sixth level!"

In place, Enzo sighed in his heart, recalling the sixth-level life form Night Demon King he encountered when he was in the abyss world.

Although the other party is also a sixth-level life form, there is probably no comparison with the sun god Apollo.

That was the first level six demon that Enzo faced, but now, even if Enzo's condition is unstable, it would probably be easy to kill him.

This is the gap between life forms of the same level.

"Enzo, get out of the way!"

At this time, Obelisk suddenly spoke, with a trace of fanaticism flashing in his eyes, and said, "I'm going to use my trump card to deal with him!"

As he spoke, Obelisk's whole body seemed to be on fire.

Enzo's heart skipped a beat. As a wizard, he could naturally feel that Obelisk had entered a state of burning source power.

As the other party said, he wanted to use his trump card against the sun god Apollo.

"Meteor disillusionment!"

In a moment, Obelisk's ultimate move had been fully charged. He mouthed syllables, and his whole body seemed to be emitting endless elemental light.

In an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed.

Even in the kingdom of Apollo, the sun god, the rules around him were distorted uncontrollably.

At the cost of burning his original power, Obelisk briefly twisted the rules.

At this moment, the rules of the star realm were no longer able to suppress Obelisk, even though it was only a moment of fireworks.


In the terrifying roar, the energy condensed by the elements exploded in all directions like mountains.

In the sky, even the sun god Apollo had a look of solemnity on his face.

"It does have some strength!"

It was not until this moment in the battle that Apollo, the sun god, flashed a hint of seriousness in his eyes, and summoned another of his artifacts with a wave of his hand.

It was an artifact like a shield.

Just by seeing the shield from a distance, Enzo could feel a powerful force. Obviously, the shield was at least a mid-level artifact.

It is even possible that it has reached the level of an advanced artifact.

"The Mother Goddess protects you!"

Apollo, the sun god, whispered syllables in his mouth, and the shield engraved with ancient runes floated in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the energy seemed to turn into light to protect Apollo.

Following Obelisk's ultimate move, Meteoric Disillusionment erupted, and the surrounding space was distorted. Enzo felt a throbbing, and hurriedly hid in the shadows.

After the terrifying noise, everything finally calmed down.

The shield in front of Apollo, the sun god, was unscathed, but the kingdom of the god was in a mess. There were huge craters everywhere in the sound of the earth, and several sun disks in the distance seemed to have broken traces.

In the distance, Obelisk's face was as pale as paper.

The big move of Meteor Disillusion just now obviously consumed a lot of his original power, and now he is getting weaker and weaker.

In the sky opposite, the face of Apollo, the sun god, was also gloomy.

Although the attack just now did not cause any substantial damage to him, after the end of the meteorite disillusionment, his kingdom of God also suffered terrible damage.

The Kingdom of the Sun is the foundation of Apollo.

Choosing to deal with the two wizards here will give him a home field advantage, but at the same time, if the Kingdom of God is too severely damaged, the power of the Sun God Apollo will also be greatly weakened.

"Heretic, you did a great job!"

Apollo, the sun god, had no expression on his face, slowly raised his long bow, pointed it at Obelisk, and said quietly, "I will make you pay for your actions!"

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