Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1063 Choice

Pattering! !

After finally breaking free from the restraints, the first reaction of the source of the plague was to escape from the pit, but the next moment, he was bound by the shadow chains, and he suddenly let out a strange scream.

In the village, all those infected by the plague appeared around them.

Enzo looked around, but did not launch an attack. Instead, he silently stared at the source of the plague in front of him, with a trace of thinking on his face.

Then, Enzo had a thought.

"The power of holy light!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth and used the power of the light seal world. A dazzling white light suddenly enveloped the source of the plague in front of him.

Suddenly, the source of the plague let out a shrill scream.

The black liquid all over his body flowed down like sewage, and then, the outline of a human being gradually emerged.

The man was naked and looked male, but had no male characteristics.

His face was very pale, and his expression showed a bit of pain. Although he was in front of Enzo, his flesh and blood were still fused with the liquid plague behind him, as if the lotus roots were disconnected and could not be completely cut apart.

Looking at the man in front of him, Enzo felt a sense of enlightenment.

Obviously, the other party is the indigenous god of the plague world, but for unknown reasons, he was twisted by the devil Crowley into the source of the plague.

"Who are you?"

After being purified by the holy light, the man seemed to have regained some consciousness, but there was still a dazed look in his eyes.

"You can call me Enzo, Holy Soul Wizard Enzo!"

Enzo did not hide his identity. He looked at the indigenous god in front of him, and a trace of thought flashed in his eyes. He was already the only indigenous god in the plague world. If he was killed, the plague might not be completely eradicated, but it would cause damage to the world. But it's 100%.

Therefore, a trace of hesitation flashed in Enzo's eyes.


After the man heard Enzo's name, a puzzled expression appeared on his face. Obviously, as a frog in the well, he didn't understand how vast the world was.

At the same time, there is not much understanding of wizard civilization.

Enzo didn't talk too much. There was a silvery luster in his eyes, and he used spiritual witchcraft to control the man in front of him.

"First, your name." Enzo asked.


The man's expression was numb, but he answered. He was already in a very weak state and naturally could not resist Enzo's mental control methods.

Enzo nodded with satisfaction, and then asked a series of questions.

After a moment, Enzo sighed in his heart.

Through the conversation with Di Ruigi, Enzo learned what happened in the Plague World. It used to be a very ordinary other world, but with the arrival of the devil Crowley, everything changed completely.

The once plagued world had three indigenous gods.

Due to the same origin, although there were disputes between the three indigenous gods, with the end of the thousand-year war in history, they have reached a consensus and live in peace with each other. No one will provoke war at will, and the world has entered peace. period of development.

However, the devil Crowley discovered the plague world through some unknown method.

The devil, who is best at seducing people's hearts, used his own ability to bewitch Di Ruigi, one of the three indigenous gods, thus provoking a new war.

With the help of the demon Crowley, Dirigi soon defeated the other two native gods.

It seemed that everything was going well, and Di Ruigi was about to become the only one in the world. But just when he was imagining a bright future, the devil Crowley suddenly stabbed him in the back, taking away everything from Di Ruigi except his life.

Di Ruiji, who lost everything, was as humble as a bereaved dog.

The reason why the devil Crowley did not kill Derich was not out of mercy, but because he wanted to use the other party's divinity to control the entire plague world.

I don’t know how many years it took, but Di Ruigi, who was originally an indigenous god, was transformed into the source of plague by the devil Crowley. Moreover, the entire plague world also ushered in the most terrifying disaster. The god who was once the guardian is now converted into viruses.

The plague spread over a large area, and the world's population began to decline sharply.

If it weren't for the deal with Enzo that allowed Crowley to give the Plague World to Enzo, I'm afraid it wouldn't take long for this world to be completely reduced to a world of bones, a plane like the world of corpses, and all creatures would be affected by it. Extinct due to plague.

In place, Enzo frowned slightly.

The devil is indeed a master of deceiving people. His seemingly simple methods put Enzo in a dilemma, such as the plague world in front of him.

If you want to save the world, you must purify the plague.

But the indigenous god Di Ruigi in front of him has become one with the plague and has become the source of everything. Enzo seems to have to kill him if he wants to solve the problem.

This will be a severe test for the already precarious plague world.

"Can't kill Di Ruigi!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. If he killed Di Ruiji, he would be rejected by the will of the world. Even if he merged with the heart of the world, it would be difficult to offset this feeling of rejection.

Therefore, the best option is to purify the opponent of the plague while preserving Di Ruigi's life.

However, this is obviously not an easy task for Enzo, and even if he spends a lot of resources, he may not be able to succeed.

In place, Enzo looked thoughtful.

At the same time, in the deep pit not far away, a trace of pain appeared on Di Ruiji's face, and then the black liquid plague around him seemed to have life, and kept approaching him, and the two merged again. Together.


Immediately afterwards, Di Ruigi, who once again transformed into the source of the plague, made a strange sound, and then came towards Enzo like a demon.

"As expected!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. It seemed that Di Ruigi, who was originally an indigenous god, had lost his self-awareness to some extent after being contaminated by the plague. He could only survive in a specific way. For example, he is now launching an attack on himself. s attack.

Perhaps, that was not Di Ruigi's own wish, but was just guided by the plague.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes. In an instant, the blazing flames engulfed Di Ruigi, the source of the plague in the distance.

Amid the shrill screams, Di Ruiji became weak again.

However, Enzo did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it. He just slapped the soul bone wand in his hand, turning the surrounding area into a shadow realm.

Immediately afterwards, in the shadow realm, black chains quickly bound the source of the plague.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. After understanding the situation in the plague world, he did not make up his mind to kill Di Ruiji, the source of the plague, because the source of the plague now belongs to the core of this world. If he kills it, Killing them will definitely deal a fatal blow to the plague world.

And this is also the problem that the devil Crowley poses to Enzo.

Whether or not to kill the source of the plague is a very difficult choice, as if you can't have your cake and eat it too.

In place, Enzo shook his head.

"It looks like it's really going to take some time."

The thought flashed in Enzo's mind. Now he knew the plan to save the plague world. In short, it was to solve the source of the plague.

You can't kill Di Ruigi, but you also have to purify him of the plague.

Enzo's first idea was to use magic potion, but the plague on Derich's body was left by the devil Crowley, and he was not sure whether he could really solve it.

But before that, Enzo had one more thing to do.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

On the spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the magic power around his body was released, turning into phantom crows and heading straight for the deep pit where the source of the plague, Di Ruiji, was.

In an instant, a seal was formed!

The sealing technique is Enzo's specialty, not to mention that now that he has been promoted to the fifth level, it is naturally easy to deal with a mere indigenous god.

After sealing Di Ruigi, the source of the plague, Enzo nodded slightly.

In today's plague world, the pollution has become very serious, and the few remaining creatures are getting fewer and fewer as time goes by. This is all because of Di Ruigi, the source of the plague. If Enzo wants to save the world, he first needs to seal him away. .

Because only in this way can the plague be restrained to a certain extent.

Subsequently, Enzo left the plague world.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

When Enzo came to the Plague World again, the plague in this world seemed to have entered a period of slow development. Enzo knew that this was because the source of the plague, Di Ruigi, had been sealed, giving the creatures in the Plague World a respite. Opportunity.

However, all of this is treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

As long as Dirigi, the source of the plague, survives for one day, it is impossible for the pollution of the plague world to completely disappear.

Therefore, only by solving the source of the plague can everything be solved.

On the same spot, Enzo looked towards the pit.

The source of the plague was sealed inside, and the seals formed by the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits were like shackles, tightly binding Di Ruigi, the source of the plague.

However, even so, the other party's aura still leaked out a little bit.

"Can't you?"

Enzo frowned slightly, and a trace of thought appeared on his face. It seemed that Di Ruigi, the source of the plague, called the indigenous god of the plague world. He had special power in this world. Even a thousand illusion seals could not cut him off from the outside world. contact.

However, the pollution that Di Ruigi can release today is extremely limited.

But that trace of pollution was real. Enzo raised his hand, and a black mist gathered in his palm.

This is the plague pollution released by Di Ruigi.

In place, Enzo shook his head.

Just as he had deduced, the power of the source of the plague could not be completely sealed. To solve the problem, it still had to be purified.

Then, Enzo took out a white pearl from his arms.

"Try it!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. This white pearl is an artifact called the Pearl of the Deep Sea. Enzo returned to the wizarding world not long ago and spent a lot of resources to get it. It is said to have the function of purifying everything in the world.

Using it on Dirich, the source of the plague, seems to be the best choice.

Immediately, Enzo no longer wasted any time. He directly threw the Pearl of the Deep Sea out. The bright light shone on the earth, as if it turned into a gentle sea breeze.

Then, Enzo had a thought in his mind.

The seal in the pit immediately disappeared. Di Ruigi, the source of the plague, immediately emerged from the pit, but the opponent did not choose to escape. Instead, he turned into a huge liquid monster and headed straight for Enzo. Attack.

Obviously, Di Ruigi, the source of the plague, has long lost the ability to think on his own.

He couldn't even feel Enzo's power, and acted entirely on instinct, thinking that he could also pollute Enzo.

Enzo remained expressionless.

Before Di Ruigi, the source of the plague, could escape from the pit, the Pearl of the Deep Sea in the sky had already emitted white light like a moon, directly forming a layer of barrier to trap Di Ruigi, and then the Pearl of the Deep Sea Radiate more power.

In the deep pit, Di Ruigi made an even weirder scream.

As if affected by the Pearl of the Deep Sea, the venom around Di Ruigi, the source of the plague, began to flow slowly, as if it were alive, trembling on the ground, but not completely disappearing, like maggots attached to the bones.

In place, Enzo frowned slightly.

"Can't it be completely eliminated?"

A thoughtful expression flashed across Enzo's face. It seemed that the source of the plague and Di Ruigi were in a symbiotic relationship.

The two cannot be separated.

If one party is eliminated, the other party will also die. In this case, Enzo returns to the previous problem again.

That is, whether to kill Di Ruigi.

Enzo shook his head, thoughts flashing in his mind, and then suddenly raised his hand, controlling the Pearl of the Deep Sea to turn into a meteor and penetrate into the body of Di Ruigi, the source of the plague.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

At the same time, Enzo spoke syllables again, and his magic power turned into a seal, but it was not directed at Di Ruigi, the source of the plague, but to seal the Pearl of the Deep Sea in the opponent's body.

In this case, the Pearl of the Deep Sea is like a bomb.

While purifying the plague from Di Ruiji's body, it may also take away the opponent's life at any time. As the Pearl of the Deep Sea entered the body, the source of the plague trembled all over his body, and then, the poisonous plagues like black water rushed towards him. Di Ruiji's body penetrated.

In a moment, there was no trace of black liquid in the deep pit.

What replaced him was a naked man, his aura was extremely weak, as if he might die at any time.

Enzo made a quick decision, took out a few potions and threw them into the pit.

Di Ruiji grabbed the potion with difficulty and drank it slowly. Afterwards, his condition seemed to recover, at least he was out of danger of death.

And on the other side, beyond the pit.

Enzo was still watching Di Ruiji, observing the other party's reaction. If there was anything wrong, he planned to kill him completely.

As for the consequences of doing so, whether it would lead to the destruction of the plague world, Enzo didn't care that much.

Rather than letting a world consume a lot of resources and energy, it is better to simply destroy the plague world if it cannot be saved.

Anyway, the plague world is not the only world that is on the verge of ending under Enzo.

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