The three flowers are in full bloom, which is a sign of promotion to Daluo and a sign of condensing Daluo Dao Fruit.

After devouring and refining three Huangzhongli, Jiang Feng finally achieved his wish and broke into the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

This is enough to scare people to death. For ordinary immortals, eating one Huangzhongli is enough to promote to Daluo Jinxian, but Jiang Feng only broke through the barrier of Daluo Jinxian and poked through a layer of window paper, but he consumed three Huangzhongli. What kind of gap is this? It's simply outrageous!

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, Jiang Feng's aura is surging, stronger than ever before. All the power in his body seems to be spiritual, and it is endlessly gathered towards the three flowers of heaven, earth and man above his head.

Puff puff puff...

In just a moment, the three flowers above Jiang Feng's head bloomed with six petals.

This is a sign of the sixth grade of flowers.

Under the prehistoric heavenly way, nine is the extreme and twelve is perfect.

Generally speaking, the grade of a flower has a great relationship with one's own talent and foot.

The inferior acquired heels are usually of the first to third grade.

The ordinary innate heels are usually of the fourth to sixth grade.

The innate sacred heels that symbolize genius and heroes are usually of the seventh to ninth grade, such as Yang Jian, the god of war in heaven, and Sun Wukong, the spiritual stone monkey in later generations. The top chaotic gods and demons are of the tenth or eleventh grade, such as Laozi, the Taoist Lord of Dao, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Jiaozhu.

As for the twelfth grade of flower blossoming, which symbolizes perfection, only one person in the entire prehistoric world has achieved this achievement from ancient times to the present, and that is Pangu, the great god who created the world.

Puff puff puff!

After dozens of breaths, the sky above Jiang Feng's head changed again. The three flowers of heaven, earth and man actually bloomed three more times in succession, until the flower blossomed to the ninth grade.

At this time, the entire Temple of Time suddenly had a strange phenomenon.

Behind Jiang Feng, suddenly, there were thousands of rays of light and auspicious colors, indicating a good omen, as if a great and happy event had happened.

In the main hall of the Wa Palace, the goddess Nuwa, who was meditating, suddenly opened her eyes, as if she had sensed something, and then disappeared in a flash.

On the tall sycamore tree, Princess Jiuhuang was also shocked, and out of curiosity she rushed over as soon as possible.

She and the goddess Nuwa arrived at the Temple of Time almost at the same time.

"The flower blossomed to the ninth rank, I didn't expect Jiang Feng to have such a talent!"Princess Jiuhuang's eyes flashed with surprise, but then they were filled with doubts,"Something is wrong, a mere ninth rank flower shouldn't cause such a strange phenomenon in the sky!"

On the side, the delicate and fair face of the goddess Nuwa also revealed a hint of doubt for the first time.

She stared at Jiang Feng closely, her eyebrows slightly frowned, as if she couldn't see through him.


At this time, the three flowers of heaven, earth and man made a sound again, and another petal bloomed.

"The flower has blossomed to the tenth level! Chaos gods and demons are following, could this Jiang Feng be the reincarnation of a certain Chaos god and demon?"Princess Jiuhuang couldn't help but widen her eyes.

As the eldest princess of the Xiantian Phoenix Clan, she was blessed by nature, with pure Phoenix blood flowing in her body, so she had her own pride and superiority. She had always looked down on Jiang Feng in her heart.

This was completely normal. In fact, she was not only targeting Jiang Feng, but even the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, she didn't take it seriously.

But at this moment, she couldn't help but look at Jiang Feng with a new eye, thinking that she had misjudged Jiang Feng before and underestimated him.

Click click!

Just when Princess Jiuhuang was in amazement and Nuwa was deep in thought, above Jiang Feng's head, the three flowers of heaven, earth and man actually bloomed two more times.

The interval between the two flowers was very short, not giving people a moment to think.

So far, Jiang Feng's flower has blossomed to the twelfth level!

"Ah, this, this……"

In an instant, Princess Jiuhuang was dumbfounded, her eyes almost popped out, she was horrified.

The flower blossomed at the twelfth level, what is this concept?

It was enough to trample on saints like Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and other saints under his feet, and was above all living things. He was an existence that could be compared with Pangu.

Before this, there had never been a genius who could be compared with Pangu.

This was also reasonable. After all, in a sense, Pangu was the creator of the entire prehistoric world.

Born in the prehistoric world and suppressed by the way of heaven, how could he be compared with the creator?

Normally, even if the prehistoric world went through a reincarnation until it returned to silence and turned into a chaos again, there would not be such a heaven-defying existence.

But Jiang Feng, the time traveler, broke this common sense, and just for this reason, he was enough to be recorded in the history books.

For a moment, even Nuwa couldn't help but open her mouth wide, a little out of control.

She was shocked not only because Jiang Feng had reached the twelfth level of flower blossoming, but also because at this time, Jiang Feng's aura was still surging, and it was actually infusing the three flowers of heaven, earth and man above his head.

This was a bit terrifying!

This was a scene that was completely beyond common sense, and even beyond the cognition and understanding of the goddess Nuwa.

"Do they want to continue to bloom? But the flower has blossomed to the twelfth level, which is already perfect!"Nuwa frowned, puzzled.


In the next moment, just as Nuwa expected, the three flowers of heaven, earth and man above Jiang Feng's head moved again.

It can be clearly seen that the speed of blooming this time is a little slow, and it is obviously a little difficult, as if a seed broke through the soil and broke some shackles.

But in the end, it still bloomed a petal.

The flower blossomed to the thirteenth level, Jiang Feng directly broke the perfection, surpassed Pangu the Great God, and created an unprecedented record.

At this time, the aura around Jiang Feng was restrained. , gradually retreating back into the body, slowly calming down, making everything freeze at this step.

The Nuwa Lady and Princess Jiuhuang in front of them were both dumbfounded, petrified on the spot.

Princess Jiuhuang thought that twelve was Jiang Feng's ultimate, but she never thought that Jiang Feng was so extraordinary and beyond common sense.

Nuwa Lady was also shocked. She thought that Jiang Feng, who was inexplicably saved by some mysterious force that even she could not explain clearly, was just a super handsome man with super high appearance. However, she did not expect that she was wrong and underestimated Jiang Feng.

���It was incredible that a man who was as weak as an ant in front of her actually surpassed the great god Pangu and created an unprecedented record.

After a moment of daze, Nuwa stared at the sky above Jiang Feng's head, and her beautiful eyes could not help but show surprise again.

At this moment, thirteen flowers bloomed on Jiang Feng's head.

The three flowers were shining, as if they were real, lifelike, and every texture was clearly visible.

Moreover, each flower bloomed with infinite divine light, reflecting in the dark, as if it was combined into the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The vague outlines were connected together, as if they had built a complete world.

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