Following the strange fragrance, Jiang Feng passed through a tree-lined path and came to a somewhat abandoned courtyard.

This courtyard had been unattended for who knows how long, and it was overgrown with weeds that were more than one person tall and densely packed.

Jiang Feng cut through the thorns and finally came to the center of the courtyard after a lot of effort.

When he saw the source of the strange fragrance, Jiang Feng was stunned.

There was a small tree in the middle of the courtyard, only half a meter high, but it looked extremely magical.

Its leaves were extremely green and crystal clear, like pieces of jade, emitting a bright light all over.

And on this small tree, there were five huge fruits, so heavy that the branches were bent.

This fruit was even more unique, orange-yellow, exuding a surging and mysterious breath, which was puzzling.

"Huangzhongli, it's actually a Huangzhongli fruit tree!"Jiang Feng was extremely shocked. Although he had eaten a Huangzhongli before, it was the first time he saw a fruit tree.

He never thought that this Huangzhongli fruit tree, one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, was abandoned in this weed-covered courtyard like an ordinary fruit tree, leaving it to fend for itself.

"I didn't expect this fruit tree to be so unique, and its efficacy is even better than that of ginseng fruit. There is only this tiny tree, and it is indeed the essence concentrated in it!"Jiang Feng sighed deeply.

After a slight pause, Jiang Feng immediately reached out and unceremoniously picked all five yellow plums and put them into his pocket.

This is a great treasure. If an ordinary immortal eats one, he can instantly become a Daluo Jinxian and ascend to heaven in one step. Although the effect on Jiang Feng is not so exaggerated, it is also of great benefit.

""Hey, what are you doing?" At this moment, a discordant voice sounded.

The annoying Nine Phoenix came over again, staring at Jiang Feng coldly with his eyes.

Jiang Feng frowned and replied,"I'm picking fruits!"

"Is this something you can pick? Hurry up and give it to me." Jiu Huang stretched out her little hand, looking domineering.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel a headache,"It's really like a dog trying to catch a rat, meddling in other people's business."

Of course, he only dared to say this in his heart.

"Why can’t I pick them? The Queen Mother told me to choose any resource in the Wa Palace to practice. Besides, she gave me the pass, so why would she care about these few yellow plums?"

"You can't use this fruit anyway, isn't it a waste of resources to leave it here? If you don't believe it, you can go to the Queen to ask for clarification."

Jiang Feng's words made Jiu Huang's expression stagnate and speechless.

After a long while, Jiu Huang finally reacted and retorted,"What I mean is, you can't chew too much. This is Huangzhongli. You took five at once. Be careful that you can't bear it.���"I will explode and die."

At the end, Jiu Huang couldn't help but increase his tone, looking vicious.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile coldly,"Haha, who are you trying to scare? Even if I explode and die, it's none of your business."

"You... are wasting nature's gifts, you are really wasting nature's gifts!"

Jiu Huang cursed angrily, but Jiang Feng had already disappeared.

He continued to wander around, and was not surprised by the innate spiritual treasures and innate spiritual roots he saw along the way. These things were common goods here.

Not long after, Jiang Feng came to a towering palace. It was clean and tidy, with a little bit of active atmosphere, as if someone had stayed here.

Here, Jiang Feng saw another small tree.

In fact, this tree was not too small, about four or five meters high, but compared with the ginseng fruit tree and Taiyin laurel tree that Jiang Feng had seen before, it was not a little bit smaller. However

, this tree was extremely mysterious, and it gave Jiang Feng the feeling that it was even better than the Huangzhongli fruit tree.

He looked closely and saw that the old bark of the tree was cracked.

He didn't know how many years it had grown.

On one of the main trunks, two branches grew, and the side branches were like a tree.

Another branch has also derived many small branches, as if implying the great truth that Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.

There are no fruits on this tree, only leaves all over the tree, each of which is crystal clear, and each leaf is different, as if flowing with the brilliance of Tao.

Indistinctly, Jiang Feng seemed to see many strange visions such as the divine tripod, mountains and rivers, earth, clouds, forests, stars and moons.

It seemed that each leaf was like a small world, representing a unique Tao, swaying with a dreamy brilliance.

The branches of this tree are ancient, full of vicissitudes and atmosphere, but the leaves are natural, full of life and Tao rhyme, intertwined together, mysterious and wonderful.

At this time, Jiang Feng stood under this sacred tree, feeling that his mind was clear and his thoughts were transparent. He saw everything very thoroughly and knew everything like the back of his hand.

"What kind of tree is this? It's so magical!"

Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown, full of doubts.

Even with his familiarity with the prehistoric world, he couldn't recognize it for a while.


"Haha, country bumpkin, you don't know what kind of tree this is!"

Suddenly, Jiuhuang, like a leech, appeared beside Jiang Feng again, and couldn't help laughing at his puzzled expression.

Then, she taught him:"I'll tell you, this is an ancient tea tree for enlightenment. As long as you practice under this tree, you can greatly improve your enlightenment, and your practice will be twice as effective with half the effort. Even if you are comprehending the laws, you can make rapid progress."

"Frankly speaking, even if you are a pig, as long as you practice under this tree, one day you will be able to become an immortal, and even becoming a Daluo is not a dream."

"Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment! Wow, it’s the legendary Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment!"

Jiang Feng was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

Although this tree is not among the top ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, it is absolutely magical and mysterious, and has supernatural effects.

As early as the early days of the prehistoric world, this tree had already become a legend.

Even in the chaotic times before the creation of heaven and earth, this tree only appeared a few times, so that all the creatures in the prehistoric world were not sure whether this tree really existed.

Legend has it that the first generation owner of this tree was Ancestor Yangmei.

Ancestor Yangmei, like Ancestor Hongjun, is also a reincarnation of chaotic gods and demons, and also has endless legendary colors.

In fact, before Ancestor Hongjun became a saint, Ancestor Yangmei had already become a saint.

He is the first master of the prehistoric world. The first existence in the world to become a saint was even earlier than Hongjun, but because he lacked a bit of luck, he failed to become the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao.

It is said that the key to his enlightenment and becoming a saint was this ancient tea tree.

Jiang Feng never thought that after endless years, he would actually see this legendary sacred tree in the Nuwa Palace of the Goddess Nuwa.

At this moment, shrouded in the mysterious aura of the ancient tea tree, Jiang Feng's mind was clear. For a moment, some puzzles in practicing the Hongmeng Creation Sutra and the Nine Revolutions Profound Art were instantly solved.

This made Jiang Feng ecstatic, and he wanted to sit down and practice with all his heart and soul.

However, the Nine Phoenix Princess who followed him made him worried.

"I have to find a way to get rid of this annoying princess, otherwise, I won't be able to practice in peace."

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng's mind flickered, and soon a sinister arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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