Moreover, she has a peerless beauty, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

Her delicate facial features seem to be the work of gods, as if they were carefully crafted by heaven. They can be called the most perfect works of art, without any flaws.

Her temperament is otherworldly, otherworldly, holy and noble, as if she is the most noble woman in the world. Even Princess Longji, Fairy Chang'e and even Queen Mother cannot be compared with her.

And the innate phoenix at her feet did not feel wronged at all, but held its head high with pride.

It seemed that being able to serve as a mount for this woman was something to be proud of.

"Who is this person? The show was so grand that a congenital phoenix was willing to serve as a mount for her.

For a moment, the woman's identity became a mystery, and everyone was filled with doubts.

"Those who dare to kill Jiang Feng will end up like this!"

Suddenly, the extremely noble woman spoke.

Her voice was like pearls falling on a jade plate, crisp and pleasant, like the sound of nature, intoxicating and memorable.

At the moment, many spectators were lost.

But it is undeniable that this beautiful voice contains a supreme majesty and domineering power, unparalleled in the world.

At the same time, people noticed that the woman was standing on the head of the phoenix, looking down, stretching out a delicate jade hand, pointing downwards, obviously with a hint of meaning.

In that direction, a cloud of blood mist was floating, which was also the direction where Lingji Bodhisattva disappeared.

In an instant, the crowd suddenly realized.

"Oh my god! Lingji Bodhisattva is dead!"

"It turns out that the strange phenomenon just now was caused by this woman who killed Lingji Bodhisattva"

"This is a Buddha statue, and he died just like that, and his soul was completely shattered."

"Who is this woman? She is so domineering that she dares to kill the Buddha!"

"Who would have thought that there was such a terrifying supreme being behind Jiang Feng!"


The crowd was once again filled with shock and fear.

Jiang Feng was completely bewildered. Who on earth was this woman? He didn't even know her!

"Could it be a mistake?"Jiang Feng's face was full of doubts.

As soon as the voice fell, the woman in mid-air slightly turned sideways and looked at Taoist Lu Ya again.

Her beautiful eyes were like two black gems, clear and transparent, pure and flawless, but at this moment they shone with a cold light, which was frightening.


Then, in full view of everyone, Taoist Lu Ya actually knelt down in front of the woman.

Moreover, his body was trembling, which obviously caused great fear.

This scene shocked everyone.

Oh my God! Taoist Lu Ya was actually frightened and knelt down. He was the prince of the demon clan in the ancient demon court. A dignified quasi-saint, an existence that even the Heavenly Court and Western Buddhism could not ignore, actually knelt down so easily.

If they had not seen this scene with their own eyes, they would not believe it even if they were beaten to death.

Immediately, the identity of the noble woman lingered in everyone's mind. Who is this person? She actually used a purebred innate phoenix as a mount and frightened Taoist Lu Ya to his knees.

At this time, Taoist Lu Ya said in a trembling voice:"Nuwa, please calm down. Lu Ya admits his guilt. Please consider that I am a demon and let me go."


As soon as the words fell, everyone's heart was shocked, as if they were struck by five thunders, and the sky was broken.

Nuwa Niangniang, this noble woman turned out to be the legendary Nuwa Niangniang!

This is the most legendary woman in the prehistoric world!

She is the only female disciple of Hongjun Daozu, and the first saint to achieve enlightenment. She is also ahead of Laozi, the Taoist Lord of Dao, and Yuanshi Tianzun. She also created the human race and left all kinds of legends.

Only she can have such a noble aura, make the Xiantian Phoenix sincerely convinced and willing to be a mount, scare Lu Ya Taoist to kneel on the spot, and have no scruples, ignore the Western Buddhist sect, and kill Lingji Bodhisattva on the spot.

Seeing this, Nuwa Niangniang snorted coldly and ignored it, which was regarded as pardoning Lu Ya Taoist.

This is also reasonable. Nuwa Niangniang created the human race and is the Holy Mother of the human race, but at the same time, she is also the ancestor of the demon race.

"Goddess Nuwa, it turns out that she is Goddess Nuwa!" Jiang Feng's expression suddenly changed, he was surprised and happy,"Oh my God, the marriage talisman worked, the system really didn't lie to me!"

He and Goddess Nuwa had never met before, and they had never had any intersection before. If it weren't for the marriage talisman, Goddess Nuwa would not have come down to save him.

For a moment, Jiang Feng was so excited that he wanted to take out the system and kiss it twice.

The system would not give up on him just like that. The marriage talisman was really real, and it had mysterious powers. It actually tied him and Goddess Nuwa together. This was incredible.

Suddenly, Goddess Nuwa's eyes were cast over, but it was completely different from before. There was no trace of coldness or coldness, but it was full of tenderness and kindness.

That kind of eyes, looking at Jiang Feng, was as if looking at She was as happy as her lover.

Then, she waved her hand and created a soft halo, which landed lightly on Jiang Feng and instantly swept him up.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Feng landed on the top of the innate phoenix, shoulder to shoulder with Nuwa.

Whoosh... a strong gust of wind swept in, sand and rocks flew, the sky shook, and the innate phoenix suddenly spread its wings, and in full view of everyone, it carried Nuwa and Jiang Feng away quickly, and soon disappeared from sight.

Everyone stared blankly, lost for a moment.

After a long time, the crowd gradually woke up, and they talked a lot, and the pot of boiling water exploded again.

"Who on earth is this Jiang Feng, and why did he gain such favor from the goddess Nuwa?"

"Isn't he the God of Justice in Heaven? It is said that he was just a lowly heavenly soldier before. How could he have come into contact with a saint like Nuwa?"

"Did you notice that Nuwa looked at Jiang Feng in a strange way? It seemed that their relationship was unusual."

"I really can't understand what kind of qualifications and abilities does Jiang Feng have?"

"Yeah, even if you stepped on a pile of dog shit, you wouldn’t have this blessing. It’s really weird!"

"This treatment is comparable to that given to Fuxi Taoist, the brother of Nuwa in the past!"


At the same time, this incident attracted the attention of all the big powers and big figures, and shocked the three realms.

Heaven, Tushita Palace.

The Taishang Laojun who was refining the elixir suddenly seemed to have noticed something, and his expression suddenly changed, and his old face was full of horror.

"Why would Nuwa rescue Jiang Feng and even come down to the mortal world in person? In all these endless years, I have never heard that Nuwa accepted such a disciple?"

Taishang Laojun frowned deeply, puzzled.

Then, he sat cross-legged on the ground, pinched his fingers with both hands, evolved the innate runes in front of him, and began to deduce.

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