First of all, it goes without saying that the chief disciple of Jiejiao, Duobao Taoist, was converted by the Western Buddhist sect and became the Tathagata Buddha, the master of the Great Leiyin Temple.

At the end of the Conferred God Calamity, when the two sects of Chan and Jie were engaged in a decisive battle, Jiejiao set up the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Unfortunately, she was ambushed by the deputy leader of Chanjiao, Randeng Taoist, with the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and was killed on the spot and included in the Conferred God List. The

Turtle Spirit Holy Mother was subdued by the Western Jieyin Taoist with a rosary and turned into her original form. Then the Jieyin Taoist ordered the Taoist boy to subdue her.

But at this moment, the prehistoric alien Mosquito Taoist suddenly appeared, and took advantage of people's unpreparedness. In just a few strokes, he sucked the blood and flesh of the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother, and her soul was reincarnated. The Wu

Dang Holy Mother was stopped by Tongtian Jiaozhu and ordered to leave early, which luckily saved her life.


Hey, you little bastard, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and present the Sword of Immortal Slaying!" Immortal Ruyi stopped talking and stood up, looking like a bully.

Jiang Feng suddenly came back to his senses, his mind racing, he stared at the Holy Mother Wu Dang and said,"Excuse me, are you the direct disciple of Jiejiao, the Holy Mother Wu Dang?"

The Holy Mother Wu Dang fixed her eyes and replied coldly,"So what?"

"Great," Jiang Feng smiled, his face full of joy,"Holy Mother, I have been looking for you for a long time, do you recognize this thing?"

As he said that, Jiang Feng spread his hands and took out the Tongtian Order.

Ruyi Zhenxian frowned, not understanding what Jiang Feng was trying to do, and said coldly:"Little bastard, don't bribe my master, she won't buy it!"

However, when the Holy Mother Wu Dang saw this, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she immediately took the Tongtian Order from Jiang Feng's hand like lightning, held it in her palm, and her body was shaking with excitement.

"Wu Dang, the person holding this order will be the new leader of Jiejiao. You must obey him and assist him wholeheartedly to rebuild Jiejiao!"

The moment the Tongtian Order was touched, an old and distant voice came out from it, full of desolation and decline.


The eyes of the Holy Mother Wu Dang were filled with tears, and she could not restrain her emotions.

In the past, when the final battle of the Conferred God Calamity was about to come, the Patriarch Tongtian had a sense and vaguely knew his own destiny.

At that time, the Jie Religion was unprecedentedly glorious and prosperous, leading the trend and being unrivaled. The

Conferred God Calamity was a special attack by the Heavenly Dao against the Jie Religion.

This was the destiny of the Patriarch Tongtian, and even though he was a saint, he could not escape it. It was because the Patriarch Tongtian had calculated this that he had reserved a hand in advance, and entrusted a holy thought to the Tongtian Order, which made it drift to the four seas and eight wastelands, looking for the destined person who could revive the Jie Religion.

After a long time, the Holy Mother Wu Dang calmed down a little, and then she suddenly knelt in front of Jiang Feng with a plop.

"Wu Dang pays respect to the new leader of Jiejiao!"

She clasped her hands together, her eyes no longer cold as before, but full of awe, as if she was meeting Tongtian Sect Master.

"Master, you……"Immortal Ruyi was stunned.

Holy Mother Wu Dang immediately scolded,"Disciple, this is the new leader of my Jie Sect, why don't you come over and greet him!"

"this……"Ruyi Zhenxian's pupils bulged out in disbelief.

This guy was just a thief who wanted to rob the spring water, how come he became the new leader of Jiejiao in the blink of an eye?

Although he was full of doubts, he could not disobey his master's orders, so Ruyi Zhenxian had to bite the bullet and kneel down,"Greetings, Leader!"

"Holy Mother, you can’t do this, please get up quickly! I’m just a small judicial god in heaven, how can I be the leader of Jiejiao? Don’t joke, get up quickly!"

Jiang Feng was panicked and hurried to support Holy Mother Wu Dang.

But Holy Mother Wu Dang was unmoved,"Tongtian Order is the supreme token of our Jiejiao. Seeing this order is like the leader himself. What's more, Master has made it very clear that you are the new supreme leader of our Jiejiao!"

"Ah this……"Jiang Feng frowned,"I just picked up this token by accident. I just want to return it to its original owner. I don't have any other ideas."

He can't even protect himself now, so how can he be the supreme leader of Jiejiao?

As for rebuilding Jiejiao and recreating its former glory and prosperity, that is even more a pipe dream.

""Master, you have a great foresight. Since you have picked it up, it is a great fate and a new hope for our Jiejiao. I hope you will not refuse it!" Wu Dang Shengmu still insisted and identified Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng felt a headache and was a little overwhelmed. What should he do?

At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly showed a ferocious look on his face. He suddenly felt a piercing pain in his abdomen, which was so fierce that he sweated profusely and fell to the ground on the spot.

""Master, what's wrong with you?" The Holy Mother Wu Dang frowned, full of worry.

"Water, abortion spring water, quick……"

Jiang Feng replied with difficulty.

The Holy Mother Wu Dang felt his pulse and immediately understood clearly. She immediately fetched the abortion spring water and gave Jiang Feng a few sips. The abortion spring water had an immediate effect after it went down his throat. Jiang Feng quickly calmed down and recovered after a few moments of breathing.

""Master, I have not asked for your name yet!"

The Holy Mother Wu Dang held the Tongtian Order in both hands and presented it to Jiang Feng, then asked

"My name is Jiang Feng, and I am the God of Justice in Heaven."

Jiang Feng replied, and took back the Tongtian Order.

He knew that an old stubborn person like Wu Dang Shengmu was a stubborn person, and the moment he saw the Tongtian Order, he would definitely identify him as the Supreme Leader. Unless the Supreme Leader

Tongtian appeared in the world and denied it in person, Jiang Feng would not be able to get rid of it.

In this case, Jiang Feng did not need to do such useless work and waste his breath. Moreover

, although Jiejiao was fragmented, the backbone forces at the time were all on the List of Conferred Gods and now served in Heaven.

If he became a new Supreme Leader and gathered this power, it would be a considerable force, which would be of great use in dealing with Western Buddhism and destroying the Journey to the West in the future.

"Wu Dang, since you recognize me as the new supreme leader of Jiejiao, I will teach you a Taoist method, the Great Killing Technique, and then."After the voice fell, Jiang Feng taught the Great Killing Technique to Wu Dang Holy Mother.

Jiejiao Tongtian Sect Master Zhuxian Sword Formation, the most vicious formation in the prehistoric world, knows how to kill the most. As one of the four direct disciples, Wu Dang Holy Mother was naturally influenced by it and had some attainments in killing.

Therefore, this Great Killing Technique is perfect for her.

Jiang Feng even felt that the system gave him this reward with the intention of passing it on to Wu Dang Holy Mother to become her right-hand man, just like the six-eared macaque in the past.

And Jiang Feng, did not have the idea of practicing the Great Killing Technique. This killing technique was too specialized. It only specialized in killing, which could not be compared with his Hongmeng Creation Sutra. The Hongmeng Creation

Sutra contains three thousand great laws, embracing all rivers, melting the heaven and earth, and encompassing all things. It is absolutely unfathomable and indisputable.

"Thank you, Master!"

Feeling the mystery and profoundness of this great killing technique, the Holy Mother Wu Dang could not help but clasp her fists and express her sincere gratitude.

Originally, she still had doubts about Jiang Feng, a mere Taiyi Jinxian, becoming the new Master of Jiejiao, but now she was instantly relieved.

The Master is worthy of being the Master, and he really has his deep meaning!

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