"Long Ji, what are you talking about? What do you mean by not punishable by death? If he dares to say such a thing, it would not be too much to kill him ten times."

"Besides, my mother is the empress of the Three Realms. How can she take back her order and go back on her word?"

The Queen Mother was very determined and did not allow for negotiation.

Princess Longji rubbed her jade hands anxiously.

However, she was smart and realized the unusualness of this matter in an instant.

"Mother, haven't you and father decided to join forces with Jiang Feng to deal with the Western Buddhist sect? That's why you protected him so much before. Even if Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, or Lingji Bodhisattva of the Western Buddhist sect came in person, they all stood firmly on Jiang Feng's side and fought on the same front with him."

"How come he suddenly changed his face and wanted to kill him? Was it just because of a few words? Our relationship with Jiang Feng is related to the future development direction of the Heavenly Court. How can we be so careless?"

"Besides, why did Jiang Feng say such suicidal words? It couldn't be for no reason, what happened in the middle?"

"If the Queen Mother was really angry and determined to kill Jiang Feng, he would probably have died on the spot. How could he be alive until now?"

"Also, mother, you specifically assigned me to go down to the mortal world with the Fairy of Flowers to collect nectar from the flowers. This was to deliberately get me out of the way and not let me interfere in this matter, right?"

""Mother, please tell me, are you and father hiding something from me?"

Princess Longji stared at the Queen Mother and asked solemnly.

Her analysis was very logical and well-founded, and she had a clear understanding of the situation.

The Queen Mother was shocked and kept silent. She kept dodging back and forth in the hall, obviously considering something and hesitating for a while.

"Mother, please tell me quickly, you can't hide it from me, there must be something wrong."

Princess Longji was very sure and kept asking.

Finally, under her soft and hard persuasion, the Queen Mother finally told the truth.

"So that's how it is, my queen mother is wise. Jiang Feng is indeed a bit mysterious. I have met him many times, but I can't see through him."

"However, it is certain that there must be someone behind him who is giving him guidance, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to make such rapid progress."

"This time, let him show his true colors! Hehe……"

After hearing this, Princess Longji couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was immediately delighted, as if finding out Jiang Feng's secret was something that was very interesting and exciting to her.


In the southern continent, in a deep valley, in a mysterious cave.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng woke up leisurely. After a long period of refining, Huang Zhongli was finally digested by him.

However, Jiang Feng was a little disappointed that he did not get promoted to Daluo as he wished, but only took a small step forward, from the initial stage of Taiyi Jinxian to the middle stage.

This was enough to scare people to death.

Huang Zhongli is a top-level innate spiritual root, and the energy contained in it is so magnificent and mysterious.

Ordinary immortals can be promoted to Daluo by eating one, but when it fell on Jiang Feng, it only made him take a small step forward in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. This is incredible.

But thinking about it carefully, he was relieved. Jiang Feng himself was too excellent. He had the most top-level Chaos God and Demon footwork in the prehistoric world, and he practiced the first divine skill of the prehistoric world, the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, which seized the creation of heaven and earth. All these reasons added up, Jiang Feng's original container expanded dozens of times, so it was naturally difficult to be promoted.

It's not that the effect of Huangzhongli is not enough, but Jiang Feng's own foundation is too strong.

However, although it is only a small step forward, Jiang Feng's strength has made great progress.

The Huangzhongli contains many mysterious fragments of laws. After refining them, Jiang Feng integrated them and made his law system more perfect.

His Hongmeng power was further enhanced, becoming more terrifying and powerful, and it was incomparable.

The power of Hongmeng is a combination of Jiang Feng's original mana and laws. The power formed by blending them together is very unique.

Even the incompatible and completely opposite laws of water and fire, light and darkness can be perfectly integrated together, extraordinary and out of the ordinary.

Jiang Feng felt vaguely that this was a process of transformation into the world.

The power of Hongmeng is probably the supreme world power, or the power of heaven.

The world and heaven are constructed by the laws of three thousand great ways.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng waved his hand, and a drop of dark red blood floated in the air in front of him.

This drop of blood was as big as the belly of a little finger. Although it had not yet touched, a breath of majestic power as vast as the sea and the starry sky came over him, making him feel depressed, as if he was being pressed down by Mount Tai, and he was a little breathless.

This is the blood of the ancestor witch!

Jiang Feng was ready to strike while the iron was hot, and he would refine the blood of the ancestor witch without stopping, and practice the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art created by the great god Pangu.

After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang Feng concentrated his mind, and a touch of tenacity passed across his handsome face.

Then he swallowed the drop of the blood of the ancestor witch without hesitation.

As soon as the blood of the ancestor witch entered his body, it hit Jiang Feng's body fiercely, causing him to suffer great trauma and holes.

The power of this blood of the ancestor witch was not as majestic and thick as Huang Zhongli's, but its attributes were more violent and chaotic.

If the power of Huangzhongli is like thousands of sharp blades cutting continuously, then the power of the ancestor witch's blood essence is like thousands of sledgehammers hitting violently.

For a moment, Jiang Feng's body was shaking constantly, blood was constantly flowing from the corners of his mouth, and circles of white air were steaming behind his head. It was obviously extremely difficult.

However, with the experience of refining Huangzhongli, Jiang Feng quickly calmed down and stabilized the situation.

He had already mastered the Nine Revolutions Profound Art by heart and had practiced it thousands of times in advance.

At this moment, he frantically urged the Nine Revolutions Profound Art with a rock-hard will. Not long after, the power of the ancestor witch's blood essence was gradually refined and gradually penetrated into Jiang Feng's limbs, flesh and bones, and everything was on the right track.

This is a process of tempering into steel.

Jiang Feng's body was like a piece of rotten iron. When the Nine Revolutions Profound Art continuously refined the ancestor witch's blood essence, his body was hammered again and again, removing the dross, leaving the essence, and finally becoming a piece of refined iron.

This process is destined to be extremely difficult. One must endure all kinds of pain and go through all kinds of baptisms before one can achieve transformation.

However, for Jiang Feng, he has long been accustomed to it and is not surprised.

Without experiencing inhuman pain, how can one leap over the dragon gate and stand above all living beings?


At the same time, in the Western Buddhist sect, the Great Leiyin Temple on Lingshan Mountain.

It was magnificent, colorful, and quite gorgeous, no less than the Heavenly Palace.

At this time, there was a huge Buddhist chant, floating over the entire Lingshan Mountain, like the lingering sound lingering around, circling endlessly, and full of mystery, making it difficult to understand.

The Tathagata Buddha was preaching.

Many Western Buddhist disciples listened carefully, sometimes confused, sometimes surprised, and sometimes enlightened.

Even many small creatures on Lingshan Mountain came one after another, listening attentively, praying to gain some insights and transform into humans.

At this time, the two Arhats, Jianglong and Fuhu, who were shot blind by Jiang Feng in one eye and one leg broken, returned in embarrassment.

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