This time, the system rewarded Jiang Feng with 10,000 Immortal Yuan Pills, which was enough for Jiang Feng to cultivate to the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal.

Nothing happened that night.

The next day, Jiang Feng was still immersed in the state of cultivation.

Suddenly, an anxious and panicked voice sounded,"Captain, it's bad, the captain Wang Ming is here to inspect, go out and greet him quickly!"……"


Jiang Feng frowned, his eyes suddenly opened and closed, and there seemed to be two rays of light flashing through them, which were extremely sharp.

If someone disturbed him during his cultivation, it would be very easy to go astray.

"I'm sorry, Captain Jiang, the situation is really too urgent.……"

The heavenly soldier who barged in hastily said, he was pale and thin, like a telephone pole, and his face was pale, and cold sweat was streaming down his forehead.

The scene of Jiang Feng hitting Wang Mang with a hammer yesterday was still vivid in his mind, and he couldn't help but be afraid!

Jiang Feng did not blame him, but asked slowly:"What happened?"

"Captain Jiang, Captain Wang Ming is here to inspect. He is Wang Mang's elder brother, dear elder brother. I'm afraid he will be unfavorable to you if he comes this time!"

Tianbing Zhao Xiaowu replied truthfully.

"Captain Wang Ming, I didn't expect that he is Wang Mang's elder brother!"

Jiang Feng's eyelids jumped.

The captain is a Xuanxian-level existence, and this Wang Ming is his immediate superior!

""Where is Jiang Feng? Let him come out and see me!"

At this moment, an angry roar was heard, shaking the eight directions. For a moment, rolling sound waves swept in, sand and rocks flew, and the power was amazing. The whole tent shook three times and swayed three times.

This is the power of the Xuanxian master.

""What a fellow!"

Jiang Feng was shocked, knowing that he was no match for him.

Obviously, Wang Ming had come with bad intentions, and was probably here to avenge his brother Wang Mang.

"What should I do?"

Jiang Feng seemed to have an idea and his expression calmed down.

""Captain Jiang, please get out! Maybe if you apologize and admit your mistakes, there is still room for easing the situation!"

Zhao Xiaowu urged anxiously.

However, Jiang Feng remained motionless, and said nonchalantly:"Go and inform them that this captain is at an important stage of cultivation, so let him wait outside first!"


Zhao Xiaowu suspected that he had heard it wrong, and his heart was shocked! You asked the captain to wait outside, are you kidding me?

That's your immediate superior! Do you think you are the Jade Emperor?

I have seen people who are courting death, but I have never seen such a person who is courting death.

"this……"For a moment, Zhao Xiaowu froze in place, dumbfounded.

"What are you still standing there for? Go and pass on the message truthfully, without any mistakes!"Jiang Feng ordered.

""Yes!" Zhao Xiaowu nodded, but his expression was very ugly.

If the report offended his superiors, the captain might be furious and implicate him.


Jiang Feng suddenly said, as if he remembered something.

Zhao Xiaowu turned around quickly, his expression turned happy, thinking that Captain Jiang must have come to his senses and changed his mind.

""Captain, please give me your orders!" Zhao Xiaowu said eagerly.

But Jiang Feng asked casually,"By the way, what's your name?"

"Zhao Xiaowu!"

"Well, I will remember you, you are very good. If you follow me in the future, I will make sure you have delicious food and spicy drinks."

"Go and tell Captain Wang what I said!" Jiang Feng waved his hand and then closed his eyes.

"It's over. It's gone.……"

Zhao Xiaowu was stunned, suspecting that he had heard wrongly.

After being stunned for a full minute, Zhao Xiaowu gritted his teeth and left the tent.

In fact, Jiang Feng had already made up his mind, so how could he change his mind easily?

The reason why he asked Zhao Xiaowu's name was because Jiang Feng thought that this person was not bad. He tipped him off out of kindness and stood on his side. In the future, when he acts in the Heavenly Court, he will have to have a few confidants around him to do things for him. It is impossible for him to do everything himself.

Jiang Feng thought that Zhao Xiaowu could be trained as his confidant.

Outside the tent.

A group of people gathered together, led by a man with a rough appearance, a full beard, and a strong waist. He was full of momentum, like a mountain standing on the ground.

He was the captain Wang Ming, who was now leading people to gather in front of the tent, with his arms folded, looking down from a high position, as if he was going to ask for punishment.

Soon, seeing that only Zhao Xiaowu came out, Wang Ming immediately frowned and said angrily:"What's going on? Where is your captain? Why doesn't he come out?"

"Jiang, Jiang, Captain Jiang said,"Zhao Xiaowu's teeth couldn't stop trembling. Finally, he steeled his heart and said bravely:"Captain Jiang said that he is at the critical moment of cultivation and must not be disturbed. Captain Wang, please wait outside first!"

"What! You want me to wait outside? Are you really that brave? Are you tired of living?"

Wang Ming was furious.

His eyes were bulging out of his sockets, like a wolf with bared fangs, ready to eat people.

Zhao Xiaowu was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

""How dare you, Jiang Feng, be so disrespectful! I want to see how many heads you have!"

Wang Ming said in a ferocious voice, and then kicked Zhao Xiaowu away and led his men to rush in aggressively.

In the tent, Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear to him and sat upright as usual.

He pointed his five hearts to the sky, his eyes were closed, and he looked like he was practicing, but in fact he was laughing wildly in his heart.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Wang Ming and obtained a silver-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

"Open it quickly!" Jiang Feng said impatiently.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the silver-level treasure chest and obtaining the innate sacred feet, a copy of the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, and ten three-thousand-year-old peaches!"

"What! It’s posted, it’s posted, ahahahaha……"

Jiang Feng laughed wildly in his heart.

Although he did not gain any substantial improvement in cultivation, the rewards were very generous, and each one was priceless.

At the same time, Jiang Feng felt that the dark passage above his head opened, and a stream of mysterious and unpredictable secret forces of heaven and earth poured down, covering his whole body.

Jiang Feng understood that this was the first reward, the innate sacred heel.

This mysterious and illusory reward could not be stored.

The innate sacred heel, this is the super qualification that Jiang Feng has always dreamed of!

In the world of Journey to the West, the fate of many creatures is often determined from birth, which is due to the innate heel. Only with talent can one become a superior person.

And ordinary qualifications, no matter how hard you try, it is difficult to achieve anything. The innate sacred heel, this is the same qualification as the God of War Erlang Zhenjun in the Heavenly Court, and the Spiritual Stone Monkey Sun Wukong, can make rapid progress in cultivation and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

With this qualification, Jiang Feng can practice the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art.

If it was his previous mediocre qualifications, even if he had enough immortal essence pills, it would be difficult to break through the Xuanxian realm.

Not long after, the mysterious passage closed, and Jiang Feng felt that he was reborn, and his whole body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

His mind was clear, his five senses were sharp, and he had a deep understanding of everything.

At this time, Jiang Feng couldn't help but open his eyes.

He didn't have time to check the remaining two rewards, because Wang Ming had already walked up to him.

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