Nuwa is the most legendary woman in the prehistoric world.

She is the ancestor of the demon race and the Holy Mother of the human race. She was the one who molded the clay to create humans and created the entire human race.

Among the six great saints of heaven today, she is the only female saint, and she is the first to become a saint, and she is also ahead of Laozi, the Taoist Lord of Dao and Yuanshi Tianzun.

There is no doubt that she is the most honorable female saint in the world, without a doubt.

Her status is transcendent, above all living things, and she is so honorable that it cannot be added.

If Jiang Feng can use the marriage talisman to marry her, it is unknown how many epochs of blessings he has cultivated, and how many living beings will envy him.

If he really gets what he wants, then Jiang Feng's status will rise with it, and it is not enough to describe it as ascending to heaven in one step.

With Nuwa as his other half, the whole prehistoric world is not sideways, and what is the mere Western Buddhism.

Thinking of the beautiful future, Jiang Feng couldn't help but laugh, laughing foolishly. People who didn't know him would think he was mentally ill.


After writing the two words"Nu Wa", the marriage talisman seemed to be sensed, shattered on the spot, and finally disappeared.

Jiang Feng frowned and rubbed his hands. For some reason, he always felt empty.

But the system had never deceived him, so Jiang Feng calmed down and waited cruelly.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, alone on the mountain, looking up at the sky, his eyes didn't blink, and he waited foolishly.

At the same time, he was still fantasizing about how to have a romantic encounter with Nu Wa.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng's last bit of patience was worn out. A long time passed

, let alone Nu Wa, not even a humanoid creature was seen.

There were even a few birds hovering over Jiang Feng's head, arrogantly pulling a few piles of bird droppings.

Jiang Feng was so angry that he tore them all to pieces on the spot.

"Damn system, get out of here, are you kidding me? This is the supreme treasure chest. I've waited until the flowers withered, and now I get some bird droppings. Believe it or not, I'll feed it to you.……"

Jiang Feng cursed and raged.

However, no matter how he cursed, the system remained silent and ignored him.

Finally, Jiang Feng's mouth was dry and he had to stop.

""Alas, let's go to a safe place and concentrate on practicing!"

Jiang Feng sighed, thinking that waiting like this was not a good idea.

Under the current situation, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing and the Western Buddhist sect must be looking for him. A good man should not suffer a loss in front of him, so it is better to avoid the limelight.

Standing up, just as Jiang Feng was about to leave, two sharp sounds of breaking through the air suddenly passed through the sky above his head.

"Could it be that Goddess Nuwa has come? Did the marriage talisman work?"

Jiang Feng's eyes widened, overjoyed.

He immediately looked up, but his face suddenly darkened.

The other party was not Goddess Nuwa at all, but two burly bald men.

Shaking his head, Jiang Feng no longer paid attention.

But at this moment, an urgent cry for help suddenly came,"Help, immortal, save me, please save me……"

""Hmm?" Jiang Feng frowned. The voice seemed to come from the two bald men.

He looked again. This time, he carefully observed that the two bald men were holding a white net-like thing.

In the white net, there was a furry thing struggling violently.

It had a furry face and a thunder god's mouth. There was a tail behind it. It was humanoid and covered with a layer of brown-red hair. It was obviously a monkey.

But this monkey made Jiang Feng feel a little familiar.

"Could it be the Spiritual Stone Monkey Sun Wukong?" Jiang Feng's heart was shocked, but then he immediately denied it,"No, the time is wrong, the Spiritual Stone Monkey Sun Wukong has not been born yet, so why does it look so similar?"

Jiang Feng was extremely confused.

"Liu Er Mihou, be honest. It is your great blessing to be chosen by our Western Buddhist sect! Don't refuse a toast and then drink a forfeit!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the mouth of a bald man.

"Six-eared Macaque! It turned out to be Six-eared Macaque!"

Then, Jiang Feng looked at the two bald men in cassocks, and a light suddenly flashed through his mind, and he suddenly realized

"I understand. The Western Buddhist sect captured the six-eared macaque to lay out the plan for the Journey to the West. One of the stages of the Journey to the West involves the six-eared macaque. This must be the case."

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but raise a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Damn Lingji Bodhisattva, you want to kill me, right? But I, Jiang Feng, will not let you Western Buddhists have an easy time. I also want to catch the six-eared macaque and make arrangements in advance. Have you asked me, Jiang Feng?"

Jiang Feng smiled coldly, then used the golden light to fly to the ground, and his figure flashed, blocking the way of the two bald men.

"Bold bald head, under the day of light, dare to rob the monkey!"

Jiang Feng stands in the air, drinking on the spot, shaking the sky

"Great Immortal, please save me, they want to kill me, please……"

In the white net, the six-eared macaque curled up into a ball, with several scars on its body, and was shaking constantly, obviously in extreme fear.

At this moment, its eyes were fixed on Jiang Feng, and its two hairy hands kept bowing, full of begging.

It looked very pitiful.

"Who are you? How dare you block our way! Do you know that we are the Arhats who subdue dragons and tigers from the Western Buddhist sect?"

The Arhat's face was grim, his tiger eyes glaring

"I know, of course I know," Jiang Feng said without any surprise,"Except for you Western Buddhists, who else can do such shameless acts of robbery!"

"You Western Buddhists claim to be saving all sentient beings and relieving suffering, but in reality you are the most filthy and shameless, despicable to the extreme."

"Others may not know this, but I know it, don’t I?"

Hearing this, the Dragon-Subduing Arhat was shocked and asked again,"Who are you?""

"I will never change my name or surname. I am Jiang Feng, the God of Justice in Heaven.

""The God of Justice Jiang Feng!"

The Dragon Subduing Arhat and the Tiger Subduing Arhat looked at each other and frowned.

They had vaguely heard of the name of the God of Justice Jiang Feng, but they had never known about the grudge between Jiang Feng and Lingji Bodhisattva.

After all, Lingji Bodhisattva would not talk about such a shameful thing. As for the fact that the Queen Mother of Heaven ordered the pursuit of Jiang Feng, they had never known about it.

"That is, the people of Tianting, when I know the westward plan of my Buddhist gate."

""We two poor monks have also been entrusted with the Buddha's orders, so please ask the God of Justice to make way!" said

Arhat Subduing the Dragon in a friendly manner.

The Journey to the West was about to begin, and the Heaven was of vital importance. If it was not necessary, they were unwilling to quarrel with the Heaven's disciples.

But how could Jiang Feng give up like this? He immediately shouted mercilessly,"Make way for nothing!"

"Not only can this god not give in, but I also want to warn you to release the six-eared macaque immediately. Otherwise, be careful that I will beat you two old bald donkeys!"

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