"Withholding salary! Who is so bold as to target my Miro Palace?"

Jiang Feng walked up to him and said in a low voice.

"Boss, you are out of the gate. I don't know, there must be someone behind this, otherwise a small salary official would not have such courage."Zhao Xiaowu speculated

"Report!" At this time, a heavenly soldier hurried in. He was Jiang Feng's subordinate,"Boss, Manager Zhao, I asked someone to find out, it was Wang Ming!"

"Last time in the Heavenly Army Camp, after he was kicked out by Captain Nezha, he surrendered to Jin Zha, and was later assigned to the Salary Hall as a supervisor!"

"Wang Ming, it's him again! Bastard!" Zhao Xiaowu gritted his teeth, and a surge of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

Last time, it was this Wang Ming who sued him for stealing peaches and beat him half to death, almost killing him.

"Wang Ming!" Jiang Feng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth,"I almost forgot about this stink bug. I haven't settled the previous account with him yet. I don't want him to provoke me again."

"Well, let's settle all the old and new grudges together!"

A hint of murderous intent flashed in the depths of Jiang Feng's eyes.

"Brothers, let's go, follow me to the Salary Hall to ask for an explanation!"

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Feng led Zhao Xiaowu and others to rush to the Salary Hall.

Not long after, Jiang Feng and others arrived at their destination.

There was an endless stream of people coming and going here, and there were several long queues, all waiting to receive their salaries.

After all, for most people, salary is their main resource for cultivation.

"Where is Wang Ming? Let him come out and see me!"

Jiang Feng led his men into the hall and suddenly roared wildly, shocking everyone.

Everyone was stunned, and when they saw Jiang Feng's scene, they all stepped back.

These days, the most prominent person in the Heavenly Court is Jiang Feng.

He is just a small captain, and he beat the giant spirit god with a thumping blow. Not only did he not get hurt, but he was promoted by the Jade Emperor. Even the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing couldn't do anything about it.

How dare they provoke such a person!

""Who, who dares to shout here? Do you know the rules?"

Suddenly, an official who didn't know the situation stood up and shouted.

However, when he saw that it was Jiang Feng, and there were a group of brothers behind him, it was obvious that he was not here to deal with the consequences, and he was so scared that his legs began to tremble.

"Where is Wang Ming? Tell him to come out and see me!"

Jiang Feng stared at the salary official and said in a deep voice again

""Reply, report to the master, I don't know!" The salary official said in a trembling voice.

""I'm here, who's looking for me?"

At this moment, a casual and indifferent voice came out.

Jiang Feng looked over and saw Wang Ming coming from the back hall.

"Wang Ming!" Jiang Feng stared at him and asked on the spot:"Who gave you the courage to deduct the salary of this god's subordinates?"

"Withholding salaries?" Wang Ming narrowed his eyes, then stared at Zhao Xiaowu and others and said,"Oh, you mean Zhao Xiaowu and the others!"

"They have already left the Law Enforcement Hall, doing nothing all day, and have made no contribution to the Heavenly Court, so naturally they no longer enjoy the benefits."

"The Heavenly Court is not a charity. It is impossible to use the salary to support those good-for-nothings. This supervisor just deducted money, which is the most benevolent thing he can do."

"You don't thank me, but question me. What's the reason?"

Wang Ming argued convincingly, trying to belittle Zhao Xiaowu and others, with an arrogant look on his face.

"What a joke! Although they withdrew from the Law Enforcement Hall, they joined my Miro Palace and took on the responsibility of protecting this celestial god. How could they not contribute to the Heavenly Court?"

"You are clearly abusing your power, embezzling privately, and taking revenge on your own. What crime should you be punished for?"

Jiang Feng spoke righteously, his voice shaking the sky.

"hehe……"Wang Ming sneered,"How to distribute salaries and who is eligible to receive them, my Salary Hall naturally has a set of rules of conduct, it is not your turn to teach me how to do things!"

"If you have nothing else to do, you can go away. Don't disturb the work of my Salary Hall!"

Wang Ming waved his sleeves like he was sending away a beggar, extremely arrogant and presumptuous.

"How dare you!" Jiang Feng was furious, and then twisted his voice and said:"Today, this god will teach you how to do things!""

Kacha! As soon as the words fell, Jiang Feng's primordial power in his body circulated, and his fingers turned into swords, and immediately pointed at Wang Ming's arm.

A sharp sword light flashed, and a crisp sound of flesh cutting was heard. The sad and beautiful blood splashed, and one of Wang Ming's arms was cut off at the shoulder on the spot.

"ah……"Wang Ming screamed like a pig being slaughtered, tearing his heart apart.

This scene was too sudden, there was no sign beforehand, it happened in a flash, and everyone present was shocked.

This Jiang Feng was so domineering, it seemed even more terrifying than the rumors.

He broke someone's arm with one move, too cruel.

Zhao Xiaowu and others were also stunned, but then they were ecstatic, too proud.

"Jiang Feng, you, you are bullying the weak and lynching! Even if I am guilty, it is the business of the Law Enforcement Hall, and it is not your turn to intervene!"

"You are no longer a member of the Law Enforcement Hall!"

Wang Ming covered his shoulder, which was still bleeding, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Hehe," Jiang Feng sneered, his mouth full of amusement, then he took out the gold medal representing his identity,"I'm sorry, I am the God of Justice, in charge of the punishment of the three realms, and I have the right to execute first and report later."

"It’s your bad luck to fall into the hands of this god today!"

"What!"Wang Ming was suddenly shocked, and his eyeballs almost popped out.

He could never have imagined that the Jade Emperor gave Jiang Feng such great power, to execute first and report later!

"You, what do you want to do?"

Looking at Jiang Feng who was pressing on step by step, Wang Ming was completely scared, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

"What do you think? You have been against me in every way, how can I let you live?"Jiang Feng said bluntly, with murderous intent in his eyes, not disguising

""Jiang Feng, you, you don't mess around. Even if I deduct your salary, I won't be sentenced to death!"

Wang Ming retreated again and again, panicking to the extreme.

At this moment, he was like an ant on a hot pot, running around anxiously.

"This god wants to kill you, do I need a reason?" Jiang Feng's expression was indifferent and cold.

In the end, Wang Ming was forced into a corner and had no way to retreat.

In an instant, the endless crisis of death enveloped his heart, causing Wang Ming to feel a sense of death.

""Hurry, Jiang Feng wants to kill me, go to the Law Enforcement Hall and ask for Captain Jin Zha, hurry!"

Wang Ming yelled at the top of his voice. The hatred between him and Jiang Feng was almost irreconcilable, and begging for mercy was useless.

Therefore, he brought out Jin Zha, which was his last straw.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng shook his head speechlessly.

This Wang Ming was too naive. At this point, did he think that a mere Jin Zha could save him?

"Go to hell!"

Jiang Feng no longer hesitated and killed him on the spot.


A sharp sword light slashed across, and a big head flew up, marking the end of Wang Ming's life.

His head fell heavily to the ground, his pupils widened, full of disbelief.

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