"I will reward you with a Miro Palace, 10,000 heavenly soldiers, and 30 fairies." The Jade Emperor continued to reward.

As a god of justice, he had to have a decent place to live. It was impossible for him to live in the original heavenly soldiers' camp.

Jiang Feng was full of joy. He had finally turned his life around.

"Your Majesty, I would like to recruit my former subordinates, the 97th Squadron of the First Corps of the Law Enforcement Palace Yulin Army, into the palace. Please grant me your permission!"

Jiang Feng requested. Zhao Xiaowu and his men had been with him for a long time and had a deep relationship with him. They could serve as his personal soldiers.

""I agree!" The Jade Emperor waved his hand and said without thinking.

This small request is nothing.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Jiang Feng was extremely grateful.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng opened his mouth, as if he had another request.

He wanted to strike while the iron was hot and put forward some unreasonable requests to improve himself with the help of the system.

You know, the Jade Emperor is the Taoist child of Hongjun Daozu, who has followed him for countless years and is a veritable quasi-saint.

If he were to be rejected by him, the reward would be so generous that Jiang Feng could not imagine it.

But in the end, he gave up the idea.

Although the reward is tempting, this method is too suicidal and the risk is too great.

At present, he has also initially gained the recognition and trust of the Jade Emperor. If he is too suicidal and provokes the Jade Emperor's anger, the consequences are unimaginable. To be safe, Jiang Feng chose to give up. There is a long way to go. With time, when the relationship with the Jade Emperor is further developed, it will not be too late to be suicidal if he is sure enough.

""I will take my leave!"

After a while, Jiang Feng happily left the Lingxiao Palace.

He did not go directly to the Miro Palace awarded by the Jade Emperor, but returned to the Heavenly Army Camp.


Heavenly Army Camp

""Captain, you are finally back. I heard that you beat the giant spirit?"

As soon as he returned to the tent, Zhao Xiaowu and others gathered around him and asked in shock.

"Not bad." Jiang Feng nodded.

"How was it? How did the Jade Emperor deal with it?"

Zhao Xiaowu asked with concern, full of worry.

That was the giant spirit. How could the Jade Emperor, who was personally interrogating him, forgive him?

"Punish? This captain enforces the law impartially and defends the dignity of the Heavenly Law. The Jade Emperor is too busy rewarding me, how could he possibly punish me?"Jiang Feng chuckled.

Zhao Xiaowu was sweating profusely,"Captain, it's time to make such a joke."

"Did the Jade Emperor ask you to come and see us for the last time? Captain, I am sorry for you. Xiaowu shouldn't have let you go out. It was Xiaowu's negligence.……"

As he spoke, Zhao Xiaowu couldn't help shedding sad tears, as if Jiang Feng was about to go to the execution ground and die.

"The only solution now is to escape from Heaven. Captain, hurry up, the brothers will cover you, hurry up……"

Zhao Xiaowu desperately grabbed Jiang Feng's arm and tried to escape from the Heavenly Palace.

Jiang Feng was speechless for a while, and immediately pushed Zhao Xiaowu away,"I haven't even enjoyed my peace of mind yet? Why are you running away?"

"Xiaowu, can you use your brain? If the Jade Emperor punishes me, can this captain still stand here?"

"It seems so," Zhao Xiaowu stopped crying, then frowned and asked,"Captain, what's going on? That's the giant spirit? The pawn of Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King. Who dares to offend him?"

"Okay, pack your things and follow me to a place. You will know when you get there. Jiang Feng did not explain too much.

"Pack up your things!"

Everyone was stunned. Although they were puzzled, they followed Jiang Feng's instructions.


After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng led Zhao Xiaowu and the others to the 30th heaven. After wandering for a while, a palace came into view in front of them.

This palace was like a lying dragon, towering, magnificent and majestic.

There were three big characters written on the plaque in front of the palace: Miro Palace.

"We're here!"

Jiang Feng smiled. From now on, this Miro Palace will be his residence.

""Captain, why did you bring us to this kind of place? This is the 30th heaven, which is beyond our law enforcement scope. If someone with ulterior motives reports us, we will be in big trouble."

Zhao Xiaowu shrank his head and said in a panic.

The others were the same, trembling with fear, treading on thin ice.

Jiang Feng couldn't help laughing,"Look at your achievements. You need to broaden your horizons and have a bigger heart. Follow me. From now on, this is your residence."


Jiang Feng said as he pushed open the door of the Miro Palace.

Instantly, a magnificent view of the heavenly palace appeared before his eyes.

As far as the eye could see, there were pavilions and towers lined up one after another. Every brick and tile seemed to be the work of gods, like the most perfect masterpiece of heaven.

In the center, there was a small bridge with flowing water, and the clear spring was also gurgling, crisp and pleasant.

At the same time, a strong and extremely fairy air came to his face. After taking a sip, he felt refreshed, and his soul seemed to be cleansed, and he felt more comfortable than ever before.

"Wow, it is worthy of being one of the thirty-six heavenly palaces, comparable to Princess Longji's Qingluan Palace!"

Jiang Feng exclaimed sincerely

"This, what is this place?"

"Could it be the legendary Thirty-Six Heavenly Palaces? It’s so beautiful! The Queen Mother’s fairyland of Yaochi must be just like this!"

"The spiritual energy is so rich and pure. If I could practice here, my progress would be increased by at least a hundred times!"

"If I could live here for just one day, I would die without regrets!"


Zhao Xiaowu and the others were amazed, their eyes wide open, like Granny Liu visiting the Grand View Garden.

""Captain, are you crazy? Why did you bring us to such a place? Trespassing into the Heavenly Palace is punishable by death. Let's go!"

Zhao Xiaowu suddenly reminded.

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Such a noble and prominent place is not something that low-level heavenly soldiers like them can get involved in.

Tap, tap, tap...

At this moment, a burst of sonorous footsteps was heard outside the Miro Palace.

Zhao Xiaowu and others were almost scared to pee when they saw this.

There were thousands of heavenly soldiers wearing silver armor, holding spears, and marching in unison.

They all had cold and serious faces, and when they gathered together, an iron-blooded murderous aura was born invisibly, which was chilling.

"It's over, I've been discovered, I'm dead!" Seeing this, Zhao Xiaowu was sweating all over and almost collapsed to the ground.

As they approached, the heavenly soldiers suddenly stopped, and then an old man with a white beard came forward.

"" Jiang Tianshen, this is the gold medal of the God of Justice specially bestowed by His Majesty. Please keep it!"

Taibai Jinxing held a gold medal in both hands and handed it to Jiang Feng.

Then, Taibai Jinxing pointed to the Heavenly Soldiers behind him and said,"These are the 10,000 Heavenly Soldiers promised by His Majesty. They used to belong to the Demon-Subduing Corps!"

Zhao Xiaowu and others were stunned when they saw this scene. This seemed different from what they imagined!

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