Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 91: The end of Wei Guangming

With Su Xuan's heavy swing, the two volumes of Heavenly Book directly hit the table, making a dull sound.

The sound reverberated in the wine shop, Wei Guangming followed the sound, frowned and said, "The Heavenly Book Luo Zi Juan, the Tian Shu Tian Zi Juan, I never thought that the Master would let you take two volumes of the Tian Shu out, and you are not afraid of being snatched away." gone."

The heavenly book has a very mysterious purpose, it is a gift from Haotian to the world, but when he wants to understand some things, he no longer thinks so, and even the heavenly book will cause unimaginable harm to his descendants.

The corners of Su Xuan's mouth turned up, and after a slight smile, he said, "Uncle Wei, that's a matter of Zhishouguan, and you don't need to worry about it, Uncle Shi, you'd better imagine it carefully and plan for the future, don't wait until Ning Que After leaving the cliff cave, I can still see you in Laobi Studio.

You must know that you are also the person behind the scenes in the past, and the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet, not to mention the hatred of killing your father is irreconcilable, uncle, you don't really want to live in peace with Ning Que, do you? "

Talking with the master in the back mountain, Su Xuan already understood that Wei Guangming has now become an unstable factor that interferes with the duel between Ning Que and Xiahou.

Wei Guangming said dully: "Don't worry, my old bones are half buried in the soil. How can I stay in Laobizhai all the time? I said I'm going to leave, so I really have to go."

Even if he understands some things, he can continue to stay in the old pen studio, but he doesn't want to embarrass Sangsang, let alone make Sangsang the one in the sky, so he will really leave.

After hearing this, Su Xuan's expression became serious. He stood up, saluted the old man sitting on the chair in front of him, and said, "Uncle Wei, the road ahead is long, please take care!"

Even if this choice was stupid, he admired such a brave person very much. A person who turned his body into nothing for the sake of his apprentice, who died and disappeared, should be admired.

Wei Guangming stood up and returned the salute. He said: "The light is immortal, and Haotian will last forever!"

He was leaving, but before he left, he had to meet his junior brother.

Outside the wine shop, Su Xuan watched Wei Guangming leave. Su Xuan did not have any confidence in what Wei Guangming was going to do. Wei Guangming is very powerful to the world, but to the one in the sky, the apocalypse is nothing but It is nothing more than the tiny power that Haotian bestows on the world.

But he can't stop Wei Guangming. Who in this world can make the great priest who believes in Guangming change a certain thing?


Then Wei Guangming disappeared at the end of the street, and after only a moment, Wei Guangming appeared outside the red sleeves. The girl who was attracting guests saw the serious Wei Guangming about to come forward to say hello.

But he saw that Master Yan Se, who was wearing a tattered Taoist robe, walked out of Hongxiu Zhao. He looked at the person in front of him and said, "Senior brother! Although you look serious, why are you enlightened? Do you want to come to Hongxiu Zhao to drink?"

Pushing away Yan Se's smudged Taoist robe, Wei Guangming said: "Junior brother, you are also a talisman master after all, an existence admired by the world, why are you so dishonest?"

After hearing this, Yan Se smiled and said, "Adored by the world, brother, are you talking about these girls?"

Wei Guangming said angrily: "Junior brother, I came to see you for business, you'd better go outside the city with me to have a talk."

He knows Yan Se's current style very well. In the past, his younger brother swore an oath to join the Dao of Talisman with Chunyang. Although he lingers in brothels all year round, he is still an old bachelor.

Hearing that it was a business matter, Yan Se finally stopped the hippie smile just now, but asked directly: "Tell me! What business is your business here this time, maybe you are leaving Chang'an."

A former Guangming priest who betrayed Taoshan came to the brothel to talk to him about some serious business. After thinking about it, Yan Se could only think that this senior brother came here this time to say goodbye to him.

Wei Guangming didn't answer Yan Se's question, but just pulled Yan Se towards the gate of Chang'an City.

Seeing Yan Se leave with Wei Guangming, the girls of Hongxiu Zhao gritted their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

The figures of Yan Se and Wei Guangming walked out of Chang'an under the watchful eyes of the dark guards, and came to the unnamed hill where the two had a duel not long ago. When the two fought, the unnamed hill was almost broken, but who would have thought In just over a month, some flowers and plants burst out of the rocks, stubbornly swaggering in the wind.

A cool breeze came from the nameless hill, which was extremely rare in Chang'an where it had snowed a few days ago. Wei Guangming looked at the stubborn flowers and plants in the crevices of the rocks and said, "Junior brother, we have known each other for many years, and it is time to say goodbye now." ,I gotta go!"

Yan Se smiled and asked: "Song Kingdom? Or Taoshan Mountain? Or that green mountain?"

After Wei Guangming and Yan Se looked at each other with a smile, they pointed to the blue sky above their heads, and said calmly, "I figured out something in Chang'an, so I plan to go to the sky to see it. Junior brother, you must help me take care of Sangsang."

Although he didn't say clearly why he went to the sky, Wei Guangming believed that his junior would be able to guess the answer, it just took some time.

Yan Se's complexion changed suddenly, and she said in a trembling voice: "Brother, why are you doing this? Just leave Chang'an and go to a place where no one else can find do you have to make such a big fuss? "

He really didn't understand why his senior brother had to do this. With Wei Guangming's strength, once he hid, would Xiling really go to great lengths to find it?

In the future, at most, there will be a sentence recorded in the classics, that on a certain day in a certain year, the former Guangming priest of Xiling broke through the cage and came out of the secluded pavilion, and it was judged that Taoshan was missing.

Wei Guangming smiled sadly: "I am for the sake of the world, and I deserve to die!"

Yan Se laughed and scolded: "At this time, you still speak so grandly."

Then the tears in Yanse's eyes couldn't stop gushing out, and the scenes of worshiping under the teacher's door with Wei Guangming in the past emerged one by one. He sat slumped on the ground, looking at Wei Guangming who was looking for death without a sound.

Wei Guangming looked up at the blue sky and said, "I will go to the sky to see the light and leave light for the world!"

He stretched out his right arm, accumulated the light of half his life, and released it all on the nameless hill.

Known as the brightest great priest in the history of Xiling, the light released is naturally unparalleled. This nameless hill outside Chang'an City will surely become famous in the world from now on.

Chang'an is full of light, and the heavenly kingdom of God appears!

Wei Guangming and the light that filled the sky flew into the blue sky together, entered the gate of the kingdom of God together, and went to meet the light in the sky together, but the light scattered in the world still lingered in Chang'an City, unwilling to disperse for a long time.

Looking at this scene with trembling lips, Yan Se didn't know what to say. He stood up tremblingly, and walked towards the city with staggering steps. ten years old.



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